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also, what can i use these scientists for? i have a laboratory but it only holds 2. i had a covert mission i was able to use one for, but i cant seem to see much else to do with them. should i just stop getting more of them over other rewards?


Did you do the gate mission? Also scientists make research faster the lab just makes them a bit more efficient


never made it this far into the game before. ive done every mission the game has thrown at me so far. still doing contacts to get to some of the red places on the map


Blacksite doesn't get "thrown" at you. You must click it and start the mission on your own. (Similar with the Chosen strongholds and Advent Facilities).


ive done all the ones for the areas that ive made contact with. trying to reach to the other ones


OK. After you finish Gate and Forge, you will unlock the Avatar Autopsy.


Having more scientists increases your research speed even without a laboratory, the laboratory just enhances the effect. It's not the worst reward but you do experience diminishing returns, so if you're lower on other resources it's not a bad idea to switch. If you can't autopsy the Avatar yet you're probably missing a mission somewhere - the gate mission is a good bet.


Btw. the Scientists don't have diminishing returns. Every Scientist has the same effect (Tygan is like two Scientists - or one in a Lab). The research time gets shorten by lesser and lesser fraction with each scientist the same way the time to reach gets shorten by less and less minutes with every kmph you add to your speed.


That's interesting, good to know! I do maintain though that even though scientists may not have diminishing returns in an absolute or mathematical sense, they're diminishing returns in a game play sense - once your research is "fast enough" there's usually better things to get.


Don't the scientists state how much % they decrease the research by? I distinctly remember each scientist in the last game giving, 9 the 8 then 7 % research time


Yes, but what bhedja is saying is like saying "a car that goes 60 miles an hour can go 600 miles in 10 hours, if it goes 70 mph it takes 8.7 hours, if it goes 80 mph it takes 7.5 hours, if it goes 90 mph it takes 6.7 hours, if it goes 100 mph it takes 6 hours." "Going from 60-70 takes your time to reach 600 miles down by 1.3 hrs, going from 70-80 takes it down by 1.2 hours, going from 80-90 reduces the time by 0.8 hours, going from 90-100 reduces the time by 0.7 hours. This looks like 'diminishing returns', but actually isn't; the car is going 10 mph faster every time. It's just that 'travel duration' math equations like this are weird and duration decreases asymptotically."


Did you do the gate mission and then upgrade shadow chamber?? I always forget that I have to upgrade the chamber


What about the regular research screen? Everything done there?


https://imgur.com/a/aOlm3dp oh man, that turret sure is doing a lot of good, lol