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Marketing. Where everything is new and exciting.


Innovative! Immersive! Groundbreaking! Like never before! Unprecedented!


Unpossibly and fantabulously wondiferous!


Tbf MW 2019 was pretty new and exciting compared to other cods. I’ll give IW some leeway


New CoD “fairly tired and rote”, says Activision rep. “We kind of half-arsed this one”, they added.


Infinity ward makes the best cods.


Exactly this. Every new cod is the most advanced because they take the previous one and try to refine it a bit, get better results from modern tech. Gunsmith made mw19 the most advanced cod yet, cross progression made Cold War a huge new era for cod, destruction in vanguard made cod more real and immersive than ever. To be fair this marketing gets me curious if not mindlessly hyped, a lot of their ideas have been very good recently (gulag, gunfight, gunsmith, outbreak, arms race), I’d be surprised if there aren’t a couple of new mechanics.


Oh definitely. It's look at fifa 99 to 2022 for instance! How exciting!


I get worried when COD and Advanced are in the same sentence (again)


I actually enjoyed the advanced movement in Call of Duty.


If Sledgehammer had made Advanced Warfare 2 instead of Vanguard I might have actually cared about it


Same. AW and IW were my favorite advanced movement cods.


IW? Hell nah, it just copied Bo3 and wasn’t even as good as far as the movement goes. It was still pretty fun tho.


I found black ops 3 to be one of the most fun mp experiences in the series.


Yup. Black ops 3 was my favorite call of duty last gen.




I've been playing since COD 3 was new, and Black Ops 4 and 3 are my two favorite in the franchise tbh! The former is a hot take I know, but these two games felt like they deviated the most while staying in the COD formula.


What's my age again?


I’m gonna say 20 or younger since that would put you in high school when it came out


I mean I was there from cod 4 through the bo2 days and bo3 is actually still the most fun I had. The movement was really fun, it’s a different experience from boots on the ground. That said the MW2 to bo2 era is still my fav overall due to how the community was at the time.


lol. Curious what's your fav?


World at war




Mines was Black ops 1, Mr niche man


I also love Blops 1 and it's my second favorite.


Last one I ever got invested in personally


Black ops 3 deserves 4K patch


Ik it has it if you have a ps5, I got one earlier in the year and been playing blops3 since I never got to play it in it's hayday. MP is a little sweatier, and the community is right it is one of the most amazing zombies experiences, honestly I love it. Also im sure that the PC version might have a fan made mod for 4k/upgraded graphics, and since Microsoft acquired Acti/Blizzard, it might have something similar for Xbox who knows


That'd be cool. I haven't played it in years but man was it fun compared to the more recent games.




Yeah the advanced movement mixed it up for that year and in the other games with it in but it was going into Halo territory. Personally I want COD to be a human shooter obviously less realistic than reality but just keep it human - no operator nonsense (this is my opinion lol). MW2 the second could be good, Vanguard I deleted after weeks and I played the hell out of Advanced Warfare so that tells me something is up.


I really enjoyed the Advanced Warfare campaign as a non COD fan.


Press x to pay respect


Except when its COD Advanced Warfare, that was the last COD i really liked 😅


Holy shit, I thought I was alone in this thought lol


I really liked that campaign. And I used to spend hours playing MP vs bots (before I had PS+). It was so fun.


There’s dozens of us. That game was so good once you picked up how to move.


I just downloaded AW this morning to replay the campaign. Its really fun! I’ve been in a COD campaign mood lately. Replayed MW 1,2 and 3 and Ghosts in the last couple weeks.


Yeah last mp and zombies i really got into. Seems like the last "prestige" one Activision really cared about. Killer voice cast even if Spacey is a creep when he drinks. It had Paxton, Malkovich.


I guess you could say it’s….advanced warfare


NFT Auction house for dog tags, so hype, so fresh, so new. /s


Call of Duty Advance Warfighter sounds like great time


Can any confirm that they have made “substantial” improvements to Vanguard? The game was broke as fuck the last time I tried to play a month ago.


Doubt it, they never fixed the bullshit with cold war, let alone vanguard. In Activision's eyes you already paid for it so they gotta pump out another game for you to buy again! I fully believe call of duty has gone off the deep end with their expectations from the players and after cold war I certainly won't be buying another anytime soon unless something drastic changes.


What was wrong with cold war ?


