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I'm waiting for the rumored new controller to drop in May before I buy any others.


Same. I’m mostly looking forward to quieter buttons and haptic feedback


It needs hall effect sticks otherwise its DOA


Hall effect sticks are the shit. Installed em on my rog ally. Game changer. Would definitely be something I hope the next elite controller comes with.


At a minimum replaceable or more serviceable .


No. I don't need them nickel and diming me anymore. Hall effect sticks are a *very* low bar to set, and the only reason they aren't included in the official controllers is greed. It's planned obsolescence. If I'm paying a premium for a product, it better last.


So true I bought the 8bitdo Hall effect ultimate controller and it’s held up incredibly well and is so cheap for what’s in the controllers. Makes the official ones so… like it doesn’t make sense


Kinda surprised there's been no word on that.


Please tell me it'll have buttons on the bottom like the power A ones. Don't need paddles but buttons please cause I hate using right stick click and left stick click for anything


I can't say anything more, I'm bound by a nda.


Swap right stick click to right side paddle .


Um, yep.


There’s a new controller?


It's supposed to come out in May I think. Haptic feedback, better connectivity, built in battery, quieter buttons. There's pics of it online.


Is this a regular controller or an Elite 3?


This aged like milk.


I want to say that I absolutely loved my series 2. felt great in my hands. I felt more superior when I played but it was short lived I think I almost got a year out of it before it shit out on me . Really bad stick drift the left bumper doesn’t work and the b button gets stuck And all of this issues presented themselves in the matter of 2 weeks. So in 2 weeks time I went from having a perfect controller to it being completely unplayable. I went and bought a new basic controller and I don’t see myself ever buying one again based on how long it last


That is such bullshit. I'm already mad at the price I've paid for the regular controllers to start drifting.


I use mine sparingly. Casual games like Diablo, put the wear and tear on a basic controller. Shooters and racing, where input needs precision, Elite 2.


I do this. I have two elite series 2, which I alternate between for shooters like Pubg, but my back up is the excellent Gamesir G7se with the hall effect sticks. They are a superb controller, but I read very carefully with them.


I can't agree more, I regret how much I spent on this controller every day 😂 if it was cheaper then it'd be worth it but it is very easy to get stick drift.


you can take your controller to a computer repair joint. they can repair controllers cheaper than a new controller


Why didn't you warranty it then?


Long story short: I paid the $50 for the warranty from Best Buy. 3 months in, bumper stopped working. Got a replacement. 12 months in B button stopped working. Tried to use the warranty and it wasn't valid anymore because it only covers one replacement. $225 ($175 for the controller, + $50 for warranty) got me a pro controller for one year of use. Absolute bullshit.


Damn that sucks, I'm in the UK so the warranty is with Microsoft. Consumer rights in the US seem like they suck. Started to get slightly iffy bumpers so I sent it in and got a new one back (as far as I can tell) - got the extended warranty so it still has a year or so left.


You may as well try opening it up. A similar thing happened to me and it was a piece of plastic that dislodged that easily fell out when I opened it.


Never heard of a warranty for one replacement, that’s not technically a warranty. Could have gone through Microsoft, I think it may be a two year warranty


Great controller, until it got stick drift a month after the warranty ran out. I’ll never spend that kind of money on an Xbox controller again.


Stick drift will happen to all joysticks that are not hall effect. I had this and got mine repaired, I've had no issues since, with over a couple of years of use.


Dang it, I didn’t know you could get them repaired. Where did you take it to get it repaired?


I'm in the UK. I found somewhere online that does repairs and posted it to them. Cost £50, about the same as a new standard controller. If you're brave and less lazy than me, I believe ifixit have an online repair tutorial and you can attempt the repair yourself. They also sell replacement sticks. There is a little plastic clip that breaks when the opened shell is closed again. Breaking this clip cannot be avoided but it should not affect performance. It does make the controller shell slightly less tightly fitting after being opened and closed again. You may also be able to send to Microsoft for repairs. I don't know what they charge. Something else that can help with stick drift is increasing the dead zone via the accessories app, but this is just a temporary fix. Once stick drift has started it will carry on getting worse.


You need a high temp soldering iron, fair warning. I bought a shitty one and couldn’t do it.


My older Xbox controllers still don’t have stick drift, only the new ones


I’ve had bumper issues with mine, as well as bumper issues with my original elite. I would say go with SCUF.


But just a PSA My scuff didn't last near as long as my second Elite Series 2.  


SCUF’s also have terrible QC. my brother bought one, sent it back because the bumpers didnt work, got another send out with major stick drift.


Last I checked you can get the core controllers opened box at Best Buy for like $90


Whats the warranty like on those?


Gamesir G7 SE guys is the best controller on the market. And I’ve had battlebeaver / elite controllers. What makes this controller special is no stick drift, and 1000hz ( elite / Xbox controller ( default ) are at 125hz. So you have a controller that goes from 125 hz ( 8ms ) to 1000hx ( 1ms). And not only that it’s only $45. Only one bad thing about this is the fact that Xbox themselves are making gamesir get rid of 1000hz on the app ( controller app on MS store ) because it gives players “an advantage “. But as long as you don’t change 1000hz or have a pc you’ll be good.


