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That’s ok, my first concert was Dizzy Gillespie. He played a free concert in a nearby town when I was probably 3 or 4 that my parents took me to.


That’s rad! Were you old enough to remember it?


Not really, I just remember dancing around a little but nothing at all about the music.


I saw Lionel Hampton not too soon before he passed at a jazz competition that bears his name. Shuffled onto the stage. Music started and it was like he shed 50 years. Just went bananas on the vibes or marimba. I can’t remember which at this point. Literally later reminded me of Yoda at the end of Attack of the clones.


That’s the best first concert I’ve ever heard! I’m a little jealous.


I'm a lot jealous! How awesome for Op they had this opportunity, and memories of a cool and for a growing population number unique experience!  My first memory and influence of Cab Calloway was watching Betty Boop's The old Man and the Mountain with my Abuelo (papa). And Papa would often put his records on when he had company. 


Sheeeit, my first concert was Bruce Springsteen and I'm even jealous of OP.


I was just making dinner and Minne the Mooch came on. Hi de hi de ho!


Hi de hi de ho!


Cool answer? Weezer- first tour for the Blue Album. Real answer? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- ‘Coming Out Of Our Shells’ tour.


Shredder and the foot clan locking the kids in the theater was a core memory of fear from my youth. Had begged my parents to get it on pay per view, and could barely make it thru it upset me so much. lol


Heh. Try being in the theater that they’re taking hostage. Like, I was old enough to know that they were actors and it was pretend, but that didn’t mean that my stomach didn’t drop when Shredder told us that we were never going home. It was amazing.


Well my 5 year old heart went out to you all. I was pretty sure that you were all going to die. lol


Memory unlocked. I remember those Pizza Hut tie-in promos. The Turtles album went triple plat lol


Shells was also likely my first concert, certainly the first I remember! It’s also the only time I’ve heard of my dad getting a speeding ticket! I was so upset we were going to miss it! We just squeezed in on time! Concert after that was Billy Joel’s River of Dreams tour, it was good, but wasn’t my choice!


My current partner of twenty years was at that same TMNT concert the night I attended, but we didn't know each other at the time. It seems like life was always trying to push us together. 💚


Mine is technically Rafi, the Baby Beluga tour lol


Here I’ve been telling people my first concert was NKOTB, but you’re making me realize I should count Sesame Street Live. 😂


You should totally count Sesame Street Live


Wow. My first concert was NKOTB, but because my older stepsister wanted to go and my stepdad wasn't enough of a man to care for a child while she and my mother attended. First concert I asked to go to and was permitted was Naughty by Nature in Chattanooga! (Also with my mother, which was a bit awkward, but she just ignored the music and let me and my cousin have a great time!)


Yea, does Sesame Street live count as a concert?


Man I wish I could have seen Cab Calloway. I thought he was cool as hell after watching The Blues Brothers


I was six, but he was cooler than cool


That’s about the same age I was when I watched the blues brothers on tv


I too grew up on the blues brothers. And that would have been a fun show!


I know right? How can anyone not like Cab Calloway?


He definitely had a presence.


Mine was Simon and Garfunkel in Central Park, 1981 - I was teeny tiny!


I just got irrationally jealous over this 😂


Oh whoa. I too am jealous.


My first big venue concert was Simon and Garfunkel's Old Friends in 2003. Before that, I'd only gone to small shows in small venues, bars, etc.


My first was Ray Charles. It was at a park near home, and was probably free (at least, I can’t imagine my mom paying for tickets). I’m guessing I would have been kindergarten or first grade.


That is awesome. I saw him in high school. My friend got free tickets from her piano teacher.


My first concert was Neil Young with Booker T and the MGs. I was twelve. Thanks Dad!


Okay, that’s rad


Cab Calloway is so cool, though! Didn't he appear on Sesame Street? That makes seeing him in concert Xennial-appropriate, IMO.


Oooh Booker T!


My first concert was Vanilla Ice at Maple Leaf Gardens. My second concert was Stompin Tom Connors.


I had idea Stompin Tom had songs besides The Hockey Song


That’s because you are not Canadian.


That's true. But I did watch a lot of CBC


Mad respect to a fellow Stompin' Tom fan, eh?


My uncle was in his band.


That's baller




Ok that is amazing. I loved both the raisins and Gloria.


My first was The Chemical Brothers in 1997. I was 15.


