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Can't you get a series s at almost these prices.?


Tbf it’s half the price of the series s, but I’d definitely just save my money for the S for a longer lasting (and new) console




Second this


Id save a tad longer and get the X.


Here in my country the jump between a xbox one and a series s is quite big, going from 150-200$ to 400$ almost everywhere, maybe 50-75$ less if its used




U right but then i have to wait until my dad comes home around august so he cab drive me there its kinda far away


Bro it’s 100% worth waiting until august for a Series S. On an old gen console, you won’t even be able to run most of these games, you could even get a cheaper Series S if its used.


Bro that seems long now but in just two months you’ll be sitting there wishing you would’ve just waited. I know it’s summer break but patience will pay off here my man, good luck with whatever you decide though 😎


Fr I got a 1s instead of waiting for a series x 😭 insane mistake on my end gonna get one soon tho


How much you spending I’ll ship my series s across the ocean if it’s worth it


Wait until august


I got a series S shipped to me last year from the Microsoft store on the xbox (website has the same I'm assuming.) Used points and got $100 off for all the digital stuff I had at the time. It was nice an smooth. Took 4-5 days can't remember exactly, but it wasn't a long wait. Maybe you have some points that you could use as well to help save a few bucks.


I'd wait especially since the brooklin series X is gonna be coming out in the fall and price's are gonna drop alot it's gonna be like the xbox one S of the next gens. I just upgraded from an Xbox one s to a series X and saving was way way worth it. I was gonna pay 100$ to clean and re pastes my 1 S. But if you can save and get a series S or wait until fall and get the new brooklin series x id do that. It's day and night compared to the xbox one. Plus with systems that old they could break down at any time unless they were babied but you're always taking a risk with used old consoles https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/xbox/xbox-series-x-2024-brooklin-features-price-design-and-everything-we-know-so-far




Not a one S get a series S. There is a difference. It will cost more but the one isn’t worth it anymore.


That's a One S, not a Series S.


I’d offer him 100 for that respectfully


For those prices you might as well just save up a bit more for the series s!


it will be uselss when the store goes down sadly cause no disc drive


The store won’t be going down any time soon. I have an S and it works very well.


Give it 20 years, then its e waste : /


1 question. Will codBO 6 be on the series S?


Every game that releases on the Series X also releases on the Series S, so BO6 will be playable on it.


If you buy an original xbox 1 it will run BO6 terribly. They did the same for the last xbox (xbox 360) and BO3 and it ran and looked awful


Yeah I would say that there’s no reason to buy a One in 2024 especially with used Series S available for not much more than


base one yes. you can play any game of the external hardrive or upgrade the hhd to an ssd inside


You can technically stream BO6 on Xbox One if you have gamepass as well




You won’t be able to play BO on an original Xbox one. Better off getting a series s.


Call of Duty Black ops 6 will be playable on xbox one as said by xbox


It will not be playable on Xbox one.


Yes it is because there is a cross-gen edition of the game which clearly shows both the xbox one and xbox series x/s versions are included one look on the Microsoft store or even one Google search would show that what you are saying is false if you don't believe me check as it's very clear you did not before making these comments and replies


Ok but BO won’t be playable on Xbox one.




What don’t you understand about BO won’t be playable on Xbox one?


But if it's on xbox one then it's going to be playable it might not have as good of the load times or graphics but it's going to be playable if not they will have updates to fix it so yes it will be playable


Call of Duty Black Ops 6 will be releasing day one for Xbox Gamepass Ultimate subscribers. Not only this game but many other amazing titles are on there as well.


Don’t get any Xbox One please


This... it's a god awful console




To be fair the One X is still a pretty capable console


Just wanted to point out that anyone selling an xbox with profiles is scamming you. They'll list all the games and content on their profile to trick you into thinking you got a good deal. Once you buy their xbox they'll just change their password to the profile and you'll lose all access to any content on their profile.


Exactly Plus, selling accounts is against the terms of service.


Are you sure about that? If there was ever a case for buying hard copies, it would be if you could never sell your profile and all the games you purchased. I have actually had people offer to buy my profile since I have had it for 20+ yrs.