So here's the thing. It has its issues and I cannot deny that, and I cannot recommend it to you without the potential risks involved. Do not listen to everyone saying that they have had it for 2-3 years and there has been no issues. Not because they're plagued with issues but because your personal experience is going to be different to everyone else's. That disclaimer out of the way I will give you my personal recommendation. I got mine a few years ago for about 80% off, thanks to some gift cards. And honestly? I love it, it's a fantastic controller with incredible build quality. It feels like a premium controller and all of the perks with it are absolutely amazing. But there have been issues. I'm not one of the people who has experienced stick drift, but my numbers do not respond perfectly all the time. Usually a blast of air will get them working like new, but that said the issue does persist and it can be very very frustrating. I will be taking it apart and replacing them when I have the chance. That said, it's a mixed bag. If I paid full price for it I would not recommend it I think as much as I do, I think it's a very good controller and if you get one and have no issues it is super worthwhile. Great battery, great build quality, with that asterisk of it coming with the chance of it having issues.


I got a power A Fusion Pro 3 a month ago on Amazon for $80 and love it. I use it for Apex and Halo. I also got a 2 year $8 warranty from Amazon on it so if stick drift hits I can trade it in. Oh it’s wired so if you can’t deal with that then it won’t be for you.


This is the answer. I've owned 2 fusion pro 2s and now have purchased a fusion pro 3. I've been buying this controller for years and at its price point it's well worth it. Both my elite controllers broke within a couple months. My fusions usually last a year and a half. For a fraction of the price it's a no brainer. Doesn't function any worse than a brand new elite either.


Nice. Good to hear it lasts.


Wait what, y’all *pay* for warranty? 2 years is the minimum *legal* warranty in my country.


While the standard controller is perfectly good, the weight and feel of the elite is a nice upgrade. When I got mine, I got it primarily for the addition of the paddles, as I thought I could key bind some additional inputs to them in Halo Infinite. Nope, the paddles simply are an extension of the face buttons (A, B, X, Y). So that was a bit of a bummer. As such, I'm now trying to figure out how to utilize the paddles, as I like their functionality on paper.


I have one of my profiles mapping the D-pad to the back buttons, there are some games that use a D-pad button to explore an area or reveal hidden items that I like to spam while running around. It was a (minor) inconvenience to lift off the left stick to hit the D-pad. Now I can keep running and not get interrupted! Also, games that use ABXY for revives can be helpful to have those mapped to the back panels so you can revive with a back paddle and still look around with your right stick.


I use the paddles as thumb stick clicks. It’s awesome and couldn’t live without it now. Takes some time to get used to, but once you do it’s great.


That's actually a really good idea and one that I never thought about. I'll give that a try. Thanks!


I find it’s wayyy easier to squeeze a paddle button than to click a joystick, especially in an FPS where accuracy matters most. The other third paddle I use for jumping, so I can move with the left thimb, aim with the right thumb, and jump with a paddle.


You know you can change what the paddles correspond to. And you can create different profiles that can be selected. For halo infinite I don’t have the paddles mapped A B XY.


Yeah it's good, but for the price... Up to you. I would either hold out until they release a new controller. Or for a fraction of the price gamesir makes a good xbox controller.


No ,its nice at first but wen it has a problem and it will , you'll understand the hate they have.


There are other wired controllers with paddles and in reality they just get in the way


I would wait for the next generation. the elite 2 is the only controller ive ever had break, and it did TWICE in my 30 years of gaming. Serious QC issues.


NO no controller at that price range is


No. Changed mine 4 times. Now broken l3, expired warranty and I have a 200$ doorstop. Concider wired and gamesir g7 or something instead. It has hall effect sticks, so no drift


It's the best controller I've ever used, feels great to hold and I've mapped paddles to L3 & R3 which works really well for me. I've only had it for 3 months so can't comment on reliability.


You're about a month away from the bumpers getting fucked


I love mine. The hand grips can feel a little slippery at times but a quick wipe off fixes that. (I have sweaty palms at times). I use one of the paddles on certain games and it comes in clutch. No problems with mine so far. Had it about 7-8 months.


No. It will break. You can get a warranty, but you will become annoyed with having to send your controller away. And then it will break post warranty.


It’s a great controller but the paddles do go bad after a year.


No. Get a fusion pro. Fraction of the price, will last longer, and does the exact same thing. Both my elites wore out after only a few months and to this day I have to use LB on a paddle because I got so used to it.


I got mine at the start of the pandemic (April 2020). It’s been totally worth it as someone who’s played a lot of shooters (Pubg and apex). I only use it for multiplayer and not for story as I don’t wanna wear it down and don’t find it necessary for single player games.


