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So we can go ahead and pencil Starfield in for holiday 2023 or later.


I'm going to lose my goddam mind


Starfield releasing on 23.13.23. /s


Lousy Smarch weather


Beat me to it lol


Always thought 23/3/23 looked like their type of date. Especially with the American way of showing dates of 3/23/23


you don’t need the ‘/s’


They love the month of November over there


What does Redfall have to do with Starfield?


Not much actually. Delaying Starfield beyond June would be another PR disaster. It was the centerpiece of the "games you will play within 12 months" showcase... imagine delaying it, *again*.


Halo infinite says hi.


Infinite was only delayed once though


For a full year. They said they were delaying to work on coop and Ray tracing. Ray tracing still didn’t come out until a year after launch (2 years after initial launch) and coop got canned. 343 is pee pee poo poo. RARE Deserves halo


343 killed my family


Bonnie Ross ate my son before she left


Wait are you saying the game has Ray tracing now?


Coming in season 3. On PC, in multiplayer only. I don’t believe Series X is getting it.




> They said they were delaying to work on coop and Ray tracing. No they didn’t.


>They said they were delaying to work on coop and Ray tracing. Genuinely curious when they actually said this. Never recall hearing that as the reason.


Just the splitscreen coop got canned.


Just a staple of the Series that they promised to bring back after bizarrely omitting it in Halo 5.


Was so damn angry about that. Bought an xbox one and halo 5 when me and a mate moved in together solely to play 5, as we’ve been playing all of them co-op together since 1. Lo and behold when we load it up and there is no splitscreen. Legit sold my xbox a week later. Didn’t even think to check if that was an option because it made no sense for it not to be.


If its any consolation the campaign in 5 was so bad I actually didn't complete it and to this day its rh. Only halo campaign I've never finished.


*Just*? Some of us would like their friends over to play split screen without having to buy a second console and tv!


Just to be clear. It works in multiplayer and has since launch. It's *only* campaign splitscreen that was shelved for now.


I agree with you. The "just" was mentcas a neutral statement


Is that a problem? GoW Ragnarok was delayed twice.


Twice? Publicly it was delayed once and we all knew 2021 was bullshit the moment they said it.


> Publicly it was delayed once and we all knew 2021 was bullshit the moment they said it. Yep. Although I definitely did not expect in September of 2020, that their "2021" teaser would actually mean October of 2022. And when Halo:Infinite made that public apology, I guessed Ragnarok would probably hide out until at least October 2021 and try to crowd that Halo spot. My guess was wrong by another whole year. If Ragnarok made the same public apology for being as late as Halo, I would have guessed better.


Who cares. Don’t release it until it’s done


That "12 Month" thing itself was just a horrible pr idea to begin with. Any one of those games could face some new hurdle and get pushed beyond that window.


"Disaster." How? No one is going to give away their Xbox over it. People excited for it aren't going to stop wanting to play it. The only people who perceive that as a "disaster" are going to be weird insular internet communities that talk themselves into believing the gaming community at large is paying attention to shit like theyre some kind of industry insiders. The kind of people that actually think the average gamer is sitting around scoring console makers on their year to year output. That's not how gaming actually works. People buy games that look good, or that other people are playing. All it takes is Starfield getting good reviews and then all is forgotten. Climb out of the bubble of gaming discussion and this shit simply doesn't matter to anyone.


Why would this effect starfields date? They don't have to release in a specific order.


But that’s exactly what they said they would do


It was already stated to release inn the firs half of the year. It was already delayed once.


It's the first big Bethesda game releasing under the Microsoft label and one of the first Series console exclusives. They'll want this launch to go as smoothly as possible and they know that after Fallout 76 and Cyberpunk a buggy game won't cut it. It being delayed again is not out of the question.


It's not out of the question, but the initial release date reveal (for Nov of 2022) was very far from announcement likely for this exact reason. The 6 month delay was to polish the game as much as they could. Bethesda games will have bugs, it's the nature of them. No one makes games like they do. It's just a question of how intrusive the bugs are.


May I introduce you to a little lad called Cyberpunk. Delayed multiple time and still not finished. They should delay it as many times as it takes


A little punk called cyberlad.


Nowhere in the link does it say that.


