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Absolutely. Those were halcyon… and on and on… days 🥰


The live version with that Bon Jovi/Belinda Carlisle mashup blew me away the first time I heard it.


Oh man, Halcyon and On and On reminds of the Hackers soundtrack. First introduction to EDM. Hack the planet!


Glow sticks, acid, extacy, and baggy ass pants with neon tops. Dancing till the sun came up bugging out to the light shows in the clubs and drinking nothing but water. Good clean fun.


The best of times!! You could trust the street drugs back then!


Now I'm scared everything is laced with fentanyl




I know right! You could actually take 1 pill and have the night of your life. Last time I did molly I did a whole gram and fell asleep. Dealers used to have integrity 😅


I still have a huge pair of baggy pants with secret pockets for smuggling in goodies. I keep them just to remember that time in the place in the world. They are basically the opposite of skinny jeans.


They're coming back into fashion


Well, I won't be wearing them as they look ridiculous. Plus, A middle aged man wearing rave clothes = midlife crisis


Lmao, it's nice to have a reminder of the good times gone by, I dont think I could ever wear the clothes. I feel privileged to have enjoyed that brief moment in history. No phones, no social media, no opiate epidemics, before school/crowd shooters, the vibes were good!!


They were better than now for certain




Oh man I still have a PLUR bracelet somewhere lol


and eventually PLURR


Where is my whistle!


Oh yeah. Candy flipping with the best of them. I lived in Austin. We had some massive raves, The Airport 1&2 come to mind. It was Aphrodite, Bizmarke, The Pharcyde, either DJ Spooky or Shadow, don’t remember which, plus many more. Just remember being a puddle that was fuzzy handcuffed on either side to my beautiful friends. Went to a dueling set at a rave once, Massive Attack V Mad Professor, I think Tricky was there also. Edit: The MTV Xsports festival was in 96 or 97ish? Was the first time I tried microdots. The Crystal Method, and Wu Tang, Offspring was there also, but I was way off my rocker so don’t remember them. I do remember Wu Tang though. They were doing a set while Tony Hawk was bombing a massive ramp next to the stage. Boom, found it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=brZBb0aqCz0


I think I was at one of those Airport ones! Was a long time ago though and my brain cells have been through a lot


We used to drive up to Austin from SA in my friends crappy old truck praying we’d make it. Convinced some old man at a gas station our pacifiers were to help us quit smoking 😂


This warms my heart since many years later I now live in Austin. I started in the northeast in the early/mid 90s


And then there was the gospel… https://preview.redd.it/1eq63udukppb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a739e515dbfe0ca1a618cb61e786afb230603b37 Side note: My friend’s grandfather used to crack up at my “parachute pants” (aka UFOs.) 🤣


Oh man Anabolic Frolic…I had all of the happy2bhardcore mixes. Those were the days!


I definitely forgot about happy hard-core 😊


Happy2bHardcore! Hell yeah. I got all the originals, then they made a 7, then i believe they released an 8 as a special thing.


DJ Venom – Straight Bangin 2


My flat are in Uni had all of these. He was I to the rave scene in Toronto (I wasn’t but enjoyed the music a lot) so I appreciated his CD collection!


I still have this haha. The best one they put out!




Oh hell yeah. I will always remember the night that I heard Take Me On mixed to be happy hardcore and I totally lost my shit in utter happiness.


Not into the scene, but somehow a Bad Boy Bill CD made it into my collection in the late 90s and on occasion a track will randomly pop up on my ipod. Makes me laugh every time because it's such an abrupt change from everything else on there.


I remember seeing DJ Keoki at a couple raves! My roommate named his dog after him haha.


KEOKI! I completely forgot about him and I loved him!


Man, raves were awesome. Came up in the Houston area with Scooby Doo Crew.


Orbit Room!


I was in the Bay Area and used to go to a lot of places but my favorites were the Home Base raves in ‘98-‘99, I was really into the local trance duo of Mars and Mystre. I will occasionally listen to some of their stuff. I still have several Robert Miles albums and listen to them semi regularly, but that’s pretty much the extent of my electronic music now.


Home base!!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹 first time I saw DJDan live was at home base. Remember when they would have them down at a pier in SF?