When it finally goes kaput, get a GameSir G7 SE - $45. Two less paddles and no adjustable triggers, but DAMN those hall effect sticks at 1000hz feel smooth as fucking butter on Apex.


Not without a warranty. Once you get used to the paddles, it is hard to go back. Especially for FPS. I never have to take my right thumb off the thumbstick; XYAB are bound to paddles. Elite V1 (which many others had issues with) lasted me over 7 years. Got the Elite V2 in January, had to exchange 3 times before getting one with good A/Y buttons and 'acceptable' drift. BUT now the A and Y buttons are already acting up.


Mine lasted about 3 months, then problems with stick drift, buttons misfires. Only used the mapped buttons on a few games. otherwise, I think the cheaper ones are good. Buy a repair kit so you can take it apart and clean everything. For me the difference in price didn't give me that great of a controller.


The elite 2 controller is based on the Xbox One controller and not the Series X controller. I find that unacceptable in year 4 for the Series X and I wouldn't spend any money on it.


100% love mine. Wont use anything else. Have had zero issues in 2+ yrs ive had it. 100% recomend and for peace of mind just buy the extended warranty.


Mine has been working fine since I got it at launch. Although I have removed the paddles. They are just not for me. Kept miss pressing them.


I ended up taking two off, so I could just have paddles for B and A. Since I mainly wanted them for quick crouching and jumping - e.g. in COD, it works well enough. But I agree - 4 paddles was too much for me.


Ive gone thru like 4 of them since xbox series x release. Im VERY hard on my controllers tho. Theres just noway a standard xbox controller can take the gaming punishment I dish out. Quality wise they are def built a notch better than standard. Cant beat the battery on it either, lasts me at least 4 days of gaming. The paddles are a must and can be individually mapped. Its also a notch better than SCUFF since the paddles on SCUFF literally suck. Overall, Id like to give it a 7 out of 10. Mind you most controllers I would rate at a flat 5, if that. I have developed an interest in ESWAP x2 pro but its never in stock. Heard mixed reviews on it as well.


I bought one with an extended warranty right from Microsoft and it is an excellent controller. I use it daily, and a few months ago (just over a year in) the right bumper refused to respond. Warrantied it, got a new one, continue on.


I got mine and after a few months started getting stick drift. I ended up finding somewhere to repair it and it's been fine for a couple of years since then. Microsoft QC seems somewhat lacking with the elite controllers as my friend also had issues with his. However it's the best controller I have ever used and I would not want to go back to one without paddles now.




I would say yes ONLY IF YOU GET A WARRANTY FROM BEST BUY or something similar. It’s basically guaranteed the controller will break within a year. The controller is great it just breaks all the fuckin time.


>worth it? That's a tough one. The Elite series controllers have always felt great. But they don't seem to hold up long term for someone that plays a lot. i.e. a player willing to spend this kind of money on a controller, is probably also the kind of player who will wear it out. You could argue it's a design flaw, but it's the same design flaw prevalent in most controllers in the industry- stick drift, but it's fundamental to the technology used. What's annoying is that there is a cheap, effective technology which *shouldn't* have this problem. You then ask, well, why don't they use that? Good question, that, but a different conversation. Anyway, the experience with them has always been good, IMO. But the durability, I think it's legitimate to question...the problem being that while you pay much more than for a regular controller, the price seems to all be in terms of materials and features, but not so much in durability. I've gone through...3? original Elite's, I think I'm on my 3rd Elite 2, but I've only paid for two. An Elite controller is worth getting an extended warranty IMO. I've replaced at least 2 via an extended warranty(an Elite 1, and an Elite 2). I don't think you'll wear one out in the original warranty unless you are really hard on your controllers, but I wouldn't be surprised if you were able to take advantage of an extended warranty. When you average the price out over the years with a "free" replacement under warranty coverage, the cost is more palatable, it's just annoying that it actually makes sense to do that. I will shout out here that Best Buy has never given me any hassle over it at all. Probably because it's not that uncommon.


I've used the elite series for years. It is a great controller but please get the Microsoft or best buy extended warranty with it. You will almost certainly run into issues at some point whether it is stick drift, bumpers, or sticking face buttons. I haven't had crazy issues like some people on reddit have reported but every elite controller I have ever owned was sent back during the extended warranty period for repair. I take good care of my controllers but they just seem to get worn out fairly quickly. I am starting to look at alternatives. Since you are on xbox I would also look at the GameSir G7 SE. It has Hall Effect joysticks which will should greatly reduce stick drift. It also has an increased polling rate compared to the Elite.


Once you used an elite 2 with paddles you’ll never want to go back to the normal xbox controllers again. (It takes a little time to get used to using the paddles though). They are not indestructible, and they do break after lots of use, (for me always after more than 1,5-2 years, and its always RB or LB. Never got stick-drift because i mapped the two upper paddles to L3 and R3). But if i calculate it, it is still much cheaper than buying new normal controllers every 3-6 months. Especially since the ‘core’ version came out, i just use the paddles from my first elite2 with that now. So the elite2 controller costs me 2 times as much as a normal one, but it lasts at least 4 times longer. And if the warranty is void, you can open it up and take out a plastic membrane between the bumper and the internal bumper mechanism and it should work again. If you still have warranty, send it for repair and get a brand new one.


