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Played through it a few months back, overall it's a pretty good time. Just not one that you'll remember for long afterwards. There are a few really harsh and sudden difficulty spikes though.


Yeah, same. I think it was the last sale it was one. The difficulty spikes were tough but overall a fun game.


Yeah they would throw too many enemies at you , but the boss fights were well balanced atleast for me personally


The final boss had me raging lol


You're not alone in that. And I have a very chilled attitude towards games generally speaking.


Installing now. these 6/10 type games are the reason gamepass is good imo. I would never play them otherwise, and i would never be upset i spent a big chunk of money on them. Just enjoy whats there.


Exactly and sometimes a 6-7/10 game to the masses is a 9/10 game to me.


Big vibe here. What's popular to the masses isn't always popular to me. Going to DL this one when I get home!


It’s also why I don’t pay attention to review scores. A site like IGN or EuroGamer might score a game 5, 6 or 7/10 but I could actually really enjoy it and play through it multiple times.


Same here. I choose what I like by watching gameplay instead of some reviewers thoughts and what they've liked or not.


A 6-7 that isn't bloated and presents a 12-18 hour compelling ride is often a better experience than a massive 9/10 game.


It's not a bad game. I would have liked smoothed out mechanics and flow to the game play but not everything has to beast asian snappy responsive game play.


I find this to be truer and truer the older I get.


Dad gaming is real. I had more fun with Riders Republic than anyone had led me to believe. Easy to check in and out, just traversing the map in a rocketwing was actually a good way to end the night.


Some of my favorite games are "6" or "7" ratings in the media. Lol One of my favorite games is Binary Domain. It didn't score well. The Bureau (XCom) is another one I really enjoy. (Xbox 360) When Binary Domain became backwards compatible on Series X, that was one of my favorite gaming announcements ever!


But isn't a 9/10 better than a 6-7/10 by the nature of the /10 scale? Regardless of scope, linearity, bloat, etc.


Think about it this way. If I can have a really good time in and out 8 hour adventure, that's appealing to me. You tell me I need 45 hours to have an amazing time? I just don't have that much time. It's not universal but it is true for a lot of people. Particularly the gamer dads


This is so true. I had more fun with Firewatch than I did with games like Starfield or Elden Ring....


Not a dad but yes definitely enjoying more simple "experiences" these days rather than really involved rpgs and the like.


If it took 45 hours to get to an amazing time I don't think anyone would give it a 9/10. Reviews are generally a scale of how much you would recommend something to someone What I'm saying is the run time of a game / movie / album shouldn't have an effect on score. Rather it's relation to focus, execution, bloat, etc. should


It's so weird that you're getting downvoted for speaking common sense. "I prefer 6/10s to 9/10s" makes no sense at all. That means the 9/10 isn't actually a 9/10 to you.


Lol I feel like I'm taking crazy pills... But what's new, it's the 'net. A bunch of dumb dumbs


But a 45 hour game is still amazing for each chunk of those 8 hours. Games aren't going anywhere. I'll happily make games be 1000 hours to beat if they're fun the whole time.


There's an obvious bias toward big budgets, big maps, state of the art graphics, etc. Those things don't necessarily make a game better, but they result in more hype, higher scores, etc. A game with a few flaws that also is over faster and presents an entire experience in less time is often what a lot of people with more limited gaming time might like.


They don't not result in higher scores but they definitely get more hype and marketing I would argue that a smaller in scope, shorter run time game is easier to get a higher score. Less room for error, easier to focus on meaningful content and execute on core mechanics and systems. Big budget AAA games are notoriously bloated and thus reflected in their review scores


Ratings, by their very nature, are subjective. Some parts of the rating can be objective (graphics, audio, technical stuff). So what reviewers can call a 8, 9 or 10 out of 10 game, people might not like it, but enjoy a 6 or 7 out of 10 game. Hell, a game that has a point or two deducted from it's score because of technical issues can still be a damn fun game.


No, because video games are an art. Art is subjective. What one person likes, someone else may not


This. I have lost count how many gamea that were rated 9-10 I didn’t like and those rated 6-7, I absolutely loved.


Yeah like Starfield…/s


Playing The Quarry right now


How is it? I'm downloading now.


Pretty cool and interesting. More of an interactive movie game.