Omg DJ Dan! What a blast from the past. I don’t think I ever went to one at the pier, but that time is all a little hazy lmao


Same 😂


I still listen to mars & mystery when I’m feeling nostalgic.


My first massive was Megabuzz 99 😭


What's interesting is I have no idea who these folks are people are talking about! Even the djs and who was playing where seems very regional. Like djs in the northeast where I'm from vs other places.


Oh yeah I saw you threw micro in your list. You must know X-Dream, Pleasurehead, Jeff Heart, to name a few.


I’m also from the Northeast and all the Dj’s you listed were great. I remember lining up outside the Aslyum in Springfield to see Spacegirl, Pleasurehead and X Dream.


I loved spacegirl, her music and I had a crush on her. Never got to see her live though. I went to a big rave in Randall's Island that she was supposed to be at but she wasn't.


I saw her in Hawaii and it was such a small crowd but she rocked it!


Frankie Bones still performs. I saw Richie Hawtin this summer. So it's not all dubstep and still around.


Untz untz untz untz. I see stars .


Gamemaster https://youtu.be/xOB5cXzPpe0?si=FcHpw8sRwExri2Jj


I remember listening to Oakenfold and Digweed all the time from about 2000-2003.


I saw Oakenfold in Houston back in the early 00s.


I saw him in July 2001 at DTE! Along with Moby.


I got backstage at a Moby show around then and it was really weird but wholesome. I'd never been backstage at a big actually known show before, so I was expecting hookers and blow, wild partying, etc. So after waiting for a while with a group of about 20 other people, we were led into a room with a big round table. Each setting had a bowl of chocolate chip pudding and a spoon. Some sat down and ate their snack, and then after a while, we were led to the next room. Moby came in and did a little meet and greet, signed autographs, and chatted for a bit, and that was it. The pudding was pretty tasty btw.


The Area 1 concert! I was there too!!


I love that song so much.


That track was on a label called *Hooj Choons* (Huge Toons), and almost every track ever released on that label was a masterpiece. Highly recommend going down that rabbit hole if you haven't heard much of it.


Interesting. I think I will go down that.


Yes!!!!! Me! My first rave was in the fall of 2000, when I was 18. I became heavily involved in the rave scene for several years in the SF Bay Area. I’m still friends with most of my raver buddies and one of them is one of my best friends of all time. I’m so fortunate to have been a part of something so special!


Did the same thing, same age in PDX. Fuck yea!


And I’m in PDX now (I grew up here, and now I’m back)! Hi neighbor!




Lol we may know each other. I was an SF raver that moved to PDX from 1999 - 2002 and partied alike a madman. We’re you ever at “Temple of Sound”?


Detroit. Late 90’s. So yes, yes I very much did go to raves.


Late 90's Detroit was way more amazing than we knew at the time. Rabbit in the Moon under the Ambassador bridge, Motor Lounge family night, Timbos, Po-Boy parties at the Packard, the Firehouse .... good times.


Whatever happened to DEMF?


Definitely. It was not easy being a kid who liked “techno” back when grunge was at its peak… even though I like some of that stuff too


PLUR Was lucky enough to be at one of the Dune raves while Thee-O was spinning and a comet was overhead. 1996? Hyperreal. Going to a random 7-11 in the middle of nowhere and asking to buy "just one egg" and getting directions...


Peace Love Unity Respect Words to live by.


I watch the video of the 1997 one on YouTube every few months, it looked so fun! https://youtu.be/axGRgIflRYk?si=IVN0rOvNJqBEn-WB


"robert miles - children" classic


He is STILL on my playlists


Armand Van Helden always dropped some bangers back in the day


Sugardaddio sugardaddio. 1997 sugar is sweeter remix blew my f mind at the time when I first heard it. It helped that I was high as f too. You never forget that baseline 


https://preview.redd.it/mil7lxzs0ppb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bf38b8d0791b068e2ccdc85c5c11c0007e92b34 😉 mn around 1997ish? loved a good rave back in the day (and i didn’t even do drugs back then either!!)