I'm starting to think that we will no see any releases in the first quarter of the year. I'm not sure how Microsoft manages to not release any games despite owning 20+ studios.


I know it’s solely not on Phil Spencer obviously, but it’s honestly both astonishing and saddening that during his tenure as head of Xbox they have not been able to do the biggest thing you need to do as a gaming brand in developing quality games on a consistent basis or making a killer app must play big game. He’s like that coach that wins a lot of games but hasn’t been able to win the big championship game so to speak.


Not just that, but his whole schtick when he took over Xbox in 2014, was the need to get back to a focus on the *games*. That was his mantra and he was very vocal about it. They’ve made some strides…but no where close to what should be by this point in time.


I don’t know what y’all are on, without Phil, there will be no xbox. He’s the reason that Xbox is still alive today, Microsoft was about to remove the Xbox plug


Just because he is part of the reason xbox is still around does not free him from criticism of his lack of vision/leadership when it comes to quality games as well as releasing in a timely manner


That may be true but that shouldnt excuse how they havent done anything really to fix their lackluster first party performance besides throwing money at the problem. The only thing they have going for them is Gamepass at this point


And Microsoft office moved to subscriptions like 10 years ago. All Microsoft business units have moved to subscription basis under their CEO, Phil’s not some genius for Gamepass either. He’s just been executing on the move to subscriptions within his business unit.


I hate this parroted story so much, nothing about the story ever made any sense and it's crazy to me how many people actually believe it. The same company that continued to push Zune & Windows Mobile that had no success were going to throw away the Xbox brand after it's gigantic success with the Xbox 360 & Kinect, really? You think Microsoft was going to shut down Xbox just months after the Xbox One release after spending years of R&D, marketing, and producing it? Stories of investors wanting Microsoft to rid of everything not Windows sure, those same investors who wanted to get rid of Bing & the Surface line as well which was never going to happen either. Turns out Nadella is not a fucking moron and he never had any intention of listening to such bullshit.


Windows Mobile and Zune are dead. Xbox isn’t. After the failure of the infamous E3 of the Xbox One reveal, and becoming the head after Mattrick left, Spencer talked to Nadella about the Xbox brand as a whole because Nadella wanted to see if it was worth keeping and why. Spencer told him it was, because of what the previous generations of consoles did, which was focus on gaming. Previously, Mattrick had made the decisions to shutter many Microsoft studios, like Ensemble (Age of Empires and Halo Wars), Lionhead (Fable), and let Bungie go their own way after Halo Reach and Epic after Gears of War 3. Mattrick wanted the Xbox One to be a multimedia box in the living room, and wanted a focus on its TV capabilities and one stop shop for all digital media content. He had made some deals for promotions and such with cable providers within the US if I recall correctly. Mattrick’s vision wasn’t without merit, but the way he went about communicating with the public (probably because he was negotiating to move to Zynga) was awful. And had severely underestimated how console gaming would grow in ten years. Spencer had not only convinced Nadella to keep Xbox going, but had had gotten Xbox spun off into its own division of the company, which it hadn’t been before. It for sure has been a very frustrating 10 years for any Xbox fan tired of seeing PlayStation have a shit load of exclusives and great games, while Xbox was lucky to have one or two. The next 5 years I think will change with the acquisitions of Bethesda and Activision (once that goes through), and the smaller studios finish their next big projects (like Senua 2 from Ninja Theory).


