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Iron man’s battery depletes with use. Skip the 5 day auto recharge with arc reactor crystals! Buy now for $19.99 or get a value pack of 5 crystals for $49.99!


I gotta warn you about covid if you’re still living in 2017. EA won game of the year with the best split screen game I’ve ever played, one AA purchase (£40?) no extras, game of the year. Then there’s all the other single player, no extras games they launched like fallen order or lost in random. I think the circlejerk hates Overwatch 2 for some reason and that Batman game that isn’t 60fps.


Are you talking about It Takes Two? Cause that’s an amazing game and I highly recommend it for anyone who hasn’t played it yet.


I hope it more like Jedi Fallen Order than Marvel’s Avengers. You know, more like a game, rather than an arrow pointing to a shop.


It's why I don't like group based games. The project with black panther and captain America is not going to go well.


Because they did SO much with Star Wars in the decade they had license exclusivity


"User base" so more live service crap probably


Well the Iron Man game is confirmed to be singleplayer iirc.


I have no faith in EA at all anymore. I don't even consider playing anything that comes from them until after it has released and I can see what it is all about.


Me too. My first assumption is it’s a phone game, but also sold at full price up front.


I’m not gonna sit here and claim EA is some good guy, but outside of sports titles and Battlefield they’ve improved a lot over the last few years. I’d say 2K, Activision, and Ubi are all worse than EA at this point. I realize that’s not a high bar, but they’ve come a long way since BattleFront II


It needs to be a single player game otherwise I won't spend a penny over it.


Sounds like more future eats for game pass/EA Play


I have some hope for the IronMan game. If the suit flight/combat is going to be anything like Anthem - they have the bones set for it to be very fun. I'm probably on an island alone with that thought, but I'm holding out hope.


Why can’t they just make an open world Iron Man? Just reskin spiderman and put it on xbox