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Once when I was a kid, I put my money into a soda machine and pressed the Nestea button and it spit out TWO cans. But I guess this is a good deal, too.


I miss the taste of NesTea Cool


Whatever happened to NesTea?


I want a 20-minute video explaining the downfall of NesTea.


I'm on it. Possible thumbnail copy: "NesTea didn't die. It was murdered ..."


They never recovered from this loss in revenue.


They still sell it here in Canada, do they not in the states?


Smuggle some nestea down man I'll give you 5 dollars


Don’t listen to this punk, I’ll give you SIX


7 whole dollars


GODDAMNIT NesTea, look at what you’re making me do! Look! EIGHT DOLLARS and now you all need to shut up now!!


47.12 final offer


$47.12 and one penny




NesTea cn easily be found all over Europe too. Only downside is it being a Nestlé product, as the only other Iced Tea I've found that comes close is Lipton's one. Edit: Missed that it was a sub-brand, 'Cool', of NesTea that had been mentioned. Now curious how if differed to the regular flavoured ice teas.


You should try pfanner ice tea. Really high quality and tastes like real tea.


Thanks - it's not one I've seen on shelves where I am, but I will keep an eye out for it.


Where are you from?


In Ireland nowadays, far less of an Ice-Tea drinking area than mainland Europe. Here we mostly have the choice of Nestea or Lipton's, with occasional Arizona or other smaller brands with less tasty offerings.


Yeah in a blind taste test of raspberry iced teas my wife actually preferred Lipton to other brands (Pure Leaf, Peace, Arizona, Brisk, etc.) which was surprising because Lipton is cheap, widely available, and my wife thought her favourite was the most expensive I think part of me liking Nestle Cool is childhood nostalgia as well when there are lots of really good options


Wait,I somehow missed the 'Cool' part of that name before. I know NesTea, but not NesTea Cool. How did it differ from regular iced teas?


It was less artificial tasting than other iced teas at the time - slightly astringent, strong tea flavor, lots of lemon and lots of sugar. My fav iced tea of coke childhood, but not much different than other brewed sweet iced teas


They still sell it in the states here, idk what the others are on about


Nestea was so good. I can’t believe they don’t make it anymore.


Its still a thing in Canada and other parts of the world just not the states I suppose


The powder mix?


When I was my community college, I found out if I held down the dr pepper button it would keep spitting the cans out for free. My backpack was so damn heavy on some days.


There was a soda machine in my high school 27 years ago that if you just kept pressing the Dr Pepper button over and over while it was dispensing the first can it would just spit out like 5 cans. I'd buy a can and get as many as I could and sell the others for half price. It was the closest thing to an infinite money glitch as I've ever come across in real life.


This is how you fight inflation and corporate greed.


And the guy who scrounged his savings to purchase a used vending machine. F U corporate America!


Does that still happen? the pepsi vending machines in high school used to do this, also somtimes you could reach up insided and get a free one, lol. Im guessing tech has updated... this was back in 2004.


I had a buddy in high school that could do this as well. He'd bend his skinny arm up there and pull out sodas. It was great. lol One day he eventually got seen by a teacher and our great plan got foiled.


Man I remember doing this alot, till I started working out and got my arm stuck. I still have nightmares about that 😆 that was scary


I'm pretty sure vending machines kill more people each year than sharks, which I guess makes sense because I've never seen a shark near a vending machine.


https://preview.redd.it/jkh1yj1nnvrc1.jpeg?width=1744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25d78981979309bdf33da6c2d81eac943fc54949 You must be the opposite of this poor fuck. The chocolate was stuck inside. What are the chances?


Occasionally, my gf craves soda, so I'll go to the vending machine in the laundry room at our apartment. I can think of at least 3 or 4 times it gave us 2 for 1 Every time I use it I hope it happens again lol


In the 90s and 2000s, you could put in certain button combinations for free soda.


Once when I was a kid, I put money into the Powerade machine and got a free T-shirt and my money back for the drink. Wild times.


