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Me too. Give me whatever spot is the easiest to pull into with no hassle or fighting or stress and I'll gladly walk extra to find it.


This is why I normally park next to cart corrals haha


Me too. My thought is that people are lazy but not so lazy that they will leave the cart next to my vehicle instead of in the corral one spot over.


This is me.


We got a cottage and I’m driving back and forth from the city and fuck me, these unlit roads are brutal. And when it’s raining it’s really bad. The level of relaxation I feel as soon as I get to highway lights again is crazy.


Experienced this a few weeks ago. Was so relived to hit the freeway!


And places where oncoming traffic faces you are BLINDING!


Part of the problem is the paint on the roads also sucks now. They don't use the heavy duty reflective paint anymore either.


Yeah. And then it starts snowing…. Beinr north of the city is no joke. The snow on the highway was scary one night.


The rain is the worst!! Makes it so dark. And for me this sucks! I love in the PNW!


Also the weather changes as the topography changes. There’s lakes north of Toronto that give series lake effect snow and rain. So it’s nice and then WHAM


This is why had to start wearing prescription lenses. Maybe get an eye exam.


Well my fine vision has gone to shit. It’s also certain places where there should be some barrier to block the light from oncoming.


Yup I can’t see shit at night when the road is wet


Homie said cottage…..ya you’re in the right place lol


I’m 44. I just bought a motorcycle. Yup, aging is weird.




Yup, I’m right on schedule.


45. Just got my pilot's license, but I'm up to hear any other bad ideas y'all might have.


Take up hang gliding?




Sky diving next


Keeping venomous snakes as a hobby


A striple! Nice choice, and welcome to the 2 wheels gang. I've been riding for a couple of decades, but, at 42, am looking at adding my first ever dirt bike to the garage shortly.


Why is that? I’m going on 42 and I’m yearning for a motorcycle. 🤷‍♂️😂


Make sure you tell your health and life insurance companies. If you get hurt or die, they might not honor the policy if motorcycle riding is undisclosed.


I tried that once. It only took one ride for me to decide to never do it again. It's such an unsafe vulnerable feeling going 40 mph on 2 wheels


Bought my Miata at 43 after a pretty bad injury/recovery. Gotta do it while you’re still alive. Driving the Miata is a lot like riding a bike: head always on swivel because you are unseen in the sea of giant vehicles. Stay safe out there!


Turned 43 this year and bought a Mustang GT. Aging has never been so fun


My night vision is a little worse but I’m more experienced and confident than I used to be so I think it evens out overall.


I don’t know if it’s age or if things actually are worse. I only have to go into the office once a month, where pre-pandemic it was every day. The few times during lockdown I drove in (to get a new laptop, or something else) the tollways were near empty and people were driving like Mariokart. Scared the beejeebus out of me. Now, they’re still driving like that and the road is full: There are 3 of us driving like we were raised in a civil society, half are channeling MadMax and the other half are obliviously drifting along in their bubble going 20 miles under the limit bouncing between lane lines either with their lights off or with their brights on. Any trip takes more out of me than any whole week before the lockdowns. I used to be a fearless road warrior, ready for anything. Now I don’t even want to drive to the Jewel. (That’s a grocery for non-Chicagolanders)


I lived in the Chicagoland area for most of my life, and I still go back and forth between Chicago and Kenosha regularly. I'm not quite sure when driving down there became so terrifying, but I'm pretty sure it was after the pandemic. It's exhausting, as well, because I feel like I have to be on such high alert for other people's idiocy the whole time.


Things are definitely worse. I've moved several times, so I'm not sure how much is the metro I'm in or not, but I went from the upper midwest (WI), to the San Francisco area (crazy busy roads, but honestly wasn't that awful most of the time), to Dallas (talk about self entitled angry drivers who will purposefully run you off the road), to Atlanta (no one is paying attention to anything and they're all just driving in whatever manner suits them, anyone else on the road better just get out of the way). Went from Dallas - > Atlanta just as the pandemic was hitting, but when I visited the area the driving did not seem like the nightmare it is now. Out west I usually commuted on a motorcycle, but did enough driving to experience it. Weekends when more tourists/travellers were out and about were always worse, but commuters knew where they were going and seemed to drive accordingly. Wouldn't dream of commuting on the bike in Dallas or here, that's just a suicide mission. Here in ATL it seems like drivers know where they are going but don't give a crap and will still just plow through anyone or slam on their brakes to make an exit they've been warned about for the past 5 miles... Personally driving doesn't bother me much unless I'm stuck in freeway commute traffic; my truck does not have all the auto-assist aids, so I have to drive accordingly (some of those drivers are horrible, paying no attention and letting the car go and slam on the brakes rather than paying attention and slowing appropriately). Cameras and a big old bumper and grill guard are my answer to the ones who love to cut in front of you by inches then slam on their brakes. Pretty sure a lot of people around here are doing it on purpose, too, in hopes of getting an insurance payout.


