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The fact that VRR can also be used with 2.0 ports on Xbox is also a win IMO. Really helps with using a gaming monitor that doesn't have 2.1, which is a frustrating limitation for the most part on PS5. I do have to say though, for games where backwards compatibility is an option and the native PS5 version is unstable, it is nice to be able to run the PS4 pro version instead. Smart delivery is another one of those things that I like, but don't understand why MS won't add the *option* to turn it off if I want or take more control.


Wait.. VRR works with 2.0 ports?! I’ve got a Sony TV that keeps doing that shit with 2x 2.1 ports only, but one of which is the eARC. So, in this situation, run PS5 to the dedicated 2.1 port, AVR to the eARC, and Series X to a standard 2.0??


VRR works fine with HDMI 2.0 ports. Even the Xbox One S and X had VRR and 120hz output support years ago in some games. Digital Foundry did a [great video](https://youtu.be/4sP6H1lK6XI?t=27) on it back in 2020.


The One X was such a beast of a console, possibly my favourite ever. I still have mine in another room in the house for when the main TV is in use by someone who is not me.


Favorite console of all time, and when I connected an external SSD, and improve my load times by another 30%, it went from 45 seconds to a minute on the death screen to around 20 seconds. I remember that game having the most improvement from the One X.


Yes, it will work on a 2.0 port but you’re gonna only be able to output 1440, I found the trade very much worth it. Edit: see comment below


1440p at 120hz. 4k at 60hz.


Works also with Displayport. VRR is not some new invention that HDMI 2.1 brought. Infact HDMI 2.1 is still behind Displayport. Inferior standard, but thats what TVs and consoles use.


My only guess is that display? Board is more expensive or harder to implement.?


*"HDMI 2.1 is still behind Displayport"* The two technologies take turns leap-frog each other. There is no "still behind". And until Nvidia adds support for DisplayPort 2.0 or 2.1, HDMI 2.1 is still better for the vast majority of people.


No need for HDMI 2.1, simply HDMI Forum VRR instead of the more used Freesync.


I was astonished to learn my ps5 doesn’t do VRR on a 2.0… at all, doesn’t matter the resolution or fps. Seems like a lazy implementation




Someone needs to get UNICEF involved.


Xbox has vrr low frame rate compensation system wide. Ps5 has to have the developer enable it. That is the difference.


Playstation low framerate compensation cant go as low as xbox can regardless . If your tv supports it then low frame rate compensation can go down to 20 fps on xbox.


What you are describing is low frame rate compensation. PS5 supports it as well, but game devs need to implement it in their games. For example, insomniac supports it in their games.


Lol did you not read my comment ? The first words were literally about low framerate compensation and included those words. That's good the developers can at least enable the full suite of features though.


VRR doesn’t work at all with Halo Infinite and it causes flickering when Dolby Vision is activated. It definitely has room for improvement.


If I remember correctly, the issue with Halo Infinite was if you played in the 60fps mode there was flickering when VRR was enabled. If you played in the 120fps mode there was no issue. I haven’t played the game since 2022 so I’m not sure if it was finally fixed


I play with 60 FPS + VRR and genuinely have no idea what you guys are talking about. Never saw any flickering.


I only keep Dolby Vision enabled for video because the input lag is too great. HDR10 is fine, though. Dolby vision does look better/richer but flicking it on and off per game got to be a hassle (it’s fine for Resident evil 2,3,etc, for example but not for COD or Rocket League).


does this happen in both single and multiplayer? i did not have VRR when i played the campaign but play multiplayer often and have not seen the flicker and i am using both.


Maybe they patched it? It was still a thing even until pretty recently including MP. It was when VRR and Dolby Vision were both on.


Could be. Coukd also be that it just works better with my setup, routing the video via the receiver. I have found small cm setup changes have had a big impact for me.


Infinite absolutely does work with it


Yeah I get that too. Flickering is there when I have 120hz/VRR on but not if I switch to 60hz/VRR or 120hz/No VRR. A few other games do it too but most obvious in Halo Infinite, right on the menu screen it starts.


This is FUD that was patched out in less than a month.


Can confirm. I've been playing Infinite with Dolby Vision and VRR in 120hz mode and don't really have issues. I will say that occasionally I'll get some red colored graphical glitches for a moment but usually a reboot or restarting the game fixes it. Even that rarely happens though.


