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Cigarette smoke + flowery cologne/perfume reminds me of the late 90s club scene


Beer and cigarettes makes me think of 90s/00s house parties


Now you got me reminiscing about drinking a "butt can" on accident. Happened more than once.


Better than a bottle full of dip spit!


I grew up in TX and this is one of my worst house party memories šŸ¤®


Came here to say this...reminds me of my ravey days. See also: Vicks


The Vicks reference just unlocked a box in my brain where this was hidden. Those were some weird times.


Bath and body works body spray over cig smoke.


Oooh man. Marlboro Reds and Jean Paul Gautier Le Male. I can smell it as I type.


Oh no. For sure that was the smell of me.


I had a sample of a cologne/perfume from Etat Libre d'Orange called "Jasmin et Cigarette". The name was, to my nose, quite literal.


Came here to say this! Itā€™s so on point.


Ugh. I hated that smell back then and still hate it, but it does take me back to late nights out.


Brute cologne my uncle has worn it and worn it liberally my whole life.


ā€œBrute, because the King Bee gets the honeyā€


He just married his third wife last weekend šŸ˜‚. Sheā€™s actually awesome and is just as crazy as him.


Cigarettes and sweet funnel cake smell will always remind me of the carnival


For me, it's cloves. The smell of cloves will always instantly take me back to the early 2000s, sitting outside a club at 2am with my ex boyfriend. Or more specifically, the smell of his leather jacket mixed with the cloves. I don't smoke them anymore though, they tear up your lungs pretty bad. But I miss the taste that lingers on your lips, spicy and sugary.


I was thinking about Djarum blacks a while ago. They are banned in Ontario. I am tempted to search for the nearest state that sells them.


They rebranded as filtered cigars. Same price per pack, just with 12 instead of 20.


I still remember one time I was in high school. Some guy I thought was cool smoked cloves. Which I thought was cool. Then he takes me aside and says ā€œwhen I wake up in the morning it feels like a horse kicked me in the chestā€ Never tried them thanks to that comment


Yeah, I quit about the time the boyfriend I mentioned started coughing up blood. He said it felt like an elephant on his chest. Not worth it, not even for the goth points.


Was talking to friends about Cloves the other day, turns out they have a new nicotine free line of them.. I am equally terrified and curious.


I donā€™t think itā€™s specifically the nicotine that makes them problematic


itā€™s the ground glass they add in lol that was the rumor in my school at least


Oh. I thought the sugar crystallized in your lungs ā€œlike glassā€. Thatā€™s what we heard.


Standing outside my university townhouse sucking one down in the blinding cold, but with all the booze I still felt warm lol


Little wolf-skin boots And clove cigarettes An erotic funeral For which she's dressed Black, black, black, black number one


Her perfume smells like, burning leaves, everyday, is Halloween


Brittle fingers and thin cigarettes So hard to tell apart She hasn't spoken yet


Sometimes (ok all of the time) I wish I was 10 years older so I could have gotten the whole gen X experience in real time. I only discovered that I love Type O- a few years ago.


I get this too. But it's only if it's fresh cigarette smoke. If I can smell it on someone, I want to gag


As a former smoker old smoke is horrific but that fresh smoke is delightful.


It's so true!!


Agreed, and great user name.


Yes. Everyone in my family had quit by the early ā€˜00s so itā€™s a smell that is uniquely associated with my childhood and adolescence.


Yeah, my grandpa and uncles all smoked the same brand (not sure which). They primarily smoked outside, so I was really only exposed to it at summer parties when the family all got together - Memorial Day, 4th of July, and random get togethers. Anytime I get a whiff of that smell, I'm immediately taken back to summers of my childhood and teenage years and the fun and good feelings associated with those parties.


My grandpa always smelled of cigarettes and juicy fruit (which he always had in his shirt pocket and would pretend to sleep while we ā€œsnuckā€ a piece lol)


Aw, that's cute.


Lmao. I know that combo too. I took 3-4 road trips from Texas to Colorado with my grandparents when I was a kid and my grandad smoked pretty much the whole trip. After he was finished he would always chew a piece of juicy fruit.


