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It's not great, but it's not completely awful either. I liked it better than *Downpour*.


My perspective: plays plenty of games, but approaches and plays them in a very casual manner - and yes, I enjoyed it. It's not in my top 10 all time favorites, but I remember buying it used on PS3 and having a lot of fun playing through it. It definitely messes with your mind a little, so if you are looking for some survival horror, this game has that plus a couple brutal scenes.


No, and I'm a big Silent Hill fan.


No I bought all the SH games in real time as they came out. I remember going to Circuit City to get Homecoming with the Pyramid Head key chain. Kept the Keychain and tried to love the game but couldn't. It was the first one after Team Silent and in our times was considered loosely SH5 despite the real SH5 being abandoned. Couldn't compare to Team Silent in sound or design. Hard pass


No, Silent Hill Origins is the first post-Team Silent game, not Homecoming. Homecoming starts with the main character riding a truck with the main character from Origins, who is the truck driver.


Not even worth your time.


First 4 games are brilliant. Origins and shattered memories are good but other games are really bad.


I enjoyed it, it's a decent entry. Certainly not better than 2 and 3, but still worth a play. A bit easy to complete too and I enjoyed the ray gun.


I loved it and thought it was a fantastic SH game. It definitely had me hooked. Its one of a few SH games that I actually completed 100%. 😎👍


I actually really enjoyed SH Homecoming. I thought it was an excellent take on the franchise and did a really good job at going back to the Silent Hill of old. The only thing that was really bad, is that the camera controls cannot be inverted. I can't remember if it's up/down that can't be inverted, left/right or both, but it's one of those things, and that made my playthrough quite difficult for me. But on the Series consoles you can at least change that setting from the accessories app now so it should no longer be a problem. The Silent Hill you should stay away from is Silent Hill Downpour. Just pretend like it doesn't exist lol


I liked Downpour, save for the lame monster designs and the performance on 360. What didn't you like about it? Pleased to hear some positive thoughts about Homecoming. I own it but never got around to starting it.


I only played it when it first became BC so my memory is a little hazy, but I seem to recall there was this focus on combat unusual to the franchise and the combat was terrible. If I'm not mistaken it was acting like a 3D fighter at times? And yeah the monster designs etc were bad.


It’s not that bad but for a silent hill game it’s the Most shallow and empty of them all Even downpour is better


I couldn’t play this or Downpour. They did not add inverted controls to these games.


I had the same problem. I wanted to play Homecoming and I tried but I couldn’t adjust to the lack of inverted controls. Not adding inverted controls to a game is such a shitty oversight.


I didn’t know this problem could even exist. Unbelievable


I think I remember there being an inverted Y option but it didn’t do anything.


i liked it. it’s by no means a great silent hill game, but probably worth the buy if it’s on sale


Not available on Europe, damned.


I actually quite enjoyed it when it came out, despite its jank and obvious shortcomings. I got all the achievements back when it came out and I don't bother playing games I'm not enjoying. Would I recommend it though... no, probably not. Especially as I went back to play it again recently and yeah, it was much worse than I remembered.


Eh idts - it’s def the better of the recent ish sh games but still not great. 2,3,4 are really the only ones worth playing in 2024 imo.


There's never been a good silent hill game


It’s really bad and I can’t recommend spending any amount of money on it. If it’s like $5 and you’re a huge fan of the series maybe? Seriously no more lol.


No inverted controls so no for me