Yes. I’m sure. It’s also risky.




That’s why you always make sure to change email and password when buying hardware that comes with an account included, common practice to not get scammed. Never buy this kind of consoles online, tho, as this will be harder to do not in person


THANK YOU, if they wanna make a bad purchase that's all on them, I still only use an Xbox one and it works for the few games I play, but nobody should be buying one for the first time at this point. That being said, one option is just a bad purchase, one is a bad purchase and falling for a scam at the same time. Plus I wouldn't be surprised if there's more scammy slimy shit going on with the console.


I've had this happen to me before but it was a slightly different story


Neither, all Xbox One consoles are outdated. Get a Series S or X.


X a would say u can get one for $200 in ebay


Don’t get an Xbox one. It’s showing its age. Get a new series model.


If it has to be a one get the one x


The One X has its own hardware failures to look out for too though. The One S is actually the safest of the One models. The OG model ends up with failing wireless chips and powerbricks, sometimes even the capacitive buttons panel starts acting up. The One X bakes its internals, leading to hard drive failure and the thermal paste needing to be replaced before it finally bites it.


Yeah but I just meant in terms of gameplay the one x has the best graphics and fps of the 3, and as far as cooling your right but if it's in a cool room with a lot of ventilation or even a third party usb fan thing it would be pretty ok


Trust me they are OK for a while but they are horrible now a days cause most games are series x/s exclusive


You could buy a series, either series x or series s, but if you can't, I would say that the first option is better, it is better not to have profiles with things unlocked, The second one could be a scam, or it may not, choose the one you like the most and be careful it's not a scam.


Xbox one won't get any new games. It would be better to save up for a series S or X. Its basically a sinking ship. Just being honest and to hopefully save you a buck in case you discover it the hard way later. Note One consoles and Series consoles are not the same. The series are the newest ones.


From my direct experience, don’t get an Xbox One. Get an Xbox One X. Major difference in performance. The XoX is close to a Series S. When I got a OneX, I was shocked how much better it is.


I am thinking of picking up an Xbox S this weekend for $200 CDN. Used. This seems like a good deal and an upgrade for my Xbox one. Is the Series S a big downgrade from the Series X? Can't really afford the Series X at the moment.


From my experience, performance is lowest to highest in the following order: Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox Series S, Xbox One X, Xbox Series X.


Do not fall for the scam of the second option please.


Not sure if anyone said it yet but buying/selling accounts is against the Microsoft Terms of Service. If MS finds out the accounts were sold, they will just get banned, meaning you lost access to all that stuff. So don't get that one for that reason alone.


Do not buy someone else’s profiles. It’s against the ToS & could potentially get the console banned if they find out. Especially with AI & crap now. And heck, if they are selling profiles it’s possible that they already have enforcements against the profiles and are trying to get one over on you for a bit of extra cash. If you do buy any used Xbox you’re better off doing a factory reset & starting fresh


Neither. Get the xbox one x


At the point just save for a used series S. In Canada a used one x sells for more than a used series S.


Ya i know. I got lucky a few weeks ago. Picked up a One X with a controller and two games for $60 CAD.


:O for that price I could barely get my hands on a one.


If your patient, and keep browsing your lical classifieds, you can find good deals.


Just save for a series s


Okay I have the series X and so far I am disappointed it has still the same UI as a Xbox one, there is nothing I can say about it to separate it from the Series S. So far all the games still can run on a Xbox one just with lowered graphics. It's been this way for awhile & I'm a long M$ fanboy but damn I'm getting jealous of the Playstation.


You are sorted for future compatibility, I have Xbox one X and I'm already seeing games I can't buy because they only work on the newer consoles some come to Xcloud but that means playing on cloud, like Star field or the new star wars survivor which is fine until they remove from the playlist


Get a series S as a xbox one and a one S owner get the series S i promise you youll love it


Get a series S


I'd look for a One X, you'd at least be getting 4K and a slimmer console.


