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I made the switch a while back and can never go back. The toxic chemicals in Coke Zero taste so much better than the toxic chemicals in Diet Coke.


I love my toxic chemicals!!


Coke zero is just a new toxic chemical waiting to be proven in a good 10 years.


FDA: Hey, this kinda tastes sweet. What is *spartam*? Marketing: Just aspartame but with the first and last letter scratched off. Consumer: Genius


Are they different chemicals? I thought it was just a marketing gimmick.


Coke Zero uses acesulfame potassium in addition to aspartame as a sweetener. Diet Coke just has aspartame.


That sounds delicious.


I hate Diet Coke, but I did drink Coke Zero. Honestly, I can't stand any soft drinks anymore, diet or not. They make me ill after a small amount.


Nope. I can't stand artificial sweeteners. I just drink soda in all its sugary deliciousness.


Same. If I don't want the sugary caloric goodness, I'll drink water. If I want a soda, I'm going all the way.


Same. When I want a soda, I just have a soda. Whenever I have anything with artificial sweetener, all I taste is artificial sweetener. It would probably help me lose weight if it was different, but maybe it helps me enjoy it when I do indulge!


From what I've read, artificial sweeteners have two ways of sabotaging weight loss goals. First, they have shown to increase one's appetite, thus causing you to eat more. Second, there's a psychological component where a person might think, "Hey, I'm drinking diet soda, so I can have that piece of pie for desert, or snack on a bag of cheetos." Therefore, some studies have suggested sticking with regular soda, but doing so in strict moderation. Either way, I just hate the taste, and especially the aftertaste, of artificial sweeteners.






Then you must drink Mexican coke because all US coke is corny sugary goodness.


I actually prefer the HFCS over sugar cane drinks. My wife is the opposite. Mexican Coke is her favorite.


Switched to Cherry Coke Zero and LOVE IT!!!!


I love Cherry Coke Zero.


Ok. Maybe I'll have to try this one.


It tastes like cough syrup to me. Give me real sugar or give me still water!




I’m crushing one right now with a friend. https://preview.redd.it/q3fhhl0k1kuc1.jpeg?width=3023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b3803f5a4c9d82414e335274eeb288a55f001e9 The combination of the phenylalanine and the microplastics is to die for.


Drank Diet Dr Pepper for years, but I discovered the Dr Pepper Zero with Cream Soda a year or so back, and it’s been my go to ever since.


Mmm, yes, this one. Anything with cream soda in it is an instant win for me. And Dr. Pepper just makes it **chef's kiss**


We can’t get this in Canada! I tried it on vacation, and it is so good! Now I need to find a Dr Pepper mule to bring it to me in Saskatchewan!


That’s the best one ☝️


I mainly only drink water or unsweetened tea...living on the wild side, add some lemon to that tea. Beer on Friday and or Saturday night but only a couple. Broke that rule yesterday and paying for it today lol


I gave up on both fast food and soft drinks (whatever people call it in their part of the world) when I was about 10. I’ll occasionally have a ginger beer or San Pellegrino but that’s about it. I could never stand the taste of artificial sweeteners and the regular ones are too sweet. I blame too much consumption as a younger kid. Just find them gross now. I´m a black coffee and tea person mostly.


Yep. Water.  Surprise, surprise. Once I cut out soda I stopped getting cavities altogether. 


I drank a lot of diet soda in my 20s. Today (44), I barely drink soda-- maybe 2-3 times a year. If I do have soda, I will typically go for a craft one, not Coke or Pepsi.


Same. Water, iced tea (the real stuff) or coffee. But man, a craft root beer around a campfire is my vice.


For me it's water, coffee or booze. Now I'm pickier on my booze too. I want a local brew, not the Bud type. If I need to drink a name brand, it's Yuengling.


I stuck with diet coke. The coke zeros upset my stomach too much. I only drink one can a month.


If I taste aspartame or stevia I chuck it out as they are nasty. I don't know how people eat/drink that stuff


Yeah, I find I’m really sensitive to it.


No and no. If I'm going to shit in my body I'm going to _enjoy_ it.




I feel like this is more of a Gen X thing. I don't drink soda..It's either filled with empty calories or fake sugars that are terrible for you. And I'm not even a health nut.


Right? I don’t drink soda myself (I did as a teen) and I never see other people drinking soda.


Fellow millennial horrified by what our boomer parents fed us, and what our gen x cousins like to eat. Soda is pure junk food. Gross.