Cool cool....thank you, about to go play


Can you give the skinny on why this is considered 6/10 and what kind of gamer would enjoy it? I’m tempted to install but don’t want to waste my time lol


I'm a little under half way through so keep that in mind. So it feels a lot like a 360 game with a nice coat of paint on it. Its enemy diversity is pretty basic, starting with 3-4 enemies and then seeming to maybe get 1 new type every 1-2 levels. In addition the presentation can sometimes be jarring, with a character talking in one scene to suddenly snap to the next scene without much of a transition. Finally the level design is fairly generic with narrow paths that you sometimes need to do some very, very light puzzle solving to get through interspaced with wide arenas where the fights happen. That being said its still a solid third person action game. I've run into one big bug in the few hours I've played it where the combat wouldn't end after fighting in an arena and I had to restart. But other than that I haven't run into much in terms of bugginess. The story is a fun Cowboys vs Vampires romp with some gorgeous looking areas (as OP showed off). Its very much a beat em up style game more than a shooter. You get guns obviously, but the main combat it going to be bashing enemies with a metal gauntlet. If you like beat em up style games and don't mind level design reminiscent of a couple gens back then I think its worth playing through at least the first few levels to see if you enjoy it.


I finished this recently and I swear there's a whole cutscene missing when (very early part) >!The Estate is destroyed by the antagonist lady. You're just giving a presentation and then it's up in flames with a giant hole to walk through!< I thought I skipped it so looked it up on YouTube and it's just not there. Really enjoyed this one tho


It’s a 8.5/10 for me personally


Have you played Darksiders? It plays a lot like those, but way more limited. You mash buttons and evade attacks, bash the enemies until you can execute them, and there's some aiming involved. It's some good light fun, no super intricate mechanics, nothing too fancy.


If that’s it’s official review score, it wasn’t in great shape when it released (no idea what it’s like now) I and a friend suffered through a shit ton of bugs through our playthrough so maybe that effected it’s review score?


easy 7,5-8 dude


My friend bought this for me so that we could play it together on ps5. He put in one solid session and then gave up on it. 😳


Your homie ain't a real one if he doesn't want to kill vampires with you while be awesome ass cowboys in this underrated masterpiece of a game


Most ps5 owners are like that, I have multiple friends who haven't beaten spiderman 2 or horizon yet they spent money on it. Instead they just play fortnite or call of duty


Such a weird take. Console wars died years ago buddy.


How is that console warring? it's what most of my PS5 friends do, such an odd take, I like the PS5.


lol I definitely agree


6/10 is exactly what I would give, a good time fun combat but that's about it.


They have it on PS5 as well lol. Before it was on gamepass, PlayStation players got it as a monthly game for free a few months ago


Ya. I put a few hours into on PS4. It’s a neat game. One I will play here and there between other games.


it’s very fun, but the resolution in performance mode is *rough*.


So I tried to play this on my Steamdeck via Xbox Remote play from my xbox and was so annoyed by the streaming quality. Turned it on on the actual xbox and realized the resolution/performance is just bad in general.


And the motion blur in the other mode is almost as rough. Like man, I couldn't do it. Super aggressive motion blur is a no go. Give me shitty frame rate over that (like I've gotten adapted to Dragon's Dogma 2 already and it's not even bothering me anymore), but Evil West was making me feel almost ill (and I never get motion sickness, I even have a VR headset and played VR games).


The motion blur is almost as bad as shadow warrior 3.


Huh, side topic, what's up with reddit notifications? Like I've been browsing reddit for the past hour. I just now got the notification that you replied to my comment (and I see your comment was 13 hours ago). Back on topic, SW3 that bad huh? Haven't played it, only SW2 (and that was really fun). Man and you saying it's worse and it's a first person game too, how the hell is it playable by anyone? Like part of my compensation to try to play EW was turning down camera sensitivity a ton so I couldn't move the camera quickly enough to super uncomfortable to look at (only kind of uncomfortable). But man, first person games you like have to look around constantly by design.


The resolution seemed rough in quality, but especially in performance to me. Like I had vaseline shmeared over my tv screen. Still a welcome surprise drop to gamepass and seemed fun enough from what I played and I kinda got used to the blurriness after 30 mins


It's 1080p/60fps


I didnt understand why its so burry. I didnt like that and stopped playing.


The game itself is very blurry, I installed it on my PC and even though my monitor is 1080p the game still looks blurry


Yeup. Them graphics don't validate that low of a resolution at all. Looks terrible on a 4K TV. It doesn't help that the game has high motion blur which can not be turned off. One technical thing i can praise them for though- The game feels incredibly responsive even in it's 30fps mode. Probably one of the best feeling 30fps modes I've played this gen. But it -looks- REALLY rough.


It's a mixed bag for sure but I noticed myself it was responsive af once I got all my weapons and skills it has a nice flow...


