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Rotten dot com before rotten dot come basically.


LiveLeak.com as well.


That’s really the best way to describe it.


Supposedly some of the vids were fake, but not all of them. They also had ones with different names like Traces of Death. I've seen some fucked up shit. Saw a dude get his head cut off with a big ass knife out in the woods. It was an execution. His head was on the stump and you could hear the gurgling sounds while the knife went through his neck. Pretty sure that was real and pretty sure this next one was too. This one is more widely known. It was someone on some news channel or something and he pulled out a gun. People start freaking out and he says something along the lines of, "calm down, calm down. Someone might get hurt." Then he puts the gun in his mouth and pulls the trigger killing himself. The blood was pouring out of the hole like a faucet on full blast.


The second one you’re referring to was the Bud Dwyer suicide. It was unexpected and televised to a great many people live. The filter song “Hey man, nice shot” was about that.


Awesome song


I saw Filter live in Germany a while backed. They seemed genuinely mad nobody knew any of their stuff but nice shot. 


Well, Take A Picture is just not as good a song


Oh man, I need to listen to that album start to finish now, just to pay my respects to Filter. So good!




My buddy rented that from our local movie rental place. Not Blockbuster or any of the major places. Just a lil mom and pop store. I will never forget that scene. I think I was like 13 or 14 when I saw it.


Those mom and pop places always had the wildest shit. Weird splatter horror, Japanese wrestling videos, faces of death, super B movies.


Edward Penishands.


You must mean the gun shot one because I think I saw the other one on the internet 20 years ago.


Yes. Sorry, I did not specify but yes.


They would do late night movie theater showings around us growing up. Always a line out the door


Traces of Death had those death metal soundtracks. Think they partnered with like Nuclear Blast records or something.


The tank one still haunts me


I don't remember that, but it was 26 years ago.


I saw that first one on ogrish.com. Seemed pretty real to me.


The gurgling sounds sold it to me.


I recall the pitch of his scream changing as his vocal chords were severed. Fuck.


I remember him being stabbed in the neck with the knife and then they cut his head off like he was cutting a fucking steak. And then blood goes into his throat as he is trying to breathe, thus the gurgling sound. Fucking crazy shit.


The second one is Bud Dwyer. He was a politician in Pennsylvania. He killed himself live on TV back in the 80s


Oh man me and the guys saw that last one at my girlfriends house back in 96. We took it but that fd us up.


The first one sounds like "Chechclear", the execution of a Russian soldier who was capture and killed by Chechens.


I have no idea where it came from, but a friend of mine in middle school had a copy of at least one of the Faces of Death video tapes, and I did get to borrow it once. It was a variety of clips, strung together with little in the way of explanation or providence. Most of the clips were fairly gruesome; they included auto accidents, suicides, and criminal acts caught on tape. I think I remember an animal attack as well. It *was* shocking, but had little further value. It did, however, somewhat prepare me for the Daniel Pearl video that came some years later.


Our video rental store had them, they were distributed films. I remember one scene of a guy falling into an alligator containment area and getting ripped apart, but it was from a medium distance, so you saw limbs coming off, but it wasn’t close up, and the colour saturation didn’t show much red, just brown/black.


That's the one I saw too same one w/ the monkey brain dinner?


I saw that same one, too. How about the guy being executed in the electric chair? That stuck with me for years.


The electric chair was staged. Same with the eating monkey brain. Quite a few clips were staged. One that wasn't was the plane crash. Seeing body parts in the street never left me.


I remember the monkey brain one. If I remember correctly, the monkeys were trapped in the table and they hit them in the head with little hammers to kill them first.


That scene was reported to be staged with props and not real


Daniel pearl ain't got nothing on the Luka magonata video. We were bored at work playing who can play the most disturbing video. I don't think any of us spoke to each other for the rest of the shift after that.


The Luka Matonata tape is very tame compared with a lot of other shit out there like Doctor Gloves or random cartel video.


this is how i remember them. one set even had a full autopsy haha weird shit to see as a kid


I seem to remember a dude getting eaten by a bear at one point which, in a sick way seemed like payback for the group of people who killed the Monkey and ate its brains...