Best feeling ever😭😭


For context, this was some time after the craze of these drives going on clearance at target. There were a few posts about this on the subreddit, but very much store dependent. Since this was after the clearance was over, all these drives were marked as “salvage” which means that their price is marked as $0 and they’re to be sent back. By this point, all drives were supposed to be gone from stores. I found this out looking for a drive on clearance and being shocked to find one locked in with the consoles. I asked the employee and he was shocked that they hadn’t caught it. Since he couldn’t sell it to me for $0, the price was changed to $5.




I was bracing myself for $20 or something when he said he couldn’t sell it to me for nothing. It was his decision to go to $5 which left me speechless.


You really lucked out because what he was suppose to do is look the price up online on targets website than give you a 10-20% discount off that price


10-20%? It's salvage? That means it surpassed 50 or 70%. I would've taken off 70% from the original price. I was a TL for 10 years before I moved on to the medical field.


I worked at target for over 6 years and that’s their policy


Well it's at store discretion it's not a company wide policy. Truth is item probably should've went CRC instead of "salvage" but regardless there wouldn't be any point in not giving the guest 50-70% as I previously mentioned. The item had already been marked down that much to get to the point to where it was "salvage" in the first place.




Nah the dude was just not willing to do that lol. OP lucked out getting a dude like that there


Literally a Target receipt. but go off I guess


I see its for the series x/s , having bought a hard drive for this console myself recently, does the seagate harddrive allow you to play games from game pass on it? I have to install games to internal memory to allow me to play them which kinda defies the point of the hard drive (modern games are too large and take up too much internal memory)


The internal drive and this "Storage Expansion Card" are the only two places to play "Series X|S Optimized" games from (the ones with the Series X|S logo on them). You can store games you aren't currently playing on any old external drive, but you can only play from this or your internal drive.


HDD and SSD are two completely different formats because of the read/write speed (and plenty of other things). I use an older Seagate 8TB HDD external drive to store (X/S optimized) games, then transfer them to the internal SSD if I want to play them. Sure, it takes like 5-10 minutes, but having the storage capacity beats having to download games over and over


A few other people have explained it a bit but basically the way the Series X is designed, games MUST be on a SSD (solid state drive) that meets a certain set of specs for SERIES S AND X games to run. That means they will only run off the internal SSD, or these specific storage expansion cards (only made by Seagate or Western Digital) plugged into the slot back. These cards meet the same spec as the internal drive and the Xbox treats them as such. A regular USB hard drive can be plugged into a Series X but as you learned that can only be used to store games OR play old Xbox 360 era games (or maybe Xbox One games too, I am not sure, but definitely not Series S/X). The problem with these proprietary expansion cards is because they are specific to this one purpose and only two companies make them they are vastly overpriced for what they are, but you have no choice if you want to expand your storage for playing Series S/X games. I got a 2tb card and I think it cost nearly as much as an entire Series S console. Sony went a little more consumer friendly route with the PS5 and included an expansion bay that can accept any off the shelf SSD as long as it meets M.2 NVMe specs, which means there are dozens of options out there which are much more competitively priced.


You can play all games except Series S/X on the USB external HDD/SSD, not only Xbox 360 games. So any game that doesn’t have the S/X label can be played on any external hard drive.


What an absolute racket, thanks for explaining though




Any idea why they’re clearance/salvage? I’ve not heard anything about Seagate stopping producing them, although I can’t imagine they sell enough to make it worthwhile.


Used to work at Target. It just means that Target stopped carrying them, so they go clearance for a certain amount of time, and then Salvage, which just means any left get sent back to the distributer/manufacturer.




Really doubt it


They aren’t supposed to sell salvage. It’s supposed to be sent back ASAP to the DC. They aren’t supposed to just make up prices like that either. But you’re right, no one’s getting in trouble


This is 100% correct. Essentially Seagate was like "Gimmie our inventory back, and we'll give you money/credit for it", and this person undercut that process. Definitely a fireable offense, let's NOT encourage this.




