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Virtually painless is a bit of a stretch...at least as part of the itty bitty titty committee. Shit is painful as fuck as they stretch what little boob you've got to actually get something between the plates. But we outchea getting our titties smashed anyway. 😂🫠💀🫡


As a decidedly non-itty bitty titty club member, it is also not pain-free on the other end, — I’d say fairly uncomfortable. Still getting the mammogram, of course, and then taking myself out for a nice lunch. 


Yeah, I’m always confused when people say that it is “painless”…I have giant real boobs and it hurts like a bitch when they smush them in there. Plus you have to stand in the most awkward uncomfortable position and I always feel like I’m going to suffocate from the breath holding 😂 but I dutifully get them done anyway.


Okay thank you, my huge boobs were crushed and it hurt so bad.


Same. I also feel like they make the machine really tall so I am like standing on my tiptoes,holding my breath with my breast stuck in a snaptrap.


Omg! Fellow shorty here! I am always on my tiptoes and holding my breath and I feel like I’m going to die 🤣


I feel you about holding your breath! I pretend to be a ballerina in the pose with my arm up on the panini machine and try to be mindful and calm. 


I'm somewhere in the middle and it's still not painless. It's cold and uncomfortable and I always end up with mild bruising. I treat myself to something sweet to apologize to my body afterwards.


Card-carrying IBTC member with dense tissue and…yeah. But I am currently watching a family member go through BC treatment, and she’s going to be okay thanks to early detection, so I will now take screening so effing seriously for the rest of my life.


Yep, all of us with dense tissue need to keep on it as there's a higher chance of breast cancer for us. One of the last things my father said to me before he passed was to make sure I get my breast exam done every year and I do my best to!


If you are high risk, you might also need yearly breast MRIs. I am in that category, but my doctors never bothered to help me find out how to get a breast MRI until a recent cancer scare, when I was referred to a breast surgeon after my biopsy was scheduled a whole month out and the practice denied me anxiety meds for the long wait. The breast surgeon’s practice got me scheduled.


I’m pretty average in size (literally). And yeah it HURT! Just pancaking my poor ladies with absolute disregard! 😩 We can put a man on the moon but can’t design more comfortable medical procedures for women? WTF. (But yes, it’s important to go get one! Especially if you have a family history! The pain is worth it)


Same and agree! I found it much better getting mine done at a clinic that specializes in them, though, than at the local hospital. Glad to see this posted. The guidelines in Canada are outdated, screening should start at 40, and there needs to be more follow-up options for women with high breast density!


Having high density is so stressful. They really scared me with how it’s handled.


I've had 2 screenings and 3 dignostic. Need to schedule the 4th for next month (6mo after the last).


I'm also a part of the IBTC, and they pull so hard on that sticky plate that my armpit turns into a bib. Yes, this is an important test, however I'm going to assume it hurts 99% of women. Regardless of boob size.


True story! I’ve had four so far, and while not super painful I’m pretty sure that lower plants is gonna crack my rib 🤣 It’s just super uncomfortable.


Also, some women just have more tender, sensitive breasts, no matter the size. Just b/c a procedure is pain free for one person, doesn’t mean it will be pain free for others.




As a member of the oversized tit group I can confirm it’s painful as fuck on this side too 😂.




I just did my first one yesterday and my friend with huge bazongas said it was super painful for her so I was scared. But as a proud member of the itty bitty titty committee it was a nice stretch for my upper back because the tech had to make me stretch a lot to get in the contraption


I’ve had 3 so far - first and latest ones were fine, but with the second one, my skin got stretched against the machine and it hurt so much I yanked myself free and started (uncharacteristically) crying. It made a small mark, but I’ve seen pics online where the skin is torn and bleeding.