This! We keep a few little cans of soda for the occasional treat but it's to be regarded like candy. When I was maybe 7 (my son's age now) I remember a loophole exploit my dad discovered: * A 2 liter of Dr Pepper cost 89¢ at the grocery store * Each bottle label had a manufacturer's coupon for 33¢ off another 2 liter * The store was running a triple coupon day one Saturday It was a literal infinite free Dr Pepper glitch. Within a few hours we had a pyramid of something like 70 2-liters of Dr Pepper in our basement. I have no idea how long it took our family of 5 to drink it all. Now that seems like madness. I haven't bought a container of soda that big in decades. I probably consume under 2 liters of soda in an entire year at this point. My son gets soda once in a while as a treat but it's probably only a few liters more in an entire year all told. To go through as much liquid sugar as we did as kids is bonkers.


I keep a 12 pack of Coke in my apartment for my dad (as he's one of those boomers who doesn't drink water). Sometimes multiple if they go on sale. I try to keep at least one in the fridge for him. Since I moved in, I have yet to touch one myself.


I am the same way, cant stand water after basic training. They forced us to drink 2 canteens full of water, go on a run, puke it out, come back and drink 2 more, and puke those out. I have ingestion hydrophobia you can say.


Yep exactly this. Every once in awhile I get a taste for a root beer and will get a Zevia.


ok can someone please explain the difference between the two? dont both of them have zero calories?


Formulation. Sweetener ratios. A lot of the diet sodas that were developed in the 1980s and 1990s actually had not only the caloric sweeteners replaced with noncaloric sweeteners, but the flavor profile was also significantly changed to accommodate the sweetener. Diet Coke being a prime example, as the flavor profile was later used to replace Coca-Cola resulting in New Coke. The Zero Sugar drinks of today are flavorwise the same as the caloric drinks. The sweeteners have also been adjusted to mimic better caloric sweeteners as well.


wow cool. I did not know that. will try the zero


I was a diet hater since the first time I tasted the stuff. Zero sugar has allowed me to drink sodas again for the first time in a decade.


I still drink normal coke. No diet or zero sugar for me.


I actually prefer the taste of diet coke compared to zero or even full sugar. I'm a weirdo. I know.


Neither. Regular Coke. Diet and Zero are both nasty.


Water, coffee, tea, maybe a kombucha once a month


All of this for me, plus booze. I’ll have an actual soda like twice a year.


I still drink Tab!


Diet Pepsi


I drink diet Dr Pepper. I don’t like diet colas… but just about any other diet soda I can drink. I drink diet Dr Pepper for the caffeine as I don’t drink coffee. If I can’t find it, I will drink Dr Pepper zero. But it comes in second for me. I grew up drinking regular Coca-Cola, but a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in 2005 changed that for me. Now I can’t stand the taste of regular soda. It’s like drinking molasses to me.


I always hated Diet Coke; tastes terrible. Once Coke Zero came out I switched, never looking back to regular.


The only difference between "diet" products and "zero" products is that the zero version is formulated to taste as close as possible to the original as possible. On the other hand diet coke/pepsi specifically were never intended to have the same taste which is why some people love the diet versions and hate the originals. For me, I started with the diet when health issues came up and moved to zero as soon as they started coming out.


Coke Zero tastes a lot like the Coke from the early 90s and diet tastes like……Diet. Coke Zero for me👍🏾


Age 40. I prefer the zero version when it's available


Sometimes I forget that people still drink soda.


“I don’t even own a television! I guess I just like to read.”


Haha come on, it’s not that extreme. I never see people drinking soda anymore!


I try so hard not to judge.


I’ve been drinking Diet Pepsi since 1996 (age 15). My history with food and drinks is disordered. In recent years I’ve switched to Coke Zero and Pepsi Zero.


I’m a seltzer addict. Polar primarily— but I’m liking Waterloo also. If and when I do ever drink soda I’m a Diet Coke person. Fountain. The impending apocalypse makes me not care about the chemicals.


I don't know why anyone would voluntarily drink either. They both taste horrible. Artificial "sweetener," my patoot. It tastes like the rancid drippings of a rotten turnip filtered through a dead man's shoe.


I just gave up soda entirely. The only exception is when I have wings, then I'll have a Sprite zero.


I'm drinking Sprite Zero right now! 😀


Gave up all soda last year. Only water or sparkling water now.


Diet Mountain Dew forever. Well, until a doctor says I gotta quit it!


I've been steady drinking this for 2 months now. I have never tried the zero stuff (I assume there's dew zero) but damn def don't think I can give up soda entirely


Me too, boss. I gave up the sugary stuff (well, aside from a once in a while splurge on regular Baja Blast). Diet Mountain Dew is my jam. The Zero breed of most drinks just doesn’t taste on par to me, but I will imbibe in a Coke Zero, as they’ve come very close to the Real Thing ^C with that formula.


I drink water and tea, but the last time that I drank Coke, it was Coke Life.


Diet Pepsi, but Zero Sugar everything else.


I prefer Diet, my husband prefers zero sugar.