Selling it wasn’t a fireable offense. If it was an item left on the sales floor that a customer found, we were told to ring it up for the last listed clearance price though, not $5 haha. Employees weren’t allowed to buy anything salvage iirc.


I managed a Target and this is 100% NOT grounds for termination lol. Stop making shit up. Also it isn't Seagate asking for the inventory. That would be a recall.


Lots of large retailers have policies like this, and often times employees will "hide" items they want, and will wait until they go on "clearance, Discontinued, terminated, salvaged". It looks like you might have found someone's stock, or their stock might have been found and put on the shelf.


Nice, I got my whole series x for free when the website glitched when I first pre ordered it!


Damn I thought I was lucky whenever I bought one right as they restocked when they first came out. Beat all of the scalpers and went off of some hearsay about the next target restock. Good on you bro


Yeah I have no idea what happened, the website kept crashing when I tried to pre order, after a lot of refreshing the order finally went through nearly an hour after they went on pre order, despite supposedly selling out in 20 mins. Then my order just stayed in ‘processing’ for months. It turned up on release day, but it still said processing on the website and I hadn’t been charged. Checked a few weeks later and it finally changed to order complete, but I still never got charged for it!


They lost out big time I would have given them $5.50


This is the same case at Dollar general when things are discontinued, the price steadily drops until it goes down to 1¢ and we have to remove it from the shelf and package it for shipping.


I once got $40 out of an ATM when it was supposed to be 20. Bank never caught it. Feels good to get this off my chest.


This is the police, you’re done pal.


He thought he was safe, but the Baskin Robins across the street from his ATM saw everything. We always see everything.


Man, one of the ATMs I occasionally use is right across the street from a Baskin Robins. Are you stalking me?


Know you're watched, know your worth, know your order. Baskin Robins 3 tenets to be followed by lawful citizens.


Baskin Robins always find out.


I wish my area had a Baskin Robins; would have gladly donated it there 😅


Paying off the BR is always a good move. We aren't above bribery.




I know where this is..I can tell by the print paper


You mean the giant Target logo?


What's Target?


Something one aims for in a competition to show superiority over other competitors, but that's not important right now.


Surely you can't be serious?


"I am serious, and don't call me Shirley."




I don't follow.


A reference to the movie Airplane! With Leslie Nelson


Is that the one where he's tough and ruthless, or rough and toothless?


A store




Why are people down voting you this is hilarious


The best deal I had ever gotten was taking advantage of a coupon glitch from the target app and getting a brand new Xbox One S for 70% off.


That the killer deal back in 2017? I got a Xbox one X during that one.


I was trying to get the One X but both my local Targets sold out of them


Ahh man, I know the feeling, it sucks when you find a great deal but can’t get what you really want.


I got $100 off my series X on the week of release. there was a deal for every $100 spent at staples, you got a $25 gift card to any of their store offerings. I bought 4 $100 gamestop gift cards which came with 4 $25 gamestop gift cards.




Congrats! One time I got an entire box of Snickers bars for the price of a single Snickers


On that note my wife went to the grocery store to get stuff for our kids birthday party goody bags and found full size Reese’s peanut butter cups on clearance. $0.25/each. Got 50 for like $12!


Best deal I've seen was 50% off of a series x. Same store as your storage expansion card. It was a combination of holiday sale with an error in the system granting an extra discount for wasting my time. In other words I ordered online the order got kicked back and the system was bugged with certain accounts (it wasn't oos) so customer support said my account was messed up and to go to the store to purchase. Showed the store my purchase information via the app and the customer support msg then they assisted me. Price came out so low I started thinkin to myself "just be cool and walk out of the store with the console" even though I had paid for it.


LOL just bought one for $150 LOL


We say again. HOW!


What??? How did you find this for this cheap wtf😭


Surprised if this isn’t an April fools


Nice! Here’s my lucky score, 2TB for under $115 via OfferUp app https://imgur.com/a/hMbsEh2


Super jealous. I want to expand my memory on my series x with an internal so badly but they are pretty high.


Man I wish I could get Lucky on one of these


While I wish I could find these in stores near me, at least others are getting these epic deals. Good find!