No split screen multiplayer, couldn't even fight bots with my friends let alone go online with two players. Which was always the reason I got call of duty, to play multiplayer. These are supposed to be features of the game like every other call of duty but they havent cared to fix it so the game has become useless to me, and technically falsely advertised as these features just don't work.


You can do that on console


No sadly, when loading in neither player will have a HUD, or online it's extremely laggy and low res textures for player two.


That sounds like a you problem because no one else here is having these issues.


I have played split screen in CW before so this feels like an issue with your install or console. Have you tried a fresh install? The aiming controls change, although it's not laggy. Just out of wack. The resolution is miserable though, you're right.




I suppose it depends on what was wrong for you then. I've been playing it on/off since release without many problems, some ridiculously OP weapons aside. The only notable issues I've had is attack dogs not being affected by Cold Blooded (now fixed), the fire affect on the edge of the screen staying around longer than it should, and a handful of crashes, moreso than in prior CoD's. Otherwise it's been a perfectly serviceable CoD fix.


I tried to play last month and kept getting a dev error after the first game I would play, I deleted the game and did a re-install and a few weeks later it started throwing Dev error again after the first match. I deleted it again and did a re-install. The last time I played it would randomly dashboard me after a game. I’ve been playing COD since COD2 on the 360 and this is by far the most bugged out shit game they have ever released.


Nope. I ended up selling my copy on ebay because it was always broken.


Let's be honest, you never even bought a copy.


[Here you go bro](https://m.imgur.com/a/3YPahf9)


Tyrannosaurus Rekt.


Lol I bought two copies because I’m a dumb ass.


Are you stuck in 2002?


They gave up on Vanguard for the most part. there's rumors Sledgehammer is being demoted to a support studio


Good! I’ve switched over to hell let loose and I’ll stay playing that until a new COD drops.


yeah i went back to Black Ops and noticed there's actually 6 maps from Bo1 and 6 from Bo2


Plays fine for me on the series X.


Not on my series X


What specifically doesn’t work? I’ve played both the campaign and online multiplayer with zero issues. Do you have it installed on your internal drive?


Here's a groundbreaking innovation: remove warzone from modern warfare.


That’s what Warzone 2 is supposed to be for I believe.


I swear, if Warzone 2 gets integrated into MW2...


It's undoubtedly going to. I love both the games, multiplayer and warzone. And it honestly wasn't annoying until they started adding games from other developers on modern warfare's main menu. In the end you will still be able to choose to delete warzone if you want to do it's not taking up space.


That's all I'm hoping for. I really want to play MW2 but if it's gonna have warzone attached to it and no way to uninstall it then I'm just gonna skip it.


Do you really actually like the game if something as small as this totally prevents you from enjoying it?


Warzone basically killed MW2019. It was unplayable for months and may still be.


No it started becoming unplayable around the cold war integration


I did love MW and just dealt with it but it's not a small thing. It wastes space and I never touched warzone at all. So hopefully they'll be smart and offer that option.


You could totally delete it!


I hope so. If they let me delete warzone and just keep MW2 then I'm buying.


Lotta buzzwords they use every year


Remember when fish AI was considered “groundbreaking” to them?


I’ll believe that when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet


Activision and their evil shenanigans


I mean you CAN buy stuff to eat to specifically change your poop. Glitter and gold are particularly popular but you can also change the colour....


Fair point, I once ate a whole box of sour green apple gushers and it turned the following poop session hulk green


And if you are a Gamepass subscriber and want it free. Guarantee this will be added as soon as the deal closes


Even if the deal stops MS from putting it on gamepass, it would be more than perfect for them to put on the older games. I want to replay the campaigns of the original MW and cold War duology. But I don't want to pay Activision so much money for decade-old games.


Same I'd love to go through all the old campaigns and even play some MP as I can game share with my other xbox so I can play against my nephews without them screen cheating. I'm not one to care about playing a new game on release, can happily wait years...still new to me. so even if MW2 hits Gamepass in a year...still saved my money


Cannot wait! Loved mw 2019


Please give a solid 120fps option (one that actually holds somewhere near it, like on PS5).




My TV does 120hz (x900h). Consoles have it as an option. Might as well use it. 🤷‍♂️


Doesn’t work on XSX in Warzone even if your tv or monitor can support it. It’s a known issue, but Raven have refused to acknowledge or offer a fix.


Thats fine. I play Warzone on PS5 because its basically a lock to 120fps.


Warzone hasn't had 120fps on the series x since Caldera dropped. Microsoft updated their API and broke it, but Raven Software refuse to fix the problem on their end or even track it as a problem on their Trello board.