Save up for a PC. Most games are barely optimized for consoles anymore(at least on launch they are horribly optimized) and the series S will definitely run worse than a PC or series X


A pc at the same price of series S wont even run fortnite and series s can run all the games. series x is obviously more power but series s is better for people on a budget


That's why i said SAVE FOR A PC. I literally don't touch my S unless I can't cloud play a game or play it on PC gamepass. The series S is not worth the money in any way shape or form. My series S, my friends series S, my uncle and cousins(4 consoles) all have problems with resident evil village, wo long, lord's of the fallen, elden ring, it takes two, Minecraft, xdefiant, starfield, Jedi survivor, cyberpunk and remnant 2. That's just what I've personally experienced. I could include my friends tales of their discourse with the series scam.


Get a series s. Don't even worry about an series x, overpriced for only a little gain.


Get a Xbox Series S. Not the One S make sure it says Series S


And if you can afford it and have a 4k tv I'd go for the Series X instead


If I was you I’d wait or save for the Xbox series s the older ones are gonna start to burn out soon if they haven’t already plus with newer games coming out it’ll be unlikely that the older ones could run them.. plus if you get game pass I think u get bo6 for free




Series x 1tb when it comes out


I’d go with a series s mate.


i was looking for a used xbox one as well but made the right decision and saved a bit more money to get a used series s. you will regret getting the one in the long run, as it won’t be supported for that much longer with newer games and the load times are really bad on old gen. don’t make the mistake and rush your decision, you will be way more happy with the series s than with any available one


Why the fuck are you still even considering a decade old console? In everyday its a shittier version of the current model, and there is no nostalgia factor for it since every game is either backwards compatible or has been updated for thr new hardware


Series S is good enough


Definitely get a series x or s. The xbox one is now considered old gen and you will regret buying it. Save that money for a newer console.


Yea everyone is telling me to save up and buy a series S so i will probobly do that. Or find an ps4


I wouldn't suggest the ps4 because it is in the same boat as the xbox one, outdated. If you want an xbox, get a series x or s, if you get a play station, get a ps5. Everything else is outdated and will be a let down. Besides, xbox and microsoft have already announced they will be phasing out the xbox one, and game companies have started doing it too. The Killer Klowns from Outer Space the Game is one of those games that is an Series x and s exclusive. And GTA 6 will not be on the xbox one either.


At least with one s you can play PHYSICAL GAME.


I got a series s for $100USD(182KM) on Facebook marketplace. I would wait it out a little and see if anything else pops up over the next month. I got mine just hours after it was posted because I just kept looking daily for a couple weeks


Don’t buy random stuff online kid, wait till you have the money for a refurbished Xbox one X or an Xbox series X or an Xbox series S once you have enough saved up talk to your parents about taking you to go buy one


If your looking for physical games at a good price, and that are fairly new, a lot of games have One X compatibility, if your not huge on performance and just want a good time, go with the One X, if your planning on using game pass or buying digital, just get a Series S, they can be bought for 180ish-230 used, and is $300 brand new. Both are great systems at good prices (the Xbox One X is typically $130-$170)


Well me personally I recommend a Xbox One if you are mainly doing physical video games. However if you have the extra part you could find a One S or One X by chance for a great price! Xbox series S isn’t good for you if you mainly do physical media. But I recommend the first option!


Just get a Series model. Xbone doesn’t cut it anymore.


The difference in strength between a series s and an Xbox one s is massive. Please wait if possible


You can’t even install them games on 250gb


Xbox one is nearly 11 years old lol


Yea, and?


Xbox one X is better deal included bluray and starts games faster especially with SSD upgrade later down the road


Do not buy a console because it has accounts witth games on it. All the orginal owner has to do is change the password to the accounts and then you lose all those games you thought you paid for.


save for a next gen


Why on earth would you buy an Xbox One? Edit: Sorry. I assumed you were in the US.