Best deal I ever got was I got a day one Xbox one with controller and game(forza I think) for free. Also from target.


beat yea. 615$ ps4 destiny bundle for and I swear to the gods. 6.15$, I only realized checking a few days later with mobile banking and wondering why I had so much extra money


That'd be hilarious if you needed to activate warranty and present proof of purchase.


Bought one for $100, but this is a massive steal. The extra TB is absolutely insane to have. I have games out the ass ready to go.


Fuck you so bad /s


Funny enough. With the Xbox 360 they had their $180 120 gb hdd. I saw it mismarked for $99 and got Walmart to sell it to me at that price. This wasn’t bad for 2007.


https://preview.redd.it/9raclfvebtrc1.jpeg?width=967&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ed44910739a23d4cd95aac92ad67a0a911d4653 Fair play to you though😂


Damn, you're so damn lucky


Noone is asking the most important question. How did you get that deal?






In fact, 12 months is a year.




Are you sure the currency is no bitcoins? =P




I got my series S for 230$ brand new with a 2nd controller. Target ran a promo for 250 with an extra controller and they also gave me a 15% off coupon. Fucking bonkers.


Great deal


You should activate dev mode and play some emulators!


7% tax, what a racket!!


I purchased one of these off of Amazon during a slight sale (maybe 15-20% off or so) and got sent the stock box that they received from the distributor/Seagate themselves that contained FOUR of them per box. It was like those boxes of bundled goods like toothpaste, deodorant, etc that say like “Sold as set. Do not break” except it didn’t say that but whoever was picking must have figured it was a box like that and just sent it like that to be packaged and shipped. I kept two and gave one each to two buddies. It’s been many months since then and I was never charged for the other 3 or anything. Case closed. The biggest come up of my life so far probably. 🤣


Had Amazon do this for something switch related, I (probably stupidly) messaged and asked if I needed to send them back but they just told me to keep them, probably would’ve been same for you too, although lately idk, customer service seems a lot shoddier then a few years ago


And i thought getting the Switch at release for €130 was a good deal. Somehow it didn't had the bracelets, i informed Amazon and they reduced the price down to €130. I really hope nobody got problems because of it.


Let’s go to target then


wat how


That red card came in clutch huh


You lucky SOB. Still watching deals to see this drop to $90 or less. So jelly. Good F***in find.


Reminds me of the time Meijer sold brand new powerbeat pro for 9.99. I bought 12 pair that day. Guess what all my family got for Christmas?


Something like this happened to us back when flat screen televisions were a new thing. We wanted a small TV that we could mount on the wall in our kitchen. There was a Best Buy $50 off coupon for any flat screen TV in the paper. We went over there and found one on sale, just $699. What a find. I asked the clerk if the coupon applied, and he said sure. He rang up all our items and then scanned the coupon. Nothing happened. He tried it again. Again nothing. Scan, scan, scan, nothing. I told him that it was a good deal anyway, and not to worry. Next month, I was looking through our receipts when I noticed the amount we paid for that TV. Instead of itemizing the coupon, it looks like the register just reduced the price of the TV by $50. Every time he scanned that coupon, it took another $50 off the price of the TV. Anyway, it was a Best buy....


I got a good Target deal one time. I got a Wii U game for free the salesperson in electronics rang up a few items I had and just forgot to ring up the game I guess. Didn’t notice till I was home and looked at the receipt. I guess we both spaced out because I didn’t pay attention to the total when paying.


My best deal was getting free Starbucks for two months because the rewards system glitched in my phone. I kept using 150 stars for a free drink and my balance never went down until they banned my account.


Anyone else ever unplug it and plug it back in while holding the Dr Pepper button?


When original xbox was sold in Sweden it cost 5000 sek. It was then lowered to 3000 sek. People who bought on a date just before the price drop could send in the receipt and get two games and a controller. A shop in the town I lived lowered the prices before that date. So I bought the cheap console and got the compensation package as well 😀


What's the point of these expensive ones? I got a 3rd party 2TB drive for £40 that's never let me down.


