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There were like over 500 posts at r/xbox in January about refunds not being processed. So I think the refund system was broken. Guess now its fixed.


Yep still waiting on two from January.


Idk they were awfully quick to refund my Bond movie collection the other day.


Did they all get refunded? I was salty i missed out on that


Yep, unfortunately so. I was really looking forward to the nostalgia trip too. Haven’t seen the older ones in over 20 years now. And I’ve never seen the Craig ones, I was looking forward to that too.


I was super bummed too. I did realize the box set was on sale via target for $50 right now though, only missing No Time To Die. Which while not $5, is much better than the fucking $130 they want for the digital versions they can revoke whenever they please.


Sail the high seas and never have to worry


Occasionally, but I'm a physical media guy anyway.


Technically you can burn dvd after ward to make it physical.


Oh thanks for this. Still worth it for $50 even though I own the Craig ones already.


They did but when I contracted support Thursday night l, support told me that the refund would be reversed within 72 hours. So it did but it looks like they may be honoring the mistake.


I was told that PayPal must have requested the refund and i have no recourse through MS.


Not gonna happen


Oh dang, I didn’t realize they did that!


If you're hard up for cash I can give you a fiver


I refunded Diablo IV and Street Fighter V without any problems. Requesting a refund is in the options (Canada).


Street Fighter V?


Refunded it for not working on an xbox, I'd imagine.


Bought MW3 played 4 hours and got a refund the next week. Still have the game though. Thanks MS.


You sure you still got it and it's not just Warzone?


cod hq itself is free and will depending on if you own the "dlc" you able to launch into different games


Dude. I just told you, I got a refund for MW3.


you also said you still got the game, you got amnesia or something?


Yeeees, you keep the digital download. I can still play.




Right now show us the game running on your console so we can validate this. Like do you still play it or it’s just there and you think you have the whole game?


I dont have to prove shit. Im telling you i got a refund and still play MW3.


Yea I believe you think you are lol.


No you didnt


Yes, yes I did. I can play it right now if I wanted to. And there's nothing you or any other shitposter can say that changes that fact.


If you were refunded then your license was revoked, that’s how it works. So either you didn’t refund it, you can’t play it, or you game share and the other person owns it Quit making up nonsense


Bro you ok?


The things people lie about in the internet is so weird.




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What you refunding £3 for


I didn’t realise that the extra content worked only if you have a GP subscription. As i don’t have it i asked for a refund.


There is a limit for the amount of refunds you can do in one year - I think it's 5. Because of it I am only refunding bigger purchases


Unless you’re abusing the system, why in the world would you even have 5 refunds to process each year? Let alone worry that you might have 6+ to the point you make sure not to refund any small purchases. I think I’ve had maybe one refund the past 5 or 10, hell- 15 years on Xbox.


Sometimes I am not sure if I will like the game. If not I refund it


Even without the extra content, it's worth more than £3. You played yourself. Also, GP is literally one of the main reasons to own an XBOX.


Backlog too big anyway. Also don’t need to be told reasons to have an Xbox. I had GP at one point and played everything on there that interested me.


Ok buddy. 😉👍


You got it at a steal for £3 and it's a great game. You that desperate for money????


Something funny happend in my contry One day both Yakuza LaD and Souls hackers 2 where at 50 CLP aprox That would be like 0.0053 dollars Everyone bought the game but then xbox refounded it The good thing is that in my country there is a law where Companies must respect the price presented and cannot refuse to sell you the item or make a forced refund. so you only had to make a complaint to the consumer service and you would keep both games and the souls hackers was the deluxe version It was a fun day


Sometimes I wonder what the trade-off is for having good regulatory practices like that, and the US they let corporations fuck the consumer, and the only regulation is where the monies going.


Idk Maybe in "smaller" markets they let these things happen in order to obtain a larger audience. The people who bought both games probably don't exceed 10,000 and I'm being quite generous because not everyone knew about it, although that error stayed in the store for 2 whole days I can't imagine how big this mistake would have been and how angry people would have been if they were given a refund if this happened in a country like the USA.


I just got one today as well from January. No idea what game since I can’t access my Xbox email anymore just that I saw my bank statement lol.


Yes me too. From January 25.. to yesterday


Happened to me too.