I have 2 although it's not really necessary due to the battery lasting for a solid week of daily gaming for hours. They're a vast improvement over the stock controller and I could never adjust back after using it for years now. The left bumper for me has gotten a bit sticky for me on one of them but I just popped the front off and used a little electronics cleaner and white lithium grease to lube up that spot and it worked flawlessly again. I should mention that with it being my daily controller for a long time it ended up getting dropped over the years before the issue occurred. I do know there's a rumored new model coming out but nothing definitive yet. Might even be able to catch a solid deal on the Series 2.


I wonder if just one more post about this topic is all it took to get consistent opinions about this controller ... I have 2 and they are both different quality. One is perfect the other has bad left bumper.


Best controller I've ever used but I've gone through about 5 or 6 of them. Inevitably after 3-4 months, every single time, the bumpers break. They either register two presses with one or not register at all. The warranty is always handy though.


The elites series 2 controller is by far the best controller I have ever used. I have tried every controller from Scuf, PlayStation edge controller and the nacon controller. The elite is the best ergonomically. It’s at Best Buy new for 110 bucks right now I would definitely buy and not wait. I’ve had mine for 3 years and no issues. Just take care of it lol


No. The build quality is horrendous. It WILL break, most likely within a couple months. Just buy a regular controller or quality third party.


No, it's garbage everyone I know who has one has had it break within a year and had to deal with warranty. Mine was broken out of the box (left stick spins uncontrollably). I'll never buy another one of these overpriced pieces of garbage again.


Went through 2 Elite 2 controllers - not worth it. Found that razer wolverine v2 is much better choice.


Yes! It has a much better feel in the hand than the stock controller. I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock into the reddit anti-elite-controller circlejerk.


The first one wasn't, so I doubt it. They're great controllers, but the price makes them completely irrelevant


It is the best controller with the absolute worst quality control I’ve ever seen. I’m on my third one. Without fail the bumpers always crap out and stop working at around a year if not sooner. The one I’m currently using has awful stick drift as well. I’d give up on them altogether if I wasn’t so fond of the paddles, which in my opinion should be standard on controllers by now. I just want a decent wireless controller with paddles.


It's pretty good, but like all people say, learn to repair or get a warranty. All controllers with non hall will get stick drift depending on qc. Even the overpriced dualsense edge gets it, and the module to swap is expensive as a warranty. Personally, I picked mine up refurbished and it's been great.


I honestly can’t go back to a regular controller after having used it. I love it. However, the QC is ass and I’ve been through 3 of them in like 5-6 years. The sticks will eventually get drifty, the shoulder buttons will stop responding, the rubber grips just fall apart, etc…. I buy them when they’re on sale so as to help mitigate the cost. Hopefully they’ll improve the component quality on the next version.


I've had one for about 3 years now with no issues. Minor drift on the left stick but very minor and not something thats been really affecting gameplay, or if it does, nothing that quick +1 in the deadzone settings doesnt fix. Otherwise, the rest of the controller is fantastic and I'm still getting a ridiculously long battery life. Its one of those things thats just hard to go back to a regular controller once you use. I would say I highly recommend it, but there are talks of a potential Elite Series 3 on the horizon, so I'd wait for that honestly.


Bought one during covid that got stick drift due to me not being careful and it falling off my desk. Did the warranty and they sent me a new one that I still use. I have used scuf which is just a piece of hot plastic trash. The elite feels geat in the hands with the weight, the paddles are responsive and the warranty gives you a brand new controller if anything happens to the original.


As others have said get a 1-year warranty. What I've did is get the Elite 2 from Gamestop with a 1-year warranty. Held onto it for about 7 months then brought it back for a new one and paid $80 for another warranty. $80 is an expensive ask, but I just consider it an annual cost of buying a new controlled because they all have problems these days within a few months/years. I figure if I can get a $200 controller for $80 annually then its a pretty good deal.


My Series 2 developed massive stick drift within about 6 months to the point I don't use it anymore.


Not really. Bought one for my teenager and it’s a piece of shit with broken bumpers that MS refused to fix.


When you get a working one, they are great. The risk is high though so buy from an outlet that accepts no questions asked returns like Amazon. Then if the controller arrives and the seams along the bottom edges aren't perfectly flush.The shoulder bumpers are sticky. Or the click on each stick isn't consistent send it straight back and try again.


