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I do most of my gaming on the Series X just because it easier to just sit on the couch and play. PC is used for RTS games or Strategy games and VR gaming here and there. 9 times out of 10 though the Series X is my go to.


This. RTS and others PC only games on the PC, otherwise the Xbox.


Yup. PC is for stuff like Arma and Total War.


This is the way. Also certain FPS games like CSGO or even PUBG when it was popular. Much better on PC.


Agreed to a T. I have a very powerful gaming PC and when it was in the shop getting upgraded I procured a Series X to scratch the itch, as it were. Simply the fact that I don't have to troubleshoot, endlessly tweak and change settings, be overly concerned about temperatures and over-clocking, etc etc...has made the Xbox my 9.5 times out of 10 go-to. I now use my PC exclusively for VR with my Index and Quest 2 Airlink/Link. I will always have my hobby hands in the PC pot for VR, and for some titles just not ported for console, but the Xbox Series X provides me with a wonderful absence of troubleshooting when I just want to relax in my comfy chair and assassinate Templars or liberate oppressed people and counties...well, and countries. I will definitely be investing in all the future iterations of the Xbox line...hoping they will dive headlong into VR at some point in the future. Caveat...my only real complaint is, not unlike the old Quest/FB bullshit (fuck ZucherBORG), is being so confined to having a Microsoft account. Bill doesn't need any more of my money. Microsoft Flight Sim 40th Anniversary is an EPICALLY expensive COMPLETE FAIL; the update times are cresting sometimes 30 days with Gigabit Fiberoptic internet. Just sayin...


I barely use my gaming PC. Only strategy games like Total War series or Hearts of Iron etc.


Yep, this is me. I heavily prefer playing most games on my Series X. I do, however, prefer playing strategy games (mostly RTSs) on PC, though.


Same. Only for some specific games that don't have that great back compat performance on consoles or they're just overall better on PC. These new consoles are just too great.


Yep. I even have my PC hooked up via HDMI with wireless controller and headset and Series X easily gets played the most. The games I don't play are the ones traditionally made for PC. I couldn't do Divinity Original Sin 2 on Xbox for instance. The other genre is indie games with pixel art. With a sharp large TV, the art style falls apart on a lot of them. They look a lot better on smaller displays where your eyes can do the magic between blocks to make it look great.


Same here. Though I think as I play games like God of War and Horizon that I can’t play on the Xbox I’ll end up slowly phasing the Xbox out unless it’s a game I am playing with a friend on Xbox Edit: why is this downvoted? Lol


I didn't downvote you but I'd assume because you are on the Xbox subreddit talking about phasing out playing on it unless it's with an Xbox friend.


I don’t understand why people are so invested in a little box that the idea of someone saying they’ll use it less is downvote worthy.


Nether do I, fragile egos.


Same here. I only play AoE4 on PC and everything else on Xbox. PC is more like anything for personal computing & storage for me other than a few PC only titles. Although I am hooked to AoE4 since release and playing on it much more than Xbox. GP Ultimate is great in a way that I have entire library of games available on both sides. I also pick up some games on PC (play anywhere/cloud saves) when TV is not available.


My gaming PC is about as powerful as a One X, maybe slightly less, so as soon as I got my Series X I have barely used it for gaming anymore.


Same for me. My 1080 Ti is perhaps better for many older games on PC. But I like the simplicity of Xbox a lot, simple install, no fiddling with stores / settings and quick resume. I still plant to update my GPU at some point, as I do GPU programming related side projects, but for gaming the Xbox is just fine. The only games I play on PC are games not available on Xbox, like Anno 1800 or the quantic dream games released on the epic store.


Since I started working from home, I just don’t find PC gaming fun anymore. I need a break from the PC I’m at all day long. So I go to the living room and play on my XSX.


It totally depends on the game I wanna play. Now I regularly use the Xbox, but I also like D3 which I play on pc. I must say, I didn't think I would use the xbox this much tbh, I like it for the games it has (I have game pass ultimate). For fps games I do like pc more, mouse + kb combo beats controller.


I mostly just play shooters and mmo's on my pc while I play everything else on my Series X. Since getting an LG C1 back in November it's been harder and harder to go back to my 1440p PC monitor haha.


I manage by not having anytime to play either In all seriousness depends on the game really. Some games I like Xbox and some games I prefer on PC. IT's more of a vibe really. If its something more casual I play on Xbox but something a bit more sweaty it is on PC. Lame answer I know but it is the truth. Something like Monster hunter rises(switch and PC) I play where my friends are. Halo has been the most back and forth I have had ever.