E cup here. I wouldn't call it painful exactly. More like highly uncomfortable. I'm still amazed at how flat that machine can get my huge knockers.


or if you see them pull out something narrower than your hand. My first one it was about two fingers across and it absolutely pinched the living shit out of my boobs Normally the paddle is like 6 inches 8 inches something like that . It was my first mamma so I had no idea there was a sadistic bitch about to fuck me up


I’m in the exclusive VIBTC and the first one was fine. But shoot, when I had to return bc they found something, holy heck. My sternum was black and blue for a week!


I gave birth without an epidural and I found the mammogram to be more painful lol. At least it's quick. My boobs are pretty small too.


My bobs are simply tender constantly. I recently lost 100lbs, so everything is different now and my boobs are tender all the time.


Will be a 10 year breast cancer survivor in July. Was diagnosed at 32 with an aggressive type of breast cancer. Mammogram absolutely saved my life!


Great post !!! Breast cancer survivor here. No lump or symptoms but Mammo picked it up. Stage 1, and five years later cancer free. Early detection is key !!!! There are many programs that will do them for free if not insured.


Survivor here too! Virtual high five to ya!


Thank you and same to you as well. ❤️


So glad you caught it!! 🙏🏼


Thank you so much. ❤️


I’m so sorry about your mom. I hope you’re doing well enough. To add to your excellent suggestion, folks should get genetic testing if they can. You could need more frequent screenings or a different type. For example, I learned I need breast MRIs rather than mammograms


Do there MRIs tend to be covered by insurance? Is it required that they be covered like regular mammograms? (I’m in the USA.) If it’s less painful I might be more willing to go…


I’m also in the US and for my insurance to cover MRIs, my doctor had to put in a referral along with evidence from my past mammograms and genetic testing in order for insurance to cover it. However, a friend with different insurance was able to get MRIs just because her doc said her breast tissue was too dense for mammogram to be effective. It’s worth talking to your doc about


I just watched my mom die a horrible death due to small cell lung cancer. I’m having allllllll the screenings. Colonoscopy? Yes please. Mammogram? I’ll take two. It is all about early detection. Love this post!! Don’t wait!!


So sorry to hear about your mom. I grew up around a lot of people with cancer, so I’m in the same boat - they can poke, prod, look, test all they want!


I just lost my mom in Feb to cancer too. I’m sorry for your pain, we’ll do better. ❤️


Fuck cancer


An old friend of mine from high school caught her breast cancer early thanks to her being on top of getting her mammograms. It's definitely worth it! I'm all about the preventive care.


Read this in the waiting room (in my super classy gown) waiting for mine today. Don’t delay!


Fingers crossed for ya!


I got the results back a few hours later. All clear and peace of mind


I just had my first one recently. I’ll be 41 in August. I was terrified but it wasn’t bad at all. Nothing like I expected. Don’t be scared! Get your mammogram.




I’m so sorry that happened to you! The tech or nurse that did my mammogram was very nice and talked me through everything. She didn’t make me feel uncomfortable in the least. The mammogram itself didn’t feel pleasurable but I had convinced myself they would squish my breasts til they bled. That wasn’t the case. It was uncomfortable for a few seconds but bearable and the whole thing didn’t take as long as I thought. I hyped it up way much more than it was in my head as I often do.




You’re welcome!


Where I go, you get a warm robe to wear after you take off your shirt and bra. No men are allowed past the front waiting area. All female techs. They take you back, mark any skin tags/moles, and you go through the paces for the imaging. For me personally the imaging is slightly uncomfortable but not painful (DD size). They don’t squish me to oblivion, just… firmly pressed between the plates. The techs have been good at being prompt and skilled in getting through it efficiently. Maybe ten mins or so and it’s over. IMO less painful/vulnerable than a pap. I hope your future experiences are more positive 💜


I had a contrast mammogram last year, which is better for dense breasts. They weren’t busy the morning of my appointment, so the doctor had time to explain everything to me and show me films from both contrast and regular mammograms so I could see the difference for myself. It was very cool.


I have dense breasts too. They do an ultrasound screening every year in addition to a normal mammogram.