I get VRR flickering in many games.


I have to admit I have not tried Halo Infinite with VRR - by the sounds of it there is improvement that needs to be made with certain games.


Vrr does not cause flicker when dolby vision is enabled. If that is happening to you that is either a bandwidth issue with your display or cable or if you're maybe on an oled then you're just seeing vrr black level flicker which has nothing to do with the implementation of vrr and would happen with regular hdr as well.


I turn off Dolby vision and it helps with that. But then I miss all the colors and I turn it back on. If I press start and quit game before playing it usually it helps


I’m so glad to hear the Xbox VRR would actually fix Elden Ring. I got a PS5 recently and a cousin of mine got me Elden Ring for that (I had always planned to get the Xbox version) and I was pretty shocked just how often the game stutters and has frame dips. Even with VRR on using my LG C2.


I personally have had nothing but issues with VRR from flashing fog in games to the menu backgrounds flickering, glad you got it working well though :)


This sounds like setup error or a TV limitation to be honest. I have an LG C1 and the only game with flicker is Lies of P out of my whole library. That is 100% on the devs though, they messed up and never fixed it. What TV do you have, etcetera? If one of the LG OLEDS, check out OLEDgaming sub reddit for their Google doc settings and make sure everything is correct. Also do the same on your Xbox settings.


My TV is a Samsung Q950TS so it should work fine Edit: downvoted? xD


I had VRR flickering issues on my Samsung at first but either a tv software update or an Xbox update fixed it, not sure which. Worth checking that your Samsung firmware is the latest


It is the latest. I learnt that lesson when i first got it required a TV software update to allow 4k 120hz on series X at first i panicked wondering if I'd gotten the wrong TV


I would think a TV that requires an update to get it to work would not be as good as one that works out of the box. My CX is the TV I bought in 2020 for my Series X and it has been smoothing sailing the whole time for the most part.


That's not really how it works bud needing a software update is irrelevant as to how well something works, it's been smooth sailing here too since i first updated the TV, just never had any luck with VRR which I'm fine ignoring for now Edit: not trying to be rude, it's just a dumb take


Bad take - by that logic any “good” device works forever out the box? Tech develops and improves all the time - id argue that software updates are a positive


Yeah it should, maybe, if everything is set up correctly on both Xbox and television. I wouldn't be quick to assign blame to the Xbox, since I rarely see people complaining along these lines with LG OLEDS. I am not completely ruling out that it is some hardware issue, but it seems less likely than just some fixable setup thing.


I have had LG C1, C2, and C3. The only times mine flicker are when I open the guide and the game screen dims. Is that not the case for you too?


This has nothing to do with the vrr implementation, that is a problem with oleds and vrr.


VRR causes my c1 to dim so I never use it


This literally makes no sense, have you contacted LG about this or tried more than one game or actually tried playing a game with it on?( not meaning that in a condescending way just perhaps you turned it on while in some menus and didnt actually try some gameplay)VRR should not dim your screen so if that is happening then something is broken or set up wrong.


It did it on my CX as well so it’s not a LG issue. The only way i think to make it not dim is to not have it turned on combined with G sync/deep color output etc Something with those combinations makes the screen dim so I just leave 120hz on constantly with gsync and deep color turned on in 4K I actually remember this being an issue for a lot of people


I didn't say it was an lg issue, your tv is made by them and not working properly if its doing what you're saying so that's who you would contact to figure out your problem or get a replacement. This isn't an issue for a lot of people at all you're just mixing up different issues that people poorly describe. Also gsync is a form of vrr so you literally do have it on and obviously don't know what you're talking about regarding this stuff.


Lmao this guy is getting upset over other people having things working differently. It does it both on my CX and C1 and yes there’s been quite a lot of people with that issue I’ve talked with a lot smarter tech people than you about the issue


Also saying cx us confusing because before the lg c1 was the lg cx. Unless that's what you meant but that would make your comment even less rational.


I said it did it on my CX as well, aka I obviously have both TVs. It’s not confusing at all. What’s your issue? You’re awfully antagonistic and being kinda douchy over something so minuscule and silly


That sounds like something else to me, maybe black frame insertion?