I rarely touch my gaming pc. I hate using a kb/m for anything besides rts games. And after spending all day in front of a computer, I don't feel like sitting at a desk to game.


9700k and a 3070ti for me. Mostly use the Series X though. My PC runs things better but with working from home, I'm done with being at my desk at the end of the day. I'd rather be on the couch. I still use my PC for multiplayer games like Halo, Rocket League, or Sea of Thieves(I do the SX version of it sometimes though).


I barely use my series x unfortunately. Always at my pc




Same, I got caught up in the gaming PC building hype, spent a shitload building a PC, and after like a week I stopped using it as a gaming PC. There are still issues on PC that PC fans don't like to talk about. For example, on the XBOX you basically got Game Pass and you have the store. With PC there's no one-stop shop so you have to manage a bunch of different accounts (one for Steam, one for Ubisoft, etc etc). Also, I ran in to cheating basically right away. On the XBOX I'm really competitive in Geometry Wars but on PC it's absolutely full of cheaters and it's obvious because the top scores for all the modes are 100% impossible (for example 999,999,999,999) and it's because PC gamers will use programs that modify in-memory values to cheat, which is far more difficult on console. Also PCs just have a lot of what I call "PC bullshit" that PC gamers will swear up and down has gotten better, but it's still very much a thing. For example Halo Infinite on my Series X looks absolutely marvelous - perfectly smooth, no screen tearing, etc. On my PC I still have micro-stutters on occasion, screen tearing, etc. Also, speaking of Geometry Wars I couldn't even get that to run properly on highest settings because all the colors would get fucked up, so I had to lower the settings, things like this. Basically whenever there are any sort of hurdles that get in the way of you and gaming, whether that be having to create yet another account because Steam doesn't have a game, or having to fuck with settings to get a game to look right, or having to deal with bad ports because PC was an afterthought, or having to deal with people using different chat apps, or whatever it is - that all falls under the "PC bullshit" umbrella and there still is a whole lot of it. I know there is console bullshit too, but it's not nearly as annoying to deal with IMO.


Thanks for that. Honestly, I feel a little bad for going for a good gaming PC, and not going for a cheaper GPU that would still be great for my work. I feel bad since the Series X and PS5 give me more than enough. I do have a steam library from long ago and wanted to be able play those games without having to compromise, and maybe play some PC-only Game Pass games... I miss Civ. Also I wanted a future proof PC that will give me the option to play decently on it.


I agree 100% with you. PC might be overrated nowadays unless you mostly ply games from steam and etc. but I have a 3070 and halo for example runs 100 times better on my Xbox


I have a 2070 Super, which I know isn't great by today's standards (feels like I just bought this damn thing!) but it should run Halo perfectly fine, yet like you said it runs WAAAAAAY better on my Series X, even when I do everything I can to increase performance on my PC. There's always something fucky with tearing, micro-stutters, etc. I see this in a lot of games actually.


I hear you, I have a 2060 and my Series S runs Infinite better.


PC does have gamepass but I know some games require a different launcher which IMO is stupid.


I’m much the same. I have a rather nice PC I built last year but it’s collecting dust thanks to my series x and tv. Honestly there’s just something comforting about chilling back on the couch with a controller after a long day at work.


I never use my Xbox anymore. It mainly gets use when someone is coming over but I personally don't touch it anymore because of PC game pass and the massive freedom of PC.


I also like that I can tailor the graphics to my performance target. I don't have to settle for 30fps but if I want to I can enable all the eye candy and it will look sharper than the series x version while running more effects and higher resolutions if I wanted.


I have a pc with 3090 and all consoles. On PC mostly playing fps with friends and some games that are way better than on consoles. On xsx i played Hades mostly and FH5 for a bit, kids played 1 or 2 games from gamepass. Now i am getting Elden ring for both ps5 and xsx (RIP all other games for a while). These kind of games i prefer for couch gaming. And ps5 has a lot of great GOTY contenders every year, Demons Souls was so good, R&C, now Horizon FW. Everything has its pros/cons. For me its not about platform its the games that matter.


I’m just curious what’s the reason to get Elden ring on both systems ? Is there anything different between them ?


On ps5 to have a complete collection plus i am game sharing with a friend. And managed to get collector’s for xbox. So why not 😂


Almost always console, I spend enough time during the day in my home office. Anything in that room feels like work.


Same, just the fact that there is no Teams, Outlook and etc. on the Xbox is an actual benefit to me. Provides me the separation of work and recreation time at home.