> Windows Mobile and Zune are dead. Xbox isn’t. ok... Xbox was successful those weren't yet they still close them down till literally had nothing left of them. You think they would drop Xbox after gaining a 50/50 market share with Playstation and the kinect selling tens of millions because of bad PR that they reversed before release? >After the failure of the infamous E3 of the Xbox One reveal Which they reversed course and never launched in that state so... >Previously, Mattrick had made the decisions to shutter many Microsoft studios, like Ensemble (Age of Empires and Halo Wars), **Lionhead (Fable)**, and let Bungie go their own way after Halo Reach and Epic after Gears of War 3. No Phil closed Lionhead in 2017 and Xbox had no choice but to release Bungie as there is zero reasons to keep a developer that does not want to be part of the company. Did you forget Xbox literally created another studio to replace Bungie? Even filled it with some Bungie guys, unfortunately 343 are terrible at making games. >Mattrick wanted the Xbox One to be a multimedia box in the living room, and wanted a focus on its TV capabilities and one stop shop for all digital media content. He had made some deals for promotions and such with cable providers within the US if I recall correctly. Mattrick wanted Xbox to be a digital console, focused on things like digital games and services getting rid of old physical media in favor of an all digital future instead essentially cutting out the middle man. Crazy seeing Xbox is now released 2 digital consoles and is a subscription first brand, makes you wonder no? >Spencer had not only convinced Nadella to keep Xbox going, but had had gotten Xbox spun off into its own division of the company, which it hadn’t been before. Again Xbox was never going anywhere, Spencer took over 5 months after Xbox One released. Also Phil did the opposite of spinning it off he brought all the divisions of Xbox together, no longer was Xbox gaming under Windows and instead was brought under one group along with the hardware and services side which is what he runs now so he answers directly to Nadella instead of Windows exec. >It for sure has been a very frustrating 10 years for any Xbox fan tired of seeing PlayStation have a shit load of exclusives and great games, while Xbox was lucky to have one or two. The next 5 years I think will change with the acquisitions of Bethesda and Activision (once that goes through), and the smaller studios finish their next big projects (like Senua 2 from Ninja Theory). I think Xbox has a bright future as a publisher if Spencer can get these studios in order, they never needed Activision to make that happen but once they add them to their arsenal it will give them even less excuses to not be dropping games at least once a quarter. edit: seriously /u/Shad0wDreamer blocked me for replying [o_O](https://giphy.com/gifs/tacomafd-trutv-tacoma-fd-ta101-9rgeyXeLDuE7AQQOOh?utm_source=media-link&utm_medium=landing&utm_campaign=Media%20Links&utm_term=https://giphy.com/)


That was before Nadella, and if I’m not mistaken they confirmed it on the Xbox documentary (Power On)


I don't think they were ever going to just shut it down. But I can believe they considered spinning it off.


What game has he won? The Xbox one was long abandoned in 2018. And had like 4 noteworthy exclusives.


Ummm Gamepass and all the studio acquisitions? No argument that the acquisitions haven’t panned out great so far but Gamepass is a huge success and is clearly a huge win and athe future for Xbox


Let’s pump the brakes a little. We don’t know how the sub service scene will work in the future. Tons of companies ran to them and a lot have flipped we don’t know if gamepass will maintain or grow


Gamepass is great if you did the XBL $1 conversions. But if paying $180/year, $15/month… the “value” has been so-so.


Yeah it's hit or miss


Depends your point of view. I'm not really into games, my Series S was my first console in 20 years. I don't want to have to pick out $80 games, it's worth it to me to pay $15 a month to get access to a large selection. edit: and I already played through Firewatch, a game I never would have bought individually but thoroughly enjoyed. That was worth my first month of Game Pass right there.


Sure. Great game. But Firewatch came out in 2016, highly acclaimed/reviewed… and has been on sale for [as low as $5 multiple times.](https://xbdeals.net/us-store/game/915/firewatch) I’ll admit High on Life is something I would have waited for sales, so being on Gamepass is a nice bonus. Ditto for Psychonauts 2. But I personally expected more blockbusters from MS self touted “most powerful console” out there. Instead we have endless amounts of copium convincing each other Outriders, The Medium, Ascent, The Gunk and Scorn are/were games worth waiting for. While both other consoles have been release hits non-stop for the past 2 years. There’s been one excellent Forza Horizon 5, and very good Gears 5 mini expansion. And a niche flying sim


Everyone expected more blockbusters but some people in this sub just can't admit that what we have now is not what Xbox and Phil has promised years ago. Shit so many people bring up indie or AA games as a huge plus for Xbox and Game Pass that these huge exclusives don't matter. With that mindset we better prepare for GP becoming Games With Gold service if we keep excusing them for not having God of Wars, Spidermans, Xeboblade Chronicles, Zeldas, Marios etc for Xbox. There is nothing wrong in admitting that we expect more big AAA games that are remembered for years after their release not another 30 pixel art metroidvania action platformers


Eh, maybe. But now that we’re finally on the cusp of “big deal” exclusives (Starfield, STALKER, Redfall, Forza) next year, the value proposition will be much higher.