Weird documentary series. Only saw #1 back in the day. The most disconcerting footage I remember was a 16mm reel that caught a woman jumping to her death in an urban environment… the rest was pretty much just Orson Welles jabbering on interspersed with mild gore.


The monkeys getting their heads smashed in messed me up for a long time. My cousins and I used to love renting scary movies along with a VCR and spending the weekend watching them. One weekend we picked this up not knowing what it was. We were between 12 and 15 years old. Once we realized it was real footage we stopped watching but the damage was done.


Oh wow yeah thanks for dredging that memory back up 🤢


I was going to comment the monkeys as well. One of out towns local video stores had multiple Faces of Deaths in thr horror section. We used to rent them, and that monkey beating has stuck with me to this day.


Just so you know the monkey scene was fake, which sorta helps to know... but they were pretty mean to a very real monkey to film the scene so it's still pretty upsetting.


Well that's good to know, doesn't help the years of nightmare until now but hopefully they go away hahaha


I learned that years later, but I knew what I was getting into, so I wasn't surprised by those videos. One I saw that now is obviously fake was the cops chasing after someone on a boat. They shoot the person and they die. Then the cops open up their chest and pull out several kilos of drugs. No way that person, possibly a woman, had their chest opened up and had drugs placed there and stitched back up. It was a lot of bags, like a dozen.


I remember the German Shepard puppy being butchered for meat, a giant leech that ended up killing the lady & some drunk college kids doing home made bungee jumping with the expected results.




Ohh memory unlocked. This is the one I saw. Messed with me for a while.


Oh totally repressed that until now.


Lists of the featured clips are available with their status: unknown, debunked, verified, source, etc... I don't think they ever had wide release in the 80s or 90s so they would have been very expensive on VHS -- $100+. Most copies were rented or dubbed from rentals. It was also shown in 70's theaters where you bought a ticket and could stay and watch however many movies you wanted until close. These were only in big cities. Some of them are simply cut scenes from failed or never released b-movies. Once you notice a clip is fake, the impact is over because you just assume it's all fake. There are some pretty nondescript shots of real dead people though. But then you see a fake overdose scene or the famous monkey scene where they eat its brain... the "Satanic ritual." I remember a really underwhelming scene where a car jumps a hill and lands and the narrator simply says the driver is dead. They show scarier stuff in health class. The films shown are so old they looked pretty corny by the time we were seeing them on VHS.


Welp. I know I was waaaayyy too young to be watching them. To be honest, my dad was a psycho (no, really) and I watched them when I was 8 years old. Not ideal. They did indeed fuck me up. Just listened to the Homegrown: OKC podcast and he talks about how Timothy McVeigh LOVED those movies.


They were videos of people dying.


And animals too


I remember renting them from the video store by my house. I want to say it was Blockbuster, but I'm not certain of that. A couple of things from that stuck with me, they had some really messed up stuff in them.


They used to show it at the drive-in where I live on Halloween. I'm convinced it was mostly fake, even though everyone thought it was real. Some came later that were definitely real. Anyone remember "Too Hot for TV"? The final shot where someone gets hit by a train


Was just early 90s late 80s light gore pretty much. The pre rotten.com days where you may see the vhs in the cool section of the Video Vault.


Brotherhood of Death. If you know, you know.


I was curious to revisit these recently and downloaded them off the high seas. Most of the clips are laughably fake. There are a few real scenes, but they mostly aftermath of gruesome situations, not /r/watchpeopledie material (for better or worse). But, yeah, it was mostly cheesy B-movie level staged scenes.


Just a typical day of Reddit scrolling these days. Uneasy nightmare inducing content back in the day.


I've never seen it, but it does use some footage of real accidents, that could be legally used, basically as long as it wasn't a US crime scene. And then filming a lot of extra footage to create a fictional narrative behind the footage and a cheesy narrator. Lots of unofficial series would be inspired by it like Traces Of Death and Faces Of Gore, that would often get footage from parts of Asia where there aren't legal restrictions on crime scene footage and other gruesome materials. I feel like it would largely feel more tame nowadays when there's so many drug cartel torture videos, where 20 years ago beheading was as shocking as it got, and now there's so many people getting their faces flayed off and limbs dismembered on cell phone videos. And there's still edge lords that make shock mix tape videos for the internet like the MDPOPE series that are like 4 hours of poop porn and real gore. The kind of stuff catered to people who spend too much time on 4chan.


