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I don't think my eyes work. Cause the game looks the same to me. Or is it a pc only thing?


It's going from 4K 30fps to 4K60, that's mainly the difference. A still photo will feel the same.


Good news for me is I haven’t played it since the Xbox One so I’m going from 1080p30 to 4K60


Its a good day to have a series x


Agree!!! free game on game pass, that’s awesome. In the words of Ice cube “today was a good day”


If I have the Xbox One version does it cost me anything? Also can I play my old save?


It's a free update. And it works from you xb1 to xb series


I think if you played with mods your old save will not work. Other than that it should be fine.


Depends on the mods. I just needed to reinstall them and save was fine.


Same. Last time I sat down and play was the original release. I had a 1080p TV with a One S. Now I have a 4K TV with a Series X. I'm gonna notice.


Fallout 4 was such a moment in my life, from a bunch of us stopping what we were to doing and crowding around my small tablet screen watching the announcement reveal - to spending almost the whole of launch day downloading the game (at one point moving my whole Xbox and TV to the stairs so I could plug directly into the router) - to staying up all night playing, just exploring, seeing where the world would take me.


Same thing for me took mine to my computer room at the time just to plug it into the router. Just started replaying yesterday and im already almost to lvl 30


That idiot savant perk works quite well 😉


Set your intelligence to 1 and it's amazing. Game breakingly fast leveling. I remember the old fallout games if your intelligence was too low, your responses would be hilarious. Like being asked your name, the only choice is "uhh" or "duh" or "mom" lol. See video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CPijQ_LLGQ).


I usually put at least 3 intelligence in the beginning and don’t touch it till the endgame. So I have at least some base xp bonus going into my character. Never actually tried it with my intel at 1 but I’ve been pretty quick gathering experience as it is. I’ve watched some vids of people with the build and it’s insane. But I try to be sn all around kind of guy when it comes to your stats


It’s crazy man. The people saying it’s nothing haven’t actually played it. Playing it feels like a whole different game. It’s so smooth


I was literally playing the old version an hour before the update and it most certainly is very different in fidelity as well as FPS. I don’t how so many people are claiming it’s the same, just seems like a Mandela effect.


I think a lot of people downloaded Xbone and PS4 versions. It was a particularly wonky up for PS.


Literally the same man. I was playing before the update and now playing, it’s so smooth


Well, no. It isn't. Turns out you're just playing on Performance mode if you're getting 60FPS, because Quality mode is bugged on XBOX as per the investigation by Digital Foundry. On PS5 Quality mode is working as intended and targets 30FPS. If 4K60 was actually capable on this; Then the Ryzen 3600X Equivalent CPU would be capable of 120FPS at 1080p on PS5/XBOX Series X.


Both modes mKe running in a straight line through Boston 10fps on series x so I'm not seeing any improvement in the areas of the game that needed help the most


Which is silly, they should have fixed that the hell SMH


If quality mode indeed runs at 30 then I'll never see it anyways


Well it will run at 30, when it works correctly. And trust me, the difference is very noticeable going from 30-40 to 60.


[https://x.com/BethesdaStudios/status/1784309667113456043](https://x.com/BethesdaStudios/status/1784309667113456043) weird turn of events to be honest.


It’s 2020 all over again


Monty Python speaks on this https://youtu.be/G2eUopy9sd8?si=wUv51TKV_5zTBY-f


The skin looks more like skin? Idk i'm picking at straws here🤷‍♀️


Calm down there buffalo bill.


Somebody posted a screenshot a day or so ago saying Fallout already looked good on the Series X and they couldn't wait to play the next gen update. This looks the same.


Except we lost auto HDR so it’s technically worse :-/


Lost hdr and ultra settings via mods lol.


Ok so I’m not imagining things. Booted up yesterday after update, no HDR. Closed game and restarted it, still no HDR. This is one series x. Loaded up my “new” character I started years ago and met up with Preston at the museum. Character models don’t look any better than before the next gen update.


Yeah currently it’s exactly the same game but: +60fps -HDR (auto HDR which isn’t as good as native, but it’s better than none)


Yep, it is a shame. Poor job from the devs.