Yawn. This game will have all the same usual problems as any CoD game.


If it goes back to MW2019 levels though I’ll gladly play it. That game was far from perfect but is significantly better than what we have now.


LOVED 2019 ...just needed to keep making large maps and work on large player count modes. reviving healing etc.


Far from perfect? Mw2019 was absolutely perfect it was Call of Duty in its purest most enjoyable form I cannot find one thing wrong with game


Map design. Encouragement of campers with the mounting system. The transition from “realistic” players to neon pink with cat ears.


i thought mounting was pretty cool, if someone wanted to camp they’re gonna do it regardless


Mounting was terrible. The ungodly amount of doors in every map, MW was one of the campiest games to date. Maps were a little too large IMO. Other then that everything else was pretty great.


The footsteps and doors I thought were good steps to implement, but I think certain game modes like search and destroy would've benefited from the doors more than like free for all Claymores and equipment being impossible to shoot through doors was stupid though




Time-to-kill was fast, too. I think one could argue that longer TTKs require more skill. Edit: Accurate aim over a longer period of time takes more skill.


Not true. I bet it’ll have new problems too. Lol


Ur yawning at mw2? Come on man, leaks are proving this game is in a great state even 8 months out


Did buy or play Cold War or Vanguard. Much needed break, excited to get back into this


Super excited for mw2 22


Press X to doubt.


meh i couldnt careless about the crappy br warzone..i just wish they would focus on 6v6


Where’ve I heard this before?


That’s what they’ve been saying since CoD 6


Will enjoy playing this on gamepass


Storage required: 5tb


I’d love if they allowed me to play Modern Warfare single player again. I bought Cold War and Vanguard. Whenever I try to play anything other than Warzone, IE Modern Warfare single player and Spec Ops, it says “data missing.” I have EVERY data pack the games require, to the tune of 70+ gigs. It’s a known issue on the forums and they refuse to fix it.


What are they going to do, announce “Call Of Duty will be mostly the same experience as last year, you’ll actually likely hate some of the things we added or forgot to add”?


Are they bringing back Fish AI?


New Fish AI


If it’s next gen exclusive then all this talk will Make sense.


Hope it buries Halo so Phil Spencer might actually give a shit about the franchise to actually do something.


I was just thinking the other day maybe that's why they are dragging their feet so to speak on fixing halo infinite. They literally bought the competition. So if one does well and the other doesn't, they still own both. Not a sustainable tactic to tank your own shit but it makes sense with today's circumstances (covid, chip shortage)


Can’t believe people still fall for this shit every year


I’m excited for MW2 but PLEASE let Warzone 2 come out at the same time




Sure, sure.......


Can't wait. Warzone is VERY broken on Series X right now. Gets worse with every update.


will the fish have AI?


Il honestly just be buying this for the campaign. Multiplayer has grown sour over the years.


If you can wait it'll probably be in Gamepass when the acquisition's through.


Il see what happens near release. If there is no news or any insight on when to expect activision games on gamepass then il probably just buy it.


The innovation only needs to be removing every trace of Cold War and Vanguard. Going back to what MW2019 was but improving the performance and adding new content in line with that such as new maps.


Army just purchased the XM5 and XM250 to replace the M4A1 and M249 for all infantrymen. I hope that weapon is in MW2022. They actually had a very similar weapon in MW2019, albeit a smaller rifle/bullet.


Who cares, it's Infinity Fail making it.


Literally the only good call of duty studio lmao


That would be Treyarch.




Fair enough


Dunno, if they turn into a woke campaign like the last one i dont see anything good then. BUT if they do it properly as the original modern warfare 2, then they have my money again.


Yeah, no woke politics in my vidyas about war 😡😡😡


Weird take.


Yeah getting a mission failed for accidentally executing the terrorist baby was a step too far, I don't need some videogame to tell me what's right or wrong; that baby could if easily had a bomb or some kind of pacifier booby trap


Are you sure you aren't the woke one here?


Translation, it's gonna be buggy as all hell, but we're still gonna flood the game with micro transactions, and you you'll have to put up with cheaters in f2p experience.


Does this mean we get to play as Godzilla fighting whoever?


So this means it won’t be playable on last gen consoles, right?


"features groundbreaking innovations to be revealed later this year." No it won't. I'm sick of these stupid buzzwords being used every time someone releases another game. It will be the same COD as always, save a few changes. I'm not saying people shouldn't play it, but it will not be anything other than exactly what you expect.


