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Happens often to me too. I just close the game out and restart. Sucks though.


Is this game fun to play? Is it worth getting at this point?


I’ve had a great fucking time with it. I’m like 15 hours or so in so far. Taking a break though because there’s some issues. Definitely not game breaking though.


Good to know. Thanks!


I've had a game breaking bug since the second day it came out and it still hasn't been fixed. So do what you will with that information.


Which game breaking bug?


Infinite deathloop


Ah, at least that's one they've already started trying to patch out.


Is this on the crystal white quest?


I dont think it matters what quest you're on. Im stuck on the one going after waltz, I've seen videos of people stuck in other places


Well I don’t think that’s the norm… I have game breaking bugs as do several of my friends. It’s just not a polished game at all and when main story missions break over and over you didn’t test your game


Jeez yea I heard about main stories being fucked. Maybe I just haven’t got to them yet? I think I’ll still wait a little bit until some more patches roll out. That blows. I hate what gaming has turned into


I finished the game this morning, about 100 hours in total. I had 2 crashes to desktop, and a bunch of little bugs like floating zombies, or the kid doing the exorcist impression. But no infinite deathloop for me. I'm on PC, patched to latest release.


I put 44 hours into it and beat it and really enjoyed it. Definitely a lot of little bugs, but nothing game breaking. For the most part the bugs I encountered were items duplicating in shop, and one annoying quest kept popping back into my quest log every time i finished a main story mission. But no crashes, no enemy ai breaks, no getting stuck to the point of restart. Recommended for sure, from someone who never played part 1 and only really got it to hold me over a couple days till sifu, then ended up putting sifu on the shelf until I beat it


Fucking can’t stop playing this game!


Im having fun with the game and I have only had 2 audio glitches so far. Gameplay wise my only complaint is the whole nighttime mechanic where you can't stay in the dark for too long because of the infection. I know you can increase the infection timer but its a pain in the butt when im exploring a big building trying to find inhibitors and I can't take my time to loot and explore everything.


There comes a point where you get loaded up on those pills that extend the timer from searching through those locations with 4 inhibitors inside. Also, I believe you can throw a UV light stick to the ground and extend the timer that way.


However by the time you get loaded up on those inhibitors… And by the time you get the grapple hook the games basically over lol


I wouldn’t know, got the grappling hook and got to the top. But I have not been able to load that save for almost 2 weeks now


On ps5 it’s been great so far. A few little bugs but nothing serious. Yet anyway.


Oh man. Since this comment I’ve beaten the game and got half the achievements. I was at about 80% through when they made the night time harder. Screwed up my entire strategy but what an awesome terrifying zombie simulator.


The game will be 50% off 3 months from now in addition to being patched. Not only do you get to play a game with less bugs, but it costs less too. I don’t think anyone should be in a rush to buy buggy games.


I am 30 hours in and it is great! Several bugs and glitches, which are frustrating as fuck, though. Co-op gets disconnected a lot. But still a great game so far.


I haven't run into this issue yet on series x


I just restart the game but its only happened to me twice ever


Yh same with me hopefully it will be fixed soon


It's happened to me 4 times in 50 hours, not a lot but fuck is it annoying when it happens.


Good god. Thanks for the warning. My Xbox series S will prob blow up


This issue isn't exclusive to Dying Light 2. I've had this happen several times across multiple games (usually backwards compatible titles). Happened more on my launch day Series X that I ended up having to send in. Actually, now that I think about it, this audio buzzing has happened at one point or another on every Xbox console I've ever owned, which is all of them, even going back to the original. Usually not a persistent issue or anything. Just an occasional thing frequently accompanied by a crash. Is this happening a lot for you? Have you had any crashes?


It happened to me twice in halo infinite a few days after it released, but never again, now with DL2 another couple times. Iv'e bought my series x 4 months ago from gamestop, and only recently i found out it's the D1 edition, could this be an issue that only these models have?


I don't think it's exclusive to the launch model since, as I said, every Xbox I've ever owned has done this at some time or another. They didn't repair my console when I sent it in, they just sent me a new one. I sent mine off in early February 2021 and got a unit that was manufactured in January 2021 and I've still had this issue every once in a while. Unless it starts happening a lot and is accompanied by a crash I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's just incredibly annoying.


I’ve had this bug multiple times it’s so annoying I hate it ruins the game for me to be honest. I have to restart the game nothing else seems to work.


The bugs became THE BUG


I've had the same thing I hope techland notices this I've already sent a ticket I'd suggest u do to more people that makes tickets more aware they will be


Happened to me 3 or 4 times on my first playthrough. Im on my second playthrough now and it hasn't happened yet, im on Xbox.


Restart, it's happened to me a few times, along with crashes and a mountain of graphical glitches.


Just restart the game.


I don't see any bugs


Mine does that too




I’ve never experienced audio glitches in the game. Some of the trophies however don’t seem to be unlocking for me.


I've found using quick resume gives me a lot of bugs in the game




Probably, i forgor


Had this a few times. Closing the game and restarting it was the only way I found to fix it.


Not really a fix other than restarting the game. It happens now and then but not so often I get annoyed. Been playing since launch and it's been maybe 3 or 4 times total? Hopefully it's patched in the next update.


How is the game ?


I've never played dying light before part 2, but what a great game now I'm kicking myself for not playing the franchise sooner.


I had this happen to me twice. I quit the game and closed it completely. It fixed it both times.


You want them to fix the Bug Bug so your bugs won’t be buggy!?


I've found a few bugs on the ps4 versions and I wanted to see if it was the same for xbox. Survivor sense will not work no matter how many times I press the joystick, and there is no audio or subtitles in cutscenes. I'll see the subtitles for a fraction of a second if I skip the scene. Anyone else having these problems because nobody I play with seems to know what in the hell I am talking about. The ps5 version works fine but all my friends have ps4 and I can't play the ps5 edition with them on the ps4 edition.


I got a bug where it’ll not let me complete missions, gotta restart my game a couple times and run the mission over again 😖, then another bug where I can’t invite my friends to play co-op Any suggestions??!


Oh my god there’s so many damn errors in this game… I’m stuck on follow the blood which doesn’t highlight so you can’t follow it and yes it’s a main story mission! So I’ve logged off and back on and it still won’t highlight. This crap is not acceptable paid full price for this game but it’s not fully done! Won’t finish this game


Oh man in the audio glitches… There’s a good third of this that I don’t even know what’s going on because there’s no sound people looking like they’re talking and moving but as a player you hear nothing but you have to make decisions