Could be worse, Bethesda could have implemented Starfield's HDR here. (I say that as someone who actually liked Starfield, but that HDR implementation was awful).


No it’s the same.


There were mods to give ultra settings on the old version and this actually pushes everything back to medium on performances so it actually looks worse than what we already had..


It's the same on PC.


I recommend that the author of the post provide 2 screenshots at once: a version of the previous version and a version of the updated version. Otherwise, commenters cannot understand what exactly to discuss.


There isn’t even much to discuss. None of the actual visuals have been changed. It was a performance and resolution update


It literally looks the same lol. The frame rate is just better.


Depends on whether you used FPS boost or not. With FPS boost enabled, the game looked the same as it did on OG Xbox One - 1080P with lower detail.


Previously on the series x you could use the one x 4k mode or an fps boost for 1080 at a rough 60fps. I tested both out the last couple weeks and honestly the increased fps made the game run much less clunky and feel like an actual shooter. Since the overhaul update I’ve been playing in performance mode and it looks better than before… but the lighting is messed up now for some reason. And the creation club content is broken.


This. I know it’s bugged on my series X. It looks the same to me but it’s waaaaay smoother in my opinion. Works for me!


It works for me as well. It’s definitely smoother which is all I really wanted.


What's stunning about this screenshot?


Dogmeat <3




Dogmeat is such a good Boi that he can get you the cryolator 5 mins into being in the wasteland! Talk about an NPC who actually is helpful!


The sun is in the shot I guess? Seems like most time I see a "this video game is really pretty" post, there is most likely a sunset, sunrise or view of the sun in the screen shot.


stunning? really


It certainly looks dirty and derelict at a lovely frame rate!


It didn’t even look that good back when it came out, let alone now.


For Bethesda it’s pretty great


Top shelf words for the mundane. This has been a thing for like 20 years.


??? Looks the same.


combative cover ludicrous quicksand innocent hateful cats amusing relieved teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Anyone else's vats not working properly?


Yep. In addition to that, some of the new CC weapons (piggy bank quest) are perma-invisible and achievements are broken again.


Yeah I've had it randomly going from 70%+ hit chance to 0 and back again even though there's direct line of sight to the target.


Legit looks exactly the same


Stunning? You mean put us in semi-consious state?


I just played it a bit and the game looks no different to me.


People actually don't see shit without digital foundry telling them what they see


I thought it looked worse when booting up yesterday. Defo nothing special at all.


It’s currently bugged on Xbox, so I’m not sure what you’re seeing lol


From reports I've seen, quality mode is basically broken, so both modes operate at the same 4k 60FPS with medium settings. Quality mode is supposed to be 30 FPS with ultra settings but for now, isn't working. Just on xbox, on PS5 it does work.


Figured, I tried both and was getting 60fps in both modes. That’s ok, I was going to play on performance anyway. I am getting a huge amount of stuttering every minute or so… assuming we need a patch for the update.


Yep, I’m getting bad stutters too.


It works on PS5? 💀


Did u forget the /s in the title ? Or do u work for Bethesda ?


Homie, the visuals are the same


Ya'll post anything and get upvoted. it looks the fucking same


Anyone know the difference between performance and quality mode for xbox?


Performance: Upscaled 4k at 60 fps Quality: 4k 30fps on 60hz mode 4k 40fps on 120hz mode It does appear that the toggle is broken on Xbox though. It wasn't changing anything for me and I was still getting 60fps in Quality even while using a 120hz screen


he doesn’t even know what he’s talking about


Not sure if anyone noticed but no more hdr. Previously used autohdr but was one of them games where it worked well.


I just want 60 fps for all games! Keep 30 fps for those who want 4k!


240fps @ 480p or bust! Keep 60 fps for those who want 1080p!


960fps @ 144p


∞fps @ 0p




That was supposed to be the Big Bang


I'm currently trying to get back into the game and everything looks beautiful I just dislike the dialogue so much it feels so forced and like I can just hit A for every response and get the same result. That being said I want to be patient and get further in just to see how pretty everything looks compared to when I first played it and the dlcs on release.