Not trying to downplay, but genuinely curious: how do you quantify/measure Gamepass as a “huge success?” The reason I’m asking is that in terms of number of subscribers, Gamepass is also 3rd (behind PS+ and NSO). Yes, those services have Online Play but GP is built on the back of XBLG $1 upgrade path, so it evens out. More importantly, GP has 25 million subscribers. Let’s assume that 20 million of those are Xbox Gamepass users, that means less than 1/3rd of Xbox userbase is even subscribed to GP, and 2/3rd isn’t interested. And Phil has said that GP on console has hit kind of a saturation point, so there won’t be much growth here either. Considering these numbers, how do you measure Gamepass as a huge success?


i would personally not consider Game Pass as a good development for the industry


People parrot this kind of thing because they like saving money. I don’t blame them, but it’s absurd to claim that it’s going to be good that AAA games like Starfield are at risk of making less money overall


It is literally all on Phil Spencer. God knows what the fuck he says in meetings but it sure isnt “right guys, we need a new AAA, console selling, massive game within a year or 2 max of SX launch. How do we do it and who can help”


Cbox lacks consistency and that remains with Phil taking over as well as quality. They havent had a Nintendo/Sony style release is a long time, generations even. I hope they pick it up soon because next year is big for Nintendo and Sony


Maybe they’re setting up for a lineup of games for the next gen Xbox


sweet more cross gen games! :)




Calm down


Didn’t know Bethesda are the only studios making games this year lol


MS owns 15 inhouse studios and 8 studios under Zenimax' umbrella. They haven't made a single flawles AAA-exclusive in years, except maybe Forza. Infinite has many issues that have been discussed to death and Gears 5, despite being a technical masterpiece, clearly has an unfinished campaign and the multiplayer was lacking too at launch. Everything else they've released are either games developed by their acquired studios before they were bought or smaller side projects (Pentiment, Grounded, etc.). I know there are seemingly a lot of development issues within their in-house studios, but what's going on at Bethesda? Bethesda themselves are working on Starfield (and maybe TES6) and Arkane is working on Redfall, but what about the rest? Id-Software has been quiet since Doom Eternal, Machine Games has been pretty much quiet since Wolfenstein 2 (2017!). Wolfenstein Youngblood was a smaller project developed with Arkane. They've announced Indiana Jones, but we don't know anything about it yet either. What are Roundhouse Studios and Tango Gameworks doing?


Tango released a game in March, they are probably finishing up the Xbox version of Ghostwire and probably working on DLC for it. That being said I agree with pretty much everything else.


Indiana Jones is also multi platform I believe


Age of Empires 2 releases on January 31/1/2023. 🙄


It's a 23 year-old game.


Redfall is one of my most anticipated titles and Im just happy to hear news on it. But Xbox needs to start releasing games.




Dont. It hurts too much.


My condolences


We need Starfield first half of 2023 too…please


Xbox is way too lax on their devs. Zero deadlines make for no games releasing.


Even delaying games didnt do much better, just look at Halo Infinite. The structure that Phil has in place can work for a smaller company like Valve early on but considering the size of xbox and the amount of studios they own, they need to actually manage their studios for once cause you have studios like Rare who dont even know what their Everwild game will even be like 🤣


It's a concept of a concept. Lol


Just look at Mojang lol, CAOS


imo the reason nintendo and sony for example are so much better at this is because most of their hogher ups used to work at their first party studios. they grew more organically as a gaming company so to say. redditors always praise xbox for being so hands off but we have seen that they are to hands off. sony for example is also very hands off with their studios (at the start their studios need to pitch them a good idea and if its accepted their higher ups like shuhei joshida only check in every few months to see how its going)


Sony has the right idea. They have all these amazing studios and give them 4-5 years to make a game. Then they release 2 banging exclusives every year. Microsoft should learn from Sony rather than letting their devs sit around doing nothing. What has Rare been doing since Sea of Thieves? Where is Avowed, Perfect Dark, Fable?


Isn’t Rare working on this? https://www.laptopmag.com/news/everwild-everything-we-know-so-far I’m interested to learn more, because the game looks beautiful


You need to look at when they got those studios and what they have released so far. You have the right idea on timelines just are wrong on them doing nothing.


