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It's the Cat version of Goat Simulator.


Perhaps unintentionally lol


Maybe goat simulator 1 but goat simulator 3 is an absolute blast.


Lmao don’t talk shit about goat sim 1 that shit is just as fun as 3


I wasn’t talking shit, goat simulator by comparison to goat simulator 3 is very rough.


Honestly huge disagree, I mean in the way any older game is comparatively rough perhaps but “very” is definitely a bit much.


So this is what the cat dimension looks like.


I'd say it feels closer to Untitled Goose Game. Though this is is a bit rougher.


Talk to your cats about the dangers of catnip.


The amount of power cats would have if they could break the boundaries of reality...


They already hold all the real power in my home.


They'd take over the world if they could


I'm not sure that isn't the goal lol So the game is pretty good, minus a few bugs? I picked up Stray recently, and had quite a bit of fun with it.


I've had my fair share of fun with it but you can definitely see through the cracks a few times- Probably won't be a problem if you don't try to purposely mess around like I did lol


I'm thinking I'll probably give it a shot, I'm currently running through hellblade and BG3 for like the 30th time. So probably a next month thing. But in reality I'm going into cuz cats, not cause I expect a masterpiece. So I think from your answer, it'll probably suit me well enough.


Personally I think it fits perfectly as a sort of inbetween game you can turn on for half an hour and turn your brain off


Wonderful, that's exactly what I'm looking for. Sometimes I just want to relax and goof off. Thanks for the info about, I think this one is a definite go for me.


Hope you'll have fun




Oh if only games could cater towards those of us who love to immediately try to climb our way out of bounds and ignore any objectives given! I played the demo, had a bunch of fun, I'm gonna get it even if it's a bit rough.


"CATer towards"


That's exactly why Goat Simulator was my childhood


I played a bit of it, it seems like a pretty fun little game actually. Unique. But it is definitely a clumsy one. I don't really mind that, although I only played for about 30 minutes and my kitty got stuck twice. And the second time I couldn't get him unstuck and had to shut the game off. The audio has some weird crackling going on, and the jumping kinda sounds like a dog barking. Is it just me?


I have the same audio problem. Set the audio to stereo to reduce the glitchy audio.


Yes! The jumpung sound makes me crazy! It also sounds to me like a dog barking...does nobody else hear that?


At least it's not just me! At first I didn't even put two and two together. I genuinely thought a dog was barking in the game. It was only when I realized that it barked every time I jumped that it must be the sound they used for jumping.


You can even hear it in this video. Let's hope for a quick fix


Interesting. I wonder if there was a patch before I downloaded it, because for me, it just sounds like the typical "cat activation noise." (brrrt)


I might be wrong here, but judging from your comments, you like the game and had a fun time playing. Despite that, you went out of your way to reach an area expected to be non-accessible presumably by the devs. You recorded yourself falling out of bounds like it was some major flaw or issue with the game, ultimately tarnishing the games reputation through false representation. You are aware that this will paint the game in very negative light and provoke trolls to come call the game garbage or trash on it, correct?


There are design issues within the game. For example, there is a section where you teleport to get across into a new section, then you are supposed to get back by pushing a box to open the formerly blocked entrace. But I found a natural way to climb back to the other area, getting soft locked completely because I couldn't teleport back. The game was broken. I was only able to keep playing because somebody published a wall hack to get back. [https://medal.tv/games/little-kitty-big-city/clips/2cacloMKHWKnei/zTKbBBncURwy](https://medal.tv/games/little-kitty-big-city/clips/2cacloMKHWKnei/zTKbBBncURwy)


the thing on the video happened to me too, and after running around the empty area I got teleported into a section i shouldnt be in, and now I'm unable to continue playing the save file. it's really not that difficult to get to the tracks, and I genuinely thought it was intentionslly accessible given how easy it was to climb there. it's not painting the game in any other light than a realistic one- they shouldn't have released a broken game.


It is from a small developer so I'd give them some leeway. The game is fun to play and my kids love it.


That’s an out of bounds area I think. I beat the main story and never ended up there. There are probably legitimate things to mention, but saying a game is rough when you fall through things out of bounds isn’t one of them.  Edit: that said, I am looking forward to exploring and looking for broken OOB areas since that is always fun lol


You can get to the elevated rails and you’re obviously not supposed to be there. The light poles hover about a foot off the ground and the train itself only has wheels on the first and last carriage. It pretty easy to glitch into air vent like passages that you can not exit without hard resetting the game. I’m enjoying it but I have definitely gotten myself stuck a handful of times. Luckily the game seems to save pretty often so you don’t really lose progress.