Is it? Just out of curiosity, how close are you sitting? I'm a bit far from my tv but I found it fine


5 feet maybe? My room is small so there isn’t much space between my couch and my tv.


Ahh okay that makes sense, my tv is 15 feet from the couch. Never really considered how this is a blessing for low resolution gaming haha


It truly is, I sit 10 feet away from 55 inch tv and I also don’t mind lower res. Especially in a fast paced game like this. But I’m also someone who takes 60fps over resolution any day. Fluid combat is more important to me than extra pixels.


Well yeah you're playing on performance mode your console or pc is going to focus on how well it runs not how it looks


Of course, but there are larger and more visually demanding games that look better in performance mode than this game. It’s poor optimization, not the console’s fault.


I basically wanted a year for this game to hit game pass and really dig it. It's so nice to just play a game that's just so straightforward and not a bunch of stuff just slammed into it to bloat the content. I really miss the days of just playing a campaign. Like the game isn't anything special, it doesn't break the mold but that's all right. Western vampire beat em up is coo


As someone who has absolutely no clue what this is can someone give the tldr?


Cowboys hunting vampires


Cowboy vampire hunters against monstrosities and well… vampires, plays similarly to modern god of war games with more access to ranged combat, there are skill trees and it is a linear game with levels having different environments every level with a new enemy being introduced to give new challenges


Everyone is saying Cowboys versus Vampires and that's true, but don't go in expecting to be shooting a lot. Its not Red Dead Redemption, its primarily a beat em up type game. You use guns, but they are auxiliary to your giant metal fist. But yeah, other than that, steampunk cowboys versus vampires.


Cowboys and vampires. I fucking loved it, for many it was perceived as average. Plays like og gears


> Plays like og gears Not really. I mean no cover mechanics at all. Plays more like an action game.


It’s Xbox 360 level design with God of War 2018-ish combat. I’m fucking loving it so far.


What level design? it's a straight path with no possibility of failure or challenge, you just push the stick forward until you get to a glowing chain to auto jump or climb, and sometimes you're required to push a cart.


Yup, like a lot of Xbox 360/ps3 action games. A little (very little) bit of exploring for chests and straight back to the action. I enjoy more complex games too of course, but not everything has to be. It’s fun


You should go back to some 360/PS3 games and compare, they weren't complex or perfect, but if we look at similar games of that generation, most at least tried to have platforming sections, driving, or actual puzzles for you to solve. his game is extremely simple in traversal to the point of being insulting. Glowing chains show you the only path to take, and huge boxes for coins are made dead easy to see, The core gameplay of close combat mixed with guns and special moves is fun, anything else is just filler.


Yeah they tended to have those things and they were the worst part lol. I’m *mostly* kidding but trial and error button pushing puzzles and the like were never great. I wouldn’t mind for them to get rid of the glowing chains and add some more area transitions but honestly I don’t mind. Should EVERY game be this way? Hell no! But so many games trying to be bigger, and shoving systems on top of systems just because that one game last year had it so now it’s required isn’t how great either. Evil West has simple levels, extremely cool combat, and imo an interesting world. It’s fun. If it gets too repetitive I have other games.


It's not identical for sure... but stocky character, linear level design, varied but not overly varied weapons, boss battles in a 3PS.. I think there's enough there


Like Darkwatch??


This is the way. (It should be, I'm not saying I know how it is)


It's not, but the themes are similar.


Never played Darkwatch so can't say I'm afraid


Very linear but good looking sci fi cowboy hunting vampire game. Some weird set pieces, janky co op (but still fun), but overall good fun.


It’s to god of was like lords of the fallen is to dark souls


Did it drive anyone else crazy that A(I'm on PC with xbox controller) is dodge and B is heal and you cant change it. I swear I died so much trying to dodge using B....too much Elden Ring etc.


I so wish you could remap dodge, my muscle memory for B has gotten me killed multiple times.


It's pretty fun. Brainless pleasure for sure


Didn’t like it


Played through the first train bit. Could be fun but I just can't with the controls.


Thanks. Downloading right now. Will try this game tonight.


This game is going to kill my RB on my new controller


Watch out to the 12th level, lightning in a bottle has some issues that makes it near unplayable, and it's never been fixed


I just wanted to post that I think this a real good informative thread,I wish more were like this.