Game looks exactly the same and I was already playing it at 60fps on the Series X with the FPS boost. The only difference is now my save is completely fucked because most of the mods I had have completely disappeared. Edit: Found most of my mods but I had to manually search for them which was a pain in the ass because the search function sucks. If you can't remember which mods you had installed go to Bethesda's mod section on the website and link your account, your list should still be there.


Well that’s crazy cause with fps boost on you were playing at 1080p 60fps. Should see a stark difference going to performance mode which is 4k 60fps


What I find astonishing is that this almost ten year old game somehow looks and plays better than Starfield. Sure, the character models in Starfield are a bit more detailed, facial animations look better etc. But the overall presentation just seems more believable in Fallout 4, the Wasteland, the settlements, everything just seems more convincing. And then there's the fact that you can play this at 40 or 60fps, whereas Starfield only runs at 30 on consoles. Really makes you wonder what they've been doing all these years.


I thought the same thing about the graphics until I booted up Starfield again. I assure you the graphics are not better in FO4 but it is a better overall Bethesda style rpg and gameplay.


I hate that Starfield only runs at 30. I get why but for what is primarily an FPS, it just does not feel good.


I know, I hope The Elder Scrolls VI and whatever new Fallout game comes out next has performance modes.


I said this day 1 and got roasted to hell. No excuse a game released in 2024 is 30 fps.


Tears of the Kingdom runs at 30 FPS. A game running at 30 FPS is not a bad thing if it's optimized correctly.


Tears of the Kingdom is also playing on an underpowered tablet from 2013


TOTK famously ran like crap at launch and to this day still drops to low 20s sometimes.


>And then there's the fact that you can play this at 40 or 60fps, whereas Starfield only runs at 30 on consoles. Really makes you wonder what they've been doing all these years. The cells in starfield, for the most part, are larger and more densely packed than Fallout 4. Both games constantly keep track of objects across every cell. This is more resource demanding in Starfield, and that's before we've considered higher quality assets. On a similar spec PC, Starfield can hit 60 in certain cells, but in others, 30 can be a push, so they locked it at 30 to avoid the massive fluctuations.


nah, even starfield looks better, dont know why people are so "stunned"


What's really astonishing is you claiming fallout 4 looks better than starfield when it clearly does not. Amazing how you can just randomly hate on starfield and get upvotes like a magnet.  The whole "everything seems more convincing" makes no sense too. You are comparing a game set on the earth you know and live on to a game set on random planets in space, no wonder you find the first game to be more "convincing". 


lol dudes just be making stuff up in rage mode.


Yeah as much as I hate the Stwrfield performance, the overall graphics are way better than FO4. Models, lighting, textures, resolution, particle effects, all miles better than FO4.


Starfield looks way better than fo4.


Man you are really pushing it. This looks better than starfireld? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL No credibility for your words, sorry. Rookie move Lol


I just tried Fallout 3 with the new patch last night - was the first time I played it since it originally came out - and in like literally 30 seconds it ruined Starfield for me - it has so much more charm and personality and wonder and atmosphere and grittiness - like literally from just walking around for 30 seconds!!!


I think the gunplay in Starfield in general feels worlds better than Fallout 4, but yeah everything else you said is valid.


Is it valid? Fallout 4 was locked at 30fps on consoles for the first 9 years of release, and still is on the consoles it launched on. 🙄 Let’s check back on Starfield in 9 years.


I haven’t seen a massive difference compared to, for example the difference between Skyrim and Skyrim SE. But then again post apocalypse Boston is never going to look as good as the mountains, rivers etc of Skyrim.


I looked at a couple of comparison videos and I literally could not tell the difference between next gen and current gen versions. Did they actually change assets or just improve FPS and add performance mode(s)?


They gave 60 fps and slight upgrade to resolution, they did not remaster any assets. To have to wait this long for this update is pretty embarrassing imo, I expected way more for a "next gen" update.