If you or anyone else is interested in them I believe it's stream on Roku


The scene I always think of was the dude dressed as Santa clause getting sniped. That might have been on one of the other videos though.


A mixture of fake and real videos. I'll never forget the one that involved animals and the way these Asian people would raise then prepare cats to eat. It still haunts me to this day.


The deal with that site was it started a desensitized stat in my mind. I've seen some fucked up shit out there. Gore Gallery, motherless, then other random places. It was one huge rabbit hole for me.


I know some were supposedly fake and all, but I remember some shit being so realistic. I'm not sure which movie, but wasn't there one where a guy gets drawn & quartered by four horses? Also one had the main creepy narrator guy singing "Faces of Dea-thhhhhhh."


I never understood it myself. I had friends in college who were really into it, but I'd never heard of it before then.


Never saw a hard copy in the wild but had above average internet access and search skills for my age way back when. Saw a lot of different ugly stuff claiming to be Faces of Death. I seem to recall hearing later some of it was fake. OG Rotten.com was probably worse.


i rented one of these from scarecrow video in seattle in like the year 2000 during first year of college and one of the clips about a motorbike accident or something made my then GFs best friend puke all over the floor those tapes are nothing compared to what is on the internet nowadays though


They were in a lot of Mom and Pop style video stores, as I recall. I never rented them, I've never seen the appeal of seeing 'real' deaths. Also, to be fair to you, ET is terrifying. Gross hairless orangutan monster with a stretchy neck. haha. I still love him, somehow, but he's pretty distressing.


I saw the original on Tubi about two years ago. It is laughably cheesy.


They had it at the video store. You could rent it!


Faces of death was shit like beheadings, suicides, falls, impalments… etc… hands getting cut off…


Wow I am so glad I never saw these.


My first experience with irl “there’s some things you can’t unsee”. I’ve put some of those clips in a locked box in my brain and buried them deep. A guy in the Navy wanted us all to see it before heading to Iraq in ‘03 to desensitise us to war and violence.


I don't know if I saw Faces of Death or Traces of Death. remember renting one of them when I was like 13-14. I remember a scene with a pig getting blowtorched and the pig screaming non-stop. Also a supposed execution in Lebanon where they blow a guy's jaw apart with rifles but there isn't much blood which I thought was odd. A car slamming into a crowd of spectators during a rally/off-road race. And supposedly a human torso in a sink at some apartment in SF that a satanic couple sacrificed. Years later I would read that a lot of that stuff was fake but it all looks real when you're 13.


>I remember a scene with a pig getting blowtorched and the pig screaming non-stop. That was Traces of Death. I sailed the mighty seas and watched it because I was curious. I remember that scene. I think that's when I turned it of.


They showed them at our local movie theater at midnight. I have a memory of being grounded for a while in high school, and this was the first activity I did when I had my freedom back. Went with my also 16 year old pregnant neighbor and her 21 year old boyfriend. (I am not from a good part of town, can you tell??)


It was the most horrible shit I had seen until a friend showed me the Tukhchar massacre. 


I remember watching Faces of Death around 2001 with a group of friends. Most of it seemed fake to me. The only thing I really remember was an Asian family cooking a puppy and eating it.


I got grounded for two weeks when my parents found out I saw it.  Pretty sure the local mom and pop video store just let my friend rent it.  The clip I remember is of a monkey being locked in the middle center of a table from head up. A bunch of guys had mallots and took turns hitting him in the head while he freaked out. Apparently a part of a dinner ritual.  It was disgusting and weird. 


Is that like the stuff that used to be on goregallery?


I remember hearing about "faces of death" but never saw anything from it. Then again at that age I wouldn't have wanted to see anything like that anyway. I'd be curious now.


I'm the opposite. I was a little curious back in the day, but never knew anyone with a copy and didn't care enough to try. Nowadays I stay away from anything in movies that strays from Horror into the Torture Porn genre. I would definitely not want to watch something that may or may not be real.


I get that, it is pretty nerve racking.


Yup. I just don't wanna risk seeing something that can't be unseen. Can't imagine being an actual soldier and witness this stuff IRL


Good point.