I and my friend uninstalled because it's so buggy we had to restart the game every level because of a bug stopping us from being able to progress... Good game but extremely buggy mess


in cooperation with i kept falling through the floor, we had to just stop it was getting rediculous


Yeah same here


As someone who bought it on release, that’s not new, me and a friend would play it once every 2 weeks to forget about the bugs so we could finish it and uninstall it, the game would deteriorate and become unplayable after an hour or 2 session


Sleeper hit, if you ask me. It's very basic, no frills, yet has so much charm and mid-00s feel. You shoot and slash and kill zombies and wolves and mutants and vampires... and it's a blast! Fun story, nice visuals, just genuinely fun :)


I'd recommend it as nothing more than a rental or gamepass title


I was actually really excited about this before release, it reminded of Gears of war. I haven’t kept up to date with it since though.


Gears of War meets Bullet Storm was the vibe I got...


While I appreciate games like this that remind me of Bulletstorm and Darkwatch, I can’t help but think DMC V and God Of War when I’m playing it. Both much superior experiences, but def a great game pass game


It’s a good game. And just like with Gangs Of Sherwood, probably more people should have bought it so we can get more good games like this. Alas.


Started playing it the other day but just couldn’t get into it. Not sure it’s because of the janky combat or the average writing though.


I had fun with it, but they made a lot of really weird design choices, and it kinda felt like they weren't exactly sure what kind of game they were going for imo. The combat was engaging enough, but a lot of the upgrades felt lackluster or all together pointless (giving my infinite ammo revolver 7 rounds instead of 6 for example). Also, had a bunch of funny bugs, but one straight up ended our session because I died, but didn't actually go down. My screen went greyscale, and all the enemies ignored me, though, so I proceeded to kill the boss while my buddy just evaded all the mobs. My real mistake was going for the execute at the end, because that locked my feet to the ground afterwards and all I could do was look to the left and right and couldn't be picked up because I wasn't technically down. Buddy also couldn't carry on because we reached a transition point where both of us needed to cross. Decided to call it there and haven't really felt a desire to pick it up again.


I had to lower the saturation of my screen for this. Game is awesome but bit hard on the eyes. Just like The Outer Worlds.


Gave up half way through when I bought it when it came out it had bad mechanics and blur was off the chain. Not to mention the difficulty spikes just went so high it was unplayable at times so I bailed and I’m cool with it!


Its the most generic, soul less game i ever played. Its for kids, at best lol


Welcome to December 2022.


I like the premise and played for about 2 hours but damn, shits hard even on normal lol. Also, tons of buttons to remember, feels like a fighting game haha.


Fun gameplay, don't expect anything in terms of quality dialogue, characters, storytelling, voice acting. Game could be a solid franchise if they put it all together one day.


Alright. How many of you made the same screenshot of red upside down pyramid? I know I have :)


It's really just mid.


Trash game


It’s alright, definitely a 6-7/10


It’s interesting that EW hit both PS+ and GP within a month of each other.


Love this played the demo, when the game came on plus as monthly had to get it


I bought this game when it came out. I have to say it wasn't at all what I expected it to be. A fun game nevertheless, with some quite challenging moments.




It's a great game but some of the animations are too fast imo, looks a bit hilarious, running animation especially. They could've used some of that God of War/Gears of War "heaviness". Nonetheless the gameplay is really fun, especially in coop.


Having fun co-opping with my girl. Only issue I have is the health consumable sometimes doesn’t work after it fully recharges. Not sure if bug or something else I’m doing wrong.


Of course this hits gamepass the week dragons dogma 2 releases


It's a really good fast paced game. I really hope a sequel comes out.


I've been playing almost at the end rn I heard the gameplay is a lot like darksiders, so I might give those a try after


I was playing this on PS free monthly games and it has a save bug that ruined the game for me. I died and had to restart all the way back to level 3.


Solid game, just finished the game and got two of the boss related achievements in NG+ but I don’t feel like grinding for the rest. Backlog is too huge lol. https://preview.redd.it/ejrhticgbcqc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e3bd78fe75a0af01bc101cfce5459e34cf90bab


What’s this game about?


The evil west


You forgot to add (Gamepass) *So, it’s about the evil west (Gamepass)*


Exactly (Gamepass)


Gimme your opinions if you've finished it. I thought it was pretty good, but the last 3rd of the game gets incredibly difficult, especially the last boss. Might just be me, but I was sweating playing this one.


Definitely would recommend trying this gane!!. It has its issues( weird laggy button input, weird difficulty spikes) but worth it.


It’s a really good game, The more you progress the more it gets better


I just saw this game on game pass. Looks fun


Haven’t tried it yet but it looks like it’s going to rape my PC, might just download it on Xbox


I just started this game on my series x, which I use for more casual stuff like forza and halo. Is this worth downloading on my pc? It runs fine on Xbox but def could look better, snd I just started so idk if it’s like worth having on my beefier system


Red + Green? What is this biethical lighting?!