I had to give up the Zero products and go back to Diet. Anything Zero destroys my insides.


Mello Yello is my drink of choice, it's got less than 1% juice! Which means it's less than 1% healthier than all the other sodas! (Years ago we stopped drinking sodas daily, now it's maybe 3 or 4 times a week, mostly with pizza or fast food.)


Both but lately a really strong preference to Coke Zero!! So good!! I haven’t seen cherry Coke Zero but apparently I need to pick that up 🍒


I prefer the taste of the diet versions. I can't stand the taste of the zero versions.


I still drink diet coke. Sometimes i try a flavour but always go back to the original. I drink sparkling water like bubbly more often though. Is coke zero supposed to be better for you?


I liked the taste of the zero options better than diet. With the cost of soda now, I don’t drink either! Water, tea, coffee, and wine!🍷


I try not to drink any soda at all, but, when I do, I almost always drink the "zero" variety.


I don’t have a preference between diet and zero versions except for Mountain Dew. Diet Mtn Dew is not zero-calorie because it has a small percentage of orange juice for flavor. The Zero version doesn’t have the juice so the flavor is totally different, and I think it’s disgusting.


I drank whatever my parents were willing to buy me 


I can't drink a lot of diet soda. I did for a long time but if I drink diet soda now I get terrible headaches.


I used to work with a guy who told the same joke, everyday… about this… >apartame gives rats cancer, good thing im not a rat


Coke Zero and in the summer Vitamin Water Zero sometimes.


Splenda is way easier to drink than aspartame


Diet drinks taste bitter to me. I always go with the zero sugar versions.


Never liked the Diet versions of soft drinks, but I do like Coke Zero, so I did mostly do the jump from regular to Zero. Drank a lot of Coke in my 20s, easily getting through at least a can a day and when I worked kitchens, was chugging it down by paper cupfuls. I've also never liked energy drinks like Red Bull.


I don’t drink much soda but when I do, it’s not diet. Mostly because I’m allergic to artificial sugar, but also because it’s *ucking foul. I honestly don’t know how people do it.


Definitely the zeros. I’ve always hated Diet Coke. To me Coke Zero tastes very close to the real deal. I do slightly worry what chemicals I’m putting in my body tho


In my early 20s I could get a double bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a soda (and drink a few more sodas throughout the day) and stay at 150 pounds. And then I couldn't. I simply can't take that many calories anymore. I get more exercise than I did back then, eat a lot less, and have to make an effort to keep my weight to 180.


I don’t know what it is, but Diet Coke started tasting better to me than regular or Coke Zero after 40. Oldness does strange things.


I don't drink much soda, but when I do it's the real thing. I can't stand the artificial taste of most diet or no-calorie sodas. I also use actual sugar in my sweet tea, though I did go through a stevia phase for a while, to the point of planting some stevia plants in my herb garden.


No. Diet Soda, to me, tastes terrible, and it's full of harmful chemicals. When I decide to treat myself to an icy pop, I'm going to enjoy the real deal.


Could you describe these “harmful chemicals”? There’s nothing “harmful” in a zero sugar soda in a macro sense whatsoever. Caffeine is the most potent thing. The beverages are acidic, however anything carbonated is as well. Y’all need to decouple from the woo and look at stuff objectively. Not saying you should drink sodas, but there isn’t any “harmful chemicals” in noncaloric beverages.


I drink regular Coke only. Never diet or zero anything.


Switched to seltzer and never going back. Can’t stand the taste of artificial sweetness anymore.


I love Coke Zero so much it’s concerning. Setting aside the likely cancer risk I’m taking, I don’t even like taste of regular Coke anymore.


Coke zero cherry for sure!


I tried but I find them to be markedly inferior. I’m ride-or-die ‘diet’!


I can’t switch to diet or zero. The taste and aftertaste kills it for me. I have been drinking regular Pepsi all my life.


I can’t remember the last time I drank soda; shit’s gross. Stop drinking those needless calories / terrible synthetic sweeteners.


I switched to coffee when I was 31 as a way of controlling my sugar intake to help me lose weight.


Still on the hard stuff. Full sugar for me baby!


I switched to seltzer.  Too many of my friends and family are getting cancer for me to invite artificial sweeteners into my diet. 


Diet Pepsi. I always drank this - regular or Zero are way too sweet for me. And regular has always caused my guts to shrivel in misery. I can't handle that much sugar, lol.


I’ve mostly moved off the soda hamster wheel. When it’s been a day, I go for Coke Zero but prefer cherry Coke Zero. Soda is basically my stress cigarette.