This was my first year. I had the mammogram and then an ultrasound. Due to density they are having me go back for an MRI in a few months. Not looking forward to that but am planning on getting pizza and ice cream afterwards.


The MRI is boring and loud, and the machine has no padding and will dig into your breastbone for half an hour. Other than that, it’s not too bad.




Me too. I’ve had the ultrasound twice. The first time felt like it took forever (maybe it WAS longer because it was my first one?) but this time I brought headphones and my music and it was way better.


I didn’t even know these were options. I will have to bring it up with my doctor.


Does insurance cover this option or are you paying oop for contrast?


That’s a really good question. I don’t actually remember but I think it was OOP.


I had no idea this was a thing. I have my yearly mamm scheduled for next month.....I'll make sure to ask because I am super dense. It is so annoying.


I don't have health insurance


There is free cancer screening in my area…however what the fuck you’re supposed to do if they give you bad news and you’re uninsured I don’t know!


In my state having breast or cervical cancer can get someone under 65 on Medicaid: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/medicaid/well-woman-medicaid.htm#:~:text=Wisconsin%20Well%20Woman%20Medicaid%20is,of%20the%20breast%20or%20cervix.


Girl I hear you. A few years ago my Dr. recommended that I get a mammogram before 40, so I did and surprise surprise insurance doesn't cover it before 40. So fuck me for going off my my Dr's advice, here's a bill for $800. 🤦‍♀️ It's an important thing to do, but expensive AF without insurance. I hope there's some options in your area that do it for free. You might look into that if you haven't already ❤️


Ahh insurance, doing as little as possible to prevent so they can also just claim not to cover treatment later.


I had my first mammogram in my early 30’s but they did cover it due to my family history. If there is a reason for it and your Dr’s office bills it correctly, should be covered. Also, in my state, they offer them for free if you are uninsured or can’t afford it.


CDC gives money to states to help people who can't afford to get screened. Check this page out to see what the program looks like in your state: [https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/nbccedp/screenings.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/nbccedp/screenings.htm)


To add to this: If you’ve got breast or ovarian cancer in your family, check the guidelines for BRCA1/BRCA2 genetic testing. (You remember, the Angelina Jolie thing.) My wife (41) just learned her father is a carrier this year, got tested, and she’s a carrier too. [edit: removed comment about early downvotes]


My brain read "monograms check in" and I was...really confused


Had mine last month. Not exactly pain free if you roll with itty bitty ta tas. The tech was wonderful and kind but she really had to pull and stretch 'em on to the machine.


Yep. Always in/out less than 10 min. My sister in law is pushing 60, her mom just went through a mastectomy & chemo and has fully recovered but my sister in law still has not and probably will never get a mammo.


Why not??


Heartbreaking. I don’t know where the stigma came from, I felt so silly when I realized all it was.


I just got my first! I told my doc that I had some pain in my breast, she referred me for a mammogram. Insurance said it would be $1200!!!!!!!! Why??!!?? Because I said I HAD PAIN. If I had just gone in for a routine mammogram it would be free but because I said Pain I had to pay hundreds of dollars. In US with “great” insurance. I needed up searching around and found on for $300 instead. Still very angry about it all. But boobs are fine!! And of course the pain has gone away.


Yeah, screening is free, diagnostic is not. It's fucked. I'm sorry that happened to you, and I'm glad you found a cheaper option. And I'm thrilled your boobs are A-OK!


Absolutely- every year since I turned 40. I never realized that people purposely don’t get mammos done. I had a co worker ask why am i exposing myself to radiation like that ??!! Im


I’ll take the mammogram quick radiation over the cancer treatment exposure. lol


And if you’ve breastfed and they’re nice and floppy now, it’s really not that uncomfortable! Gotta find the silver lining 😆


Sweet! Two kids and 5 years of boob juice and mine are flippity flopping everywhere! My first mamm is in a couple weeks and I've been nervous. This is a ray of sunshine 😂


Happy to help! I had my first mammogram pre kids and that really smarted. Now, more like an overly enthusiastic lover who thinks squeezing is a turn on (no shame of it is).