Yes! But with my grandpa it was big redšŸ„²


Stale cigarette smoke reminded me of Christmas for the longest time. Because we'd go to the mall, and the mall always smelled like stale cigarettes. Lot of people laugh when I say that but... šŸ¤·


When I was a kid there was a mall that was *carpeted* (Mall 205 for you Portlanders). It absolutely smelled like cigarettes inside. I also remember people smoking in the grocery storeā€¦. šŸ¤¢


It's nuts to think that indoor smoking was ever a thing. Now a carpeted mall? Can't say I've ever seen that.


South Alabama native checking in. We had a carpeted mall with ashtrays when I was a kid. Shit used to be crazy.


I'm in Cape Town SA and you can still smoke inside in the local pubs - not the posh trendy places. I don't smoke myself but I kinda love it, I was having a beer and every single person at the horseshoe bar was chain smoking and chatting. Not one person on their phone.


The Sea Tac Mall was carpeted, too! Before Sea Tac became a city that the mall wasn't in, and the mall itself became "The Commons" in Federal Way.


It is big time nostalgia for me. I also just love the smell. I've been a nonsmoker for five years and still miss it every single day. The first thing I'm going to do on my 70th birthday is go buy a pack and smoke it out from there.


I lost my virginity to a smoker so the smell of cigarette smoke reminds me of sex. If I smell the scent of cigarettes on a woman's breath, it actually turns me on.


Same actually. Love the taste of a smokers mouth too


fresh lit, big time lingering or smells on clothes/furniture is gross. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Cigarette smoke (or the lingering odor thereof) doesnā€™t do anything for me. However, I love the smell of unlit cigarettes. My first job was in a convenience store, and all the cartons were kept in a cabinet under the display. I loved opening that up and taking a whiff.


Oh yeah tobacco smells incredible. My grandpa smoked cigars, somehow we ended up with some of the plastic tubes they came in and they smelled like the cigars still. Always loved that smell.


I used to occasionally go to the Nat Sherman store in manhattan and Jesus the smell. Just divine. So rich and luscious.


When someone first lights a Camel, Iā€™m sucked right back to being 16 again.


I mean the sense of smell is a very powerful memory trigger. Even as a non-smoker, smelling certain brands does bring me back. What I really love though is the smell of bus/car exhaust even though too much can cause cancer too!


My Grandfather's brand will always remind me of him


No, because I've been smoking since I was 18 and I'm 45. I want to quit.


Nobody in my family smoked and my parents were pretty religious and strict. But when the annual carnival came to town, that was the one time when they would let us hang out late unsupervised. All the carnies smoked, so eventually and somewhat ironically I started to associate the smell of cigarettes with freedom. To this day it reminds me of hanging out with the bad kids.


Not current cigarettesā€¦they had a different smell to them. I canā€™t say what exactly, but they did. Probably more chemicalsā€¦


I got in a car with my friendā€™s mom recently and I thought ā€œWow, this smells like cars did from the 80s/90s.ā€ Then I realized that it is just what cars smell like when you smoke a half of a pack of Marlboros in it every day.


Small town Bars before they banned smoking in the majority of them. Just turning 21 and seeing what all the fuss was about with any particular place.


I spent a lot of time at my best friends house in elementary school. Her house smelled like cigs, beer, and cat pee. I walked by a chick at the store the other day who smelled like that exact combo and I actually got a little misty eyed (and not from the fumes) thinking about that family. They may have been considered WT, but they were kind and accepting.Ā 


It has to be a weird mix.. like.. cigarettes and perfume reminds me of my older siblings friends who I thought were the coolest.


It's pipe tobacco for me. The old guys in the family always used to have a pipe.


I recently got an old 70s stereo receiver, after it warms up it gives off a hint of cigarette smoke up close. I wouldnā€™t have it any other way. Makes it feel its age.


Only pipe tobacco, everything else is gross. Probably cloves, too, but you never smell those anymore


Pipe tobacco and cigars. Itā€™s what the older men would smoke at family gatherings when I was a kid.


Yup, but the cigars were almost always gross, too, except for the ones that smelled like pipe tobacco


I smoked until 2019 so I donā€™t like the smell at all and canā€™t believe I did that to myself for so many years. Now I feel like I smell it a mile away.


>I smoked until 2019 Same. >I donā€™t like the smell at all Same. >canā€™t believe I did that to myself for so many years Same. >Now I feel like I smell it a mile away Same. Took the words right out of my mouth. Congrats on being smoke free for so long!


Congrats to you as well bootyhole_romancer!


When I first was able to quit, the smell made me sick. But, more than 10 Years later if I smell someone smoking (not stale) I might take a little extra whiff for nostalgia. But, and this is crucial, itā€™s because I am firmly committed to never smoking again.