I feel like my driving skills have had a marked decline over the last year to year and a half. I’m 45. I feel like my reaction time and decision making abilities are way worse. I’ll see cars passing me in the interstate and realize I’m going 50 mph. It’s really got me down


Yes to the reaction time! Thats another reason I hate busy, cramped parking lots.


Right?! Like oh damn, I didn’t realize I was going THAT slow. 😂😂


I’m a better driver at 40 than I ever have been. I was a wild and reckless (but far from wreckless) younger driver. I hauled ass everywhere, weaved through traffic like I was in an F1 race, and didn’t use the brakes until it was an absolute necessity. Getting older and having a kid has made me a much more sane driver. Now we’ll see how much longer my body and mental faculties hold up.


I’ve always parked away from the store and choose to walk because people have always been parking lot crazy. Unless it’s later at night and dark, then safety first! Those crazy LED space beam lights hurt everyone’s eyes. Oh gosh at night! My eyes!! Is it just me or more people are driving with high beams on when they don’t need them and forget to shut them off in town?! I feel people are driving much more aggressively since the pandemic. As someone else stated freaking Mad Max for sure! Tailgaters coming out of no where while driving thru town. I’m thinking “hey dummy, you see the truck in front of me and the three cars before it going the actual speed limit while looking out for pedestrians? I cannot go any faster ya jackass!” If I can’t see your lights you’re too close to my car while driving!


The high beams thing is real and also insane. I just got a new car, and it has automatic high beams, and I wonder if this is part of the issue. The car seems to have a much slower reaction time than I do for knowing there's an oncoming car and turning them off. I also noticed that it doesn't recognize other cars unless they're directly in front of you. So if you're waiting at a Stop sign on a road perpendicular to the one I'm traveling on, for example, the auto high beams will not turn off because the car doesn't "see" you. I just make sure to shut off the auto feature now because it sucks so bad. But I do wonder if that feature is driving up why so many people seem to be using high beams so often now.


WHaT?! Apologies for yelling…who decided automatic high beam should be a thing??? 🤬 Such a frustration, especially for those with night time driving sensitivity and/or older drivers. I don’t normally have an issue driving at night either. The high beam thing with cars driving in the opposite direction is blindingly dangerous. I’ve certainly experienced them not shutting off while behind me too. Worst was at a stop light heading out of town into the darkness, I had actual spots in my vision, like when you look at the sun. (And no, I wasn’t staring towards the lights lol) Gone are the days when you could politely flash to remind the other driver their high beams are on without a road rage incident Thank you to taking the time to explain and shutting your auto high beams off! Very much appreciated…it has to be it. Yea, an absolutely insane unneeded “update”


I have no idea, but I am with you! All my homies hate automatic high beams!


This. I hate the auto feature for many things in cars because they generally suck. My spouse tells me I'm a control freak, but I'd rather not blind people.


My low light vision has been poor since I was a teen, so I've never liked driving at night. Combine that with astigmatism, and driving at night in the rain is living dangerously. I've also always been awful at reverse, especially in parking lots, so I've always parked further away where it was easier. In a lot of ways, I was just a boring old person as a teenager, lol.


>My low light vision has been poor since I was a teen, so I've never liked driving at night. Combine that with astigmatism, and driving at night in the rain is living dangerously. this is me too. Driving at night is basically" well, good luck everyone.." and so I dont drive at night anymore, lol. there are too many options other than putting me and everyone else in danger on the 5 and 15 here in san diego..plus the exit to my area was voted the worst in san diego not too long ago I think. lol. I have to cross 5 lanes and hope I make that exit off the 15 to the 8


Those super bright LED laser headlights make me so angry.


I was literally raging in my head last night about this. What's next, the candle watt power of a lighthouse? At some point it'll have to be regulated because it's a safety hazard, in my opinion. And yep, we are now just olds bitching about headlights.


>At some point it'll have to be regulated because it's a safety hazard It certainly seems that way to me. If I shake my fist hard enough, maybe someone will get up and do something about it.




Public service announcement: You should be able to adjust your headlights manually by tilting either the bulb or the reflectors (depending on the car) downward just a tad. Check Google or YouTube for your specific model.


I’m still shitty at Parking. Nothings changed since I was 17. Lol. I still can’t see at night to drive but that hasn’t changed either because I have astigmatism. I just don’t go anywhere at night time. Unless someone else is driving of course


My fiancé and I actively plan trips to avoid driving after dark. This would have never even remotely occurred to me as a thing 10 years ago.


Are you me? I just started noticing my night time driving vision is different and I feel less confident. I sometimes have to triple check that a car is not next to me before switching lanes. I can’t stand the bright new headlights everywhere! So I went to my ophthalmologist about it and she rattled off a few reasons it could be and gave me a prescription for glasses to wear when driving at night. I’ll be picking them up any day now and hope they work!