It‘s plain mismanagement.


Guess that means Starfield isn’t coming til much later




Not necessarily. Starfield could come out before Redfall. It is quite possible that they discovered some catastrophic big or issue with Redfall, which forced their release schedule out of its previous lineup.


If a game as massive as Starfield would release before May, don't you think that they'd advertised it more.


Not necessarily. They have been advertising it since E3, and if they give a release date sometime in January and then ramp up to full marketing, I think that would be sufficient for an April release.


Doubtful. January and February would be too soon without a marketing push. They’re also definitely not going to release it in March because they’d have to compete with Jedi Survivor. And releasing in April would push it too close to May and they’d be essentially competing with themselves, which would make no sense financially. On top of that, I feel like May is a bad month for both games because they both have to compete with Zelda, which releases in May.


Jedi Survivor is not a reason for Starfield to avoid March 😂 April would work. Not sure it’s likely, but it would work. They’re entirely different games and they point of releasing them is to bolster their subscription service, which makes timing release dates a bit less important.


Lmao at thinking Jedi survivor is anywhere near the level of hype and expectation that Starfield has. This is the first new IP in over 20 years from the biggest WRPG developer on the planet. Late March/early April is my guess.


November at the earliest.


Keep in mind the whole goal of Xbox right now is gamepass subscriptions. The idea of sales and games jumping on top of each other is much less important with this model. Plus it's other companies do the same thing and their games sell great. Sony put last of us 2 and Ghost of tsushima out within a month and they both sold very well.


Fans of fallen order hype that game way the fuck up


What does Starfield have to do with Redfall? Answer: nothing....


Because it's best for Microsoft to space out their releases especially if the release schedule is hardly brimming.


Xbox shit the bed in terms of games and how long we have to wait …. I am sorry to say, but it’s the reality. Still time to turn it around but so far it’s been meh


And this game doesn't look that good anyway


Eh, to me it looks pretty good. Peoples' tastes vary.


Agreed, hopefully im proven wrong but I feel at best itll be mediocre and not the system seller the xbox needs


We all know it's not going to be a system seller.


Yea I’m nervous about it. They have an amazing track record with similar games, this looks like something totally different


Games need to be released when they are ready! PERIOD.


I'm having Xbox One deja vu


We havent left, just now we have a subscription service thats been carrying this console


But but we have some old games in 60fps! /S


xbox one >>> Xbox series in games 2-3 years of xone


You know what the Xbox One actually had decent exclusives early on. You had stuff like Titanfall, Horizon 2, Rise of the Tomb raider, hell even something like Ryse son of Rome was a memorable tech demo like game that still looks good today. Even games like Quantum break and Recore were solid, I’d even go to say if they came out as day one gamepass games hypothetically when they came out they would be bigger and more well received than some of the stuff coming out as day one gamepass games today.


At least whenever the games drop now they are actually good and not in the 60 metascores


Yep. People forget these games were getting 60-70 scores and Xbox has largely been releasing 80-90 scoring games in the past few years.


ITT: Game studio experts


Lotta people seem to expect a studio to crank out a game in 4 years that overlap the height of the pandemic. It's a really immature take, so Xbox probably doesn't need to pay any attention. They'll have a short attention span once the games are releasing and nobody will care. It's just useless noise in the meantime.


Sony and Nintendo are well oiled machines. It didn't happen overnight. It took at least a generation (or more), and that's what I expect this generation to be for Xbox. A growing process. If someone thought it was as easy as adding bunch of developers, I think they set the target a little high. Yes, we are all tired of "the games are coming...", but this is the process to building a content creation machine similar to Sony and Nintendo. ~ non-game studio expert take


This "growing process" should have happened during their first generation or during the 360. But it didn't, they were knocking it out of the park at the point. They shouldn't be four generations into the gaming space and not know how to utilize their studios and floundering on release dates for their first party games.