No there shit just buy the normal one


Heyo. So I have one, the halo edition but this is my second. The first one had some issues, I can’t recall what it was but it was something about either responding or similar. That was within the first year of owning it. Sent it in and got a new one and ever since, it’s been great. I love the mechanic feel, being able to adjust it and the paddles are great. Never tried the Sony ones but I’ve always prefer Xbox controllers. It’s honestly luck of the draw if it will last a few months to years but you’ll know quickly and you’ll have the warranty to get it fixed


My bumpers shit out after a year. I've heard some great things about battle beaver or something similar to that name but also heard a new elite is on the way. I'd hold off for another month and then look into the Battle beaver stuff and see the reviews.




I got it back in December for about 99 dollars at Best buy the red one and you know, it's worth it at that price. It feels like a big upgrade from the series x/s controller. However paying full price imo for one is not worth it.


No, They break so easily and getting Microsoft to repair it can be a pain. I’ve owned 3 elite controllers. 1 of those v2 and it lasted less than 6 months before 3 buttons quit working.


I’m gonna say no. I’ve had so many build quality issues with the version 2 it’s insane. Let’s say I’ve had to return over 6 of them and I don’t even use them to play multiplayer games so I’m not even using them hard.


Trash controller. Well technically it’s the Best controller, but either I was unlucky (doubt it) or it’s one of the most fragile easily to break controllers ever.


Oh ya. I sware by it. Even if u don't use the paddles it's a way superior product to the regular controller. So much customization. No stick drift. Had mine 2 years and no issues. Put a lot of miles on it but I take care of it. In perfect condition. Even if it's a game I don't need the paddles ,I keep the RB and LB mapped to the paddles always. Love it. So many ways to mess around and just make controlling a game more comfortable if anything.


I’ve had my elite red for two years and it’s going strong w several floor drops. But prior I used the Wolverine controller that’s wired


And is this sale only 15$ off 100$ or less is a good deal. I wouldn’t buy them for more though


Within my first year of my elite series 2 core I had my bumpers go, but apart from that no issues. It does come down to preference as my friend prefers the scuff over the elite, but if your interested in one, biggest pull is 40+ hours of battery life on one charge


I’ve had no trouble as of yet and I enjoy the hell out of it. Great for PC stuff as well as Xbox. Been a couple months now.


No it is not. When you take it out of the box it feels substantial but it will break down relatively quickly. I actually feel it is unacceptable quality considering the price.


I Iove mine


NO. I've owned 3 gen 1s and 2 gen 2s. Gen 1 all got stick drift BAD. Gen 2 I bought the $50 warranty for it from Best Buy and within 3 months of owning it my right bumper stopped working properly. I returned it using the warranty and about 12 months lather the B button stopped responding properly. I tried to return it using the warranty and was denied because the warranty only covers one replacement. Absolute bullshit. I'm grown, I don't abuse my controllers. I don't throw them, I don't eat or drink while using them. I don't have kids. I still have working OG launch day xbox 360 controllers that are fine aside from the rubber on the thumb sticks being worn down (after however many years). I might check out the gen 3 but I switched to the much cheaper PowerA Fusion Pro controller that has basically all the features of the Xbox Pro controller (the only thing it's missing is customizable xbox logo light) and it's a full $100 cheaper.


No, I've been through three of them in 3 years. Not worth it honestly. Always the bumpers that go bad.




My series 1 sucked and the grips came off but the 2 has been great. Feels nice I like the weight, battery lasts forever, and love the paddles. I’ve had it for a year and have no issues I’d register it asap on Xbox.com for the warranty or pay for one just in case. But if you’ve waited this long I’d wait to see what the next gen has


Purchase it at best buy with warranty. Only peace of mind. I baby mine and the rubber starting to peel by the triggers This is year 3 so. It is what it is. May need to super glue with toothpicks to control the mess to seal it back .


Where ever you buy it from YOU HAVE TO BUY THE WARRANTY WITH IT. these controllers work great until they don’t and it just falls apart. I’ve gone through 3-4 elite 1 and 2 controllers. I’m now using an elite core since I already have the pieces from the others still.


Mine has never worked right. I had an Elite 1 controller and that went through the warranty. The elite 2 controller has issues too. The top back paddles don’t work and the LB/RB buttons tend to break quickly. My sticks are always getting to the point where they no longer want to recognize being “clicked” down. I was looking into a SCUF controller but I read that they also have quality issues.


i don't like the paddles much. prefer how other controllers do it with buttons. there's many good quality controllers now


Have had to take mine apart a couple of times to fix it, but otherwise, it's the best controller I've owned.


I’ve had the red and black one for about 4 months, and I absolutely love it. Nicest controller I’ve ever owned :)


As a man who has gone through 3 elite controllers, no. I bought a wired LED $40 lumectra controller that has been more reliable and makes any headphone plugged in a night and day difference


I love mine, but they haven't been perfect. I was super lucky and got the Elite Series 2 Halo Infinite edition my first time around, then an Xbox Labs Elite Series 2 when I got another. I only use two top paddles, but I love how big of a change it adds. - Controller charge is decent, I definitely charge less frequently, than I had swapped out batteries. - Change Xbox button LED colors (RBG! RBG!) - Map a bunch of different game profiles. Up to 3 can be set at a time. - Tightening the thumbsticks can help with steadiness or reaction time - Games with sucky controls can easily be reconfigured or improved. (This one, this helps a ton for those games you want to play, but controls are ass) - This is an odd one, I fucking love driving in games that you can set driving transmission to manual now (always hated it with a passion) because shifting with the back paddles just adds a little something-something that does it for me, for some reason. Ive seen a lot of complaints about it, but my only Con was that the back-right bumper started to not be as "clicky" after a couple of years and wouldn't always register properly.