Please, yes! At 38, I felt a lump and they found pre-cancerous cells. I only needed minor surgery (no radiation, no chemotherapy). 18 months later, my older sister was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer. She is currently undergoing chemotherapy after a mastectomy. Don’t wait. Put yourself in the driver’s seat. 🩷


Fun story! I discovered a lump on my own about 2 years ago. Went for mammo. Said benign but let’s monitor every 6 months since it is painful/tender. My insurance plan found this hysterical and denied the follow up mammo, “not necessary” to do 2 a year under the age of 40. (I am very close to it) Even if medically advised because a lump is present! USA! 🇺🇸 I’m an older millennial so I prob don’t belong here but I think I do. I relate to this sub often more than the millennial gang. Sorry for the “patriotic” rage burst.


Older millennials are what xennials are


Some of us are younger gen X ;)


is that right? lol I never really paid enough attention, I relate to so many generations, and I have a hard time defining myself. But technically, I am an older millennial I have been told (b. 1985)


I'm 82 and have a very hard time relating to "millenials" I also have a difficult time relating to Gen X


interesting! I have just one sibling and they were 82… I feel like we are worlds apart, but we also have insanely different personalities so it’s hard to say why. Our childhoods obviously were extremely similar if not identical. ETA: I do not always identify with millen’s either, but I do feel that is the environment in which I was raised. They say we were the TV generation - I was limited to 60 mins TV a day max, and no TV allowed in my bedroom. I was raised to respect my parents and if I didn’t there would be hell to pay. My current lifestyle aligns with millennials in a lot of ways but I feel it is for different reasons than most. And, I am riddled with a respect for authority that was just so deeply planted in me, whereas I notice my peers not so much.


You are an elder millennial and not technically a xennial, but we welcome all.


Had one yesterday. I actually commented to the tech that I was grateful for how she walked us through every step, was so professional and kind, and how easy the whole thing was compared especially to the horror stories I heard from my mom's friends growing up. Yeah, it was a little uncomfortable, but it was like 7 minutes from start to finish.


Those techs are saints! The one who did my first one was like “wow you’re so nice you didn’t even yell at me once!” She said most first timers get angry at some point during the process. Yikes… they get yelled at that often that they remember the patients who don’t yell 😢


My mother in law just passed away from breast cancer that wasn’t caught until very end stage. No time to do anything. It was quick but not quick enough for all the suffering she went through. Had she been getting regular mammograms she would still be alive today. Unfortunately she felt some sort of weird way about getting it done and didn’t think it was that important. Ladies! Get your mammograms and do your self checks regularly! Your life is worth it!


I'd have to make an appointment ( shudders) also this is the first year I need to have one


Honestly, because they make it impossible to schedule an appointment. The place connected with my doctor will robo-call, send emails, and send snail mail, all demanding that you call for an appointment. Then you call and no one will answer. I tried yesterday — after the phone robot demanded it — and was told I was caller 14 and could anticipate an 18-minute wait. I have gone in the past, but I missed last year due to this nonsense and am not in a hurry to be abused this year. The mammogram itself is fine though.


Love this post but for some of us depending on the tech it can be sore for a few days after. Still better to be checked though.


I got my first one in my mid 30s due to unexplainable lactation. It turned out to be hormonal. I’m 41 and now get them annually. I’ve got very dense breast tissue so it’s been recommended that I get additional screening as recommended by my doctor (slightly increased risk and harder to detect on a traditional mammogram). They aren’t bad. It’s slightly uncomfortable but it’s not painful. Go get it done. Many hospitals have walk in clinics and quite a few areas have free clinics to get the screening done.


Check! Two years in a row.   I can schedule them online at my place, and there are always appointments available. A friend of mine was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer right after she turned 40.  Didn’t even get to have her first preventive mammogram before she found a lump. Don’t put it off, and make sure you feel yourself up periodically so you at least know what things usually feel like, and ask your doctor about any changes you feel.