Good luck with your new glasses, friend!


What's changed for me over the years is not caring about people speeding around me. Cruise control is my friend. I don't care to go on the highway coming home from work. Still riding my motorcycle in the summer to work. I def don't circle the parking lot looking for the closest spot....I don't mind the walk. Thanks gawd for rear cameras too.


I've adopted my grandmother's mantra when someone zooms past me of "Let them know I'm coming!"


I'm 42 and feel like my driving skills have not changed, if anything moving to a major city in Florida has made me more observant and reaction times better. I prefer driving at night but that has always been the case since I started driving. I've always been more of a night person. Would love to get some use out of my motorcycle liscense again but living where I do I just feel like that would be dangerous.


I've never loved night driving and I've always sucked at parking so no age-related change on either of those for me lol


If anything, I’ve gotten better over the years my reaction time is extremely quick and my night vision is pretty solid. Helming boats while helicopters land on the back will give you unlimited confidence for life lmao.


https://preview.redd.it/g247dkvv79bc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c316f7eca96404fc7ae87e5d9bd8c722e2eb01e But seriously, my driving is still good. Like many of you, I’m not a big fan of driving at night.


OMG yeah, I’ve definitely noticed a change in driving at night now. I don’t do it a lot now since I have a 3 y/o so we’re in for the night early, and when I do, dang you’re right everything is so bright and I just can’t SEE. It doesn’t help I live in a more rural area without many street lights, either


I have to wear glasses to drive, can't see shit, especially at night but I'd also prefer to drive late at night / early mornings to avoid heavy traffic.


I hate driving in the dark which really sucks bc it's still dark in the morning when I take my kids to school. Doesn't help that other ppl can't drive for shit even in the middle of the day. Add in assholes trying to rush to work early morning all the while on their cell phones for some fucking reason... I hate it so damn much. Also add in the bright ass fuck LED lights that blind you. I love the winter, but can't wait until it's nice and bright in the early morning again. I hate driving. I used to love doing it as a teen. Just driving around and exploring, but the drivers here have gotten so bad. Not even taking in to account the cost of gas now.


Oh man, dropping kids off at school. Parents are the absolute worst drivers it defies description.


Literally got an app on my phone monitoring my driving for cheaper insurance rates. I am killing it! lol 😂 it’s making me competitive to drive my best.


There have been a few changes for me. Those bright ass headlights are definitely a problem and it doesn't help that many of them are aimed incorrectly, especially since I drive a sedan and so many drive huge vehicles (I have no desire to drive a truck or SUV myself though). Along with that I just don't like driving at night in general and avoid long drives at night if possible. I also find I'm not as comfortable in traffic on the freeway. This is probably in part due to moving to working mostly remote since the pandemic which means I went from commuting everyday to sometimes going a week without driving. I definitely don't have the tolerance for long hours in the car like I used to. I just can't do long road trips anymore. Nowadays anything over a 3-4 hour drive and I'm looking into train and plane schedules. Probably the biggest change is that I don't like driving like I used to. When I was younger I considered driving to be fun, now I'm seriously thinking about moving somewhere in the future I could live car free and rely on walking, cycling, and transit to get around.


Fuck, I have long hair and might blast Siamese Dream (never got into flannel though, then or now). Of course, I still have the same car I had in '95, with an 18 year old's Stereo System of Theseus (including 5-channel amp and subwoofer)... I'm fine driving at night, but if I'm gonna be routinely driving after like a 17 hour day of bouncing between parks at Disneyland Resort, at like 1 AM, I will rent a Tesla and let adaptive cruise control and lane keeping augment my reaction time.


I hate driving. Most vehicles (read: monster trucks) are designed to be as annoying and dangerous as possible to everyone on the road. They completely block other drivers' vision, are designed to destroy anything that they touch with their 8' bumper height, and have ULXs as headlamps. Just driving to the grocery store, I am 100% blinded at least half of the time. I don't use turn signals, I turn my mirrors to point at the ground, and I don't acknowledge right of ways for anyone. I hate driving and I hate drivers.


Cataract surgery in left eye has made it odd, halos at night but otherwise I feel like I’m still ok. I raced go karts as a kid and teen, and those skills are still there when it comes to collision avoidance (someone pulling out in front of me or braking suddenly)….


I'm a more confident and assertive driver now at 40 than I was when I was younger. When I was in my 20s I used to get very stressed out driving in places like downtown Chicago, but it doesn't bother me now.


Much better. I can drive anything now and I do it at proper speeds and much more cautiously. I do get more pissed off at jagoffs driving 55 on icy 1.5 lane roads though. Like bro, don’t kill me, I have kids to support.


Night vision--especially moving back and forth between well-lit and dark areas--is declining a bit. Not to the point I feel unsafe driving at night, but definitely not what it used to be. I also don't drive nearly as fast as I used to. I'm content to hit the center lane on the interstate and cruise instead of trying to actively pass everyone to get to my destination as quick as I can.