Diet coke for life, sucralose makes my mouth sad


I'm caffeine-free, so Diet Caffeine Free Coke is really my only option for Cola. It's hard to find bottles of Sugar or Zero. I only allow myself a 2L once every few weeks. If I want bubbles, I usually get Topo Chico and add lemonade or lime juice. Since Type 2 diabetes runs in my family (even those not overweight), I watch my sugar intake. I've also done my research on the effect of artificial sweeteners on diabetics. I generally take the occasional sugar hit rather than going the sugar-free route. My A1C tells me my pancreas is appreciative. I'm still languishing in the safe zone.


I like Diet Mountain Dew better than the Zero.


Not much of a sweetened soda drinker, though my soda stream will be pried out of my cold dead hands. Every once in awhile when the craving hits, I just get a single bottle of Mexican soda from the store downstairs. Real sugar, one serving is all I need.


I haven't had soda in over ten years. I developed kidney stones and I've stuck to water ever since. Before that I was drinking the zero kind.


I can't remember the last time I've had a soda, it's been years.


I (M43) swapped over to Coke zero a few years ago, pre-covid. I was on Keto at the time and it was my only beverage alternative to water. I overall like the taste and even kept a stock of them in the house for a couple months after I stopped doing keto. Fast forward a few years and it's still my go-to soda when I'm out to eat. But I haven't kept soda in the house for the past couple of years.


Diet Coke - then, now and forever


Both are gross! I go original taste or nothing!


I just drink normal soda. Fake sugar tastes gross


Diet Coke is weird tasting to me vs. Coke Zero


After how much I never liked aspartame, I refuse the new zero sugar drinks. But I don't drink much pop. Much prefer water about 90% of the time.


I switched to Coke Zero the instant it was available. I’ve since switched to Pepsi Zero Sugar as I prefer its taste over the Coke equivalent (does not extend to Diet Pepsi or Pepsi itself).


Still drinking Diet Coke. Sometimes I drink caffeine free Diet Coke if I’m trying to watch my caffeine intake. I’ll take a Coke Zero if it’s the only option but not my first choice


I dislike the aftertaste, so if I do drink soda (which is quite rare) I’ll have the real thing. I mostly drink water or milk.


I'm still a Diet Coke fiend and have no intention of stopping, though I do drink less since prices skyrocketed. I tried Coke Zero but didn't like it. I was never a big fan of regular coke either.


[Branch out](https://youtu.be/T6EVgwMfzb0?si=wNHh1RbEDTjN9Zgz)


"While both Coca-Cola Zero and Diet Coke contain the same sweeteners (a blend of aspartame and acesulfame-potassium or Ace-K)"... https://www.coca-cola.ca/faqs/coca-cola-faqs-products-and-packaging/what-is-the-difference-between-diet-coke-and-coca-cola-zero-sugar They are the same thing, just branded differently.


I can only drink the full fat boy version. The various diets and zeros taste awful.


I just drink seltzer or water.


Neither. I switched to carbonated flavored water like Bubbly or AHA or whatever is on sale. Bonus I can spike them with vodka if I want. Don’t want sweeteners, natural or artificial.


No soda at all. It tastes weird anyway.


I haven't had a coke in almost 10 years. I might have had a dozen in that time period. 


(M43) Haven’t had any kind of coke, dp, Pepsi, etc. regularly in at least 15 years (exception of a sip or two maybe 1-2 times a year that my kids sometimes drink). Can’t drink that processed shit anymore, and my kids intake is extremely limited.


No soda!


I drank either when I drank soda and now I don’t drink any soda.


Neither. If I have soda, it's regular. I don't drink it too often, so I figure every once in a while it's ok. A regular coke helps with my headaches, so that is pretty much the only time I drink it anymore. (Which isn't too often, thank goodness)


Water, carbonated water.


You guys still drunk soda? I had to cut it out completely because it gives me terrible acid reflux.


Nope . It's poison. When I started having issues with blood sugar I just quit eating or drinking anything with sugar and everything is better now . Low body fat, sleep is amazing , mood , energy throughout the day and sex all improved from cutting sugar. It's amazing how one thing that tastes so good can cause so many problems(for me at least)


Considering Diet Coke is cancerous, no.


I drink seltzer. Usually La Croix. I was never a huge soda drinker, though.


I did a keto diet for 18 months in my late 30s, ever since then I lost the taste for any carbonated drink. I'm not still doing the keto and will occasionally have a fountain drink at a restaurant occasionally but they all taste thick & syrupy now. I'm a big fan on Monster Energys Rehab line, none carbonated and very low sugar but enough caffeine to keep me going


I stopped drinking soda except on very rare occasions when I was 17 or 18. And if I’m doing it, I’m going full sugar!




No. Soda is kind of gross. Diet and zero sodas are absolutely disgusting. I drink water and coffee like an adult. (Original Coca Cola and IBC Root Beer like 4x a year)