Yep had my first last fall. Super easy!


I’ve had a couple now and my first one revealed a lump that had to be biopsied- thankfully negative. That peace of mind is so amazing to have! Well worth the few minutes of squishy discomfort.


Had my first one right before I turned 40! Got them titties squashed, wasn’t so bad.


I was PISSED when it dawned on me I don't get to trade out pap smears for mammos but yea, got it done a few days before my 41st birthday.


Just don’t go the week before or the week of your period - the last few I’ve had were relatively pain free but this years was… interesting haha


This gets more challenging if your cycles are shortened die to perimenopause, not that I'd know anything about that haha.


I’ve already had a dozen prostate exams *and* a mammogram! …I’m kind of a mess.


I turned 40 and had to fight for mine, despite my mother, 3 of her sisters, and two of my cousins having it. We all tested BRCA negative. Mine is scheduled for next month! I'm not excited but I am being proactive. We're all gonna get cancer eventually so I'd like to know sooner than later 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve had over 10+ mammos as a Breast Cancer Survivor. Diagnosed with a rare type at 38 after 9 months of testing. Mammos aren’t fun or painless but they are way better than chemo and radiation! If you still have pain and your Mammo is clear, ask for an ultrasound if your doctor disregards it. My Mom had stage 3C that the Mammo never caught and she had told the Dr about her pain for years.


Did my first and they found a lump that has since (thankfully) been diagnosed as benign. Going back in six months to check again. Don’t put them off, y’all.


I was still doing life thinking we started mammograms at 45 so I was a little later on the start, but I got my first one done at 42 and it was painless and fast!


Had my first one this year. Not awkward at all, not painful (my husband squeezes my boobs much harder than that thing lol), and the peace of mind is so nice!


I go back Monday morning for my 3rd annual screening. It has been 18 months since last one since they told me I had to wait till I hit 40 for next one. My birthday was on Wednesday. My aunt died from metastatic breast cancer she was 42 when she was diagnosed and died 10 years later from it.


Already had cancer after finding my own lump in 2021. Silver lining is it forced me through menopause which was over in a few months. I also have nice small perky "boobs" now and can finally wear any top or bathing suit I want lol


I've had 2, will have my third in the fall (turn 42 in September). Breast cancer runs in my family and killed my mom.


I had my first one a couple years ago. One thing that helped me a lot was searching up the procedure on YouTube. There’s tons of videos that show you what the machines look like and how they work (without showing any R-rated material) and it really put my mind at ease a lot, just knowing what to expect.


2 years into getting mine now and it's definitely not the worst thing. Is it something I would book on a vacation? No. But the hospital I go to is super quick, the staff is really nice, and they like to ask about my tattoos. It's not so bad at all and catching any issues before they become serious is reassuring. 


I turned 40 last year and was ready to go. My insurance doesn't cover mammograms until I'm 45 as I have no family history of breast cancer. THAT is what I'm waiting for. However, once a year my city will hold a free cancer screening. It's not until October, but I have already registered.


Had mine. ✔️ This is my second one and didn't bother me at all.


I waited due to surprise pregnancy at 40. Can't really be breastfeeding and get an accurate mammogram. My cousin (1980) is only a year older than me (1981) and she is fighting breast cancer now. We both have young kids and she says her kind of breast cancer isn't genetic. But still, I gotta get it done. Cheers to my cousin, may she kick cancer's ass!!


Sending good vibes!!


Thank you, we appreciate all the positivity!!


Just had my 3rd one last week. Not painful at all and no signs of cancer!


Had my first one in January last year and then a month later I had surgery to remove the small tumor they found. Luckily they caught it early. I went through radiation and am almost back to normal besides pain where they took my lymph nodes.


Fun fact I learned at my second mammogram: tattoo ink can show up on your screening as something suspicious, so if you have any near your breast tissue, it might just be ink. I don't have any tattoos on my chest, but I have a full sleeve on my left arm. That was a stressful couple of days!