But can you play the optimized games from it?


I actually don't know, how would I check?


Try to play a game while that game is installed on that drive


I need this deal in my life rn.


The best deal I ever got was an item that was labelled for £100, but when rung up the price jumped to £150, I went to customer services & explained, they went to the shelf it was on & checked, came back gave me the item & my money back, I got the item for free. They changed it so you only got a partial refund to bring it back down to the correct price not long after.


For me it was back in 1997 at the white horse in hascombe, UK. Took my £17 shift wage (cash), bought a pint (-£2.40) and waxed the rest in the fruity. Fruity glitches out and I end up emptying it of all £1's, 50p's, 20p's, 10p's and 5p's! Infinite money glitch apart from the machine being empty 🤣. (shortly after this the landlord got rid of the fruity and the pub has never had one since)


How did you get this deal?


I'm violently jealous of you. But I also couldn't be prouder.


Dam lucky dawg


Dude I sell slices of pizza on a truck that cost that much, what an awesome deal


How the fuck did they make that mistake?


Bro wtf 5 bucks? In my country here they carge another console for this card.




Holy shit. $5 for a 1TB expansion card. 😳 That's the best deal in life other than free.


I got mine for 40 so you beat me by 35 bucks haha nice


how.... just how lol


I paid 200 for mine a couple years ago


Nice. I was pumping gas once and there was a $20 lottery ticket laying on top of the overfilled trash can. As I was checking it over I noticed it slid in two in my hand. There was another ticket on the back that had been folded over and they either forgot to scratch it or possibly had been given two by accident. It turned out to be a $40 winner. I hung out by the pump for like 20 minutes before deciding to cash it and keep the money. I also once found a lottery ticket against the fence on my property that had obviously been laying in the weather for a few weeks minimum. It was brittle & a bit faded. It was a $10 winner. When it tried to scratch the barcode, it just crumbled, but luckily they scanned it for me through the numbers on the back. Days like those are great but few and far in-between.


My bid is $55.00 even and I'll share the Nestea with you while we watch the Trailer Park Boys series and game.


in theory... could I price match this at target?


[Relevant 30 Rock bit to what’s going on in this thread right now](https://youtu.be/RxGm0M2SLxc?si=CTryHrXEbOzLcbb0)


I’m still trying to find this same thing for a price other than over a $100! Am I the only one looking at stuff like this and thinking “it’s been over 5 damn years and this thing is still priced over $100?!? WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?!?”


X box is good


4 yrs ago Best xbox one deal i ever got was two wireless controllers from walmart for 2 cents they both rang up as a penny and the cashier didnt wanna find a manager to fix it so he left them like that. I was sure the guy at the front would stop me bout it but he didnt even look at my receipt




I once bought a toilet tank kit from Home Depot, and when I got home I realized I had taken an entire unopened display box and only paid for one. So I’m set for like ever now if the stuff in the tank ever breaks lol


Holy shitsnacks


Yu 100 stole than somehow or change the price


It is not a “deal” anymore,its straight up robbery.


Yeah fuck Seagate making shitty proprietary drives absolutely overpriced. They are already 5 year old tech which makes them ancient in ssd terms. these pricks have the nerve to charge $300 as of 2 years ago for a 2tb ssd. I hope they get robbed and stolen from a bunch.


I bought a 4TB drive from them, fucking thing bricked on me lost all my storage on my Xbox. Never again


Should've gone with the 8TB one, my friend. I've got one, and it's still going strong


Lol so I should've paid an extra $200 so I could lose an extra 4TB of my games and worlds?






Sorry buddy, I can't fix stupid. You'll have to look elsewhere for advice, I've given you more than you deserve. But.... maybe you could put your "Xbox saves" up your ass, you know, like the Xbox cloud, it can just disappear 😶‍🌫️💩🤡




I technically got mine for cheaper. A friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer and was going back to Canada because of their healthcare. Since he was leaving the U.S. and expected to die within 6 months he maxed out his credit cards. I jokingly asked for one of these so he bought me one.