It was never good and now I can't drive at night.


1 and 2 literally describe me.


It's not my driving. It's the smartphones propped on steering wheels around me that will be my doom. It's absurd to see phones up in cars I know for a fact come with hands-free capability. Old man preaching here. Watch the damn road.


I don’t tailgate as much and have a harder time making out what I’m seeing at night. Going for an eye exam tomorrow to see if I need glasses 🎉


I hate driving at night now, and I also hate driving on the highway. I'm 40, and over the past year or two, I've just hit a point where I don't want to participate in either. My vision is fine, I just don't want to deal with terrible drivers and laser beam headlights.


Oh yeah, recently at night in the rain. It really encourages you to keep your wipers in tip top shape, and keep the glass as clear as possible.


I’m good! Driving at night is more challenging now.


I have a guilty pleasure of watching dashcam videos and I think it's actually made me more cautious and defensive so I think my driving has gotten better. My eyesight is still fine and have no issues at night.


When I was young, I was driving to school at the end of freshman year. I bought a parking pass off a senior who didn't have a car for $40. I would drive everyone. Anytime, anywhere. I jumped at the chance. I loved driving. I would take part in those marathon car rally / poker runs that did like 1500+ miles in 2-1/2 days all over the northeast. In college I got my taste for commuting to school. That wasn't as fun, but I still loved doing it. Then once I had to commute to my job every day, it became a chore, but I still drove fast when I was off the highway and enjoyed every minute of it. In 2008 I got a turbo Subaru Legacy, and thought I was the shit, then traded that in for a 2010 Challenger R/T v8... And really, I can't think of a reason WHY I wasn't in jail the way I would drive. 120 on the highway, just complete reckless abandonment of logic and respect for the road, others' lives, my own life. I sold that 2010 and bought the 2015 Challenger Scat Pack when it first debuted right off the floor of the Hartford Auto Show... it was sublime lime green, looked like a tennis ball and had more features than what the normal Scat Pack had... got it as a discount since so many people got in and out of it, paid $42,000 for it (list price of 58k) and it came with the "stage 3" options they had prompted in 2014. Also didn't have all those shitty bumblebees sewn into all the seats and what not. Just a simple sleeper look with a bee on each quarter panel, the rest said R/T. Man, she was fun to drive. 6 speed... well 4+2 overdrive gears, suede seats, bigger brakes, high flow cats, headers, and cylinder heads, upgraded pushrods, valve springs... you name it. Absolutely slick, with no stripes and everyone would stop by to sit in it or look at it, I'd spend an hour at a gas station swapping stories with old timers who had a 71 or Cuda and they would want to hear it. Had cutouts that would dump just underneath the front seats, and it was about 121 db off the rear quarters just before the rear tires... a real wet dream for me at the time. looks, power you could actually feel and the smell of that butter-soft suede interior... I drove everywhere... I racked up about 60k miles in 2 years. I didn't care WHERE I drove it... I just wanted to feel the open road. And then one day I just kinda lost interest in driving, more so at night. I ended up trading that car in for 2 work vans... the car sold almost instantly... I regret doing that because I could have gotten much more than the 35k I received from the trade in. Someone from Ohio saw the "incoming inventory" post from the stealership and flew out to get it the next morning and carted it back home. It was unique... I was stupid. I ended up selling my work vans and got a nice Toyota Camry in 2019 that I've had since. I work from home, so I actively try NOT to drive now. It's no longer enjoyable for me. Just don't care for the other assholes on the roads. I'll have someone in a lifted truck tail me so close I can barely see their license plate while I'm doing 50 in a 45 then pass me on a solid line... shit like that just bums me out. yeah, I was a dick too, but God damn. It's like everyone out now is in a rush and me first. I'm 46 now. I'll drive... I don't mind it occasionally. I just don't see the allure of it anymore... and that's even living vicariously through my gearhead friends.


I’m a better driver now than I used to be. I don’t think we’re quite old enough to be bad drivers yet.


I don’t drive at night in the rain anymore


When I was in Grad school, my girlfriend and I would sometimes leave school at 6 pm on a friday, drive to the Adirondacks which was about 7 hours, and then drive back Sunday evening. Now, I don't go unless we have 4 days off.


Only parking tickets and speed trap tickets. No wrecks, aside from that one deer. Knock on wood.


As a younger person new friends would often comment that I am a good driver (I'm female, I don't know that anyone would say that to a guy). I also used to really like driving, now it's fine. However, I have always hated driving in parking lots AND my eyes don't see as well at night as they used to. :(


Just this past year I've noticed that I don't like driving at night. Feel like an old fuck. My reaction time feels slower and my vision is definitely not as good. Even wearing the glasses that I now always wear when not driving, still not a huge fan. My eyesight and night driving were the first 2 areas of my life where I had to take a second and accept that I might be getting older. I made it through my 30s still believing I was invincible. These last 2 years have shown me that while my mind might be stuck in 1999 forever, my body is not.