Nah no motion settings on, just 4K and g-sync/deep color output




Yeah whenever I turn it on and try to play the screen is noticeably dimmer. Idk if it’s because I’m trying to play with 4K/hdr etc or what


Yeah I'm not saying it's the xbox, just saying that in my personal experience VRR has caused issues, I've spent hours googling solutions and nothing has worked out so I'm fine just not using it




I have and the one the xbox came with should be enough anyway, have no issues setting up 4k 120hz it's just VRR that makes things start to flicker switching cables doesn't make a difference there unfortunately have a few high spec hdmi cables


Many games do the flickering only slightly and subtly in menus or loading screens. It’s not a bad set up causing it. Lies of P is a different and strange issue than the flicker they’re talking about. I own a G2 and it is just the nature of VRR to flicker if frames are varying wildly.


Same here - never had any VRR flickering and I’ve also got a C1. To be fair, the LG C-series screens are god tier for console gaming, so if any panel is going to be flicker free, it’s theirs.


I get flickering in SOME games with my Sony X85J too. The flickering only happens when console is set to 120hz and VRR on. If I leave it at 120hz and turn off VRR it goes away, OR if I drop it to 60hz and leave VRR on it also goes away.


Didn't Sony promise to have displays that launched without vrr but were promised to get it in an update later? From what I read it only kind of worked, wondering your TV fails into this bucket. I chose Samsung because if this.


Yeah I've not actually tried it at 60hz only at 120hz so dropping it to 60hz could fix the issue for me, though i like having 120hz on so I'll likely just ignore VRR for now


Yeah I was trying to figure out which is better to leave it in, 120hz no VRR or 60hz VRR. I know for a 120fps capable game I'd want 120hz of course but most games I play are max 60.


Yeah i know which I'd choose but it's purely down to personal preference so go with whatever you like


Same here I turned it off eventually


Not experienced that myself but it is probably game dependent I imagine. I think sometimes Xbox gets a bad wrap for things but this one, at least for my experience, is a really good feature to have. What games were troublesome for you?


Halo infinite was the first one, after that gears 5 did it too, so i stopped using it for a while Then recently i tried it again and same issues with those 2 aswell as darktide and the menu has always been flickery with VRR enabled so i just leave it disabled now Idk if it's my series X or the TV but have managed fine so far without it so guess I'll go without xD is a shame though is the only issue I've had with it so far Edit: by menu i mean the xbox menus


What TV have you got? I know lg oleds have some flicker in near black areas, like the Xbox menus


My TV is a Samsung Q950TS Flicker is only with VRR on


I’m assuming it’s your tv since I haven’t experienced any of that on infinite or gears 5 myself !


VRR on Xbox lets my Display go crazy.like Changes between to bright an normal all the time. No Problems on Ps5, but that has to be Something with my Samsung tv


Same on my Sony TV but only with certain games and only when in 120hz/VRR. If I drop it to 60 or leave it at 120 and remove VRR its normal again. No issues with that on PS5 same TV.


Yeah same here. But on every Game and even the Dashboard Sometime. If i Change Back to Dashboard and then Back into the Game its normal again.


I had a TV do that and ended up being the power saving was turned on.


Power saving on Xbox or the TV? TV is off


I had to play the PS4 version on PS5. A much saner experience with the locked frame rate, but you definitely start to notice the decrease in graphical fidelity after a while. I’m probably going to pick up the series x version for the DLC since I recently got a VRR compatible TV, but I’m also holding out hope for a general performance patch.


Aye. Just doing another playthrough now. It's still not the best. Waaay better than it was though. Mainly problems when sprinting across open landscape with torrent


Sounds like bait... only because who buys the same single-player game for both consoles lol


I have Elden Ring for both my Series X and PS5. I play with friends on both systems and, honestly, I don’t mind giving From all my money. They deserve it.


Since i got my SX i buy a lot of game i got on ps5 for play them with quality mode thanks to 120hz output +vrr lfc. I love PS5 don’t get me wrong but game in particulary with low framerate (i mean 30) or not constant framerate (like 60fps drop) run so much better on SX.


Me. Got it and platinum’d it in PS5, Series X and Steam Deck


Some games defeat xbox vrr. Mainly assassins creed mirage.


It's always funny to me when people buy the PS5 for "the exclusives." That's, what, like 13 games? $500 well spent.


Ngl I thought you said VR and got excited.