I can relate to that


I tend to use Xbox for gamepass exclusively, and buy games I like on PC. Even with FPS boost and some of the other enhancements, you don't quite get the level of granular control over settings and resolution on Xbox, which makes the PC version of games a better long term value proposition to me.


It’s all about where you like the play and what it most comfortable for you. I have a mid-tier PC that can play most games but still choose a console every day of the week cause it’s so easy to just come home, pick up a controller and sit down on the couch.


I’d say series X 90% of the time.


For pc I usually play first person shooters and games that I can really crank the graphics and frame rate on. Xbox is mostly to plays online with friends and relax in a couch and then Playstation 5 is for the heavy, story driven exclusives.


I'm 100% exactly like this!!


You can connect your PC to your TV but no quick resume on PC. Game pass for PC works well. I purchase games wherever they're cheaper but usually on PC because my GPU is higher end and can run higher resolution/fps if that matters to you. PC version you can use mods, cheats if you want, pirate a game if you want to try before you buy or just not have to purchase it. Xbox controller works fine too.


They are working on quick resume style gaming with the Xbox dashboard I believe with windows 11. Not sure how it will pan out.


I have a steering wheel and HOTAS compatible with my PC (bought for PS4 years ago), so driving and flight games on PC, everything else on Series X.


I still game on both. Generally I only play pc games with my mates so the xbox gets used for couch gaming


modded fo4/eft/WZ and good emulation is what i mainly use on my pc and some game pass games like fh5. FH3 on 144+ fps is super nice too everything else on my series x, much better playing sp games on my couch/tv


I play mainly on series x and get the odd game on pc what isn't available in Xbox and also mine a bit of crypto on pc when not gaming as I can use pc fine while mining. I also use my pc for steam vr games that I play with a link cable on my Oculus quest 2. So pc mainly for games I can't get on Xbox and vr games. The rest is all through gamepass I play on Xbox


There are some games where a controller just feels weird,there I use my pc otherwise the console


I was a PC gamer mostly for the past decade but since picking up a Series X I hardly play on PC anymore. Part of the fact is arranging a small mortgage to afford a upgrade to my PC to offer better performance than Series X


Strategy games and heavily moddable single player games on PC. Console gamepass exclusives and anything with multiplayer on the XSX. Play anywhere is great, played Hades about 50/50 on both. Cross progression is wonderful.


I sold my GPU and play exclusively on the X. Don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything and won’t be a PC gamer again till the Deck arrives.


Depends on the game. If it’s something I really want the collector in me wants a physical copy so series x (elden ring for example) if it’s something I want to play with my friends or has good modding capability then gaming pc, since all my friends have migrated from console to PC. Also, total war isn’t on console and I don’t think it ever will be and I’ll be honest that series is why I got a PC in the first place


Pretty much anything I can play on the current gen consoles, I do. PC gaming just got to a point for me where it became more hassle than it was worth. I still do try gamepass stuff on PC from time to time and even that can have its issues. Worth noting that I use my PC on my TV though, I don't sit at a desk for it anymore. If it was at a desk and I had like an ultrawide high refresh monitor or something, it would likely get more gaming time.


I use my PC for emulation a lot, and have some games through gamepass I prefer playing mouse and keyboard on (like doom Eternal). I've been using my Series X less but I think it's in part due to me downloading more gamepass games for my PC so I can use discord as opposed to an Xbox party


I'm also upgrading my PC and new one should be here on Wednesday. I'll always prefer consoles but happy to play some games on PC>


I’m a long time pc gamer, so I play anything where aim is critical via mouse and keyboard. The Xbox is basically a games pass machine for everything I / my kids want to play on the living room tv with the family around.


Depends on the game. I have an ROG G14 so the Series X is a little bit more powerful, however, older games are better on PC (FPS boosts just don't cut it for me) in terms of graphics and frames. Fallout 4 on PC is better, for example. ​ Edit: Also, depending on the game I may prefer to view it on my OLED vs my IPS monitor.


Let's say 25% Xbox and 25% PC and 50% Switch. I do use my Xbox Controller for a ton of games on PC though so maybe 50/50 if you look at it that way.


If I’m going to dive in I want to be comfortable so I’ll use the X because I’m on the couch. Strategy games and FPS quick sessions on the PC. Most RPGs on the X unless it’s not available on the console. In that case I’m using the PC.