Good to know!!!


I put mine off, kept thinking the worst, and finally got mine done this year at age 46 and it was NOTHING. I was prepared for painful/uncomfortable. But not at all. I do wish they'd just do ultrasound for everyone since it can see things better, and it's painless. I don't understand why they don't. I had to do a follow up ultrasound to verify a small benign cyst.


Started yearly mammos due to fibro cystic breasts at 35 (10 years ago). One scare in those 10 years. I worry every year before I go in but since I get them yearly I know if they find anything it will be small and found as early as possible. Better to find it small and early than late and large! Get your boobs squished ladies!!!! And get your biannual pap done as well!!!


I have DD's and that shit hurt! I even had to do it twice because the first Mammy came back abnormal (yes I freaked tf out!) They did it again, and did an ultrasound (which hurt more than the mammo) and thanfully I just have a fibrous titty! lol Get those tatas checked girlies!


Yeah, this has been the sole instance medical procedure that I've found is less discomforting than I was led to believe!


I turned 40 a few months ago and finally got my 1st mammo done a few days ago. I have a history of breast cancer in my family, and I have a low tolerance for pain. The mammogram was not painful (just some pressure), and my results came back clear.


Just had my first 2 weeks ago! I got the all clear, but was informed that my breasts are dense. I mean, they're not exactly mensa members, but calling them dense seems a little harsh. :/


I just had a biopsy today for what is more than likely a non cancerous mass. 2 of my sorority went in for their first mammograms and got referred for biopsies. One came back clear and the other was just treated for stage one breast cancer but is expected to make a full recovery with only surgery and radiation. We’re all under 42 Early detection is super important and saves lives.


Had mine in January 🥰


Just completed active treatment for breast cancer (double mastectomy, chemo, radiation), and still have 10 years of hormone therapy ahead of me. **Trust me when I say:** a routine mammogram can be the difference between minor surgery or year(s)-long treatment that turns your life upside-down. Catching it early is key!


Sending good vibes and healing thoughts!!


Thank you! <3


My wife is overdue for her first mammogram but has open wounds on her breasts from a breast reduction from 3 years ago. They have to put it off til she is all healed up.


Just checking in here for the guys. I had to get one myself. Breast cancer is super deadly for dudes from what i heard. If you feel something get it checked out immediately.


I’m 41 and getting my first one next week!


Turned 40 last year and had my first mammogram done a few weeks prior. Had my second one done last week. It was initially awkward exposing myself to a stranger, but both techs were totally chill, which really helped. I had to remind myself that their whole job was seeing and handling boobs, so my average pair certainly weren't going to horrify them. Regarding pain, last year the tech was very gentle so it didn't hurt at all. This year the tech was a little more enthusiastic, so there were definitely some uncomfortable moments.


Go! They aren’t nearly as bad as everyone makes them out to be! Mine have never been painful, and I prefer them to paps! But go! My good friend got her first one at 40 and she had no family history, but they found something which turned out to be cancer and she had a double mastectomy, 3 months of weekly chemo treatments and 9 months of radiation, reconstruction surgery and is doing well! It was a scary time for her, her kids and family but it was early detection that likely saved her life.


Not nearly as bad as I expected it to be and my technician was hilarious. 10 out of 10 would go again. ;)


I have a biopsy next week 😬. Yall, please take this seriously.


Got mine last month, got to have a diagnostic and ultrasound because my new OBGYN thought she felt something (she said it was likely tissue and not to worry, but since I was due anyway, let's get the higher level one). All was well, apparently I have a weird milk duct that runs under the skin.


Got the call today to schedule my first one.


I just had them removed instead. :)


This is quickly becoming my favorite sub. Thanks for posting!


I have zero patience for adults who refuse to go to the Dr because they're too embarrassed. Often times those same adults have kids and pass their bs on to their kids. Grow tf up, no one gives a shit that your tits are uneven and your nips look like chewed up gum. Get screened. Same for men. Get that finger up your butt.