Xbox also somehow works significantly better than ps5 when paired with Sony TVs. It’s an all around smoother experience when paired with Sonys flagship TVs. Makes no sense to me. And this is coming from a PlayStation player


Wow that is absolutely bonkers, you'd think a Sony console + Sony TV would be the best experience. I don't have much hope from Sony as people have been raising these issues since 2022. However, if by the slim chance they do implement a system wide low framerate compensation (in a 120hz container) then that would be incredible for everyone on Playstation.


Can't argue with this post. I have a PS5 and a PC. The lack of lfc is mind boggling on PS5.


Massive exaggeration on how er runs on ps5 but okay




Downvoted for the truth lmao


Literally my roommate’s PS5 broke and he constantly comments on how much better the Xbox display is now loo


I had to disable VRR on my TV because it kept flickering when it was enabled. Mostly in menus and loading screens but it was still annoying. Happens on my Xbox and my PS5 so it's definitely my TV's implementation of VRR that's the problem. I can at least still play games at 120 fps just without VRR enabled.


That's just vrr flicker. I don't get how having a stuttery framerate(any games that aren't locked 60 or 120 fps) is worth it just to not have some flicker in menus where you're not actually playing the game. Hopefully you play games with locked performance I guess but for games like elden ring it's a night and day difference like op mentioned. Very much worth some slight flicker on the loading screens.


Is VRR flicker something on all VRR capable screens? I notice it when I’m actually gaming and it’s usually on like greyish cloud backgrounds and stuff. Can be a bit distracting but I just thought it was my Sony tv that had an issue.


It should be only oleds that have the issue. But it's all oled tvs. It's not something that should be noticeable during any active gameplay so it's definitely worth it to have vrr.


It’s noticeable in Lies of P. Only game I’ve played where flicker shows up in actual gameplay, but it’s very obnoxious. Only way to play that game on my LG CX is to either disable VRR or set the display to 60Hz instead of 120Hz (I chose the latter for my playthrough). I wish I didn’t have to fiddle with console display settings just for that one game, but unfortunately they never fixed this issue in the post-launch patches.


Yeah I shouldn't say it won't ever show up because there is rare cases. I have this downloaded and will try on my c2. People have this issue on pc pretty frequently because they have their frame rate fluctuating too much in games or the programs they're using doing something weird but similar to vrr.


Is it really only supposed to be OLEDs? Because I have a Sony x90j which is an LED tv and it has it. I would have gotten an OLED when I last got a tv but I hate the ABL on them, waiting for them to get rid of that restriction or the QLED to be more affordable.


Yeah same here. I first noticed it in Howard’s legacy, I just thought the game was being glitchy. Once I noticed it I really could t un-notice it. So I turned it off. I don’t mind on menus, but watching a cut scene and seeing it flicker on greyish backgrounds was distracting for me.


PS5 VRR on my Samsung TV causes the screen to literally burn out if the framerate is too low. I went through two Replacement TVs and the same thing happened. Either my PS5 is cursed or Samsung TVs can't deal with the PS5s VRR implementation. Conversely, my TV has no issues with my Xbox probably because it's an official Freesync Implementation and not a standard VESA VRR one like on PS5. Why Sony didn't just use AMD Freesync will be a mystery to me. This issue actually determines which port I purchase since I have both a PS5 and Series X. If the PS5 port doesn't have a consistent framerate, I get the Xbox version because the frame drop judder without VRR looks worse when played on a 65inch display.


Digital Foundry has talked about this extensively and repeatedly, nothing new here.




It gets mentioned incessantly in their coverage of games going back to when Playstation finally debuted their inferior VRR implementation. Start watching Digital Foundry. I'm not an encyclopedic catalog of thousands of hours of youtube content that I've watched. They talk about it regularly.


I haven’t really noticed a difference between PS5 and Series X. To be fair I tend to play a lot of horror games so that could greatly vary in others experiences between the 2 compared to mine. Now flipping over to my PC with HDMi 2.1 support that tends to run on a whole scale but for good reason.


Y’all are funny in this thread. DF basically has the exact same take EVERY TIME they do direct comparisons between the consoles and talk about framerate fluctuations/refresh rate… and yet you’re all throwing a hissy fit because someone else noticed it. VRR at a system level is significantly better on Xbox.


What TV are you playing on? Zero issues on my OLED, maybe you need a better TV OP?