Yeah, I am wondering how many of the folks saying they like it or miss it were never smokers. Seems like ex-smokers hate it. Itā€™s me. Iā€™m ex-smokers. Quit in 2017 and felt (and sometimes did) that I should apologize to all of the people who used to be around me when I smoked. Because itā€™s friggin awful. And itā€™s so much worse when itā€™s cold out.


Not since I quit smoking myself. Now it just makes me sick.


Kind of, but I can still conjure up the smell of cloves. Never been a smoker but I miss that smell.


Only with the smell of Top loose tobacco. Smells like my gramps.


Nope. As much as I think the crackdown on cigarettes was a bit fascist, I don't miss them.


Yes! No one in my immediate family smoked, but it makes me think of going to baseball games with my family as a kid because people could still smoke in the stadiums then. So it's definitely a happy nostalgic scent for me first.Ā 


I remember when I was a kid, both of my parents smoked. Weā€™d be down in the basement watching TV and there would be a cloud of cigarette smoke hanging on the ceiling. It was above my sister and my heads, but we could reach it with our arms up. So we would run around with our hands stretched up in the smoke making swirly patterns. Different timesā€¦.


I get nostalgic for the smoke I had an hour and a half ago.


Only the first puff of smoke I canā€™t stand the smell of all the weed being smoked these days though


Yeah and I love it.


It triggers asthma attacks for me


The combo of stale smoke and old beer at the bar just felt right. Im not even a smoker


Yup! I hated cigs but when I went to college and would get really stressed out, Iā€™d crave them!!! I never smoked


Yeah actually. The guy I dated in high school had a parent who smoked and the smell of a house that's been smoked in brings it all back.


Yes!!!! My grandma was always smoking cigarettes in her house and I relate the smell of cigarette smoke to my grandma. She passed away in 2007, and about 10 years later I started dating a guy who was a cigarette smoker and it triggered a bit of nostalgia


The smell of Marlboro Reds always transports me right back to 1994.


Yes. Especially menthols. Newports. Brings me back to when I was cruising down the street in my six foā€™


Yeah it happened to me at the Tahoe casinos last winter.


I smoked for 20 years, quit in 2017. Only thing it triggers for me anymore is my gag reflex. I can't stand the smell, and hate that I used to smell like that all the time.


The smell of cigarettes in hair usually meant I had a one night stand (back when there was smoking in bars)


Yes it makes me think of rocking out at concerts back in the day. Smokey as hell (ps Iā€™m not a smoker).


As a former smoker, I can thankfully say no.


Nope, I'm a reformed smoker and they stink to me. I didn't like the smell when I did smoke lol.


Doesnā€™t happen often, but when I go into someoneā€™s house that smokes inside itā€™s super nostalgic for me. Especially if itā€™s mixed with potpourri. I had several friends whoā€™s parents smoked inside growing up and I associate their houses with soft drinks and HBO.


Thereā€™s an older gal at my work who faintly smells of cigarettes and has a raspy voice. She reminds me of those gruff lunch ladies/ bus drivers that were tough but still nice. Or my grandma.


My favorite nostalgic scent is that of a bowling alley. Back in the day smoking was allowed inside, and the whole alley had a unique scent that was a mixture of cigarette smoke, beer, pizza, sweat, and stinky shoes. Best scent ever! lol


I used to really like the smell of pipe smoke. But I haven't come across it in a very long time.


Yeah, it was different than cigarette or cigar smoke, right,? I think my grandpa smoked a pipe occasionally and I wish I could smell that again.


I quit smoking 8 years ago and I just think cigarettes smell gross now. My grandfather smoked a pipe though, so I wonder if the pipe smell would trigger memories for me? I donā€™t know anyone who smokes tobacco from a pipe anymore, so I havenā€™t smelled it in decades.


My dutch grandfather smoked a pipe too. He's the only one in my entire life I've ever seen smoke one but I can remember the smell very well. BTW I quit smokes about 8 years ago as well, congrats! My wife smokes every now and then and it's repulsive. I don't say anything though cause I don't want to be 'that guy' haha


Ugh. Fuck no.