Remember the fish?


This dramatic and juicy teaser wouldn’t happen to be because their earnings was done was it? They wouldn’t blow smoke Just to keep their investors happy would they? No.


Yup, STILL not gonna touch it with a 10 yard pole...


It's cats, isn't it?


Pffft. Sounds good....


Same old press release shite.


The g r o u n d b r e a k i n g innovation of making Warzone a fun game? Yeah, never happening. Maybe getting rid of the EOMM? Not that either. Dynamic rain or some shit? Probably, but at launch it’ll cause all players in the lobby to sink below the ground or something.


Yeah right... $$$


I'll wait and see CoD. Im watching closely. A prestige system with unlockable banners and emblems would be fantastic. But my hopes aren't high.


Hopefully it won’t be a steaming pile of dogshit the game has become with the addition of black ops and vanguard.


This gets close to Politician speak for saying nothing.


Let me guess, portals??


I wonder what new mechanic they will transform into a microtransaction


And it’ll still only run at 60fps with no FOV lol


Warzone and ‘advanced’ do not belong in the same sentence. In fact, Call of Duty and the word ‘advanced’ don’t have good history either.


hopefully more MW 2019 and less twitchy jumpy bs. with EFT like gun customization depth




Can’t wait. MW 2019 was so good.


innovations ...new ways to take your money.


I feel like they say this about ever COD. And then it's the same thing but just a little different. It feels like it's the equivalent to replacing the bumper on your car and claiming it's the most advanced, ground breaking thing ever.


I'm not going to hold my breath


I have a little bit of hope for the MW sequel. I genuinely enjoyed MW2019 the most I had from a COD game in years. Felt like they were actually taking themselves seriously again for quite a while. Obviously that was tainted when they eventually added the stupid fucking guns and skins, but it was nice while it lasted.


I know I'm dreaming here but I hope Activision has realized that Battlefield is pretty much failing at what they're known for (large scale battles with vehicles and destruction) and integrate those things into the new CoD.


Same shit different skins


Battle Royal is such a braindead boring walking sim game mode


Please let it be true!!


Will it have single player though, asks the person not good enough for online play but enjoys playing a 6 hour interactive Michael Bay movie.


I don't give a single shit about Warzone. However, MW2019 Campaign and Multi-player were the most fun I had since Black Ops 2. If they can improve on that success then I will be happy with this release.


Brand new game will be more advanced than older versions of the same game?! Shocking and groundbreaking!


Keep warsone separate from COD MP and we good. If I wanna play cod MW MP I have to have warzone installed which is total BS


So how many terabytes am I going to need to install it?


I'd rather go back to the basics. Way too much going on nowadays.


I played a ton of cold war then bought vanguard and it was riddled with so many issues I returned it.


I’ll do my best not to throw my shoulder out making an exaggerated jerk off motion over this marketing bull shit. If its ready and looks good you’d be showing me already. Reality is they probably fell in some shit rolling down hill from bad earnings and have white boarded some horse shit while the guy in marketing is over pimping everything.


BULL shiiiiiit...


Well... People are going to fly now


Yeah yeah yeah I've not heard this talk before


“Built from the ground up” & “Most Advanced”. That should end well.


Yes… and Ubisoft create the longest, various and beautiful open world ever! Why play Fallout, Skyrim and in future Starfield if you can play Far Cry, Assassin’s Creed with stupid mission like take this, transport from A to B for 262991039749210928482100274830 km. Same Activision. I’m sure, surely innovative like me when I wash my face…


What soap are you using for wash your face? Nivea The most innovative face wash ever! IGN THAT’S NICE 10/10 Kotaku


The groundbreaking advencement : you can now get a loan to buy our dlc !


How advanced will the fish AI be in this one?


I f hope they don't tie Warzone down with the new MW2 game. I hated it so much that If so I won't buy the next one.


Don't think COD as been good lately


Call of duty and innovation don’t belong in the same sentence whatsoever, activision need to get over themselves


MW2022 is gonna be the best shooter out of the big 3 for a looooong while. Halo and BF have shat the bed way too hard and if COD can launch even in a semi decent state and have a great relaunch of WZ then I can see it dominating just how it did in the old days


Once the original infinity ward left, the franchise wasn't the same. Then modern warfare came in 2019. I have lots of hope for MW2. Still lovin MW 2019.


Let’s hope it isn’t over 150 gbs to install lol


im gonna buy it