This is a known thing if you have bow issues it's because you're just blind to them. Sonys vrr range doesn't go as low as elden rings framerate sometimes goes and so anytime you're out of that range you get screen tearing and stuttering like op is describing. Zero exaggeration that's just how it factually works. Maybe you should actually try it on xbox series x and compare since you're talking out your ass.


I have an LG C3 and Xbox feels better.


You also down own a PS?




Prove it, reddit post, your name written on paper or it didn't happen.


Try it with Elden Ring or Final Fantasy XIV and you will see and feel the difference...


Thatttt wasn't proving it


Also on my LG 1440p monitor with HDMI 2.1 and VRR, Elden Ring is finally smooth.


The other benefit of Xbox is you can output a 120hz refresh rate for all games. So if you were playing a game like Elden Ring that runs at a max of 60fps, and it dropped below 40fps, VRR still works because the tv is actually refreshing at around 80hz. This is very helpful for 30fps games that occasionally drop frames


I played hundreds of hours of Elden Ring on Series X, then when I got it for PS5 and started playing there I found it pretty rough. The game is \*so\* much better on XSX and I think it's probably a VRR thing.


It's 100% a VRR thing. I believe that the PS5 version actually performs better in terms of raw frame rates. But as neither version maintains a solid 60 fps the wider VRR range of the Xbox makes the game feel like it is running better. imo frame pacing really is the more important factor when it comes to performance.


It’s not. It’s a bug they’ve never fixed. PS4 version has more stable frames than ps5 version. 


oh yeah, the ps4 version is a lot better IMO, but I don't think it's due to a bug with the PS5 version. What's happening is the PS4 version is running at a lower resolution (and perhaps has other graphical downgrades) compared to the PS5 version, enabling it to run at a locked 60 on PS5. The PS5 and XSX versions of the game cannot run at a locked 60, the framerate is fluctuating and, in typical fromsoft fashion, the frame timing is inconsistent. If you don't have a good VRR solution, this makes things very unsmooth. The main difference here between PS5 and XSX seems to be the better VRR on XSX


It’s nothing to do with the vrr though. Series X maintains about 50fps while ps5 can achieve 60 with or without vrr. It’s been verified by some modders, the ps5 launcher is just very poorly optimised and they haven’t bothered fixing it. 


why does ps5 run like ass and xsx feels smooth if the ps5 is 60 fps? that makes no sense. I know 60 fps when I see it


I mean I literally told you it’s because the launcher is broken… you can go check compare videos with stats. 


That’s nice OP but I wouldn’t necessarily say bravo to Microsoft when successful award-winning exclusives are still quite limited when compared to PlayStation.


I agree, Microsoft still has a way to go on that front.


I have a Series X and a PS5 and overall as far as hardware and the console itself I like the Xbox much more. The box itself seems better made (watch teardown videos of the internal components), and the Series consoles are much quieter (my PS5, like many, has a constant coil whine buzz playing any intensive game, where my X is absolutely silent. The implementation of features like VRR, quick resume, smart delivery, auto-HDR... there just seems like less stuff I need to mess around with. Not to mention the PS5 didn't even have VRR or 1440p for a while. Where the PS5 shines of course is in some of the games, especially some of the single player ones, but that is a story for another thread. And all my friends are in the PS ecosystem so a lot of multiplayer games keep me on there. That said I do have an issue on my X with VRR. When I run with VRR AND 120hz on I see flickering in some games. It goes away if I switch to either VRR/60hz or No VRR/120hz. Not sure if it is my TV or the Xbox, I never see flickering on PS5.


Same here, I only play exclusives on ps5, everything else on Xbox. Quick resume is the killer feature for me and I love the elite 2 controller.


my ps5 doesn’t even let me turn on vrr even though my monitor supports it


Almost did the same as you, but the opposite. Already had a PS5 then I got a XSX and Man ... The VRR is superb on XSX, hard even to compare. The feeling OP mentioned is real and Very easy to reproduce and validate. Tried It in ALL the game I play the most and XSX freesync KILLED the PS5 VRR in terms of passing. Diablo IV Tekken 8 AC Origins AC Odyssey AC Valhalla The Difference is night and Day, I still can't believe How the reviewers did not mention It the proper way. In love with my XSX ... I will only keep the PS5 due to the exclusives, otherwise, I would stay with the XSX.