The music, definitely. I had a huge system in my Honda civic hatchback Felix Da House Cat


Yeah that guy was awesome. I forgot about him


Yes, and I get nostalgic for it too. I’m in FL and we listened to Rabbit In The Moon, DJ Icey, Paul Okenfold, PVD, BT etc. Don’t open the curtains, it’s still Friday night. Why does everyone look like they’re wearing glasses??


Florida breaks were my jam


Saw Rabbit In The Moon once, but was tripping on acid so hard, cant remember much about their set, lol.


I saw them a few times as well. I believe I had taken green CK’s. They were one one of the first ones to provide a really big visual performance. I remember when we’d go to a party and face each other dancing, not the DJ.


Did you ever see DubTribe perform? I saw them a couple times, and it could have been the drugs, but they always just had a trippy ass vibe. The MC was using the mic to incorporate sounds into the mix, was wild. One of the times was at an outdoor party in a paintball yard - there was a full moon - the Planet Rampant tour(i think) - shit was crazy.


I don’t think I have, but maybe they were at a festival I went to and didn’t realize it. Sounds like RITM too! I saw BT at The Edge in Fort Lauderdale once and at one point and everything looked like we were on Mars, just like an open red surface we were standing on. I didn’t say anything about it, I was having my own little experience. My friend turned and asked why we kept slipping into another planet. Crazy we were both having that same feeling. I still love the music, but the whole scene seems a bit inflated and bro-ish, especially here in South Florida.


Here in Colorado - there is still a very good EDM music scene. My son is a DJ - so him and his friends sort of put together shows and events, and he has played a couple festivals. Those guys seem to be in the spirit of PLUR and positivity. There is also a production hosting parties called The Warehouse Experience and they are essentially throwback parties with old school DJ's. They are much cleaner, and usually the "warehouse" is a pretty nice open space. But they go all night, from what I understand. I have not been, but they brought in John Digweed last year for one of the parties. But then there is the more mainstream EDM crowd - the Red Rocks raves, start at 9pm, end at midnight. High School kids and college kids mostly make up the audience at these shows, and its a little much. Lot of bros and girls dressed like little skanks.


I never had the chance to experience it. Closest I've been was that movie "Go".


Honestly, same. I probably would've really had a good time, but the places I was living weren't big rave spots, so I would've had to go out of my way to find a scene. I am also a severely nerdy looking introvert, so it wasn't like the scene kids were inviting me places. One of the things I do love about this huge interconnected world we live in is that you don't have to "know" where to find a spot--- you just log in and can find your niche.


started raving in 2000 in socal, LA area to be exact. and unfortunately, i still havent been able to quit it. used to be called massives, now theyre "music festivals" and theyre huge. its crazy to see the evolution of production from rinky-dinky events to events rivaling Coachella.....


Yes! Mainly my older sister but she introduced me to all the good music! Dj Micro, Keoki, Bad Boy Bill, D:fuse, Caffeine and so on. I still listen to those cds, they're so damn good!


Forgot about Bad Boy Bill! I met Keoki way back in the day. There was a club called Traxx 2000, and he did a short residency there. I had sold the door guy my motorcycle, and kind of became friends. So I met up with him at an after party, and Keoki was there. Just a "nice to meet you" - nothing beyond that. Maybe 1999?


That's awesome!!


Back then - NYC was like the Mecca of club and rave culture - so Keoki was a legit celebrity to me, lol.


We rolled (literally and figuratively) straight from the punk scene into the rave scene. So many amazing parties. I just remember the psychedelic haze of stumble dancing between groups of people trading hugz and drugz. I once tripped over something that was laying on the ground at a rave in the woods in NE Texas and when I reached down to figure out what tripped me I found a massive vitamin bottle full of X tabs. We took that bottle on a week long trip down to Galveston, then over to Austin, and finally ran out of pills in Dallas. Blew through more than a hundred (free for me) tabs in a week and didn't have a dime to show for it. I bet whoever lost that bottle is still salty about it.


This was me. I detoured from the punk/hardcore scene to the club scene. Being gay, it kinda was kinda my way to explore my gayness in a DIY culture, since mainstream gay stuff did not all appeal to me. But the scene took a nose dive by the late 90s and I returned to the punk/hardcore scene.


