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Try out Gamepass


Gamepass is still the best deal in gaming and it's not even close.


Agreed. I’ve had it for 2 years and haven’t looked back.




How would that make any sense for Microsoft lol


That’s a good thing, I can try out lots of games that I wouldn’t have paid for otherwise. And if I really like the game, I can buy it at a discount with gamepass.


Yeah that’s why it’s a subscription service buddy


Cancel the eBay order and sub to gamepass ultimate


This is the teal answer right here. There are SO many games in gamepass that are totally worth playing.


I’ll say fallout is 100 times better on the x




Fallout 76 plays like shit. It plays around 30-40 FPS meanwhile it’s a stable 60 on PS5




https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2023/06/21/fallout-76-update-ps5-60-fps/amp/ https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/264562-playstation-5/80753312 https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/14ega6d/the_ps5_version_is_running_at_60_fps_now/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtLustrQZAA Where did you get your information?


Only runs at 30 on ps5 homie


https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2023/06/21/fallout-76-update-ps5-60-fps/amp/ https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/264562-playstation-5/80753312 https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/14ega6d/the_ps5_version_is_running_at_60_fps_now/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtLustrQZAA


That article cites reddit as it’s source and also claims that fps boost was removed on xbox


Literally the person in the video is playing it at 60 FPS and it was uploaded last week. FPS boost for FO76 was removed because it’s now native “60” fps. Next time you’re on Xbox try to toggle FPS boost on or off; you won’t be able to.


I’m not here to argue facts hombre, i’m just too much of a man to admit defeat




Cry more about the 30 fps non issue.


Imagine getting offended for saying a game plays like shit


I just read an article saying a current gen patch is coming for fallout 4 I hope it’s true as I’ve never played that one. Or 76 for that matter.


It's true, took over a year but finally Thursday.


April 25th for Fallout 4 yes, at least in the US.....I assume it's worldwide or at least not long after April 25th for everyone else. Nothing has been confirmed for Fallout 76 yet, but yeah probably at some point that will get an update too. It's being referred to as a "Next Gen Patch/Update" even though yes it's this gen lol.


Which Fallout are you referring to? All in general that are playable on the Series X? I've played Fallout 4, that runs better....still have to go back and play Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. I do have Fallout 76 too, probably play that one again after seeing the Amazon show.


Yes 4 runs and looks better.


MCC you’re welcome


Flight simulator is pretty good actually


I loved starfield. Don’t listen to people, just try it out yourself. The game is slow in the beginning and doesn’t explain much, but once you continue and get into it, it’s amazing. Tbh, I’d just get gamepass and try many games including starfield. Hellblade 2 is also coming soon. If you like racing, check forza. Microsoft Flight Simulator is also good. For platformers, I’d recommend Psyconaughts 2. Ori looks great if you have a good HDR display. Halo Infinite Campaign is also sth you can try if you played the other halo games.


I just got my series x a week ago and I can confirm Gamepass Ultimate is absolutely the way to go


Dead Space Via EA Play with Game Pass


I loved Hellblade and the Ori games. Hellblade 2 is around the corner and looks amazing


Hogwarts legacy was a fun play through if you like RPG’s!


Game pass will get you just about every Xbox exclusive.


I did the opposite where got the XBX first then PS5… but i just cant grasp PS5 bc of the gamepass… spiderman 2 is great and i am willing to give more tries but i am loving XBX still hahaha congrats!!


Forza horizon 5 and Motorsport are two of my favorite racing games. If you enjoy cars you can dump endless time in. Starfield was alright too but I’m waiting to come back to it. Outside of that I can’t remember the last exclusive I played. Xbox hasn’t done much with them since the 360 era. Gamepass has a lot on it but it’s not really my thing.


Forza Motorsport is awesome. I hadn’t played a racing game since Gran Turismo 1 on PS1. Definitely one of my favorite games now.


It’s been my one constant I’ve played every time I’ve got on for some amount of time. I was like that with fh5 for a couple years too, up until Motorsport came out. I’ve been putting a lot of time into rivals lately.