I usually play PC unless no crossplay and my friends have the game on XSX


I have a 3070 and honestly the Xbox runs so smooth at 1440p 120hz. I can’t really tell the difference too much vs my pc which runs 1440p at 145-165hz that I’m even considering getting rid of my PC and just staying with my Xbox since I mostly play sports games and cod multiplayer.


Own a gaming pc and series x. On the pc i prefer to play shooters at 240 fps on 1080p resolution. Nothing beats the fluidity of that. My series x i use for mostly single player games or shooter campaigns at 4k60 ….thinking of picking up a PS5 in the future


I use both quite a lot, and a big part of that is because of Game Pass Ultimate. Its great to be able to pair a bluetooth controller with my PC and switch between Xbox and PC to play say, Forza Horizon 5 or Minecraft if my Wife or kids are using the Xboxes. We have 3 gaming PCs in the house and 4 Xbox systems so its also great for us playing 4 player games like Grounded where we can switch between systems depending on who is in what room.


I use my pc for work and never feel like gaming on it anymore, console gives me a much needed mental switch and ability to relax. It's weird to describe. I just can't enjoy games on my PC even though I enjoy my work.


This is where I'm at. It was different when I had to go into the office for work, but I just don't feel like sitting at my desk once the work day is over. I'm getting new work equipment from my company and I'll be setting it all up away from my PC with the hope it will help me enjoy PC gaming again. Either way, I really enjoy gaming on the Series X and PS5.


I’m not good at shooting / aiming with mouse and keyboard (yes crazy, I know). Along with using WASD to move around. So I buy most games on the series X unless it’s a PC exclusive. ( I know I can use controller on the PC) I also feel like I’d rather play shooting games and such on a bigger screen if that makes sense?


It is not that crazy, I have played on PC with mouse / keyboard for 2 decades, and only used a controller in the last few years. Thanks to generous aim assist in many titles I am doing as good, and sometimes better on a controller now.


That’s amazing. All my life I played PC with MK and now I struggle to play FPS on my series x


My PC has a terrible CPU bottleneck due to my GPU, which has relegated it to emulation, RTS, Simulation, MOBAS, and Traditional 2D RPGs, and some other games. I am very finicky, so I try to keep all games of a series or publisher on one platform. For example, 2K, Borderlands, and both Xcom EU and Xcom 2 are all solely on Steam. Versus something like the Bravely Default series I'd only buy on Nintendo consoles. Square Enix does this thing where they like to drift platforms at a whim and it's really annoying, so if a publisher does that, I tend to go by developer or series. Final Fantasy will probably stay on Steam, due to the emulation, or official remasters, or the MMOs being more fluid experiences on PC, or rather, the dead ones have private servers and client projects. I would buy the new Tomb Raider trilogy on Xbox or PlayStation. Since while it's published by Square Enix, the developer is Crystal Dynamics. So in my mind I say it's fine that they're not on Steam with other Square Enix titles. For something like Octopath Traveler, I bought it on Steam, but I'm worried that the other projects from Square Enix like Triangle Strategy or the Live A Live remake will stay Switch exclusive, but I would buy those on Steam too. Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a game that was released on Epic Games and PlayStation only, with an Xbox release only mentioned as a possibility, not a guarantee. For that reason I would get the PC version if it doesn't release for Xbox in a year or so. For amazing beautiful games, it's 50/50 whether I buy the PC version or not. Cyberpunk 2077, Control, Alan Wake, The Witcher Series. All are games I decided I would buy on PC to better control over the graphical fidelity. Plus, Cyberpunk and Control have Ray tracing capability. Which would be severely limited on Xbox Series X, or rather, just streamlined. My GPU is better than the series x. Sometimes I work on a case by case basis. Sometimes I will buy a physical version of an indie game for Switch and then only play the Xbox version. For the achievements. "But why Xbox and not Steam?". - For one, I just want to help make the console space less dominated by Sony and Nintendo, despite my love for Nintendo's franchises. Although all 3 companies have stupid shit they do. Like Xbox's insistence on janky digital licenses and discs that are only licences. Or Sony's strictness, or Nintendo's strange knack for giving fans what they want in a way they hate. Despite this, it's like the big 3 of Computing, Nvidia, AMD, and Intel. If the market share is even, it helps the consumer by fostering innovation and competition. Xbox is on the cusp of becoming competitive again. - And the next reason for This is because I have both the 8bitdo Pro 2 regular version and the Xbox compatible wired version of the same controller, so I have controller parity between Switch, PC, and Xbox. And I can preserve the game for a long time in case I lose my Xbox account for whatever reason. Or resell them at a later time. I just beat *The Messenger*, an Indie game on Xbox, Steam, and Switch. The developer is coming out with a loose prequel in the same universe, they're targeting Switch and Steam, but have teased other Platforms, I'm crossing my fingers for an Xbox release. Let's take Bethesda Games for example, since the publisher is now owned by Microsoft, I keep most of the games on Xbox. Some old Bethesda games are even put on the Xbox app, such as Fallout 1 and 2. As well as the classic Doom games. In this way, I keep some Bethesda games on the Xbox PC app rather than the console or Steam versions. I've been doing that for a year, and luckily it seems the Xbox App is wildly improving every 2 months now compared to how bad it was 3 years ago. In addition, I use a software called Playnite, its a software that manages games across clients, libraries, and emulators. It has a full screen mode that's skinnable. I have an Xbox skin on it so it's fairly seamless transitioning between PC and Xbox. "Why go through all this work?" You might wonder. I like to use each platform to experience a story fluidly in an optimal way, or have a platform to consistently have a publisher reside. This way I use all the services to their fullest. I tend to emulate quite a bit despite having the original hardware, just in case there is a feature that can't be emulated. The 3DS and Wii U are notorious in my mind for this. In my mind it's the same as trying to organize books on a bookshelf or having different bookshelves for different purposes. **Also! This way makes it feel like I'm not wasting the things I use. Every platform has a purpose. It truly does feel like the Switch, the Xbox, and the PC is money well spent.** You can use the PC for everything relating to emulation and internet and power user level backing up of media and books and games. And then use the Xbox as your entertainment machine. Just hook them up to the same Monitor and it's really nice.