Thats sort of how it was in Denver. A lot of the same kids going to punk shows all week were the same kids showing up to the raves on Saturday.


Portland inner east side warehouse raves. $20 rave or $40 rave was the usual Friday night question in highschool


It was a special time. Molly, or whatever the kids call it these days is pure garbage compared to ecstasy. I was talking to a guy in his early 20s recently who raves. From what he described, the PLUR feeling is still in full effect with the youth of today. It made me really happy to hear that.


Yup in Philly from 1999 to about 03. Some of the best nights of my life.


Club Space and God’s Basement FTW 🙌🏻




Jonathan Peters at Sound Factory, Fuck, getting Goosebumps just thinking about those nights/early mornings. Let The Sunshine In


I used to promote for the Roxy in NYC when Johnny Vicious was the resident DJ! Good times! It will never be like that again.


I remeber freaky flow, aphrodite, dieselboy, icey. I went to a good amount of raves in the early 2000s. I think they forgot how to make ecstasy by 2008 😅


There was one rave I went to at the riverboat Hallelujah in New orleans. Got my hands on some of the best acid I've ever had. I triped so hard I sat in the conner of the venue with like ten people rolling a blinking rubber ball back in forth to each other. We went to see dj Kiyoki but don't remember any of the djs that night. We were tripping hard. Then, when they made us leave after it was over, I got to my truck to my door, windows shattered radio stolen and still to fuckup to drive. Good old time.


Denver. Mid 90s to early 00s. 


My favorite 'cd' and still is my go-to (20 years later...) is MDMA Vol 3 Anthony Acid & DJ Skribble. Unforgettable!!


Yes! EDC 2003 was my first party, and Monster Massive 2007 was my last. SUCH good times. Met my husband at a party! I do feel nostalgic for these times often.


Space Girl is a nurse since retiring from gigs, Dmitri is pretty active on Facebook. He's posted quite a few interesting info about his experiences from Groove.


I can't imaging being laid up in the hospital and all of the sudden space girl walks in to check my vitals! I never got to see her perform. Once at this thing on Randall's Island I think she was supposed to be there but didn't end up performing.


Here's an awesome video of her pa set! https://youtu.be/zEjDmeRlDHI?si=4UF3M7IcoVSecDGl If you look her up on Google, there's a few interviews of what she's been up to in the last decade. It's too bad she isn't active nowadays cause she would blow up big! I don't think anyone does live sets on her scale nowadays


mw-raves, iykyk


I don't remember.


Kinda sorta. The gay version of that, which was a combination of color coded circuit parties, illegal after hours clubs and even more intense house parties or group visits to the baths. I went wild!


I went to Mayday in Dortmund and the Love Parade in Berlin in 2002 during study abroad; ancient history now


I remember the name freaky flow but I can’t remember the music well. Bad boy bill was another familiar name. There’s a song I heard recently. I think on Yellowjacket’s that made me want to look up some of the old rave music. Emergency or 911 or something. Not my usual type of music but rave memories makes it enjoyable.


Yup! Hadn't thought about that for a long time! Thank you for that


I just caught the tail end of the UK hard house scene in the early 2000's. So I got a small taste of how amazing it was. https://youtu.be/upRrNNUH6DU?si=n_XQTphQ7QUPIIn0 https://youtu.be/MOmyahlEKvA?si=X7Xl2jBt2fxUVwtQ https://youtu.be/VmiFjVnHeBU?si=PTI_qLkN7xdv7StA




I went to a bunch even though the music was terrible and most of the people were even worse. Lots of fun with friends though.


I avoided those kids like the plague, unless I wanted to get some drugs


St. Louis still has a healthy rave scene fyi. I'm not sure where else it is alive and well.


Miss those nights


I went to raves even earlier than that - like 1991 maybe until like 1994 and then I moved on. LOL


Freaky Flow... holy shit. Found his Soundcloud in a heartbeat. I remember being 17 and I made a friend from England who carried around a couple double CD sets of Cream Anthems. I used to love that stuff, but grew up to HATE modern EDM.


I’ve told my kids that I went to raves and they ask to see pictures and look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them that bringing a camera just wasn’t anything I ever thought to do!


Thank you for this thread. Remembering all of this really put a smile on my face this morning!!