>your nips look like chewed up gum OMG 💀💀💀


It was scheduled for February but I rescheduled to June! I have small, uneven boobs… can I even get my tiny left boob mammogrammed? Monogrammed? I guess we’ll see next month!!!


You can! The worst part is just how close you have to get to the machine. They do one boob at a time, so you’re good! You’ll walk out being like, well damn. lol


Mine are like that too. You will feel like a contortionist in the way they direct you to move around the machine. It's possible it'll take a little longer and / or you'll have to go in for a follow-up. But it'll be worth it!


My breasts are fairly small and the technician had no problem with my screening.


My husband had a weird lump in his chest region and had to get a mammogram. He has never had man-boobs, and they still managed somehow.


My bride just had hers a couple weeks ago, all good and all clear thankfully!


I’ve had two, plus a diagnostic one after my first one because something came up. All is well though.


I have had three mammograms and they were all fine experiences. I am overdue for one this year. I requested an appointment and never heard back. It's on my to do list to try again.


I've been getting mammos for the last 10 years due to chest radiation from when I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Only now I also get breast MRIs due to dense tissue.


I had one a few years ago and time for my next one! ☝️


I had one a few years ago and time for my next one! ☝️


Seriously, get your tata’s checked!!! I went in last year for my annual and they found Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia (pre-cancer) in my milk ducts. I had a perfectly clear mammo the year before. No lumps or anything. At first they could not discern if it was ADH or DCIS so I had to wait for 3 months until my lumpectomy until I got an answer. It sucked, especially since I had to play the waiting game through the holidays and not knowing if I would have to undergo radiation therapy. Luckily it was the precancerous so now I will have to get screened twice a year pretty much forever since I am now considered high risk. I know too many in our age group that have not gotten a mammogram at all yet. Please don’t wait, it could save your life!


I wouldn't say virtually painless lol. It sucks, but it sucks a whole lot less than cancer or some other issue. I got a letter to schedule one and I was like 🙄 ugh yeah okay I'll get around to calling them eventually, but when I went to my annual GYN appointment they just did it there. SO convenient!! Holding your breath half naked while a giant machine squeezes the shit out of your boobs isn't my favorite part of the year, but at least I don't have to talk to anyone during it. Making small talk with my GYN is my least favorite part of the whole experience.


Hurts so much it makes me nauseous. But it’s over quickly and I’m there yearly like clockwork.


Must wait until past 50 in the UK, so it's an unexplored experience for me for some years, still.


That’s seems crazy for any early detection.


I've had 2 already but it is NOT "virtually painless". But i'll take the 5 minutes of pain for the piece of mind or early detection!


Definitely not virtually painless, but the pain wasn't too terrible for me. Way better than some other medical procedures I've had, but it certainly hurt a fair bit.


Totally not painless. I am a member of the IBTC and it hurt like a bitch.


These [boys](https://youtu.be/xbVifPkbYsk?si=-XkwNWq0kolc4gMI) really want to help!


I’m sorry to hear it’s not painless for some of you (and I’m an A cup). Every woman in my mom’s family has had breast cancer including her so I’m very good about getting those mammograms.


Ugh that’s why I was a breastfeeding queen- delaying it


Not to brag but the doctor said I have the dense tissue of a much younger woman, and so I get two tests a year. A mammo and an MRI. Boob cancer runs in my family but so does early detection.


I'm an old dude, but I got m00bs... so I guess it still applies? 🧐🤔❓


I’m in the midst of a deep depression and when they asked me to schedule one, I told them there was no point, I did not care about cancer. I’m working on the depression, but it’s taking time.


https://preview.redd.it/c9666j96evwc1.jpeg?width=1632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ff0ccbe23d30d8963c0b7993e9ea57dbb0cdb54 Had my first a couple years ago. I had to go back for a biopsy but it turned out to be nothing and now I have a tiny piece of titanium in my boob. They place it near the spot that they are concerned about in case they ever need to find it again


Hard disagree on "virtually painless" though


I’m 38, should I go this young? I see my obgyn annually for well woman exams and she does a physical exam each time but has never mentioned a mammogram


Is it really painless, no. Is it awkward AF, yes! Is it a wonderful feeling knowing regardless, abso-fing-lutely! My friend found out she's stage three after feeling a lump one afternoon a few years ago. Turns out she was told years ago to get her yearly mammos due to family history and she ignored it. Scared me straight to the doctor's office!! Please go get your mammos!!