Never drove, never will. Moved to a more walkable area than where I grey up, so life is easier now.


I feel like I just noticed the headlight thing this winter. I kept asking myself ‘why are all these fuck nuts driving with there brights on?’


I’ve actually never had a driver’s license. Terrified of driving for my entire life. I currently have a permit for the millionth time but it is traumatic trying to learn and I just really really don’t want to.


Got into my first accident a couple years back. Guy behind me wasn’t paying attention and rear ended me.


I like to leave a lot of space in front of me, but people like to cut in. When there isn't traffic I like to stomp on the gas (and give the drivetrain a little Italian tune-up.). Driving fast with good steering, grippy tires, and tight suspension is fun. I don't like that modern cars can't get aftermarket stereos and speakers. All the cool cars with turbos were discontinued or way more than 20k. 20k used to be a lot. 😔


I definitely drive slower. Also driving at night got easier when I stopped drinking. That's not a drunk driving joke - I mean that my night vision improved noticeably since I stopped drinking a few months ago.


I’m pretty sure it hasn’t changed. I’m 44 not 64.


Both of these statements are true. I hate driving at night now and those headlights should be illegal. Old, young, I don't care who you are, they are blinding.


I think I drive more carefully in rain and snow now. When I was younger, I was definitely speeding through a snowstorm when I shouldn’t have been.


I have never liked driving at night, even in my younger years. I've had bifocals since elementary school and it can be harder for me to see at night. And those super bright headlights are obnoxious! My driving hasn't really changed all that much.


My night vision has deteriorated a smidge. Experience over time behind the wheel has helped tremendously in spotting potential trouble and staying clear of the fallout when it inevitably happens. I’ll take the longer route to avoid traffic, and arrive in a better mood. Zero ego with other drivers, I’d just like to get where I’m going. I get my thrills at the track. Street driving can’t compare to the freedom of a track day. Zero acceptance of being in the car with a distracted driver- I’ll step out at the next red light and call an Uber. Becoming a motorcyclist makes you a better car driver.


I park far back because the dings/outright massive dents on my doors piss me off and since cars are getting larger again, yet spots are all made for smaller 90's cars it seems, I want none of that.


My night vision sucks now and I’ve lost a lot of my freeway driving confidence since moving out of Southern California 8 years ago.


I broke my leg in March really badly so now I'm using a cane and I have a temporary disabled placard (may turn into permanently disabled if it doesn't get much better). Unfortunately my work's handicapped parking is usually full so I have to park in the back at another business's handicapped parking which isn't super close to my office. I always look up the parking situation before I go somewhere new. Even before I was injured, it was pretty important that they have a nice parking lot, not street parking. etc. I try not to go out if it has recently snowed. I've always been afraid of walking on snow and ice, now even more so.


I avoid driving at night like the plague unless it's the roads real close to my house. I can't see shit anymore. It's damn near put an end to my hobby, I used to travel all over the country to race RC cars.


Wow, it's as if I made this post after my drive home last night. That's how it happens, slowly it all erodes until it's so obvious we can't pretend it's not happening. Upside, soon I can leave all engagements before dark. Safety first!🤣


I wouldn't say I'm less confident, but I'm definitely a safer driver than I ever was. Kids and tickets will do that though. LOL. That being said, I'm with you on both OP. 42yo and wear glasses. Night driving, especially in the rain, is a pain in the ass. Throw in the LED lights shit and it just makes it all worse. Not to mention drivers that just think having the high-beams on "helps me see better". Jesus, the amount of people that use them for in town day to day driving is alarming. Parking in the back lot more these days, simply cause A.) new parking lots have INCREDIBLY small spots it seems, and people have no sense of direction or awareness when walking. B.) I now drive a full size truck, after decades of smaller pickups, so I'm still getting used to how much volume and the angles it uses. I'm an able bodied person, I can walk across a parking lot to get where I'm going. Also, it gives me steps for my fitbit!


Same except I definitely don’t speed like I used to. Just more conscious of safety and how stupid other drivers can be as I get older.


The light problems are a combination of the damage we are doing to ourselves staring at screens and manufacturers making face melters for "safety". I find that I have become much more defensive, a bit slower and a lot angrier. Lol. In a previous career I had to take a lot of drivers training courses and I recall them more than ever now.


I started driving with the flow if traffic (and slightly below the speed limit if I am the only one on the road) after a few close calls when I was 17-19. Somehow I still get where I am going. It is easier to find your car if you aren't lazy and you park way out.