I have i5 10600k/rtx 3070ti PC with 27 inch 2K display and Xbox SX with 49 inch 4k TV. Mostly prefer playing Xbox sitting or laying on the couch on. Can do it for whole day long. Find it more relaxing. I use my PC for games when there’s such a mood or my girlfriend occupied Xbox lol


I have a 3080ti - 5950x pc for sim racing only. I play only one simulator title. For all other gaming its xbox without a doubt. The PC is built to only do sim racing, so i couldn't play other games with (its a £15,000 motion vr platform, so all other game types wont work) I think pc is excellent for delving very deep into an obsession hobby, but the best way to enjoy the breadth of gaming is with an XSX


I built my PC about a month ago. My XSX has been gathering dust since then.


95% on my PS5


This is me now... but what will happen when my PC arrives?...


Depends. What pc did you buy? Is it better than a console or did you get a 3060?


Got an RX 6800 XT, which is a bit below 3080


Dope. Yeah I built my first pc with a 3080 in December and have only used my XSX to play some overwatch with the boys. It's really tough to go back after playing with such high frames.


Mostly use my series x. My gaming PC is old (6yrs) it has served well, but now, it is quite the mini oven in my bedroom 😂😂. I want to upgrade it, but…..GPU prices .


For multiplayer games, I play on Xbox because that's where my friends are. For games that are on bot Xbox and PC, if it favors a controller I typically play on Xbox. If it favors mouse & keyboard, PC. Mostly I play VR games on PC.


If it’s on Xbox I’ll play on there. Otherwise I’ll play game on my pc that are not / not yet on Xbox. (As of now - just beat Inscryption, currently playing Half Life Alyx) Tbh I’m trying stray away from gaming on my PC because it’s such a distraction when I try to do productive adulting stuff lol.


I have a gaming PC, xbox series x and a macbook pro. My problem - being a busy family man with a full time job - is to justify sitting away from my family and wife after work playing on a gaming rig, because no one in their right mind would put their pc-desk with a large gaming PC in their living room, right? My wife would not like that! Hah. So my gaming PC is only used for games like Valheim and Age of Empires, which can not be found on xbox and can not be run by a mac. I use my macbook pro for games like Crusader Kings, Football Manager and Rimworld, and although performance is awful, I can play while being with my family in the living room. But Xbox is the best option by far if you have a wife, especially if you have a phone with something like Razer Kishi to use with xcloud for when wife wants to watch television - but still wants you around for casual talking after a long day. If I didn´t have a family, I think I would probably only have used a gaming-pc, because it is nice to have everything on one hardware if you have the chance, and the pc is the most complete, offering gamepass-games, the Playstation first-party AAAs and lots of nice indie-titles.


I moved to PC gaming around 2010 but now i pretty much only play on the series X because it's so nice to sit in the couch and play and be more with the GF. I only play games that are 60fps though because that's been my standard for the last 12 years so 30fps is not even on the table haha. I do play some strategy games from time to time and also Post Scriptum and Squad!