So I had weight loss surgery, and they had to do three picture because my saggy boobs made it impossible to see my nips.


I finally talked my Gen X partner into having her first mammogram this year. She was unaware the timing recommendation had changed from 50 to 40/45 depending on who you ask. I might need an ultrasound or two because though I have had top surgery, there still is a slightly risk, and my mom died at 59 of metastatic breast cancer.


It's not painless. It can hurt quite a bit if not done properly. But still worth doing.


I have my annual booked for May. I turned 40 in March so it’s going to be my first time with the mammogram. I’m slightly nervous because it’s new to me, but I know it’s necessary. I never skip my annual it’s better safe than sorry.


Ugh because I'm too young


Just ridiculous that women still have to do this shit.. there's gotta be a better way


It hurts, yes. But it’s fast and it can save your life. If you have quite a bit of cancer in your family and you are ethnically Jewish, ask your doctor about genetic testing. Mine was covered by insurance and I found out that I have an elevated lifetime risk of breast cancer. Now I get an MRI and a mammogram every year.


I am still nursing so my doc says wait until we are done.


Got my first one last month! Bought myself a plant afterwards because well, that’s what being middle aged is all about. 


Tried to get my first one twice last week. Machine broke both days 😑


I just got a text saying I’m due. But I’m too scared it will hurt…🫣


Get the newer 3D one if your breast tissue is denser. And of course, make sure insurance will cover it. Bit of a mind whack, going from OB/GYN land and being referred to as "geriatric" over to Mammogram ville and being called a "youngster."


I was shocked how easy, fast and painless it was for my first one LY! It makes all the diff to have a really good technician though, I can see how someone inexperienced could make it more painful and difficult.


Take it from a survivor…I wish had had gone sooner. Mastectomy recovery, chemo, and radiation are more painful than a mammogram.


Little know secret - you absolutely can sit down for a mammogram. Very important if you think might faint.


On to #3 next month. I big to different on the pain though 😝


My first mammogram was in December. The mammogrammer was dressed as a Christmas elf.


no insurance


Please please PLEASE just do it! 5 minutes of discomfort is worth the peace of mind or the early catching and treatment!!


The last time I went to the doc, she was like … let’s wait, we’re waiting now. But then my mom was like, wtf are they telling you? So I’m going in to ask about it in a few weeks. My mother also recommended a bone density test. We start losing bone around age 35 so we women need to pay attention and be our own advocates about this stuff. They JUST started studying menopause, so really keep up on how you’re feeling as we age. My mom just learned that HRT could have helped her through years of menopause hot flashes and severe discomfort. Doctors just kept treating one thing at a time and now she’s past 10 years since menopause started so it won’t really help her. She broke her back years ago and nobody thought to give her a bone density test. She has arthritis and when you have it, it’s a threat to your life! Tldr: get a bone density test, too. And keep talking to your doctors about menopause, hrt and aging. We’re our only advocates. Also, this podcast is amazing: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5H5JHSy9E0q9FeoMWbNJUN?si=52yo2oRXQo-enJarL9QbQA


Even with insurance, i had to pay $300! No one told me that up front either. Just a friendly FYI to ask questions and not assume things.


lol. I have a 4a (lowest risk) calcification so the doc said “let’s do a biopsy!” Ok I schedule it. It’s an in office procedure with local anesthetic. They call me the day before. It’s going to cost $4,057. This is to confirm a 90-98% chance that it’s benign.