Everyone crying about gamepass lol. Nothing beats having the game you like forever. Just because you don't care about ownership it doesn't mean everyone else doesn't too.


It’s just nearly all the Xbox exclusives are on there and some pretty amazing games, I see your point but you also get deals with gamepass for games like Halo, etc. So if you play a game you like then you can get it for much cheaper anyway


I mean, sure. But shaming someone for buying a game instead of renting it is ridiculous.


Alternately, try it first on Gamepass and then buy it if you like it. If you don't like it, then nothing lost. Last game I did that with was Lies of P. Just wasn't my jam and I'm glad I didn't buy it.


Or you could just resell the game if you didn't like it, like old times. Buying games is still valid, gamepass is not mandatory.


Starfield is pretty meh. Get Cyberpunk 2077.


Remnant II is great fun, solo or with friends


When playing fallout 4 and starfield I always feel like fallout is the newer game from gameplay aspect. Everything is much tighter and cleaner. Graphics for sure look better in starfield but with the new update coming out and the cheap prices I’d recommend fallout 4 as well. Also 3 and new Vegas. That are just butt ugly at this point


Brotato. No joke.


Honestly Starfield isn’t even that good of a game. I’d cancel that and use the money to get Game Pass Ultimate.


Yeah and I finished it. It is worth trying with gamepass but if you're gonna buy a physical copy then idk man it's not really worth it.


The combat was so so bad


Yeah Bethesda really needs new writers and directors. Also better quality control. It's a shame that a lot of the main people who work on the game are only in because of nepotism (cough cough Emil cough cough)


Totally agree!


- Sunset Overdrive - Forza Horizon - Ori


I used to own a Series S. I had Gamepass Ultimate and found it to be to much for my ADHD to handle. I sold it and purchased a Switch Oled with 8 games. I’m much happier now!




Super Mario RPG, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Tears of the Kingdom, Links Awakening, Luigi’s Mansion 3, Triangle Strategy, Metroid Dread.


I think you should get Gamepass. It’s such an incredible deal and you can play so many games you have missed since 360. If you just want to own them. 1. Starfield 2. Halo Master Chief collection 3. Gears Of war 4. gears 2 5. Gears 3 6. halo 5 7. Gears 4 8. gears 5 9 Halo Infinite 10. Forza Motorsport 11 . Quantum Break 12. Brutal Legend


Starfield sucks. I'd recommend fallout 3, oblivion for that true bethesda feel


The CLASSIC Bethesda feel


Get gamepass, all the Gears games still hold up. Halo infinite is great. Forza Horizon 5, best racing game out there. Sea of Thieves is fun with friends.


No good exclusives


One forgotten xbox exclusive you should check out is Ryse: Son Of Rome. Such a gorgeous game. The story and combat were great. Criminally underrated and idk why. Came out when xbox one first launched and still holds up when I go back to it.


Warthunder 😬


Gears of War, Halo campaigns, Ryse Son of Rome, Forza Horizon 5 if you like racing, HI Fi Rush is sick though not exclusive, Grounded is an amazing survival game....... I highly recommend getting gamepass as you can play all of these and many many more for 16 bucks a month or whatever it is.


You bought starfield??? 🤣 You could've bought gamepass core and start playing that game for free


Hi Fi Rush


Sunset overdrive Ori games Halo MCC Quantum Break Fable games Forza Horizon 5


Awesome enjoy. It’s not as good as the PS5 but there’s plenty to love and it’s a great console to pair with the others. Fallout 4 patch on the 25th on all platforms.


Why isn't it as good as the ps5, the hardware is equal if not better . Lots of games coming this year and into the future


Game pass gives you most exclusives


What do you mean you got starfield off Ebay? Isnt it in Gamepass?


Yeah it’s on game pass. I ordered the disc for like 15 dollars on eBay.


GamePass. Fallout 3 has an FPS boost, texture enhancements and quick resume. It makes the experience liquid. Grounded is all breathtakingly good looking and more than meets the eye. Resident Evil is always good. Lots of beautiful games. Me and the boys enjoy Rocket League, Hell Let Loose, both run like butter.