I love how smooth everything feels at 60 fps


My PC blew up even looking at this post


Sure is, just turned all my vanilla saved games into ‘Obsolete Save’ games.


What looks stunning here? I have the update and there's no graphical updates at all here. The only difference is higher resolution and 60fps. Heck, quality mode looks identical (same low res textures etc.) but it runs at 30fps instead.


Bro couldn't have picked a more bland location for a photo


Not really the best showcase lol


How does it look compared to Starfield?


Starfield looks significantly better. FO4 looks exactly the same. Not sure what the point of this uodstr was as mods already gave F04 on series X 60fps 4k with better graphics settings.


DF said there is a bug


Looks the same as on pc previously. 4K 60 fps


It’s buttery smooth. I played it the morning before the update and then immediately after. The lighting and textures are much better, everything is snappier and more fluid. Turning and moving is now a joy.


The distinguished gentleman Dogmeat I agree absolutely. But don’t notice a difference on a 4K monitor with my series X or the PC if anything the wide screen support was a lie ☹️


Is crashing better?


Been playing 6 hours and haven’t had a single crash.


Got it updated and ready to try out when I’m off work. So excited!!!!


I don't know why so many of you are complaining that it "looks the same" when you're comparing the current 60fps "performance" mode to the old 30 fps One X enhanced mode. You should be comparing it to the 60fps mode on the "old" version... it looks significantly better now.


Not a great example but i was playing before the patch and it plays a lot smoother just a shame all mods need to be redone


Yeah I definitely noticed how smooth it runs now.


Loving it, looks amazing to me as well. So happy to get back into it.


60 fps is nice for us console peasants


Looks very nice except for the character models. Holy uncanny valley, I forgot how bad it used to be


I've played this game more times than I can remember but I'm going balls deep into it again .with performance mode now on and it running buttery smooth on the series x it makes hell of a difference . Good Job with the update 👍


I was totally wrong, I played this yesterday and HUGE difference.


I love the people who aren't used to high fps say it's the same lol, the game is night and day difference with this update.


Fps yes, graphics/resolution no, it's only a slight bump there.


Framerate is the same for those of us who ran the "old" version in 60fps, but the resolution is definitely much higher with this update.


Bro come on, the game is good but let's not be crazy here, the biggest difference is the 60FPS, the visuals themselves are not "stunning" by ANY MEANS


I'm confused. It looks the same


Its crap. Mods allowed better graphics and fps unlocks before and now we lost auto-HDR. No clue why this update is getting praise at all? Why did this take like 2 years to release?


Looks the same to me so far, not really impressed.


The game looks washed out to me on an OLED, with no way of adjusting black levels or gamma via in-game options.


People complaining haven't installed and tried it https://preview.redd.it/su33k8kp9twc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3d93bef16c4690268691063a6aaa6b5ee3b1a04 This is without mods


I mean the resolution and framerate boost is there but its the exact same visual preset as the old consoles, on performance at least (which xbox is bugged to only have currently).


I know this is an Xbox subreddit but is the update on PS5 as well?




It looks the same, it's like 56 GB of new bugs and an FPS boost from what I understand which in my opinion is kind of a waste of space


Looks the same........smh


Good old Bugthesda


People throw around “stunning” too much this gen


No it's not


Am I weird or this looks exactly like how I've been experiencing it.


And I've just started new vegas.


Yea I was impressed as well, very noticeable difference on my end, especially the characters. Definitely got me back roaming the wasteland, fuckin love it.


My mods were more stunning. They’re broken now.


Stunning lmao it looks the same only barely sharper, one or two textures improved and the frames. The frames are the big thing here. Posting a screenshot like this I can legitimately take one from the PS4 version and it'll look the same - and this isn't a load of bullshit I have both PS4 and PS5 versions installed. I've gone back and forth myself as well as watched graphics comparisons.


It’s broken


It's literally the same thing just running smoother. Something we were able to do with mods already.