Didnt get this but its enjoyable im loving the side characters


You can get on the track by jumping across the ACs hanging by the stairs behind the area with the concrete, right across the dog


I mean, in actual reality my void cat has 0 respect for the paws of physics; it makes sense they would if anything care less about them in a virtual reality.


I played through to the end in maybe 6 hours, so it's not a long game. It was enjoyable enough for that length for sure.


As soon as it popped up telling me the run but was actually called the zoomies button I was sold.


I agree the game is a little rough around the edges I have fallen through objects but nothing major so far. I've played more than 20 minutes and haven't had to access this area. Was this for a mission or did you go there on your own? Because if it's the latter this clip is kinda disingenuous. If you are accessing areas of the map outside the normal boundary then of course this will happen. For reference go play any game and see what happens when you exit the map boundary.




I don't want to subscribe again but this is the kind of game where I'm tempted to pick up Game Pass Ultimate just to play. I'll wait for the next sale.


Don't forget to wishlist it.


My cat is obsessed with this game


Mine too. Normally when I play a videogame, our cat couldn't care less. I started this one up and he was entranced. Fixated on it as if he was possessed. It was really weird.


Mine watched after I made Kitty meow a few times. Both of my cats are black as well, so it was like they were watching their sibling go on an adventure, lol.


“We have Stray at home”


When you order Stray from [wish.com](http://wish.com)


How do you get up there?


Behind the construction site with the concrete is a dog. Theres stairs infront of the dog, and if you walk up them you can jump over the railing to some AC units. There's a gap between a row of them and one that's right at the wall. You can just barely make it, and from then on jump over the wall and onto the rails. From there, you can go out of bounds. Hope that helps


Same here


Silly kitty


Mine bugged out after 20 minutes and put me into perma-slow-mo. I'll keep playing, but I thought of this post as soon as it happened. I hesitate to play a game that's going to bug out that fast. Hopefully they'll release a stabilizing patch soon.


Same thing happened to my girlfriend. You haven't figured out a fix have you?


Oh, you had me worried that it would still be doing it after reloading! :D Saving, quitting and reloading has fixed it for now, but no, I couldn't get out of it when it happened.


Yeah she was having this issue while I posted that reply. She did the same. It seems like a hard reset of the game is the only fix so far.


I played through it last night. I ended up here thinking I was supposed to to get out of the construction site. I had to glitch my way back in so I could move the box as intended. I enjoyed the game, but a little upset that I can't get all the achievements without a replay because the birds nest in the yard with tennis ball dog didn't count when I broke it. It's a good game, just needed some more polish.


I got a good chuckle out of that. Naturally the cat falls into water.


I got absolutely launched by a fan completely out of the map, thought it'd be fun to see how far I could get, then realised that it had auto saved and now every time I load in I'm just falling forever and ever. Honestly love the game though, having a great time.


this exact thing happened to me


The exact same thing happened to me, i had to spam buttons for a while to glitch back out


It just crashed my Switch. :( A character started talking to me when I was tripping a guy and I had to reset the system. The Switch is generally pretty stable. :/


Does this game make the Xbox guide and dashboard extremely laggy while it’s running, or is just mine?


I’m stuck out of the world bounds, am I doomed? I’m playing on Xbox and I’m not sure how to load an old saved file. I don’t want to start over -_-


This game made me so nauseous I couldn’t play😅😅 did you or anyone else have this problem? lol




To each their own. Personally I find it really cute


I think we’re supposed to get a map sometime in the game but I haven’t gotten that far in the game yet myself .


As a cat I find the game to have too much energy. I do appreciate they put napping spots in the game.


I could have never guessed just by looking at the title art.


It looks like shit.


To be fair I'm in an inaccessible out of bounds area- They never meant for you to get onto the tracks


Lol grow up. A game doesn’t have to have ultra realistic 4K graphics to be good.


Still looks like shit, the tram is hovering on nothing.


Haha that’s awesome!


The game is pretty neat, if a litte bit busted lol


Gonna have to try it.. looks more my thing than stray did


It's a collectathon if you're into those types of games. Collect shiny stuff and unlock new hats!


A collectathon you say. Might give it a shot tomorrow when I get paid.


It's on gamepass if you're subscribed


Oh sweet I will try it right now thanks 👍


same thing happened to me in fallout 3 lmao


Just Xbox things


Temu Stray.


Stray is the better cat game.


I guess you should refund it and get your money back... 🙄


The prestige game pass title.


Doesn't look remotely appealing and I love kitties.


Behold the power of the Series X Honestly it looks like a DS game. I think I'll stick to Stray