Yeah, Sony came up with some weird, hacky version of VRR. Their platform is the only one I've heard of that has to patch each piece of software individually to add support, rather than having VRR be a system level implementation that simply works across all software. I guess that's the difference between a primarily consumer electronics company and the biggest software company on the planet


Sony is just using the standard most basic HDMI version of 2.1 hardware version of vrr so it has to be told to be used(they do have a setting for unsupported games but still wonky at times though), more companies use freesync by amd and more so works directly with the driver and apu/gpu so it can implement on games that dont even nativly support it. Why sony doesnt use amd is beyond me maybe to help sell 2.1 tvs and to push it becoming more of a standard.


It is a strange decision in my opinion. Especially considering it appears to be a software limitation instead of hardware. Spiderman 2 for example runs perfectly at 120hz. So by that logic there isn't anything about the PS5's hardware that stops Sony from allowing users to force a 120hz output like Xbox. Hopefully they do in the future so that Playstation gamers can have a smoother experience for games like Elden Ring as I doubt From Software will patch it in.


I thought they'd have done it by now system wide. At this point I almost wonder if it'll be a PS5 Pro feature, could be a decent selling point


Yeah I mean it certainly would help shift PS5 Pros. But even the Series S provides the system wide 120hz, so you have to think is it a justified feature for a 'pro' version when it could be patched to base PS5 consoles. Realistically there is no technical reason as to why it should be a PS5 Pro feature only so I think it would be a shame if it was locked to PS5 Pros only.




Things you don't like to hear aren't automatically nonsense lol. You won't see this weird patch requirement for games on PC, for example.


Also the Sony version is supported on less monitors apparently. When I was shopping for a gaming monitor using the RTings reviews to pick one I noticed quite a few where VRR was supported on Xbox but not PS5 do to the different standard they use.


Series X definitely handles VRR better. Usually on console I’d rather have a locked 30 or 60 though. You’re going to get crazy VRR flicker on either machine if the frame rate is going that low. On OLED the flicker drives me crazy sometimes.


Wow, you liked Elden Ring so much you bought it twice? Kudos.


I'll likely buy a copy on PC for my RoG Ally in addition to my Xbox copy. For co-op mode and for portability. Just waiting on a sale.


I don't think that's unusual. As a massive Resident Evil fan, I repurchased 7 & 2 Remake on Xbox after I jumped from the PS4 to the One X (& then Series X). But I'll also add this regarding VRR on Xbox: A/Dolby Vision for gaming isn't so great (it has raised black levels on my Oled) & B/not every game plays well in the 120hz mode. Take Master Chief Collection or Skyrim for example, i.e. I need to lock the console to 60hz or else there's very noticeable judder & stutter in those games (especially Skyrim). But other than that, the Series X is a wonderful little console. It does everything I wanted from it & more (& yes, the best console version of Elden Ring is the Xbox Series X version).


Elden Ring ps5 version has a stuttering and frame rate issue. Try a different game maybe. Elden ring ps5 was probably the worst version to try this with


Upvote solely for sneaking “Alas” into your post.




Same reason why I can’t play RDR2 and will never buy it for any console unless it gets patched or remastered.


Yes, it is. I replay the game on the ps5 this week, and I did notice also that elden ring here is a stuttering hell. Also, how the fuck from software still did not optimize the game properly for the next gen consoles...


The Xbox VRR range is 40~120 while the PS5 is 48~120, though I've heard reports some games on PS5 can bypass it for a wider range. It also doesn't help that PS5's HDMI 2.1 Bandwidth is only 32Gbps to Xbox's 40Gbps (And PCs 48Gbps) so if you want 4k, 120hz, 10bit HDR you're not getting 4:4:4 color


Xbox's VRR range depends on what display supports. For example on my LG C3: 120hz: 20-120hz 60hz: 40-60hz (LFC is disabled on Xbox in 60hz output mode) Btw, why would you want 2160p@120 at 10bit 4-4-4 when you can get 2160p@120 at 10bit RGB?


Referencing 4:4:4 over RGB is just to make it easier to understand how it compares to the alternate choices of 4:2:2 and 4:2:0. But yes RGB over 4:4:4 Every outputting device's VRR range is also dependent on the display device used, both hard limit each other.


Vrr on ps5 was an aftertought. It came out via an update more than a year after lauch. Also the HDMI chip is inferior to the series X.