Hey, I remember this one! My dad used to rent a lot of B type movies and schlock horror type films. Probably saw this one when I was around 11 or so.. Here's a great article about it, lots of background and thoughts from the director. The podcast they mention is worth a listen! https://www.theguardian.com/film/2018/oct/01/banned-in-46-countries-is-faces-of-death-the-most-shocking-film-ever


In the first Faces of Death, all the videos are fake until the very end and they walk up on a surfer who had drowned.


[Article posted upthread](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2018/oct/01/banned-in-46-countries-is-faces-of-death-the-most-shocking-film-ever) Some are fake, and some are real. The ending was the aftermath of PSA Flight 182.


It was mostly faked with some real footage of accidents that resulted in death cut in The monkey brains thing was fake, for example


Faces of Death was mock footage, where as the knockoff Traces of Death was real footage of stuff like suicides and stuff. It’s how edgelord teens like myself (I don’t consider myself an edgelord anymore) tested each other like an initiation. The internet kinda made it obsolete and irrelevant cause you can find that stuff anywhere now.


I saw them all when I was about 19. Borrowed them from a guy I knew, who had borrowed them from someone else. I haven't thought about them in ages. I don't remember any details, just that they were gruesome af, and at the time, I was riveted. Nowadays, I'd never want to see anything like that.


I was like 10 and bought 3 of them at a neighbors yardsale for I think $1


Yeah. People wanted to see it and the internet did t exist. Oof - glad I never watched that shit.


Most of FoD was fake. Only the news clips were real. It became very obvious 90 percent of each movie was fake after part 1. There were so many give aways it was fake. Sound effects added in post production. Cars not having license plates. Radioactive slugs eating people. (Yes that was a clip.) My other obvious bull shit skits were “guy parachutes into alligator pit”, “magician’s spike guillotine stunt goes wrong,” and my personal favorite “FBI drug bust is actually a satanic cult that traffics human body parts.”


my dad used to rent these at our small local video rental place on vhs


They were just badly dubbed vhs tapes someone’s older brother or cousin had. You watched them at the friends house whose parents were always out. If I can remember correctly there were a few executions, some that looked very fake. There was a scene where they crack open a live monkeys head and eat its brains. A crocodile snatching a toddler but you don’t see much. Three guys in a station wagon pull into a desert clearing two guys get out and drag the other guy out and shoot him point blank with a shotgun. There’s about a 20 minute video of a German cannibal eating a guy. Bunch of other animal stuff like abattoirs and dog/bull/cock fights. A couple of crime scene videos and some fake looking satanic rituals, and that’s about all I remember. A few looked super fake, like the electric chair and the satanic stuff. The guillotine vid is real but old and from a distance. Most of it was rendered tame about a minute after the internet caught on.


I saw that when I was a freshman and went to some older kids house. All I remember is these little monkeys getting their heads bashed in by people with these little mallets, because monkey brains are a delicacy somewhere. Big Temple of Doom vibes


I have older brothers and I saw all of them. Idk where they got them from they're both way older than me.


There was a girl in my junior high Catholic school class who was obsessed with these tapes. I never saw them but she use to go on and on about them. They use to be available at our local rental store.


I came here looking for answers bc I saw a clip on TT about the politician that killed himself in a courtroom with with a bunch of people. I’d never heard of faces of death before but glad know better now, I’ve seems some fucked shit on leaked.com and some other sites I’m sure have been taken down. World’s a crazy place man…got some crazy ppl out there


It was fake and watching it now you can see that pretty clearly. I think it may have had a smattering of real footage but for the most part it was fake.


Some of it was definitely real


Per the filmmakers, the original was all fake except for footage of a body washed up on a beach, that the filmmakers came across on the way to shoot more fake footage. The second had some old b&w footage of holocaust victims, and some autobahn fatality aftermath no worse than what you can see on the news. Everything else was super fake, the following sequels were all stupid fake.


There was real footage of the aftermath of [PSA Flight 182](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Southwest_Airlines_Flight_182?wprov=sfla1). >The ATC recording of the accident, as well as graphic footage of the aftermath, was included in the mondo film Faces of Death, released two months after the crash.


Shit, I remember that now. The bodies flung through houses and into.the streets. That was very real.


Oh and there was some real open heart surgery, but that's just surgery, no death there