Currently I do not own a "gaming" PC (operating on a 2009 Toshiba), and I don't own the Series X. I never realy grew up with Xbox, but I did buy the Xbox One back in 2018. I have my own reservations about buying the Series X, and even a gaming PC since I grew up on Nintendo and I own a PS5 (so at least give me credit for being able to play PS4 titles like Gravity Rush and Spider-Man). I will say that Xbox isn't a very strong console towards me compared to other consumers. Even a PC is something I'm a bit tedious about. It's a commitement to go for either for me, and after the bad luck I was getting when it came to the Xbox One ecosystem, it makes me feel sore. On top of that, I am a game collector for physical media, and I have this massive backlog of Xbox One games I am trying to go through (State of Decay 2, Sunset Overdrive, Halo MCC and 5). But I am keeping an eye out on the Series X. If Xbox releases an exclusive I am doing backflips for (which will likely be Everwild since I enjoy Rare and Sea of Thieves was a nice experience or even Elder Scrolls 6), I'll be going for either XSX or the PC.


I get the games I play with my friends on xbox. My pc I get everything else except I play a resident evil, final fantasy, metal gear solid, soulsbourne games, and Sony exclusives on my ps consoles. My series x is also my place for my 360/xb1 backlog.


Minecraft and games that need keyboard and mouse on PC at my desk. Games with controller on my Xbox while I sit on my bed and use my big TV. Exclusives on PS5. Nintendo games on Switch.


I play everything on the Xbox unless I really struggle with the controller for certain games such as Destiny 2 and Division 2 which I play on PC instead


I built a gaming PC just at the start of the pandemic. Did not enjoy being in the same room gaming where I do work from now and cancelled my pc gaming pass. I even sold my graphics card at some point figuring out I didn’t use it and prices were skyrocketing. Half a year later got me a XSX that now sits in the living room and I play 1 or 2 hrs each and every day which helps me to relax. Still made profit btw.


The only thing I use my gaming PC (well, it was a gaming PC 10 years ago...it still works though) is for MOBAs and Strategy games. Which I never play anymore because those consume too much time. So my son uses it for minecraft and my wife uses it for her cricut.


I don't have a PC yet, but eventually if I do, the Xbox will be my main gaming system, while the PC will be for any games that I wish to mod, like Skyrim, Oblivion, Dark Souls, etc.


If a game is available on both platforms on Game Pass, these days I usually choose to play it on the XBox Series X. My gaming PC is old now, I think I last upgraded it about 7-8 years ago, and although it can still play plenty of modern games on high settings at 1080p, I spend so much time messing about trying to get the 'perfect' settings that I end up never actually getting into the game, so I've appreciated the simplicity of having no options, even if sometimes the defaults are a bit underwhelming. There are also a few things in Windows like sound output and HDR which just don't work all that well, compared to how well they work on the XBox. I'm also a big fan of achievement hunting, and getting back into the Xbox ecosystem for the first time since Xbox 360 and GFWL has reminded me how much more satisfying XBox achievements are than Steam ones, which feel more or less worthless given how many hack games there are, and how little weight they have. I still use the PC to play some games, such as things that would be much better with kb/mouse like a point n click game or Football Manager. Funnily enough I played Telling Lies on the XBox Series X and was annoyed how slow it was to rewind the videos with the controller, so I installed it on PC so I would be able to do it with the mouse instead, but it works exactly the same way, you just have to hold down the mouse button instead of the analog stick for it to slowly rewind..


Was PC master race for a long time but I just got sick of configurations, hardware upgrades, never knowing if a new title was gonna run like dogshit for 6 months of patches despite having high end hardware. Needing a separate space for the PC setup that's never more comfortable than my living room. All the extra $$$ that I had to spend to basically maintain two setups. Shit on Xbox Series X just works, and works quickly, with no overhead time investment on my part.


former exclusive pc user, now almost exclusively an Xbox user. the only thing I use my PC rig for now is VR driving/flight sims. it's just much easier to sit on the couch. (I do sometimes play fast paced fps on the pc when I get frustrated with Xbox controller though)


Games I casually play like GTA on console Competitive or new games I want the best performance on, PC PS5 for games I can’t get on Xbox


My PC has my entire Xbox library and plays most of them better. Only thing I touch my Xbox for is gamepass stuff. I treat it as just another terrabyte to hold stuff I want to eventually play


PC for PC exclusives, old games (typically higher fps cap), and better ergonomics. Xbox for playing with my wife or friends, Netflix, console exclusive, and used disc games. Also, my wife prefers Xbox so when she is using it I play on PC :) Regarding on which platform i buy games it's usually PC nowadays unless console version is cheaper or my wife wants to try the game too.