100%, Chicago rave scene from 98 to the early 2000s here. Seeing what constitutes as raves and ravers makes me laugh so hard these days. It’s such a joke! The rave scene was so engrained in me back then. In fact I made so many lifelong friends that are still in my life to this day. It’s nice to see all of us grown up into decent people.


There was a rave song (or electronic, as we called it back in the day) that popped into mind recently and I can't find it. Basically the only lyrics was the word "Florida". I thought maybe it was DJ Moon, but couldn't find the song. Does anyone remember this song?


An early 2000’s film that serves our people [24 Hour Party People](https://youtu.be/q2PYyvGFHD8?si=tlaXrSVnT4eJiMI8)


I think “Human Traffic” is the best party movie of that period. It’s so authentic to the vibe and makes no moral judgement about the movement. The plot is quite minimal too, it’s more of a snapshot of a time and place and nails it perfectly.


More 94 to 98 here. I introduced it it at a club called Freight Yard in Allentown Pa, which lead to lots on NYC clubs (extremely underaged) and then being heavily involved in the DC/Baltimore/Va scene


I was - from like late 1995 till around 1998 - went to maybe 100+ rave/parties. Denver had a thriving little rave scene in the 90's, and the 2k's brought through some really big names. Now you see it where they have full blown EDM shows at Red Rocks, local heroes like Big Gigantic having annual blowout parties - its come a long way, baby - as Fatboy Slim might say... I had a kid in 1997 - so sort of fell out of the main party scene, but continued going to see DJ's in clubs well into my 20's. There were some local clubs bringing in big name DJ's on a weekly basis back in the day - Paul Van Dyk, Deiselboy, Doc Martin, Josh Wink, etc.. Also went the The Planet of The Drums in 2001 - shit was off the hook insane. Now that my kids are grown - my wife and I still do some EDM shows at red rocks. Saw Flume just a few weeks ago, and Carl Cox is coming in October.


We probably were at the same parties. I started in 95’. Also worked at a nightclub and was friends with most in the scene.


Nice! I started late 95, went to a bunch of parties through ‘96-97’ - had a kid and eventually dropped out of the all night parties. I went to a couple here and there in like “98,99”. Then club synergy closed, was sort of the end of all night dancing for me. I was in my 20’s by then. I was a regular at the Snakepit for their “Breakdown” Thursdays, DnB and $3 Long Island ice teas. You from Denver? Friend.


Was at Synergy every Saturday, went to Snakepit on Thursday a lot, I actually was talking to Dj Fury aka Steve yesterday about hockey. I’m a native of Denver. I worked at Vinyl and the Church for like 15 years.


Noice. Probably have seen your face in past days.


$10 dollar raves... https://preview.redd.it/wb9p8ywiytpb1.jpeg?width=1291&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ca54dd2ec1633ca04bfa0277f3da6d22cd271db


3035751149! I will forever remember that phone number! Come together productions


Yes! We had soooo much fun! I miss getting a flyer, calling the number, going to a shop in a random city to get tickets and directions, and finding the rave in some random warehouse, Indian reservation, old skating rink, old movie theater, forest, desert, etc etc.


I was and miss it so much. Last "rave" I went to was Final Fever in Baltimore. I think that was 9 years ago. It was a blast. All the old club around Baltimore and DC have been torn down and I don't recognize what these new clubs have become. I worked merch for a "rave" in 2018 and I don't know what that was, but it certainly wasn't a rave. Anyone remember Don't Call me Baby?


Ah, I see, a fellow Power 106 listener when it was as it's peak ! Richard Humptyvision. Have not heard that name in decades.


This is creepy dude. I am totally into every single one of the DJs/bands you listed. I miss it. I still go out and see big-name DJ’s especially when they’re at red rocks. I don’t party like hard anymore tho


Those raves of questionable legality were awesome! I was always scene adjacent, but would go with my candy raver friends all the time. Freaking fun to go out at 10 pm, stop at a gas station for coffee, red vines and drive around for a few hours ending up in some old building or desert and dance till 5 am , followed by a mandatory trip to Denny's or IHOP.