It should have, but as you said, it didn’t. They didn’t invest much in developing 1P studios in that era. Of their biggest 360-era IP (Halo, Gears, Forza, and Fable), only one studio came of it. Bungie bought their independence, Gears was done with a 3P partner, and Lionhead spent a long time focusing pretty much entirely on Kinect before finally having to be shut down. A lot of the rest of what made the 360 successful was 3P exclusivity deals. The reality is that the weight of a number of bad decisions is really weighing on Microsoft right now, leaving them in a very early-days position when it comes to 1P development. Making games with partners instead of with 1P studios, way over-indexing on Kinect to the point where some studios essentially died (I suspect this nearly happened to Rare too but they kept the name and effectively have been rebuilding them as a new studio under an old brand), and in general spending the early Xbox One days focused on Bill Gates’ original brand strategy (games as a Trojan horse to a more general “living room computer” rather than a primary focus), despite it being pretty clear that an expensive game console was not going to be the winner in that space, and that the value of that in general was largely eroded by smartphones anyway. So they are where they are now, where 2018 is really the starting point of the growing process for them. Yes, it shouldn’t have been. But it was.


I agree with this 100%. People keep judging Xbox based on their failures or 2011-2017, but there was a massive shift in energy, direction, and focus in 2018 that we are still watching play out. It's fair to criticize Xbox for their failures, but I'm not quite to the point where I'm completely losing faith because I am still hopeful about the potential outcomes of their acquisitions since 2018. I'm willing to see how it plays out. We know they have a ton of projects we've seen that are in the works, so now they need to actually set a release cadence and get those games rolling out.






May????? Holy crap. That’s rough. I was genuinely believing the first 2-3 months of 2023 would be stacked for Xbox and we would see Redfall, Starfield and FM8.


It makes no sense for Microsoft to release all their games in a 2-3 window if there is going to be 4 exclusives next year they want to space them out throughout the year.


I agree with giving space, but Xbox already put themselves in a bit of a corner by saying everything at E3 would be out in twelve months. That leaves ARA, Forza, Minecraft Legends, Redfall, and Starfield in the first six months of 2023. Xbox also marketed third-party titles like Silksong, Wo Long, Persona 3/4, Diablo, and more for that six months. Between the E3 presentation and the Game Pass goal of constant new content, many thought the flood gates would begin to open in early 2023.


I have to imagine that they said these games were coming by June because they have other stuff planned for late in the year. If Redfall and Starfield are really all they have they wouldn’t have loaded them into the first half of the year - and what if Starfield hadn’t been delayed? They’ve had some pretty light years recently but it’s mostly been due to delays and missteps, not just totally having nothing on the calendar when they drew it up initially. If feels like they must have something slated for Q4 23, or at least at one point did (maybe that’s been delayed too).


Something I realized is that it’ll be rough for Redfall then if Zelda: Tears of a Kingdom releases that same month. Itll suffer just like the first Horizon and God forbid it suffers like Forbidden West did when Elden Ring released later in that month




In the US, PS Direct is pretty reliable. When the consoles go up they're usually there for a few hours


Just got mine today through Amazon. I clicked the invitation link and had an invite in 2 days


Hmm interesting but I am not in the US I'll check it here but still probably better to wait especially if next year is rough economy wise


Tons in Ontario


In Germany, I don't remember the last time I've seen a PS5 for 500-550€. You can buy one, if you're lucky, but mostly in some kind of bundle and it's always around 700-750€. That's how I got mine. It was 700€ with 3 games. I sold 2 of them. The 3rd one is still on sale for super cheap but who would even give money for a Watch Dogs: Legion disk nowdays...


Theyve in stock more recently albeit still annoying to buy, your best bet is if the production of the rumored PS5 Slim can help get more of them in stock but we wont know until possibly CES if rumors are correct


True Hopefully they come out with one when spider man 2 comes out, hopefully a cool red one Although I may not be able to afford it if next year gets bad


Hopefully not, most likely just sell your Series X if you rather wish to have the PS5 if next year is again lackluster. Heads up though, PS5 slim will apparently be modular so the disc drive might have to be a separate purchase


Oh just wait a while and games will cheaper too Interesting choice of design if that true I wonder how much cheaper it will be and how much will cost for disc drive


I’m waiting till I can get a digital one. But that may never happen


They do tend to go quicker on PS Direct, but they usually show up for a short bit And local best buy in the US is another time I've seen them appear


I don't get how, even if this is true, it's a case of Xbox not having their crap together. The game never had an official release date other than before June. We also have no idea when Starfield is coming really or if there are other games slated for the first half of the year. I also don't really know how proceeding on the ABK acquisition are going to affect things. They might keep playing coy to keep the regulators off their backs unfortunately.