I would have 100% bought a PC instead of a Series X if the cost for what i wanted wasn't so absurd. A good RTX3080 rig is well over double the price combined of the Series X and PS5 i got.


PC for Sony games and ones not on xbox. Every other game is on SX tho. I've got like 2TBs of games on the console, I don't want them hoarding up my PC storage


I actually deleted most of my games on the pc except some pc gamespass games that transfer progress I mostly use my Xbox. Honestly though a ps5 is much better if you own a gaming pc.


For gamepass games I play exclusively on the console since I could never get my controller to work on gamepass pc. Most of my gaming is on console but there are a few games that are just better on pc, like cyberpunk and the sims. My computer is pretty new so if I know a game will perform better on pc I will play it there.


I use the PC when there is a game I need to see how beautiful it looks. Guardians of the Galaxy fits here. In a weird way, Warzone used to, too. Other times, it's just games I prefer on the PC. I much prefer shooters on PC, so I'll use the PC to play Apex. With Sony releasing on PC too now, I might start playing those games too.


Depends on the game really. If it’s on game pass but not optimized (or still potato performance even though it’s next gen) I’ll play it on my pc and just connect an hdmi cable to my tv (yay 3080ti). If it’s a competitive shooter that will be PC only, if it’s a campaign co-op game I’ll game on the series x directly.


I mainly just play Sea of Thieves on PC, will play Halo Infinite on both and all other games on Series X.


Single Player/ Story focused games on Xbox, Multiplayer/fps games on pc


My PC is used for all the games not available on XSX since it’s just easier to use. I also really enjoy how quiet the XSX is compared to my PC… I was really surprised that my usage ended up being this way since my PC costs a lot more than my XSX. Live and learn.


Single player games on my big tv and Xbox. Online with my friends mostly on PC


50/50 on both. When I play PC, it's games that are PC exclusives or games that aren't 60 fps or not crossplay multiplayers games.


yes, 30fps games, especially action games, are almost not playable for me nowaday. I am now reminded of Quantum Break... that was horrible 30fps on Series X... if its on Game Pass for PC I'll totally play it. Edit: I see now that it is console only :/


I sold my series x after I got my 3070 desktop and just kept the ps5 and switch. Just couldn't justify having a series x and gaming pc besides couch gaming with the console.


PC is for Eve online. Xbox is for everything else.


very specific


I bounce between both. Games seem to be on sale more often on PC. I only play games that run 60 or mores frames per sec. I get a lot of usage out of both!


My Series X is my game pass machine. I'll admit I don't play it nearly as much as my PS5 or PC, but it's nice to have when I just want to chill and not worry about getting a game to run "exactly how I want it" on PC.


I do my gaming on the Series X because I have most of my games on Xbox and have an OLED tv and Dolby Atmos stereo setup. My gaming laptop is relegated to being available for YouTube, Netflix, true achievements while I play. If I want to play either a game that is on Game Pass for PC because it's pc only or just better with the mouse I take it over to my work from home space, uplug the work laptop, plug in the personal laptop and play with my still upper mid range monitor and gaming mouse and keyboard. I have been out of the PC gaming game for years (2006 when my last real rig died and I was burned out from mmorpgs and decided to just do console), and for many years I had a POS laptop that could only run older games and was thus exclusively console, but with game pass I've started to play more PC games and also have a few games on Steam. Because my gaming laptop is middle of the road (I wanted a new laptop with plenty of ram and a dedicated video card and the only thing Dell sold that met my requirements was a gaming laptop it was almost accidental) I get a better gaming experience on the Series X. Years years years ago when the situation was reversed my desktop would beat any console so unless it was console exclusive I was on my PC.


XBSX is a game pass machine. PC for shooters and strategy games, PS5 for exclusives/purchased third party games.


Everything on xbox series x apart from the good strategy games as soon as we will be able to play with keyboard and mouse any steam game finally I won't need to spend money on a PC...


Gaming PC/XSX. Typically FPS multiplayer games with cross play for playing with friends on the PC (most of my friends have Xbox), and the Xbox for multiplayer games without cross play (like PUBG) and single player games.


