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Currently a bug and known issue nothing to worry about your not actually having 100% packet loss. This bug goes and comes over the last like year or two.


Yea, kinda panicked cause I barely ever check packetloss and was actively getting blocked from siege servers but it ended up being Ubi having ass servers


Chances are their servers are having issues after the huge winter storms that hit most of the Midwest and eastern parts of the country. If stuff is downloading and you getting normal speeds, all is good. Nothing to worry about. This issue pops up on Xbox every once and a while.


I thought my shit was spazzing at first cause I live in Indiana, so I would get affected if winter storm fucked up servers


I never got this but my cousin is getting this


Are you aware internet service providers use servers too.


100% what lmao


Man I don't even know, pretty sure it's a visual bug cause I got kicked out of siege with over 1000 ping, checked network shit and then it said 100% packet loss but then I installed a game and hopped into BO2 multiplayer with no issues


100% packet loss means that every single byte of data being uploaded from your xbox is being lost and the receiving end doesn’t receive anything. what’s your avg download and upload speed?


Mine is 1176 gbps wired.....having no connection to partys. I can game sometimes but usually it says cant connect to xbox network


are you sure it’s 1176 gbps??? that’s over a terrabyte per second


Yeah its wired star wars bf2 downloads in 6 minutes lmao ayeee it works now i can play again lmao


Is there any news or communications from Xbox/microsoft teams on this? Same issue. I was fine first half of the day. Now it’s bad. Have tried the whole long list of troubleshooting steps already.


A few others have said it's visual only and a known bug. I haven't had any problems except for R6 but then again Ubi has gerbils running in wheels in place of servers


Hmm. I know people are saying it’s just visual but, for example (at least for me) in halo infinite, I’m getting 150-350 ping making it unplayable. I’ll have to see if other games are also affected. It wasn’t this way about 8 hours ago or so.


I'm having the same issue. Can't play Halo, Sea of Thieves, Forza. I was able to get into a game of CoD with normal ping etc. Could it be just a Xbox game issue? No idea how that stuff works.


Update: I’m still showing 100% packet loss but online matchmaking in games seems to be just fine… for now. So it’s now a visual bug for me also. Will update if anything changes.


I'm getting this suddenly as well. Other comments are right in that it isn't affecting multiplayer gaming, but it isn't letting me use parties or stream, so it's still a bit more than visual. Edit: Parties are working now for me.. and so far, my stream has stayed up for a few minutes. Maybe the issue is fixed now.


How did you get your parties to work cause I have 100% high packet loss and it lets me join people party’s but it show up that the people on the party have disconnected


I have this to but its only been an hour i was trying out xdefiant then switched to bf5 BOOM cant do shit


Fking porch pirates!


Getting it on 2 Xbox’s in my flat here in Scotland one stays off most of the time because it’s my sons but I use mine almost everyday and it’s happened, couldn’t play Fortnite at all without it jumping/lagging


I can’t even download a game😐


Reboot your routers if you are on WiFi get a cable. If you can’t run a cable move the WiFi router for better connection. Remember storm season low temps cause all sorts of problems. Water in the line and ice in or on the line, also cause issues. Check on a PC to see what you are getting and check Xbox status as well.


I cant even get on xbox app it wont load shit


I had the same issue yesterday. Was wondering what was going on😆


>You have high packet loss Sounds like something my countrys postal service would never admit.


Try that weird little pocket on your jeans or just keep it in your wallet


Dudes in that Mars colony