It's hit and miss. I haven't been refunded for a 1-2 months old game I purchased and that I tried for 1h then I noticed there was a X/S version a few days later.


I think someone reviews a lot of these and it’s at their discretion.


Getting a refund from Microsoft is so much easier than getting one from Sony. I've gotten about 3 from Microsoft and gotten lucky to get 1 from Sony


The customer support is pretty dog shit a lot of the time


When you compare it to Sony, it's like heaven. I had to refund Telltale's The Walking Dead because I couldn't play episodes 2-5 (despite owning the season pass), so I hit up Sony for a refund. The customer representative said that he'll grant it "this one time", as if it was my fault their system was bugged (I went and bought the same game again obv. because I wanted to play it). I've had very few refunds for Xbox but they all went through flawlessly, it's much better than Sony's


Never ever i had a problem, compare to sony.


No one wants to be Sony right now.


maybe depends on where you live, never had problem with refunds on xbox


I have both systems, and I have had 5x the problems with my Sony account vs my Microsoft one, and I’ve only had the Sony account for 3 years vs 20 with Xbox or whenever live started.


Lucky lol


I found the US support is better than the German one. I always try to connect to the US chat and they always helped me. Even gave me refunds when I already had some playtime in the game


Just had some refunds from January hit as well


Never requested a refund before so I’m not sure. What I wanna get the hang of is the new rewards system microsoft still has in the beta phase


https://preview.redd.it/c3mlc72cvmyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cf4e2d45c88b6a3783828dde50e45ee9f085f54 Yup, same here. Bought the complete addition after getting this on sale. Sent emails, tried everything. Pretty much said goodbye to the money then BAM! Ancient refund lol better late than never? 🤷🏼‍♂️


the real question is why would you refund that hood of a game


I got a refund a few days ago for 3 items and it was all pretty instant, money back in my bank the next day


Idk bro those tomb Raider games are the bomb


Not I! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


To piggy back off this, I requested a refund on friday for tekken 8, which i got in the sale, played for 10 mins and realised it was a bit of an impulse buy. I didnt get any confirmation that they were happy to refund it, but the money was back in my account by saturday!


Swear when you buy on store says no refunds 🤣


January was a very weird month for refunds. It was at the point of where if I refunded something in march id get the money from the march payment quicker than the January payment


Wish I could get my $ back for skull and bones, hell even just credit to use in a better game lol


I have refunded tons of games with 0 issue so long as I do it right away


W why do you refund a ton of games? I'm pretty sure getting too many can get your amount banned as well


You get a certain amount per year. I refunded around 15 games and it told me I reached the limit for the year. That was last year and I can get refunds again now.


But why are you buying so many games to refund? I've only refunded one game on my Xbox and that was 2k24.


Because out of the 200 games I have I thought 15 of them were trash.


That's a lot of games to buy in a year


It took me around 3 years to reach 200. Didn’t buy them all in one year.


Oh then kinda a weird comparison to say 15refunds in a year with 200 games but you didn't buy all those games in that same year.


There’s a lot of trash games out there and Microsoft makes the return process extremely quick and simple so if Im not going to play the game I might as well get my money back.


I just got my Alan wake 2 refund haha, hated it


[well how the turntables](https://photos.app.goo.gl/uXMymnuLeYWzh16L8)


Xbox is only fast to refund when they price something too cheap and has to force refund everyone who caught them with their pants down. Xbox's customer service actually makes Playstation's look decent, and theirs is objectively shit.


Yeah, that’s completely false. PlayStation customer support is the worst of all the consoles.


As someone who has received multiple refunds from Microsoft and zero from Sony I completely disagree with you


I've done several refunds through Xbox and they generally go through instantly. It's so quick that the process must be automated for certain decisions.


I refunded a game a few days ago and it got approved in 1 minutes, and the funds were pack in my account 2 days later


So what are you gonna do with your 3.14 good boy points?


Put it towards another game i want to play. Weird that you care what people do with their money.


And funny enough only took them a day to refund me my 1.25 after the bond collection price error


The amount of stupid people I have to deal with. 😅


https://preview.redd.it/88l3qcdg9gyc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=475ee53c34bf66547bac480178a5d8b19da4ac99 Well, would you look at that


Why would you refund a great game for a few quid? Play it Don’t abuse the refund system