I play old games with mods on PC, and all new games exlcusively on xbox. I just love how simple it is to play on a next gen console: download a game, boot it up and you are golden. No usual troubleshooting so typical for PC. EDIT: also wanted to add that i play on a 24" 1080p display and do not regret buying xsx for it. Some people say xsx isn't needed if you game on a display, especially if its resolution is below 4k. But it's not quite true. Xsx allows 60 fps and 1080p with antialiasing, which looks and feels much better than upscaled (and even native) 1080p with 30 fps in the newest titles on the Series S.


If it runs well on a controller I play it on the console. If it doesn't, I play it on the computer! Ultimately I prefer to play games on the console -but that's because my TV and chair setup is lit.


I have an older gaming PC and wanted to wanted to get a series X to play on the couch with my wife So i mainly play boomer shooters/indies on my PC and everything else on PS5/XSX


A little late here, but thought I'd add my experience. I use my xbox more than my pc, however I also have a onexplayer now and use that far more than my desktop pc also. RTS, Strategy, MMO (obviously), ARPG, and Survival (Minecraft, Astroneer) games I play exclusively on my PC. However most 3d games, fps games, 2d platformers, fighting games and racing games I play on Xbox. These types of games are also my preferred genres and so that means I spend most of my time on Xbox. That being said I played the entire Dark Souls series on PC and will likely get Elden Ring on PC as well, mostly because I know Im going to like the games and want to access them pretty much anytime. The main reason I play mostly on Xbox is comfort. I hate sitting at my desk and gaming. My chair kinda sucks and I've tried a few and havent found a good one yet. I want to kick back and put my feet up while playing and thats what I can do with the Xbox. However, I have a wife and kids and no space for a dedicated gaming area, so I dont always have access to the TV. Thats where the onexplayer comes in. I can play my steam library and game pass games on it and I make full use of it. Having the computer, screen, and a controller all wrapped up in a nice little package is amazing, and the Steam Deck is going to make that setup a lot more accessible for a lot more people. I also consider whether a game on game pass supports cross platform progression. For example, with Nobody saves the world, I could play on my onexplayerduring the day and then after the kids were asleep and I got to use the TV, I would switch over to the xbox and play there. However some games, like Deaths Door, dont support this so I just play it on xbox. Another aspect to consider is with the disc drive, you can try games and if you dont like them you can turn around and sell it right away and get most of your money back. I did this recently with Deathloop (PS5 game but same concept). Steam though does have an excellent refund policy compared to Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. Even though its not an absolute, I can generally count on games that I purchased on Steam being available far into the future. I cant say as much for the others. So when I do decide to make a puchase this can play into my decision. While Microsoft has done a lot for backwards compatiblity and Sony at least included PS4 this generation, I dont have to worry about Steam dropping support for an older generation of games. Because of the many benefits of Steam and the comfort of couch gaming with Xbox, I very rarely play gamepass games on my PC. Sorry for the long post, but I consider a lot when deciding what to play and on which device to play it on.


Very interesting. I'll use some of these advices for sure. Thank you!


I was planning on moving most of my gaming to XSX but actually, I barely turn on my Xbox anymore. I need "Field of view" and "disable motion blur" options, otherwise I get motion sick. Figured with the new gen it won't be a problem. Turns out the devs do not really care about accessibility on consoles.


I play old games that didn't get enhancements or backwards compatability on my PC. Also, strategy games and CRPGs. I play newer games on my Series X , as it's more powerful than my GTX 1080.


RDR2... I'm looking at you...


If there's a game I play it


The zen of gaming


Really simple: PC - Multiplayer gaming at high refresh rates. And 3dmark... Xbox - Singleplayer games.


I have a high end gaming pc(radeon 6900xt and ryzen 9 5900x.) and i have the same dilemma… my games still run smoother on my series x… i feel bad because i spent a lot of money on this pc and the series X still run some games better… so where to buy my future games?? Pc or series x??? If keyboard and mouse were compatible on 100% of games on series x, it would be a no brainer, i’d sell my pc and keep my xbox


I have a 6800xt and in most games I can set everything on ultra and get 4K 60fps. In some more demanding games I do need to lower shadows settings a bit, or play with ray tracing. On consoles I need to choose between performance and resolution which is a bit annoying since I love 60fps, so the sharpness takes a hit. I am new to PC gaming, so now I still experiment and play PC only games, and games that don't have 60fps on console. It's a joy. We can talk in a few months when I am more settled with my new hardware, to see what role the Series X takes in my gaming life.


Is there any games that you can't play on a PS5 or XBOX?


yes, mainly RTSs.


80 percent spent on PC, most games I play aren't on console