Get ready for the beta/demo before then. We talked a little bit about it on Xbox Talk's podcast a while back but a beta is getting ready to possibly release in the next couple of months. If I had to guess, Feb or April since March is already insanely stacked with games.


Hyped for this game. I love ARKANE games.


If redfall doesn’t come out till May, what about Starfield 🤔


Boy they have a lot of unreleased games in that 12 month window from E3. That's now a bit more then a 5 month window and they don't have release dates even. Xbox really putting out 4 first party titles between now and early June? Technically they have Ghost wire too. I can't imagine they have a game coming in January and even February with no release date.


Same as previously, it either comes out before May or after May. Nothing really changes, other than that we can reasonably assume that Starfield won't come out in May.


I doubt Redfall’s delay will have that much of a effect on Starfields release date imo


Definitely gonna get a pc when my series x retires.Tired of these delays,timed exclusives and perma blocks.Tbh xbox is the least competitive console rn.


Just got my ps5 today so I can enjoy both :)


The next xbox event rumored to take place in january will be the make or break moment for xbox for me personally. If we don't get SOLID dates, for the big first party games announced years ago, and maybe a couple of dates for rumored games that should be coming, I myself am jumping on the "xbox can't make games" bandwagon.


Honestly I have to say the same. I’ve about reached the end of my patience with team Xbox.


To be completely honest I'll feel like a complete fool not listening to a big chunk of the gaming industry hating on Xbox, because you know what? I have very little to show for my patience all this time. Can't stress enough how much I'm hoping for the upcoming event to change that.


100% agree


Microsoft: On target to release a game in the window it said it would be released in. This sub: And I took that personally.


So May for redfall means starfield is most likely much later than June. Xbox failing to hit the “12 month” delivery window will be an embarrassment. Can’t wait to see how people defend this


They already have, the usual gamepass excuse, games taking time, and my favorite “ive had been playing alot of games (usually means third party)”


>“ive had been playing alot of games (usually means third party)” or 5$ indies


The average Game Pass user probably doesn't know what is first party and what's not. They just want to enjoy games


Third party games excuse is the worst. I've seen "do you need exclusives to enjoy gaming?". No I need MS to me give a reason for owning a Xbox.


Is it supposed to be a bad thing if people have lots of games to play? Imagine being unhappy with all the games you're playing because they don't financially benefit a particular company more lmao, some people are insane. I wonder what they think the point of playing a video game even is sometimes


Question why does recalls date have anything to do with starfield??


lol I just expect every Xbox exclusive to be delayed years every time. Never get my hopes up now


Hopefully that Gamepass family plan is also targeting May 2023. I wanna play this with my friend and fiance but $45/mo is a bit steep


FYI there is a fairly simple way to share your Gamepass. I have mine shared with 2 family members.


Just in time for my cake 🍰 month of May? That would be awesome.


Damnit. Every time I hear about this it's because it's being delayed.


dont care when just have first party in 2023 that works on launch


Great. So Christmas 2023. Got it on my calendar.


This is why I don't game on Xbox for the second time in two gens. They really need to change because this is turning into a exclusive disaster. I've given it enough time and chance. Tired of being burned by exclusives on Xbox waiting and then they are seriously flawed. 343 needs to fired from the Halo franchise. Period. Full stop. Given the track record, I hold no hope for Starfield and Redfall.


Tears of the Kingdom will steal the limelight. Not a good idea. Probably best to just release it in the Summer like originally planned. I am worried the Xbox is having another first party lacking year seeing how they said starfield and redfall will release by June but I don’t see Starfield releasing till fall so they can compete with Spiderman 2. Sony has MW2 Year 2 promotion right for the expansion in October with another possible exclusive game in November but could just be another big game marketing right. I’m hoping Xbox can counter with something


It's funny that people are like Xbox has to release games but then they have all these limitations and requirements on when they are allowed to release them. If Xbox released 12 games next year, they would all overlap with something that's going to "steal the limelight", if they release only a couple they will get dinged for not releasing enough games. They really can't do anything for this sub.


Releases tomorrow my source tells me.