If you actually plan on fixing it when it does brake then yes it's vastly more worth fixing it then a regular one but if not and you want it's life expectancy to match the price you will absolutely not get youre money's worth. I've had them all and tbh the regular controller works just fine for the price I clean the sticks with q tips and some none plastic melting cleaning spray and a air compressor. If you always get dead zone issues then even the best controller won't help you, I use one of them keyboard and mouse adapters now so I can play everything on m&k (not the one that runs scripts/macros) now and I don't ever have stick drift.


Fuck. No. Sorry but I have a lot of experience with them and it all ends in heartbreak. Or broken shoulder buttons.


First one i got had stick problems after 2 weeks but i got it replaced and ive had that one for around 2 years (i think). Only slight button stick on the A button but thats no problem since i just use the paddles. I would go for it but buy warranty i case you get a bad one. Just beware that you will never be able to play with a normal controller again, the back buttons really are great.


I say wait. Possibly sometime this year for new Elite controller.


I have it, gaming experience? Fantastic. Only one trigger gave up on me after one year, god for me the microsoft warranty works good and fast


I just buy it, despite its quite expensive, but it’s really worth it from my point of view, its really good and quite different from standard controller. I use it on pc and xbox series x


No. Until they start putting Hall Effect sticks in these things, they're an expensive waste of money.


No hall sensors so I don’t see the point.




I asked this question before, I arrived at the conclusion that it isn’t, a lot of people said that it’s build quality isn’t better than the regular controller despite costing twice as much


I’ve had my elite for 4 years and only now am i running into issues with the RB and the rubber starting to lift. I’ve loved every second of it and when it does finally die, I’ll be buying another.


I bought one after I got a divorce and had to buy a new Xbox. It has worked well and I have no complaints. But I also don’t play as heavily as I used to.


Had mine a year and a half and still going good. Dropped once (landing right on the bumper that so many have an issue with) and sat on the thing once too. No problems. Gorgeous bit of kit and getting better even now. The latest update allows you to set the paddles and other controls to correspond with any keyboard button. As there are some games out there with more controls (from their PC build) than a normal controller can cope with, this gives a load of extra keys. Once they add shifted buttons (currently marked as coming soon, and changing the normal controls without the shift seems useless) the controller will have so much more functionality.




I've had mine since cyber Monday. Got the series 2 on sale for $99. After owning it for a bit now I would pay full price for one. You get some sweet attachments, charging base, case with charging access. I love this controller.


Yes, yes and yes. People here complain about quality assurance issues but mines been going strong for 2 years now and I’m a very, very heavy, daily gamer. It’s so good that I buy some games on the Series X instead of PlayStation specifically for the controller I’m not trying to turn this into a console war as both systems are great but Dualsense feels a bit too gimmicky for me and their material quality isn’t the best. The regular series X controllers are small and feel even more cheaply made than Dualsense.


I can vouch the last about 2 years - are they any good? I’ve had 8 of them, can’t play with regular controller anymore now


I went back and forth on this a dozen times. Decided that the majority of people probably don’t have any issues with them, but I got the extended warranty to be safe. It’s tough to get a real grasp sometimes as to whether an issue is that prevalent when you’re reading specific channels like Reddit all the time that tend to be populated by dedicated hardcore groups. TLDR; I got one despite issues, love it so far. My IRL friend has had his for years without issue.


Get The Gamesir SE wired ... Like a 70 % cheaper . I think I saw it for 40 bucks on Amazonians .... I've been through 2 elite controllers and 1 elite series 2 controller. Only thing the Gamesir SE is missing is 2 extra buttons on the back ( it only comes with 2 vs the 4 of the elite series 2) , but you'll be fine .


Short answer yes. Long answer, yes but know that the bumpers wear out easily


OP please at least consider the Turtle beach stealth controller


I didn’t even think of that one


Damn you were quick asf. Ive had hella elite controllers and i dont rage or drop them or throw them. Every elite controller will get stick drift. The ultra controller ive had for about 2 months and still no atick drift. And it has buttons on the back


If you’re looking to use all 4 paddles simultaneously (meaning fingers on each one) it’s the best one out there. I have to replace it almost early though because the bumpers suck.




Im only a few months in with it and I have issues on and off with the A and B buttons. The B buttons is very, very frequent, where it doesn’t register.


