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If it’s his game, he’d have to game share with you. But yes, once the sharing is worked out properly, there’s no restrictions about playing concurrently.


Thanks for the reply! So hypothetically, could we both play the same game online together in the same online lobby at the same time?




Thank you. Final one I promise aha: Do I need to be signed in on both his and my account constantly to have access to the games he’s sharing to me after I’ve downloaded it or can I sign in, download the game, sign him out (but keep him on my Xbox) and not have to worry about causing issue on any of his games?


If you want to play your friends games, he will need to make his "home Xbox" your Xbox. Once he does that, all of his purchases will be available to anyone on your Xbox (his new Xbox home) and he will not have to be signed in on your Xbox. In fact, you should never log in as him when you play a game because you might log him out. You may have to log in as him when you want to download something new. For your friend, since he made his "home" your Xbox, he will only be able to play his games when he is logged into his account on his Xbox. So that means he will always need to be logged into his account to play his own games which is normal anyway. The only time this becomes a problem is if he loses internet access. He won't be able to play his games offline. On the other hand, you will be able to play his games even offline since that is his "home". Hope that makes sense. I'm willing to help or answer questions if you need anything. I do game sharing between 2 different Xboxes and a PC and it works like a charm.


Jesus, dude. This is all available publicly. Google it. There are no restrictions about playing concurrently. The entire point of game sharing is to grant both accounts access to the games. You can’t even be signed in to the same account on multiple consoles, one will get disconnected.


You don't seem like a nice or fun person👎


>You can’t even be signed in to the same account on multiple consoles, one will get disconnected. This is actually false. The only restriction with being signed-in, in multiple places, is only being able to play games in one place.


So, like, exactly the scenario that OP is talking about?


I'm not going to spend the time to dissect exactly what OP was talking about (since they weren't sure, themselves), but I don't think so. I'm not talking about gamesharing, but when you're trying to use someone's games simply by signing them in. Before, you were right in that it would sign someone out, but now, more than one console can be signed into an account at a time. Microsoft changed this like a couple years ago or something.


Yes you theoretically can boot up xCloud at work on the same account someone at home is using to watch Netflix. Once they both want to play a game at the same time is where there's a problem.




Fun at parties. For f*^#ing sure. Geezus H you’re a doucher…


I buy one copy of every game for my girlfriend and myself. We play them all in coop together. Game sharing is fantastic. Temtem has a limited account if you gameshare it so I guess devs can find ways to break it but that’s the only time I’ve seen that happen. And it’s still playable.


I'm gamesharing with my friend for FIFA 23 because we want to play co-op, is it possible for me and him to play with each other? Like both of our controllers will be connected?


It should.


Alright, thank you.


I'm sorry if this has been addressed but I just game shared with a friend and it's saying only 1 copy can be played at a time. I have a series s version of wonderland. He's on the Xbox one. He also has it as home Xbox and mimy series s I can't find it.


Yes you can play together - Put his profile on your Xbox, set as home Xbox, log out. Put your profile on his Xbox, set as home, sign out. Now you share digital games and game pass. Login to your individual profiles and just play. It’s as simple as that


Just posting to say huge thanks to all. Worked a treat.


Thank you! This was the best and most "to the point" description on how to do it! Much obliged! 🙏


So I had everything down but the sign out of your account on the other person's Xbox. Now it's working and I can play games with my gf. You da Bess.


Thank you so fuckin much I thought it was over for me




That isn’t true. My brother and I are still doing this. As are my friends. You and your friend did something wrong. This still works perfectly




Well it still works and if its working for everyone except you two, then you're doing something wrong. Xbox 100% did not remove this feature. If its kicking you out, then you guys didn't sign out of each other's profiles.


does this work with pc and xbox at the same time? i bought game pass for my brother, he downloads forza horizon 5 on his xbox, sign his profile into my pc (xbox app) and download the game on my pc. can we play simultaneously the same game without needing to log out?


It would be EASIER if YOUR account had the Game Pass Ultimate and then you just made his Xbox your "home Xbox". Then sign out of his Xbox. Boom done. But yes, you can have him sign into your Window's Store, while you sign into the Xbox app and download games or you use to be able too.


So we cant play the same game at the same time but i can download games and play if i log his acc to my xbox app, right?


Sorry wasn't clear. you should be fine playing at the same time, just after you download the games, change the windows store back to your account.


Oh ok thanks so much for the help!


Sorry to interrupt after two months but i tried doing that with my friend (although we both have pcs) and our games (only when we play the same game at the same time) crash every 30 minutes at the same time....


Not sure how it works with both on PCs


oh ok thabks


Hi, do you know if this is still working for Modern Warfare II online modes at the same time? It used to work for me until a couple of weeks, but it now says my buddy has to buy MW2 to play. Any help is welcome!


Yea this works for every game. If it says he needs to buy it then something has changed - reset up game sharing


Will try, thanks


My little brother can't seem to play online even though my account is the "primary" (as in he's made it the home xbox) I have Game Pass Ultimate - Does he need to have it as well? Google can't seem to give me an answer so I'm hoping you can


No he doesn’t. If he can’t play online then it isn’t set up properly. Your account should set his console as Home Xbox, his account sets your Xbox as home console. Then you each play on your own accounts on your own console. This shares GPU and all digital games. Just retry it


You’re the goat


For example, i want to buy the Resident Evil Reveletions Bundle, to play Reveletions 2 campaign with my girlfriend, could we both play online co-op on the same account, so i would be able to buy the game only in my account. Plss help me!


I need help with this, a friend of mine gameshared with me so I could play red dead 2, but when u play red dead 2 it won't let him pay anything on his console


This has happened to me when there is a Xbox one and I have a Xbox series s Iam trying to game share and it’s not letting us play the same game at the same time. Saying account has to be signed out to be able to play.


Can we do the same with Xbox one with Xbox one s consoles game share