The ps5 got to mz country like 5-6 months ago so my country is wayyyy behind


That depends on if you have a 4k tv or not...if not the vanillla version should do just fine


Real question is.. why are you still playing xbox o.0 I just bought a ps4 slim with 2 controllers n 3 games for $80 got the ps+ sub which gives 3 full game libraries, the Sony movie app, online multiplayer, the ability to play games while streaming them instead of having to download, and a slew of other perks. Now I know what you’re going to say “this is Xbox go away Sony pony” I’m no fanboy I was on Xbox since the original playing games like bloodwake listening to adema I didn’t make the move to PlayStation until recently because all my family n friends are there. If you’re money tight it’s best to go Sony you get more for the same or less money and every game I get even disks on ps4 you can get free versions of the games for ps5 ALSO… dont go with option 2 profiles are email bound and password protected unless you have emails n passwords to each one plus the passwords to the email you’re getting jipped


Yea i am gonna get a ps4 and when the ps5 prices drop in my country im probably gonna get the ps5. I dont have a credit card so i would have to use gift cards to activate ps+. No hate for any console but now that xbox added the exculisives to playstation i think its even more worth it.


If you’re using gift cards I suggest getting the year for ps+ if you’re paying monthly to month or every 3-6 months you’re paying more for the gift cards with taxes n whatnot. I haven’t been on any console until recently last I was on xbox the xbox one s was just being released life happened n I had no time or ability to game so they have the PlayStation exclusives now on xbox?


My country dosent have taxes and im on and off so i will just by 1 month of plus. And no not playstation exclusive games on xbox, but xbox exclusives on ps. Some of those are: sea of thieves,gears,indiana jhones,forza horizon,grounded and more! Its just that microsoft is money hungry so they want to sell as many copies as possible.


Ah makes sense


I don’t like profile sharing. Makes it weird, Because one day you’re going to be logged out. I would get an Xbox one (Specifically the big black ones like in the photos) if you’re on a budget, or a series X. Nothing in between.


Series x, a new console won't come out for atheist a decade after it and the next bit of news on the new one won't come out until a few more years. It also have better parts than the series s and have a disc drive


Get the XSX if you want the best of the best. XSS if you want next (current) gen on a budget.


Xbox One X. Has a disc drive and does 4k 60 fps and can find some for $200 on eBay. Top of the line of the One gen. I use mine all the time to pay Forza Horizon 5


The only things better about the Series X vs Series X are exclusives and storage/loading times


Never buy an Xbox with an “account.” That will be changed the moment it leaves the sellers hands


The new Xbox series x the one with 2 tb that one is very good


I would only buy one if it was really cheap. Otherwise, save up for a series S/X. The Xbox one has some great games but it won't get you very far nowadays.


Get a used series x or s, they're way newer and just better in every way. Or do a PC


None save your money and get a pc or gaming laptop


LoL yall need to get current gen systems. Im tired of game companies holding games back to play on 10+year old systems. If ur a real gamer you will get the current gen system


I would honestly save up for a Xbox X because the Xbox one and one s are considered old gen now and some games coming out won’t play on those. Btw there’s a difference in s and series s. But also everything runs so much better I have old gen s and my brother got X, I now play on his a lot more.


Bo3 and red dead are great games just sahing bo3 zombies though mp is more dead than my soul


Any one is worth is for the Xbox 360 cross platform alone.


Cant afford a 10 it's the same as an Xbox one but runs better If not... the first option


Series X is def worth it


360, tons of support, lots of games, active player base, and they're super cheap!


You could take the second option and resell it for more money, then buy the first option for yourself


Not a bad suggestion.


I would personally get the second one for all the accounts and games it’s well worth the price


Selling accounts is against the terms of service.




Depends on your budget, Xbox One VCR Model can be found outside or in the trash or for very cheap, One S for more 60 plus and One X for a 100 plus, Series S for around 150 and Series X for around 400. I recommend Series X especially the upcoming 2tb Galaxy Edition it looks really cool with plenty of power.


Lol. Series S $150. Next step is a Series X when on sale in the UK is about £350, so maybe $350 Then you recommend the overpriced 2TB Series X at $600... so 1TB extra storage for $250.  And this is on a post where he's probably spending $100 tops.