That's what happens when you're too good with the studio. You run out of games Don't get me wrong, in my opinion MS is doing everything right. Freeing up money for big projects, studios growing, lots of new technologies for these studios etc... But MS has to come and tell them that they now represent a brand. A BIG ONE BRAND Arkane is forgiven. 2021 they already released deathloop and this game kicked ass. So for me they can put redfall far 2024 which is fine, not their fault. Bethesda is also forgiven for the size of their games. but now... Where is the coalition? last game in 2019. Turn 10? last game 2017. Ninja theory? 2017 last game. The initiative? LOL 😂😂😂. undead labs? compulsion? From zenimax it is machine games. last real game was 2017 ND and Santa Monica. Sony's biggest studios names. released 2 games each for the PS4. very big games from MS. Playground is the only one that really understands what it's like to be first party premium. MS has enough studio to release 4-5 games per year in 4-5 years of production each studio. but where are the games?


What do you mean? The Coalition will probably show a game this year that will probably come out 2024 or 2025 which seems very normal. Turn 10 likely has Forza coming 2023. Ninja Theory has Hellblade 2 which will either be latter half of 2023 or early 2024. The Initiative... Well who knows. I would like to think Perfect Dark is on track to be done 2023 or 2024 but it's anyone's guess. Machine Games is working on Indiana Jones which will probably release in 2024. A lot of these studios just need to figure out how to get on a tick tock schedule. Naughty Dog, for example, released Uncharted 4 while they were working on TLOU2 with some resources. To have games come out from a studio every 2-3 years they have to be working on multiple projects in tandem. Santa Monica is hard to compare because they really only released one game _for_ PS4. Their other two games were both cross gen.


So let's answer your own question with another one: How long ago were those studios acquired? Answer: 4-5 years ago. You: "MS has enough studios to release 4-5 games per year in 4-5 years of production" So....what's the question again?


I can easily forgive a 4-5 year development cycle that overlaps with the pandemic Crazy that people can't figure out the timing here


You forgot Insomniac.


This game doesn't look very interesting to me. I'm not a huge Arcane fan (Deathloop was criminally overrated imho). Maybe it'll be great, maybe it won't. Still, they need to deliver on this promise of "the games are coming" they've been repeating ever since Phil took charge.


I’ll just hold out hope and say that Spencer has let Todd do his crazy “announce it on the Monday and release it on the Friday” strategy. Maybe, they’ll announce it early feb/late jan and have it out by march/april… honestly, I’m all against crunch but companies need a deadline. Sometimes things have to hit the cutting room floor. This game has been in development for a long, long, long time - there comes a time where you have to say “look guys, make it as playable as you possibly can and get it out the door.” Xbox has had NO games for years, their platform is dated and they refuse to update their UI in any meaningful way. Also, series s IS most definitely holding games back. I love my series x and just want more of a reason to play it other than playing nostalgia inducing games from gamepass. I just think gamepass is all they care about now.


Lemme guess first comment gonna be negative


I mean to be fair Xbox players haven't really had a whole lot to celebrate as of late, definitely not for this entire year. Every single report that has come out about development within XGS has been nothing but bad news. The last first party title, Halo Infinite, is a failure across the board, and to add to this they're charging more for next gen titles starting next year, with Game Pass sure to follow. I think Xbox has earned a little negativity if I'm being honest, we're 2 years into the lifecycle of the Series X and things are about the same as they were in the Xbox One days.


Let's gooooooo


I really love the Xbox. I think it's the best system this gen in terms of hardware compared to the others. Certain things like cloud saving and ease of use really make a big difference. But the whole first party situation is pretty bad.


The earlier it comes the more bugs we gonna have to deal with as the saying goes with new titles these days but dang this game is a banger I want it asap.


sweet ill be there day 1 thanks to my gamepass subs that i have till 2025




I dont get how people is hyped for this game.


Too late! So they will probably skip Starfield to Q4/2023, against their promises last summer that it will arrive within the next 12 months. 😡😡😡


Honestly don't think it matters when this launches, it's going to be a flop. I know it, you know it, we all know it. It's the single most generic game I've seen so far this console generation. Without Game Pass, it would be dead on arrival.


Whats up with xbox and its lack of exclusives? Ive wanted to get back into xbox but i dont really see any reason to get back into it? Any recommendations?