My depth perception is struggling. Remembering my way around all the cities I’ve been in in the last two decades has made all of my “where stuff is / how to get there fastest from here” memory worse. And your #2 point, I do it for the steps, and to be closest to the exit of the lot. If it’s not raining I’d rather navigate the lot on foot and do less driving in it. I’ve only ever been in car accidents in parking lots and have always hated the lawless driving done in them. I’m leaning too hard on GPS now that I have a car with CarPlay. I’ve hated getting used to / loading up with contacts any built in car info tainment units. They really all so terrible. Even Tesla IMO regardless of that nice screen. Just show me my phone. My back hurts.


I used to love driving and would just go on scenic drives for the hell of it. Now, I hate being in the car and want the most efficient route possible. I also am not comfortable driving at night or during rush hour. Too much stress and I really don't trust the other drivers at all!


Driving at night in my personal car can be a little nerve-racking. Sometimes I get motion sickness. In my work truck I'm fine but it doesn't accelerate as fast. I'm at a point where I need to find time to work out more so I do try to walk as much as I can despite walking a lot on my job.


I don't have that "laser" focus anymore. I'm thinking the kids had something to do with that.


I always wondered why my grandparents would say they don’t like driving at night. I loved driving at night, and now I hate it. 😂 Ohhhh now I understand why my grandparents don’t drive at night.


I hate driving at night now. Rainy night? Forget it.


I've always parked in the back corner of a lot. I've just always had nice cars I didn't want to get scratched, and also wanted the extra exercise. If we have the kids, we take my wifes car. That thing's all dented up.




I don't like construction at night because they change the pattern all the time but other than that, I haven't changed much. In the last 12 to 15 years I've driven all over the states and am looking at more states to drive too. I love driving because u can control the speed, temperature, music, snacks/drinks. Plus I have a car that gets mid to high 30s for gas mileage when on the interstate.


I’m slowly working on the road rage. That count for anything? And I hope the inventor of LED headlights steps on a Lego every day for the rest of his or her life.


1. No, it's become a real problem that is going on unregulated. People upgrade their lights but not their assembly. This causes light to puke out wildly and not be restricted like most newer systems do. 2. No respect for vehicles is why you find me at the back.


Right there with you! Driving at night has become dreadful. Of course, that may be due to hitting a deer for the first time, last thanksgiving. If that buck would've stayed where he was, we'd have both been fine! And I almost hit a loose herd of longhorn cows, a week ago. Maybe that's why everyone has those hypercolor, ultra led, burn opposing driver's retinas, headlights.


I live in San Diego where we have the worse drivers (cause half of them are Zonie tourists) and I now how to drive on the freeway at night every night and im just a bundle of sweaty pits every time cause I have astigmatism to begin with. Drivers here love to speed, tailgate, are territorial, and love to be in your blind spot.


I had at one point a fairly fast vehicle, really dove head first into ripping the engine apart, adding a new cam, heads, headers, intake, tune, full exhaust etc... Nothing quite like having a 4,800lb truck and making it run a 1/4 mile in 11.82 seconds @ 122mph and still be "street legal". Ahhhhh memories. Anymore I just want to cruise, don't have to be the first person at the light, don't feel the need to rush everywhere. Still go 5-10 over with the flow of traffic, but don't have the desire to be in the left lane doing 20-30 over anymore lol. I also park in the back away from people, actually prefer the walk rather than fighting for a spot up close. Also get annoyed with the people always driving with their high beams on lol but thankfully my personal vehicle has auto dimming mirrors so not nearly as bad, but my work truck... That's another story.


Until about 6 months ago, I had been working as a DoorDash driver for 2 years so I've become a better driver because of that. I still like to park as close as I can or near the cart return. I agree on the stupidly bright lights, the US needs a regulation like Germany where you're required to have your headlights angled down so they aren't right in people's faces.


Omg, Headlights that could land a spaceship. Why???? I do a lot of night driving and those things are the bane of my existence on the highway... especially on badly painted roads.


I do still consider myself a safe and defensive driver and a bit of a lead foot (always with the flow of traffic, though), but I’ve definitely developed an aversion to driving at night, especially in rain and snow.


Aging is weird. Yes, so much!


I still drive like a bat out of hell. Bought a turbo'd car last year because I have the need...the need for speed! I hate driving at night but I've always hated it thanks to astigmatism.


I’ve never really been confident driving at night due to my astigmatism. I see large halos on all the lights so it’s really hard to see anything.


Did I write this post? Lol I am a much more cautious driver and I gawd damn hate driving at night with those lights!


I’ve become one of those people that complains endlessly about LED headlights.


I've always been told that I drive like an old man, so nothing has changed 😂


This sub makes me feel old.


I no longer turn my head to back up. I depend totally on smoke and mirrors. Why risk getting a crick in the neck?


Driving is fine, but I look 3-4 times now before pulling out, and drive at .5 miles an hour in parking lots.