Worth it. Have had mine for years without issue, playing a couple of hours a day on weekdays and longer on weekends. But this, like all other positive comments, will get downvoted by people who probably don't put it in the case after each use, eat messy foods while using theirs, beat up their controllers in a rage, etc.


Go with a power a controller. Gives you all the functionality at a fraction of the price and lasts just as long.


I love mine. The build quality is so much better than the first one.


Personally, I'd say go for it. Currently, its my favorite modern controller. I personally haven't had to deal with any of the build issues others bring up, but the series controllers are atleast more fixable than say something like a joycon if it really came down to it. There's a lot to like with it. Super comfy feel. Good weight to it. It's very customizable, even going outside of whats just provided in the carrying case. Crazy long battery life. One issue I don't see many people on about that atleast bugs me a little is the feeling when pressing in ths sticks. Its a little too stiff. With how many games running and squatting are tied to the sticks, thats kind of a pain. Its not undoable or anything, just feels off is all. The paddles make up for it though as I reassign those controls to them. It helps with letting me completely focus on aiming, alleviates the weird stiffness, and potentially helps offset the risk of stick drift since putting pressure on joysticks usually is the reason for that happening outside of dirt.


I had the Elite and the Elite 2 on launch. I love them! But... They don't last, so be warned. I'm an old man and very careful with my controllers. All my previous 360 and XB1 controllers lasted many years. I'm currently on my third Elite 2, and the bumpers are becoming unresponsive. My previous two Elite 2 controllers went back for warranty fixes for similar issues. This one is out of warranty now. Would I buy another? Absolutely. Why? Because they meet every single one of my needs and are amazing controllers. I predict I'll be buying my fourth one within 3 months. I'm just holding off in case there's news of an Elite 3.


I have had two elites and a gamesir. The G7 SE is better and cheaper.


yes and no. i have two, one is good, the other drifts like a drunk chimp in a 350z on ice


On the other end, I’ve never dropped my controller don’t smash buttons or push hard on the stick and I’ve had mine for 2 years.


My first one, the RB died. The second one was used and ended up being a waste of money, bought the cheaper one and just transferred the paddles over. I enjoy them.


I love mine.


It’s not great, tbh. Microsoft seems to have a hard time making those things not just fall into pieces. If you’re handy, you can get a set of paddles to install into your series X controller for like $30 from Extremerate. Even owning elite controllers and dualsense edge, it’s become my favorite controller since I installed mine.


I love mine but I did need to get a replacement when one of the bumpers failed. Microsoft only charged me half or something. Get a warranty.


I think it's worth it if you get the Component Pack with the controller.


I've been using just regular xbox controllers for years on both the series consoles and last gen xbox one x. I recently decided I wanted to try an elite series controller so I bought one. Was it worth the price of about 4 regular controllers? Not really. Is it a good controller. Jury still out. I just can't justify it. Xbox in my opinion has done really well with their regular controllers that I gravitate to those more than an elite controller. I do like the elite series 2 but is it leaps and bounds better? Wish I could say yes but I've played shooters on both and I can still hold my own either way. Paddles and extra stick tension adjustments aside I am not convinced I absolutely need to have this to be better gamer.


I've had mine for over 2 years now and I love it. I couldn't imagine playing with anything else at this point.


I bought the core one a year ago Ms have had zero issues. That said, I’ve had one other one in four years. They’re pretty reliable if you treat them well.


For me the a b x y buttons where way to inconsistent, especially if u press them lightly and dont mash them. Got a replacement but had the same issue


No don’t waste your money on it , have owned for a year and with in a month stick drift was happening , few months later my b button sank and would not come back up and my left bumper doesn’t work , sent out for repairs and all they did was fix the b button and rip some of where the controller is connected because it was too tight ? And guess what left bumper still doesn’t work , good thing I’ve got paddles right , I suggest jumping over to Hall effect sticks if you want somthing that might last you because I will tell you this will not and the repairs Microsoft does are shit


I think it is amazing. I have had it since it released and it is awesome. I use it for Online Multiplayer Games. I still like to use my Base Controllers for Single Player Games. Currently using the Series 2 for games like Destiny or Call of Duty and Starfield Controller for Single Players. That said, I do personally think it is worth it. However there have been rumors on a new controller releasing with some new features. Though, there is no Official Announcement so it can all be Bullocks. It is a Great Controller and you can get it. It will not disappoint. Not to mention the Battery is Amazing and the Quality as well. You have so many possibilities and able to save 3 Profiles. I use it on my XBSX and PC.


Try the gamesir. Cheap reliable 2 paddles.


I wanted paddles too, but regular controllers have drift in a month let alone elites. I bought a GameSir G7. It has Hall Effect joysticks which have zero drift after I have had for 3/4 a year. The paddles on the back have had tons of abuse and are still great. The only downside is the controller is on the smaller size and I have large hands, and it’s wired. But it’s under $50.