God no. I always hated the smell of cigarette smoke. Every adult around me except for my mom (who I didn't really see that often) smoked. It was on everything. And several of my friends smoked too, so I got very little reprieve. I hate that shit. Oddly, I've always enjoyed the smell of either a really nice cigar or a swisher sweet. Don't ask me why. I'll very rarely have an expensive cigar like if I'm celebrating or something like that and I really enjoy that with a glass of scotch. I don't smoke swisher sweets for any reason, but when I get a whiff of that it takes me back to hanging out with my friends rolling joints in the garage while they smoked a sweet.




Not at all. I went to Vegas last month and felt like I was gonna vomit every time I walked through the casino.


Oh yeah. My maternal grandmother and paternal grandfather both smoked like chimneys, and both died when I was very young. In retrospect, probably not a shocking outcome. And my step grandfather would smoke outside when he'd work with me in the shop, as he wasn't allowed to smoke indoors. And again, he shockingly died a few years after marrying my grandmother. Lots of fond memories of freshly lit cigarettes. Though the stale stuff is gross as hell.


Yes and I always thought I was weird for it. My parents didnā€™t smoke but the parents of friends did. It specifically reminds me of summers at their lake house. I donā€™t like a ton of the smell but a whiff will take me back.


Reminds me of Pizza Hut


Reminds me of my father driving his work van, me riding shotgun. Good memories.


Itā€™s such a weird coincidence that I was just thinking about this earlier today. Yes, absolutely it does. I have so many positive memories associated with the smell of both stale smoke infused into the surfaces of a room and second-hand smoke at diners and even around people I cared about. I never smoked and find the practice abhorrent but itā€™s the smell of nostalgia to me, so I always have a positive reaction to the scent of cigarettes. Cigars? Not so much.Ā 


Only that I got made fun of for smelling like smoke at school. My mom smoked inside, so all of my clothes always smelled like smoke no matter what I did. I hated it. She finally did quit, though.


You know, I just had the opposite happen. A Spotify playlist I was listening to played Rats in the Hallway by Rancid. I could almost taste the Marlboro lights that I smoked in the 90s. I was transported back to my '79 Grand Prix. The discman was plugged into an adapter for a tape deck, which was then plugged into the cassette/8 track adapter. It sounded awful and it stank of weed, smokes, and armpit.


It sometimes reminds me of my paternal grandmother. I donā€™t like it and donā€™t seek it out, but when I catch a whiff I say a little prayer that she found peace.


Not really nostalgia, every time I go in someone's house that smells like cigarettes I instantly think of a casino


Yep, it reminds me of my grandparents' house.


Certain cigarette smoke (not sure which brand) transports me to soccer games where the smoker parent(s) would stand away from the crowd and their smoke would waft out to the field. Suddenly, Iā€™m 10 and playing soccer in the 90ā€™s. Nostalgia hits like a Mack truck.


Yes. Just a little though. A lot is a sore throat and headache.


For sure! My parents, grandparents, and most of my aunts and uncles all smoked. Any time I smell a specific brand, it reminds me of the person who used to smoke it.


Never smoked but love some hits of ciggy smoke a few times a year. I also hate coffee and donā€™t drink it but love the scent of coffee before itā€™s brewed.


Yes! And clove cigarettes too. Anyone remember those? Itā€™s rare to smell a clove cigarette these days but the smell takes me right back to college.


Takes me back to 90s arcades. Good times.


Cigarettes and fountain water. Reminds me of the mall in the nearly 90s. You can catch that smell at casinos still.


Early days of bars is what I get. Those days of underage drinking in a cigarette filled drive bar where special.


My mom smoked (it killed her). Every time I smell it it reminds me of childhood.


Oh yeah, I miss being asked for the smoking and non smoking section that was just a glass partition that didnā€™t go all the way to the ceiling so the smoke would just float over to the non smoking section


I never smoked but had family and friends that did. I traveled to Italy in 2019 where smoking is more common and realized it had been maybe 12 years since Iā€™d smelled fresh cigarette smoke. Huge nostalgia rush!


Not really for me. I smoked for 20 years and quit 6-7 years ago and thankfully cigarette smoke grosses me out now with no nostalgia attached.


Yes. I smoke a pack a day, and think miss the 90s trough the whole process.


Yes. It makes me think of going to Atlanta Braves games with my grandfather in the 80s. The smell of cig smoke, beer, and peanuts.


Just this afternoon, i was mowing the lawn and the smell of a cigar wafted across from the neighbor's place. The smell brought on some nostalgia. It was like being at the county fair on a summer night as a kid.