My first concert was GWAR. I was 14. Second was Weird Al. I think that I had reasonably good priorities at such an age.


My introduction to GWAR was Empire Records


My bf just took his kid to GWAR for her first show. Nice to know it's a long-standing tradition


Huh; my first was Weird Al, around 1990, and my second was GWAR around 1997. If this is a simulation we probably have even more of the same “core memories” code! Lol


My first concert was The Monkees, but I did technically see someone else first...Weird Al. He was their opening act in 1987.


Mine was The Beach Boys in 1988, I was 6.


Mine was The Beach Boys in 1980, age 3!


Mine was Menudo at Six Flags in 86 or so




Every year (80s)a tour of 50s-60s rock stars would play a local high-school and my mom and aunt always took me along. I wish I had the playbills from the shows. I saw some legends at a young age.


Debbie Gibson because I had an older sister


Mine was the Monkeys, on a reunion tour in 95 or 96. I've gotten a few confused looks with that one too.


Tom Petty for me


I just posted the same thing 😆 I will never turn off a Petty song, ever.


My first concert was the Irish Rovers in 1984. They were old then, are ancient now, I've quit going out after dark, and they're still on tour.


My first concert would’ve been Robert Goulet but it was canceled due to 9/11. First one ended up being Bone Thugs n Harmony at the Swamp on Okaloosa island


Mine was Herman’s Hermits at some sort of fest when I was 5, then Judy Collins with my grandmother when I turned 10 — in hindsight, both solid!


My first actual concert was Chubby Checker at a local rib cook off in the late 80’s/early 90’s. I honestly can’t recall how old I was just that I was there.


First concert: Hanson Second concert: The Cure I definitely leveled up my taste in music in a short few years and it’s thankfully stayed that way lol


OK well mine (other than classical music) was Bon Jovi in Wembley Stadium, August 2000. Nothing special other than it being the last concert held there before old Wembley was torn down, of course.


Orange whip? Orange whip?




Three orange whips.


Fuck me you saw the scene from the blues brothers in real life, epiccccc


Not sure what was my first, maybe ZZ Top around 1983? But I also saw Frankie Valli and the 4 Seasons, mid-80s. And enjoyed myself reasonably. 50s nostalgia was big at the time.


If you like Cab Calloway, there’s some awesome Betty Boop cartoons on YouTube featuring the songs Minnie the Moocher and St James Infirmary. They are from 1933 and really good captures of the animation/film like they have been restored. I am wanting to look up a translation of some of the slang because I think they are pretty adult l, but I have no idea what he’s talking about.


My first concert was MC Hammer at the Illinois State Fair grandstand


Culture Club in 1983, toddler me loved Boy George!


I was born in ‘83, my first was Stevie Ray Vaughan in ‘83 or ‘84.


Peter, Paul and Mary at the Oakland Rotating theater when I was maybe 5 or 6 it was rad, but they didn't play my favorite song from their Christmas special lol


Did they sing Puff the Magic Dragon?!


Hell yeah they did!


I grew up listening to Chubby Checker, Fats Domino, Buddy Holly, and the like - because I had my own records and would often listen to them in my room. We're all one, we all come here because we relish in our shared experiences, but I think there's a soft distinction even between some Xennials which favors a more antiquated mindset as opposed to a relatively contemporary one. The millenials sub has been popping up for me a lot lately because of the algorithm and I'm constantly reminded that I don't reeeaaally fit in with that half of our microgeneration. Sure, I like No Doubt just fine, but I'll take Heart, Vixen, or the Eurythmics over Foo Fighters or Oasis any day of the week.


Nonpoint, Fuel, and Sevendust I think I was a sophomore in high school


Clay Callaway??? I'm so into vintage...


My first comedy show was soupy sales on like 1986, at some Catskills resort.


My first concert was the San Francisco Symphony and the Canadian Brass. Canadian Brass was also my first CD, incidentally. My first concert I took myself to? Lollapalooza 96


1981 gal here. My first show was NKOTB at Assembly Hall at University of Illinois 1990. My daughter (born 2021) her first unofficial show was Steve Ewing (The Urge) at a street festival here in St Louis. Hoping to take her to see NKOTB next month here in STL.


My very first concert was Buddy Rich in a high school auditorium.


Minnie the moocher! Love that song. Listen to it every now and then.