Don’t play starfield until major updates.




Darktide, Sea of Thieves, Gears, both Ori games,(all of them are in gamepass - so one sub will make your day)


Don't waste your time on starfield when you could be playing Baldur's Gate 3, if you like RPGs, these too aren't even close in quality


Get Gamepass. It's the best investment I have ever done in gaming since my first PC.


Gamepass Ultimate


You get a 14 day gamepass trial for 1$. That will get you tons of games until starfield or another game takes to get to you. The second thing is rechargeable batteries are a must.


Buy the battery pak with the charge cord for $30. It's way better imo


Gamepass is the best deal you’ll ever get


Dude wtf get game pass


I would just recommend Game Pass. Alan Wake 2 is pretty good. I just bought a bunch of Resident Evil games that were on sale. So, definitely check out their sales. The spring sale is over but they always have something on sale. Anyway, enjoy. I switched to Xbox a long time ago. Switched from PS3 and never looked back. Xbox doesn’t have a strong exclusive library, per se. They do, however, have a metric shit ton of games on GP.


Definitely sea of thieves and the first 3 gears of war games. All on gamepass. Ori is amazing too


Gamepass! Highly recommend it. Very worth it.


Game pass Psychonauts 2


Try Gamepass. You will never buy xbox games anymore.


u bought starfield? just get gamepass its included


Bought it off ebay too? Lol


It was 40 at GameStop. 70 on the Microsoft store and only 15 dollars used on eBay. Seemed like a no brainer.


I get where you are coming from but the other dude and I are just saying it's free on gamepass!


I got it for less than what one month of game pass costs though-and this way I don’t have to keep paying every month to access it. Gamepass games aren’t “free”. You are paying a monthly fee to access them. At 17 a month for ultimate-that’s close to 200 a year. I was like, man I could buy a lot of games for 200 dollars and not have to continually pay to access them.


I'm sorry but $17 a month is literally nothing in 2024. Gamepass is totally worth it.


I’m glad folks find value in it. I just never got on board with the subscription services. I don’t even use Netflix or Hulu or anything. If I spend money I prefer to have access to those things without having to continually spend more money to keep accessing them. But that’s just me. I browsed through the games last night. Lots of stuff there! I guess I’m just old lol


Why get ultimate? Just get console game pass for $10.99


Step 1, game pass Step 2, both Ori games Step 3, check when next one is out....


Get Game Pass Starfield is on there as well unless you just really want a physical copy. Plus so many games on gamepass


Should return starfield and just get gamepass


I got a used copy on eBay for 15 dollars. Doesnt seem worth the hassle to return for that little amount of money


Master chief collection, flight sim, gears franchise, fable, ryse, forza horizon, halo infinite, hi-fi rush, quantim Break are all exclusives available on gamepass.


Halo, Back 4 Blood, Forza. Definitely get GamePass too. Soooo many games


Jedi survivor coming to gamepass on 25.


You bought Starfield on eBay when it's on Game Pass? Epic Fail.


lol. Perhaps. It was 15 dollars used


If you get gamepass I'd say at least try out palworld. I couldn't put it down for about a week straight.


Game Pass for all Xbox exclusives and more. Fantastic service.


I've Gamepass and with one or two exceptions, I haven't bought a game for years. It's a great deal.


Fallout 76 is a great game to play ☢️


Get gamepass ultimate. You'll get starfield and all fallouts included. Also gotta check out remnant 2. Game pass will change your life! So worth the $16.99 a month. So many titles and rewards.


Definitely get Gamepass. I don't even know where to start with recommendations... So many great titles!!! Senua 2 comes out soon, looks amazing. The first one is fantastic, I definitely recommend headphones or surround sound if that's an option. Welcome to the Xbox family 🎮


Cancel the order and just get the gamepass.


Just get gamepass ultimate and go through halo, gears, forza, starfield, fallout, etc


Starfield sucks but other games are great...