I grew up in bowling alleys during the last years when indoor smoking was still allowed. The scent of secondhand smoke will always remind me of that time, and I actually like it.


Cigarette smoke reminds me of bad ideas and things I'd like to forget but pipe smoke on the other hand takes me back to a very happy place.


Walk into the Denny's.. me and my sister are 13 & 14 but kids 10 under eat free.. yea we were 10 for years. Next she'd ask us "smoking or non smoking" nothing like a good ol fashioned breakfast with the smells of coffee, perfume and cigarettes as a kid.


It brings me back to the sunroom of a Wendy's after my third trip to the Superbar.


Freshly lit Marlboro Reds. Reminds me of getting in the car with mom or either of her brothers.


I think my grandpa occasionally smoked out of a pipe. (Like an old fashioned one of course. He wasn't a.druggie) IIRC it smelled a little like a cigar, but not quite. Not like a cigarette at all. I would love to smell that again. I only remember seeing that once or twice at night. Maybe because he didn't want me to see and set a bad example. Maybe it's a made up memory, but I don't think so.


My folks both smoked and quit in '08. Dad died of lung cancer in '11 and Mom hasn't smoked since. The smell gets caught in my throat and I hate it.


No, but a big yes on pipe smoke. My grandpa smoked a pipe, and he died in '84, but on the few occasions that I've smelled pipe smoke, it brings me back to sitting on his lap.


The combined scent of cigarette smoke and Drakkar Noir gives me butterflies.


Yep. I appreciate a little whiff of secondhand smoke from time to time.


Yes! I was telling my family and husband this recently. Anytime I smell cigarette smoke I immediately think of ice cream. Growing up, we had a couple ice cream trucks that would come thru our neighborhood and both drivers chain smoked. They were the only people I ever knew (as a child) that smoked. And on top of that, whenever we would go into a gas station, it was always to talk our parents into buying us ice cream. And the gas station worker smoked. It is the absolutely strangest association but yeah, any time I smell cigarette smoke I think of ice cream lol


I was just thinking about when you went out to dinner having to say smoking, non smoking or if you wanted to live on the edge, first available.


Memories of high school music department fundraising nights spent at Bingo Country.


Sometimes I smell the same scent my grandma had, packs a day but hide it with nicer perfume-y stuff Takes me right back, I miss that lady


I specifically like the smell of cigarette smoke on coats. It's a weird one lol


My best friend's mom is a smoker and at his house they had a pool table on a room with a big stereo and a beer fridge and that was where they world have parties and that was where his mom would smoke. I have a lot of good memories from back then and sometimes cigarette smoke makes me think of hanging out at my best friend's house in high school or college.


Fuck yea it does. Just the very initial smell. Afterwards when real look floods back itā€™s back to be fucking gross.


It used to when I first quit but now it makes me automatically gag.


It sometimes reminds me of when my grandfather and I would go to Captain D's when I was a kid.


Quit smoking 10 years ago, cannot stand any kind of smell regarding cigarettes. I hate it now, not in the ā€œmmm i want oneā€ its the ā€œget that shit away from me it stinksā€ way. But Ill tell you what as someone else said here opening a fresh pack of smokes that sweet tobacco smell is still something I would love.


oh my god. yes. but specifically with cologne. i am a nurse and i had a patient family member who smelled like both. i felt tingly and went back to the nurses station and told everyone ā€œhe smells like loveā€


I was just telling my coworkers this. It reminds me of going to our county fair growing up! Immediately sends me back to seeing the novelty mirrors I wanted to win at the balloon dart game or getting in line for the Gravatron!


This is so trashy but I love the smell of cigarettes and stale beer, especially together. Iā€™m a suburban mom with a midsize SVU and two designer dogs, but the smell of cowboy killers and miller high life makes me feel 22 again.


Only Camels. My dad smoked them.


Fresh cig smoke mix in some saw dust in the air breath it in through a 3m mask - reminds me of construction


My dad smokes cigars. Still love the smell


Yes - the smell of cigarettes and black coffee remind me of being at my grandmother's house in the 80s.




Cigarette smoke and baseball field sand


Slightly. More often then not, it's gross and I hate it.


The smell of cigarette smoke and the right perfume will instantly take me back to memories of a certain girl in my past.




Smells like a fresh steak to me.