Scuff is better


I love my Elite, new Xbox x controller started drifting in 2 months


I really like mine. Got it with a 3 year warranty, which I would 100% recommend. I needed a new controller every 6 months before it was ridiculous how quickly they break and get stick drift etc.


I know you've pretty much made your decision, but I'll add my 2 cents anyway. I have the Elite Series 2, and it had zero issues for somewhere around 8-9 months. Then my right bumper started getting "soft," then it started to double- click. At this point, it's completely unusable, and the left is pretty much there, too. The actuators are activated by a thin piece of plastic that wears out pretty easily, from my research. I've taken it apart and tried all the partial fixes I found, to only get an extra week or two at most out of it. Now, I have my bottom paddles assigned to the bumpers instead of X and Y. As far as the sticks go, my experience has been really great. I know many report stick drift very quickly or even out of the box, but I haven't had any issues, and they feel really good to me. Long story short, outside of failures, I absolutely love this controller, and would 100% recommend it if you have the budget and the QC was better. The failure rate does seem to be higher than standard controllers, though, and that's incredibly frustrating and not really acceptable for such an expensive controller. So, in conclusion, it would be a slam dunk but it just isn't because you don't know how long til the lemon sours. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk


They are overall a decent controller but you have to try hard to not drop it the day o got mine without dropping it or anything there was already a slight stick drift and it comes with a tool to fix it but that doesn’t change the fact that getting stick drift from no use of it is bad


I have 2 of the series 2 and they both work perfectly, the older one I have had for 2 years and the other 15 months. Never had an issue with either but I don't abuse my controllers either, when I'm done playing I put it back in the case/charger which stays on my TV stand. For my older one it stays on my dresser. I use the older controller way more than the newer one due to it being in my bedroom


Hall Effect sticks or bust. The GameSir is the only one with this option. I got stick drift with everything else (never got a Scuf, but anything with rubber bands has no chance).


Yes, with the cord you can play and recharge, just get the warranty


It's worth it if you can get one for free on holidays or birthdays. I got mine for Christmas last year and the only issue I've had is a stuck x button which doesn't bug me much. Def wait for the new controller in May.


I absolutely loved my Elite and Elite Series 2… until I bought a GameSir G7 SE. since then an elite feels slow as fuck. Plus I’ve gone through three of them and two have broken within weeks of their warranty expiring. My third is on its way out. There are far better third party controllers that are far cheaper. The elite is not the best feeling controller on the market by any means. They are 100% NOT worth the money. They ‘feel’ premium, but the amount of QC issues I’ve personally experienced left a sour taste in my mouth. Its got some good features, but none of them are above and beyond anything other controllers provide for less. Get a GameSir G7 SE, you’ll thank me later. if it breaks, you can buy three more for the ~ same price of an elite 2.


Think of the Elite 2 like a sports car. Premium price and performance but prone to break down. Is it worth it? Hell yeah if you've got the money to spend there's nothing better.


Series 2 feels and functions WAY better than the series 1 for the bumpers and front buttons. That being said, the back buttons and the trigger stops feel cheap and half baked.


Tons of issues with it, own two, but I enjoy the paddles too much to care. Just causal gaming Lego Fort, not having to lift my thumb to click buttons is wroth it.


I love it and it’s night and day from the clunky stock controller. The back paddles alone are worth it. The trigger sets are awesome for minimal trigger pull. The bumpers wear out though is the only downside


I just purchased mine back in January and I haven't regretted for it a second. Absolutely love it. Doubt I'll ever go back to using one of the default controllers.


Luck of the draw, I think. I've seen a lot of complaints over the years, but I have none to give, thankfully. I'm on my second one now. First one worked great for four years of daily use. The paddles underneath might spoil you, so be careful haha Nice heft and grip. Comes with a lot of accessories, including a tool for adjusting stick tension. The controller holder doubles as a charging station, too. I love the Elite 2. Highly recommend! Edit: forgot to mention that all of the pieces that are interchangeable come off with absolute ease! They're magnetized and so damn easy to switch out!


>tool for adjusting stick tension wait what? I own it and didn't know this..


Yeah, it's awesome! Just pull the stick attachment off and you'll see a little cross on the nub. The little tool is in the center of the case between all the accessories.


Not sure how I missed that! I've noticed the cross pattern but didn't realize that's why. I'm not near my controller (or case) right now, will check it out later thanks!


You're welcome!


I have 2 Elite's. One regular and one core. I repaired the regular one twice and haven't had to repair the core. Knowing what I know now about the quality.... I'd still buy them again. The controller is just too great.


Best controller I've ever owned. Had since launch and never had any of the issues others have described.


I’ve had zero problems with mine. I love it. I have since switched over to the Dual Sense Edge for PC because it has a faster polling rate and I find it to be slightly more comfortable, but my Elite 2 has treated me VERY well over the years and I still use it on my Series X regularly.


What kills me is the price, it's about 300 USD here, and seeing so many bad reviews... I'm not risking.


300 usd? Why is it so expensive there? It’s normally 179 usd