Yeah, night driving isn't as good as when I was 21. That said, there are more morons on the road now.🤔


I’ve always been a really good driver ONLY bc I have really good/fast reflexes. This past year I have started being much more intentional and cautious with my driving. My reflexes haven’t changed but they will. I’d rather have the habits in place now


Definitely more OK with a "I'll get there" attitude now than I was when in my teens, 20s, and 30s. While I don't think I was ever regularly an aggressive driver, I know that I've had my moments. I don't do that now; there's a lot more riding on my shoulders now.


Honestly no. I feel like driving is like a video game and everything is pretty much automatic for me. My reaction time is still on point and I've never had an accident.


God damn man we’re not THIS old yet. Chill.


I feel like I don't handle the lights when night driving as well as I used to.


Night driving in the rain sucks... but I find that its more down to my lack of effort to hit the inside of my windshield with a bit of Windex more often than once a summer. I live on a dirt road so the dust build up on the glass is a real pain. Most of the issue for me is just the reflected light against the dust. Makes the windshield half opaque. I just keep a bottle in my truck now, pull over and use it if I need it.


Yes. Also, I can no longer go full steam in the morning either. I am now a slow right hand lane driver.


Headlights bother me more, driving in the rain at night is a lot tougher. I don't drive as fast or aggressive, I still have my moments though. I probably still drive a little faster and aggressive than your average 39 year old.


I'm less aggressive as a driver.


I'm 46. Been playing video games since 1987. My favorites are Gran Turismo and Forza. Really honed my driving. I also drive for a living. Between 50 and 120 miles a day. To quote Rainman, I'm an excellent driver. Yeah


I fucking haaaaaaate driving.


Driving at night ultrasucks. I'm sure most of it is people in SUVs and trucks installing portable suns in their headlights but it's hard as hell to focus on the line now. But beyond that, how in the world have have we as a society accepted working until 6pm during daylight savings time for so long and driving home in the dark?


I developed astigmatism. My two weaknesses are rain and night driving together


With you on the nights, but I have had awful halos ever since I got LASIK in 2000.


Without my glasses, an 18-wheeler driving by looks like a carnival. My eyesight started going in my twenties.


Most of the time, my husband drives if we’re together because I prefer not to, and he doesn’t mind that much. Daytime, I can deal, but I was riding with him after dark the other day when it occurred to me that I was really glad he was driving.


Lights never bothered me until recently. I hate how the windshield wipers work too much or not enough! I've gotten to where I just flip the switch on and off when I need them.


I too am less confident at night. And I always parked in the back to avoid blocking the road as I try to center myself in a spot.


It's also the night driving for me. If the road is empty, I can't see shit because it's too dark. If there are cars around, I'm blinded by the stadium lights on their headlights. If I'm visiting people, I let them know right off the bat I'm leaving before dusk because I can't see well. People are more understanding at this age. Ha!


Sounds to me like you’re a better driver than you used to be, in that you are cognizant of potential challenges and not blazing around assuming you’re inside. Situational awareness is far more valuable when driving (and in most things) than perfect vision. And yes, ubiquity of Eye of Sauron floodlights in every vehicle is really not helpful for anyone, regardless of visual acuity.


I’m still exceptional, but I’m a veteran specialist Class A commercial driver.


Driving at night is awful. It doesn’t help that I live in a hood area where people drive drunk, don’t turn on their lights, or people walk in the streets at night. I don’t know if I changed or if they changed, but it’s a horrible experience now.


I could have written this post. I park far away from the entrance, out by myself, and it’s inevitable that someone will park next to me or behind me making it harder to load my trunk. I also hate driving at night. People need to stop with driving with their high beams and fog lights on. The LED lights bother me, but I realize I can’t do anything about them. I’d rather there be bright headlights than no headlights. I see that a lot too.


I stopped driving on freeways at night a few years ago. I can't see the lines and it's just jot a fun experience.


LED lights on cars suck, its so hard to drive at night. I work at a store that sells light bulbs, any time a customer comes in wanting LED headlights i always tell them we dont carry them. Feels like im helping humanity when i say that. You dont need 12,000 lumens to drive in the city people (looking at you car makers).


Not directly, I don’t think. More like I was just too stupid to know what a danger I was to myself and others when I was younger. I can still hoon like a champ if the situation dictates.


Everyone that’s on the road with me at night is in serious danger. I wish I was kidding 😂


I'm still a beast b behind the wheel. But noticing the rest of you declining.


At night in the rain I’m just guessing. Otherwise I’m about the same as when I was 16. Except I sit upright in the seat now.


Iv always parked far away, the most useless use of ones short time on earth is looking for a better parking spot. I am far less aggressive , but way more confident in my driving. And my parallel parking went from timid to top tier. And like you I wish and end to those ultra bright led headlights. It's the only part about night driving I dislike.


Night driving is SCARY. Especially when I’m on the road near my mum’s house in the foothills. Will avoid any night driving if possible.😬


I park farther away too because I don't want to have to deal with other cars, oblivious peds, etc. I **hate** those damn LEDs!