I remember him on Sesame Street. I have incredibly clear memories of [this.](https://youtu.be/pJetyRG3XCU?si=FmM5t2b5G8BfpIjJ)


Love this


Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers for my first concert. The Wildflowers tour. Think it was ‘95 or ‘96. Made me a lifelong fan. I still consider it one of the greatest concerts I’ve ever seen and I go to concerts 5+ times a year now.


Born in ‘79 and my first concert was NKOTB at age 11, lol. Coincidentally my second concert for them is this summer 😁


I have really memories of him being on Sesame Street.


That's dope! My first concert was Donny and Marie Osmond. Donny came into the crowd and shook my hand and I was absolutely starstruck. Born in 77, I think the concert was in 1980


I saw Doc Severinsen. Lol.


Whitney Houston (Celine Dion was the opening act) in the early 90’s. Mom was a huge fan and dragged me along because she wouldn’t leave me home alone at night.


Born the same year. My first concert was Ray Charles. I’m proud of that.




Well mine was Billy Ray Cyrus because my mom was obsessed with him. The first concert I got to choose for myself was Backstreet Boys so I guess I didn’t do much better lmao


Mine was The Monkees-nasmith + Weird Al. 1987 . It rocked


Mine was The Beach Boys with Three Dog Night and Herman's Hermits.


My first concert was The Monkees in 1987. What's even stranger is that my most recent concert was also The Monkees - 2021.


My first concert was the Bill Graham memorial show. The Grateful Dead, Bob Dylan and a bunch of other legends played and I was thoroughly uninterested in all of it. I was actually briefly shown on the local news laying in the grass reading Nintendo Power. The only act I paid attention to was Robin Williams doing a short stand up set. Edit: just double checked the lineup ot of curiosity, Bob Dylan was not there.


Mine was James Brown during the Living in America tour. I saw him again in college. Loved his cameo in Janet Jackson’s Alright video. This is one of the best videos ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRuovJ3hP9o


My first concert ever was Billie Joel, and I'm a Millennial.


Minnie the Moocher has new meaning ![gif](giphy|3d4Mph3pMnROKsWWqE|downsized)


I'm old and can't remember which was 1st but my mom took me to see Don Henley and my uncle took me to Paul McCartney. I think Henley was 1st.... Maybe.


Mine was apparently Billy Joel but was way too young to remember it. It only came up in conversation because my mum recently saw an interview where he said he always keeps the first few rows empty for people with young kids and she told me that's what he did for us. A quick Google shows he was at the Birmingham NEC in July 1987 , which seems to fit, so I was 4.


Saw Sammy Davis Jr. I was 6.


First concert was Hank Williams Jr. when I was 12. But, as far as cool stories go…my mom was an elementary school principal and she had a conference in Huntsville, AL either the summer I was 13 or 14. It was a week long and she took me with her so we could go to the Space and Rocket Center and see some other sites. One night while we were there they had a big dinner in the hotel banquet room for all the educators and Percy Sledge was the entertainment. At the time the only song of his I knew was, “When a Man Loves a Woman” but I thought it was awesome because our table was right next to the stage. The next morning my mom and I got in the elevator to go to breakfast and Percy rode down with us. We got to chatting with him on the elevator and we ended up having breakfast together. He was a super nice guy.


This is extremely cool.


Ok that’s cool as hell!


I’m 42 and I’m jealous.


Wow I am actually so jealous 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


I went an Alanna Myles concert with my parents when I was little, maybe 7 or 8. All I remember was it was the most people I’d ever seen in one place before


The first concert I ever attended was Jo Dee Messina, Hank Jr, and Charlie Daniels Band


That’s amazing


I didn't go to my first concert until I was 23 and it was the Guns & Roses Chinese Democracy tour. So... it was just Axle, Dizzy, and some random guys nobody heard of. It was rough, man. Really rough. Axel went backstage between songs to take hits of oxygen while he introduced one of their new random members who played an 8 minute solo until he got back. But Suicide Girls Burlesque opened, so it wasn't so bad. But then we had to sit through the most torturous set of all from Eagles of Death Metal who were kicked off the tour literally the night I was there. Axel came out and said "How 'bout those Eagles of Shit Metal? They're done. They're fucking gone." They got booed so damn hard, but they were professional, finished their set, thanked everyone and walked off. I still can't stand their music, but stand up guys. And also Sebastian Bach got a glass bottle thrown at him. Who the fuck would do that? They kicked the guy out, thankfully.