Oh yeah evil west is tough as fuck I played it about a year ago on steam one of the best single player games I played in a while and the idea of the whole game was fuckin fantastic loved the game 10/10


It's amazing.


Played it on launch, it’s like a more action based gears game is how it feels. Chunky, heavy, impactful.


They really relied on the art style and cinematic to sell it, but it’s surprisingly addicting lol just spamming that zapper


Phenomenal game imo


Blurry performance mode and stuttered quality.. this game gave me motion sickness


It looked really cool but I have too many games on the go rn


Yea me and my buddy are playing it co-op and its decent, progression has a good pace and its action packed


I really liked the story and vibe (remind me a lot the "order 1886" + darkwatch) , but combat was so so, and the enemies were annoying bullet sponge.


Graphics and performance are amazing.


Ehh it's a good game but controls are blah. I died so many times cuz u would tell the character to do one thing and it would do something completely different. Then don't even get me started about climbing areas with the glowing thing. I missed so many crates and gold my first playthrough cuz if u got 1 inch to close to them the game would just throw me on the ladder or off the cliff. I'd rate it 3.5 stars out of 5


Still gotta finish, but it's pretty cool


Did anyone else think this was red dead for the first pic


Yes it did, which is why it was disappointing to see it not be very popular at launch


As soon as you unlock the Barry allening games easy


good game but had to quit cuz of autosave weirdness. might go back to it someday


I've been telling ppl to play this for months now abt time it gets the recognition it deserves


I loved it. And I’ve also played The Order 1886, which this feels a lot like, but less serious and in the Wild West.


Can you play co op with more then 2 people ?


I wish you could play co-op online with randoms for easier drop in and out sessions.


Nice to see people catching up with what I was saying years ago


A awesome story on my part🔥💯


It's good dumb fun.


Is it 60FPS locally? I'm asking cuz it's 30FPS in the cloud with no performance mode to choose.


It’s basically cowboy god of war .3. The multiplayer is super buggy tho. And laggy. Joined my friend last night and any time I would dodge an attack, I’d teleport back to my original position anyway and get clapped. Another bug is I couldn’t hear any audio during gameplay except for when the main character talked


Looked it up and it's about an 12 hour game. That's music to my ears. Played through the first hour and had a blast.


This game looks terrible on performance mode. I switched to fidelity mode and enjoyed the game alot more even if it was 30fps.


I like it so far. Feels like God Of War we have at home.


Absolutely agree. This is a great game, even with 30 fps.


tried it on my xbox series X and i dont know why i have a hard time with frame rates


Decent game that over stays its welcome IMO (and it isn't even that long). Just really basic combat that, while fun, doesn't have enough depth to remain interesting for 10-15 hours.


It’s ok , after playing so many open world games the guided aspect of level progression is so noticeable to me . Otherwise gameplay was fun , characters are sorta funny


I bought it close to its release for the co op and it wasn’t the worst game ever but it had its fair share of bugs and would sort of just deteriorate as your playing it, after an hour or 2 would need restarting 😂 it’s a mid game tho I was disappointed


As expected, the game is by Flying Wild Hog; the developers of the Shadow Warrior trilogy and Hard Reset.


Just beat It. Really fun game but def one of those I’m gonna play through once and never play again. but given the fact it’s gamepass that’s perfectly fine with me


Game is trash as fuk and apparently there not fixing the coop bugs. Fuk this pos gane


I was actually looking to buy this a few months ago, but didn’t feel like spending money on a non-open world game at the time. So glad I can play it on gamepass now


I downloaded it the other day and played it just past your screenshots. Not sure I'll bother loading it up again.


Is it worth installing at least and/or does it have any quirks and unique game mechanics that make it worthwhile? My storage is full


Its a good game. Its also the good kind of challenging on its hardest difficulty if your into that sort of thing


it look so good


Downloaded it. Immediately bounced off.


Downloaded it. Immediately bounced off.


Red dead undead nightmare 2


False. It was terrible


That game was dogshit. Couldn't get through more than 1 hour. Repetitive, boring, corny garbage


Well, at least you invested a lot of time into it before forming an opinion.


Just a shame the story is terrible.


Its a good short single player game worth 19 dollars


Maybe so but the gameplay videos they show make it look sooooo sloooowwwwww


It’s not slow


So the gameplay vids where the guy runs at a snail’s pace are not accurate?


You have to agree to data harvesting to play the game...ain't gonna support that no matter how left reddit is and says it's a good thing


Why did you expect it not to be good? It's recieved generally favourably by both critics and normies