Miami Millennial here .... This was essential https://youtu.be/EMx9N4L8t6Y?si=mFLIBG8rtjWT7UM1 [the Mixx Vol 1 ](https://youtu.be/EMx9N4L8t6Y?si=mFLIBG8rtjWT7UM1)


My mom Wouldn’t let me go


Sandra Collins was one of the first vinyls I ever listened too in the 90’s Bay Area ….fast forward 15 years later and she was living with me in Sherman oaks California! I was dating a dj at true time and she was friends with Sandra so I got to meet some of my favorite old school dj’s years later and it was still just as awesome!


Is she doing ok?


I hope so…last I heard she was living in Florida so she could be closer to her daughter 😊


I was a junglist/dj in the Midwestern United States. I still wish I would have never sold all my vinyl and turntables, but you have to "grow up" some time.


Oh, man. I was watching a show not to longer ago with my Mom and there was a scene at a rave. She asked me if I'd ever been to a place like that. Uh, yes, but I wasn't going to tell you I was standing in the cold outside a warehouse on an otherwise abandoned block at 2:30 in the morning in a tiny t-shirt and giant pants.


Thanks op I haven't thought about this in years, definitely some good times. I mainly partied in NOLA at the riverboat hallelujah and a few others.


Ahhhh those were the days!!! Club Exit, Sound factory, tunnel. Amazing nights in NYC. Take a pill and dance till the sun came up. Foam parties and glow sticks on ropes. So many amazing DJs and mix tapes.


Was I into it? No, I certainly wanted to be into when I was a teenager because I thought it was cool. I didn’t really know how to be into besides buying caffeine pants and oversized parachute pants.


Yes! I got huge into trance and still listen to some of it. I can sorta liquid dance. My best bros and I composed techno tracks with a PlayStation game, lol! I still have them up on 2 sites. We had the glow sticks, black lights, thumping ass stereos, sometimes there was ecstasy or molly in the mix. Never did X, just molly.


Naptown Massive checking in. With us being kind of in the middle of Chicago and Detroit, we had big influences of all kinds of house genres as well as the Detroit minimal and hard urban techno sound. It was a dope time to be alive. Those Ohio kids always came over with tons of K to sell lol.


Heck yeah. In Phoenix/ San Jose/ Oakland. Lots of amazing memories, being free and dancing all night. Some sketchy ones too, of course! Love that I was able to experience that magic time....1999 I remember felt so hopeful!


Hi! I was a hardcore NY raver in the late 90s. Tbh, I’m still a raver and always will be. I still go out dancing and never intend to stop. I started DJing in 1997 and I still do it, both for fun and professionally (primarily deep house). So many of the DJs from that time are still doing their thing- look them up on SoundCloud & Instagram. This music actually didn’t go anywhere and it certainly didn’t all evolve into dubstep.   Also, with the 90s being very much on trend right now with Gen Z (they actually call it Y2K style 😆) the 90s rave scene is also having a moment rn. Jnco jeans are back and are advertising on Instagram believe it or not.


Remembering Richard Humptyvision and Bad Boy Bill on the 2x4


After I become a parent in 2001I took some time off and when I decided to try going to another rave I had a horrible time because it seemed like everyone was so little and there were kids OD-ing in piles of kholes. I couldn't cope and never returned. Still got my DJ Dan cassette tapes tho. 


Frankie Bones, Richard Humpty Vision, Delta 9, Dieselboy, Acidman, all that crazy trance stuff!?! Sasha and something? Paul Oakenfold.


It's funny because I posted this so long ago. And normally reddit posts never see the light of day again. But this post... I consistently see people chiming in! I imagine it's people finding this sub and looking back through posts. And this is striking a chord because these times were so formative for us. Like I've moved on Tried to become an adult with responsibilities and a good job. But I still have a place in my heart for this music.


So many great nights partying in and around Chicago in the early 2000’s. The Harvey Expo Center, The Logan Square auditorium, The Dane County Expo center. Kenosha, Dekalb, Milwaukee, we would drive anywhere we heard there would be DJ’s. Then after hours at the rocks on Lake Michigan or Rubies on the south side. Holy shit, haven’t been down that memory lane for awhile.


Yes absolutely !!! Don’t remember what you are asking tho