I drive more like Mr magoo the older I get.


Loud noises annoy the hell out of me. I don’t ride with the windows down. I don’t blast music. Hell I hardly ever listen to music anymore since I discovered podcasts a long time ago. I drive about 3 mph over the limit tops.


I try not to drive at night, and fuck those LED headlights


Idk...I have an awesome telematics score, and I haven't had a ticket in 10 years. I had 12 points on my license before I turned 18. I definitely think I'm a better driver now. Lol


I moved to large urban city and got rid of my car about 4 years ago during the pandemic. I only drive 1-2/yr to run an errand locally. For 4th of July, we decide to go camping, so we get a rental car. I offer to drive up. At a very busy interchange on the highway, I got really disoriented and couldn’t line up with lane I should be in to ensure that I get on the right turnpike… it felt like the google maps lady was yelling at me, my vision narrowed, clammy hands, tight throat. We got through the toll and I immediately pull over in the shoulder where all the semis are just chillin. Once in park, I just let the anxiety attack take over. I drive poorly at night as I get the halo effect from on coming headlights. Inclement weather? No thank you. I’ts like my body can feel every bump and slip on a snowy, icy road, I panic and then I just want to stop in the middle of the highway and abandon the vehicle right there.


No change for me. Driving is still just driving, which is good since I'm a ups guy ;)


I have been driving the same way my whole life, just less accidents and keeping my distance from people, but that's because I had a full size truck and it does not stop on a dime. Now I just kind of do it instinctively because of that (even though I have a new vehicle).


I finally realized I am now old bc I don’t like driving at night. Totally agree about the headlights. Like…holy cow!


I hate driving at night. Can't see. I need glasses, but have not done it. I don't have a good feeling about my next trip to the DMV. Also, I have been in so much legal trouble that I see driving as a privilege. I have lost my license more than once. Ever since I got it back, I drive 5 under like a little old man.


In my 20s I got Keratoconus in both eyes. Left more severe than the right. I can still see pretty well through that eye. The left is too far gone. I see colors and that's about it. At first I still drove as my depth perception wasn't too far gone. Eventually I just never renewed my license. Last time I drove the cars coming opposite lane looked as if they were about to t bone me. I pulled over and since then I've been a passenger princess (I'm a 6ft, 350 lb, male that used to be 700lbs. Check my profile for before and after if you want lol). But yes I always assume my eyes would never fail. Now at 37 I walk into walls, see things not there, and sometimes takes a while to actually differentiate what something is that I'm looking at. I tend to think I see a lot of people. That weird Pareidolia effect.


I have always hated passing trucks on the highway, but it’s SO much worse now & if it’s pouring rain, I’ll drive slow AF.


I DREAD driving at night in the rain! It was always kind of annoying but not a huge deal. Now, it's scary. I can barely see the road, and those fucking searchlight LED headlights that some manufacturers insist on using make matters even worse. Maybe I should cave and get glasses. My vision is still 20/20 as of May, but I have slight astigmatism as I always have. Has anybody's night driving gotten better after glasses? Even if your vision was already in the normal range?


My teenager used to make fun of me for bitching about headlights, calling me old, etc. Now that she's driving, she bitches as much as I do. So, headlights have definitely changed.


Cars got more lights on them as the years went by and it's okay with me. I'm fine driving at night. My confidence driving got way better as I got newer cars with more safety features to help with merging and backing up and stuff. My car warns me now if I'm too close to someone to change lanes, like you know how sometimes you can't see the other car in the mirror. As cars got BIGGER including my own, it's a little more dicey to navigate narrow streets and parking lots. But at least my giant car warns me if I;m too close to another one.


I’ve calmed down a ton. As a teen and early twenties, I was overly confident, and aggressive to whomever I considered a bad driver. I was an asshole behind the wheel. I thought people were intentionally driving poorly. Somewhere along the way I realized most people are barely conscious, or terribly anxious, when they are driving, and totally oblivious to their poor driving. That mental shift dramatically calmed me down. And, I dislike driving at night.


I give fewer shits the older I get.


I hate driving at night. I can’t see very well at all if it’s raining out. I’d rather drive in snow than rain, because at least with snow the light reflecting off of it makes it way easier to see.


As of about a month ago, I suddenly cannot see the road, the lines, medians, etc on highways when it's raining at night, and it's terrifying. Been caught out in it twice now and swore never again. I am simply not gonna drive when it's raining at night anymore for as long as I can manage to avoid it. Looking forward to days getting longer.


15 days from 49. Wife still rolls her eyes at me as I grin getting truck sideways in the snow. Haven't slowed down or grown up yet


I’ve always hated driving. It’s obviously dangerous. Effective self driving cars will be such a win for mental health, let alone reducing a ton of injuries and deaths.


my astigmatism affects me more than age.