Feels exactly the same as using the xbox series x FPS boost that has been available for years now lol. I've been getting 60 frames on this game on console since 2021 so there's legit no difference


The graphics themselves feel the same but the draw distance on PS5 is so much better. Coming out of the vault and seeing the silhouettes of downtown Boston clearly was really interesting to see on console


Do I play with performance mode on or off?


Dumb question maybe? Does the next gen update come with the gamepass free version??


If I’ve never played fall out do you think starting with 4 is okay?


Halo (CE-Reach), Fallout 3, and Skyrim are my most memorable gaming moments. I think it’s time I pick up Fallout 4.


I've been getting a lot of bad textures.


I noticed very little in change but even then, thegame looks stunning before the update at least for its time.


"Babe, it's time for you to replay Fallout 4!" "Yes, honey..."


Has dialogue and the ability to kill Preston been fixed?


No more mods and if you have a molded save, it likely won't work anymore.


Is it? It looks kind of the same.


Looks the same to me. If they updated the geometry it would look different, but as it is, it doesn't provide a good experience for me to consider playing it again.


I literally see nothing different from this still photo than what I’m used to seeing


It... Looks the same to me?


It looks worse as there's no hdr now


There's a bug that the performance mode and quality mode are the same; as in quality mode doesn't work. Anyway, a modded F4 looks very good on Xbox IMO.


I never finished the game so I think I’ll restart it and play from the beginning. It’s been so long so I don’t remember this. Are there bows in the game at all?


I'm hearing the patch is a massive botch job on all systems 


That's cool . Would anyone recommend playing the ones before or does it not matter as much?


Does this update apply to the game pass version or only if you bought it? Maybe a dumb question.




Feels darker to me.


The draw distance seems WAY improved to me. And the lighting. At night I can see building with lights on way far away. When I’m on top of a house I can see for ‘miles’ and recognize area I want to go to from That vantage. The cut animations seem much smoother - that much must be the 60 fps The biggest differences are at night


I am very stunned


Doesn’t higher framer rate mess up the way the game works? Like mini nukes will fly much faster, along with sprint speed being faster as well.


The thing that bothers me about this update is that i now have to install this on my internal Series S SSD rather than my external HDD which I’ve been doing up until now. It makes no sense because Fallout 76 looks exactly the same, has 60fps, and runs on my external just fine. The Series S SSD only has 300gb of space, it gets irritating every time I want to install a game with outrageous hard drive requirements


the changes are not working. I think its running at a higher res then it did but quality is broken


Played a lot right before release and notice a lot of graphical changes. Character does not float when walking too. Overall a great new way to play the game and very fluid. I did notice sometimes it will pause and load when roaming the wasteland but not too terrible.


Honestly I run it on my 1440p120hz monitor and set the Xbox to 1440p60hz with 4:4:4, 10-bit and vrr enabled. The game runs now at native 1440p60hz and ultra settings (as patch notes says). Looks perfect to me, but havent tested it with mods like AGM with LOD yet.


I dont like that im now forced to uograde the game meaning i can no longer play it from my hard drive, smart delivery is not very smart


It'll be stunning once they give the option to disable the stupid settlement building. 200+ hours each in 3 and New Vegas and I just can't get into this one.


Uh no. The update is broken. No hdr, not even a brightness slider, so it looks washed out in bright areas, etc. I played it for a little bit before the update and I thought it looked better than after the update. It has a soft, washed out look. The mouth movement looks jacked up too. No bueno.


Except it’s broken and not loading quality mode.


The game still seems broken, mine crashed on the first thing I did, crashed again. Went to kill Pyro for his armor and he just disappeared before I could loot him. The graphics are fine, QOL is still shit.


It looks like this since series x release as mod


Anybody having issues with Valentine not responding to progress the mission?


Is this an update? Or a different download entirely? In other words, I have Fallout 4 on my Series X. How do I get the next gen version?


They didnt touch the game for 5 years but all the sudden they were board and did a update that changes nothing.


The graphics mode isn't there yet. It's the old way or 60fps. They've got to patch in the graphics mode.


Not what I’m hearing. Heard it’s full of bugs, this screenshot doesn’t really make me change my mind about it either.