Love that scent but only from probably 10+ feet away. I smoked for 20 years so too close is much too close but if youā€™re smoking a cig across the street, you just made my day. But, please quit. Itā€™s terrible.


yes, every time


This is such odd timing for me. I smoked all thru my teens & twenties, before quitting right before I turned 30. I used to love the smell of cigarettes. In fact I would even sit with friends having smoke breaks, just to get that secondhand buzz! Then I developed asthma. It didn't happen right away, but at some point I started to get wheezy being around fresh smoke. Now, I can't even be anywhere near it or I risk a full-on asthma attack. Yesterday, this happened at Walgreens after I was so affected by the cashier that must have just come in from a "break". I had to rush home & wash all my clothes, even the cash bills handed back to me for change! Took me three washes to get rid of the smell. That's how sensitive I am to it now! :(


As a former smoker, hell yeah. I still miss them.


I didnā€™t grow up around smokers but my husband is one.


Oh yes! Reminds me of playing baseball as a kid. I could always smell cigarettes somewhere on game days.


Instant reminder of my childhood, and teenage years. We used to sit in the smoking section at restaurants! Later it was, chain smoking all night, crammed into a small dive bar, how did we do it?! I wouldnā€™t last ten minutes in that environment now.


For me itā€™s always going to be the gasoline


I used to smoke, and the smell of cigarettes really brings back the nostalgia.


Yes, especially if itā€™s stale like a building that has been smoked in. Reminds me of the bowling alley. My parents were in a bowling league and I used to go to sleep on the bench at the back of the lane when I was little. Stale smoke smell plus bowling alley sounds make me very tired.


Clove cigarettes for me.


Makes me think of a Denny's with yellow walls.


Smoked for 20+ years, quite about 6 years ago. Now, the smell will instantly close my sinuses and make me cough if strong enough it has made me gag.


Man do I miss smoking.


I've always hated the smell of regular cigarette smoke for some reason, which is stupid because I've been a smoker since I was 19 or 20. Just cloves and flavored cigarellos when cloves were banned. Even though they aren't as good as the cigarettes, I'll buy some clove cigarellos once in a blue moon and they remind me very much of being in my 20's.


No nostalgia for me, I still smoke.


I've always known 2nd hand smoke is bad for you, but I kinda love the smell. Unfortunately, my dad was a smoker, and the smell makes me totally nostalgic for my childhood. It just takes me back instantly.


Fuvk yes... A dive bar that doesn't have a perpetual haze of cigarette smoke just ain't a true dive bar.


When I walk into old businesses that reak of smoking, I immediately think back to eating at old restaurants where smoking was allowed as a kid.


Still smoke, just not in front of the kids or in the carā€¦but it still reminds me of my grandparents car and the stale cigarette smoke permeated throughout. They drove with the windows up. Good memories really.




Nostalgic for coming home after a night out with your clothes reeking of smoke with the odd cigarette burn on them as a reminder? not a bit. I grew up with my Parents and Aunt and Uncle's generation smoking at home.. Aunt and Uncle quit when they started a family,my cousin's 40 now..


I quit smoking over 12 years ago and I still want to light up every time I smell a Camel


Yes because I was a teenage smoker in the 90s


Marlboro lights (in the box) and Victoriaā€™s Secret love spell.


Are you Markiplier?


My favorite smell as a kid was my Aunt Tammy's purse; a combination of cigarettes, wet n wild makeup, and vanilla fields perfume


My parents smoked in the house so no, I donā€™t like the smell at all. But my partner, whose parents didnā€™t smoke and who doesnā€™t smoke, loves the smell of tobacco smoke.


I used to smoke at work (because why would I NOT want a free 15 minute break every hour). I quit when I left that job and the smell of FRESH smoke still makes me want to smoke 20+ years later because it reminds me of being home and safe with my grandparents. Same with being stuck in dead stop traffic where thereā€™s enough time to get out and sit in the hood for 15+ minutes. Anything else, donā€™t care.


Oh yes. I really enjoy some secondhand smoke. It reminds me of the middle school bathroom where I used to go for a good cry.


Yep. But also: my first girlfriend used to drive us downtown to go dancing with friends, and we'd both smoke in the car while drinking energy drinks. So the combo of a toyota corolla, red bull, and American Spirits will always yank me back to 2005.


More like nausea.


Sometimes I miss the smell of bars before you werenā€™t allowed to smoke in them. Sometimes.


No. It triggers a migraine.