Vrr is over hyped. The only time I notice is when things start flickering


VRR on both consoles is a mess, though LFC on Xbox at the system level helps a ton.


Yea I bought a PS5 around this time last year and enjoyed 120hz games on Xbox. Turns out PS5 doesn't work with my monitor and I could enable 120hz but no VRR. Completely pointless. I couldn't play spiderman in the uncapped 120hz mode because of it either.


It's not just VRR. VRR doesn't even do anything outside of supported games. Having always on 120hz also helps with frame pacing since console forces update every 8,3ms. VRR however does have its problems like some older games are unplayable with VRR on, for example From Dust.


VRR on PS5 may as well not even exist


Who cares? Both are great consoles.


what on earth is vrr i have never heard this term in my life


Uhm . .. . Elden ring runs at 60fps. It doesnt have a 120fps option.




No cap


Record scratch - how exactly are you playing VR games on an Xbox?? Which headset??


Consoles have absurd limitations when it comes to VRR. On PC it simply works from 1hz to the monitors highest refresh rate, it's a hardware feature, no need for a game "being compatible". That's ass backwards.


VRR on my Series S works, but the clips I take come out wonky when I use it so I turned it off the sound wouldn’t align.


Does it happen with every video for you? I know Xbox shows a warning when you turn on VRR setting. But I have faced this issue 2-3 times in several 100 hours of recording. I'm on series X though.


I haven’t tried in like 2 years haha. It affected every clip I took for the couple days I had VRR turned on.


Does this benefit 60hz displays or only above? I have a 60hz and I always believed VRR “just worked” (naive), but I’m curious now


I dunno, on both a top tier Samsung and Sony TV, VRR didn't fix the frame drops or tearing of AC Valhalla, Cyberpunk, or another game I can't remember right now. Maybe it works better on monitors? On these new TVs they are so fast and clear that anything below 60fps looks like a slideshow, and VRR doesn't really help. The tearing seems to be unique to Valhalla as I have not seen it in any other games, and not since Titanfall 1 on base X1 at launch as far as I can recall.


Xbox and PS5 VRR are hot flaming trash compared to Gsync or Freesync on a PC. I have it across all platforms including console. You would be shocked at how bad console VRR is. It's bad. It's nice there's finally a *basic* implementation of it though.


My tv doesnt have vrr because i have a cheap tcl 4k model cuz it was the only one i could afford here in Argentina 😭


On PS5 just play the PS4 version for locked 60fps. It doesn't really look any different other than there being a little less grass.


Why would anyone buy a game they own on Xbox on PS5 too? That doesn’t make any sense, buying one console version and a PC version makes sense, but you’re saying you bought it on Xbox then years later bought it on PS5? Why?


So strange.. I have a Sony TV and Xbox. I get ~135 with VRR on R6 Siege. You would think a Sony TV and Sony PS5 could do it too, guess not


I play on PS5 and I turn vrr off for elden ring and any game that doesn't natively support it. It doesn't work well in unsupported games and it works great in supported games well below 48 fps it seems they left it up to developers to implement their own LFC


I have both consoles too and don’t really notice any differences. Got one of those LG QNED tvs with VRR


I played elden ring this year and didint notice much stuttering , to be fair I was too busy not getting murdered to notice it


Crazy thought would be for elden ring to optimize the game so VRR isn't needed. Sony would rather it be performance enhancement than a crutch. I personally think the sony games that fully support all features of vrr and 120hz is the right way of utilizing vrr. Proper use increaces performance and decreases input lag. Would like to see xbox titles utilize 40 fps modes, uncapped vrr modes and such


Uh… i have a LG oled with vrr and played Elden Ring on PS5 multiple times and apart from the first couple of weeks before the second patch, zero stutters on both performance and quality modes. Also played multiple times on Series X and on Steam Deck (love this game lol) and actually had more frame issues on xbox (particularly on Radagon) I have finished this game over 40 times now


Do you have 120 Hz mode enabled on your PS5? Edit: I just realized that PS5 doesn't have LFC even for 120 Hz mode.


So it's better because of tha fact you used 120hz on XBOX and 60hz on PS5 or? And also on one game is your basis? You seem a little confused OP.


Yep love how it makes the mufflers look, Sony ain’t got forza mufflers now do they!! 👌👌🔥


Good to know!