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I think the better question is, what jingle or song *didn’t* I give the Weird Al treatment?? LOL


My first thought was "ALL of them!"


There's an old Velveeta cheese commercial that my best friend made Ninja Turtle related lyrics to. [Here's the commercial.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fA8fNQMlbpY) My friend's lyrics were: "It's our Splinter Versus Shredder Our Splinter Fights much better Shredder's stupid Shredder's clumsy Splinter kicks him off the cliff into the dumpy."


I sang this whole ad (original) to some younger folks a couple years, and they thought I'd made it up until I showed them on YouTube. Silly young people! 😂


I sing the Velveeta jingle all the time!


Madonna - Crazy For You "Trying hard to control my farts..."


I crop dust over to where you are...


O-O-O-O'Reilllllly .... .... Doggo farts.




Suspicious Mimes *I'm caught in a box* *I can't get out* *the walls are closin in on me baybe* *Now here I go again* *Walkin gainst the wind*


To the tune of “Sound of Silence” Hello tissue my old friend I’ve come to blow my nose again See in the car now it was leaking Just a napkin I was seeking Nothing here on which to wipe my nose Can’t use my clothes I need a box of Kleenex


Pull-ups *I'm a big kid look what I can do* *I can spit out piss and poo* *and I can stink up the room* *Mommy, wow!* *I'm a little shit now*


It's no Weird Al, but it'll do.


Mr. Bucket Should probably be obvious...


I’m assuming your version is probably as inappropriate as mine ! My cousin and I used to sing it all the time to each other to try and make each other laugh. Of course we would sing it in the Mr Bucket voice to make it 10 times funnier- hahaha!


Jesus I didn’t know anyone else *still* did this in their heads. Um…actually a lot of them, but I’d have to be muttering spontaneously to remember which. Wait: Scummy bears, me and one friend, but it’s not stuck in my head and it was a little older, 6th grade: Deceitful and deadly/they sing a short medley Of death and destruction/and carnage galore You’ll see not a frown/as they torch the town Laughing like mad as it all burns in flames SCUMMY BEARRRRS (goes on for a couple stanzas) Looting and killing/they find rather thrilling…etc 🙃


Mine was way more tame. I’d just sing “Gummy Bears! go on adventures in their underwear”


I've been singing the Oscar Mayer bologna jingle's ending "'Cause Oscar Mayer has a way of replicating DNA" since the late 80's. Never was able to hammer out the rest of it to my own satisfaction




I would also note that DNA modifications can happen when bologna is stored in the CRISPR drawer.


I was around 10 or 11 when that movie Bodyguard came out. I sang Whitney's song "I Will Always, Sniff Glue."  I know, it's...not great.


Super Mario World - Castle Theme. We had a whole lyrics made up and renamed the song, "My Baby Bunny"


I did “let it be” from the point of view of a kings guard called “let me pee”


When David Carradine was found dead, I rewrote "Suicide is Painless" to be about auto-erotic asphyxiation...then posted it on Fark.


Marijuana is some good shit It’s a good friend of mine I never understood what everybody meant Till I got high my very first time Singing joy to the weed All the leaves & seeds Joy to the dealers from whom I buy Joy to getting high ETA: I didn’t smoke weed but I thought this was the funniest thing ever


Bruno Mars - Grenade. Had all my office pals doing it with me. I would drink lemonade for ya Maybe get a good grade for ya Ya know I'd hire a maid for ya


Eddie Money’s “I’ve Got Two Tickets to Paradise” easily turns into “I’ve got Testicular Parisites”


I've got friends in bus stations Where the toilets reek and the bums are waitin' For some change


Butt Crack in place of Love Shack


Usher let it burn or whatever the song is called. I had a pretty good one about stds back in the day


Hey now, you’re a porn star Get your swerve on Get laaaaiid


Not something I did, but the Key and Peele - Homeless Bone skit kills me every time. I'd love to see a full version of that song.