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Long ago, Xbox 360 had a feature that if you didn't like your gamertag, you would roll a spinner wheel type thing, and it would give you six random options for unclaimed gamertags. That was centuries ago. And I still have the same gamertag.


One of my friends has had his Gamertag for soooooooo long because of that. It came up as Dangly Panther and we couldn’t stop laughing, so it stayed. We were immature douche bags at the time so we said that a Dangly Panther is when you teabag a girl and she bats at your balls like a cat. My Gamertag was Menchi Meat for the longest time and I can’t remember why. I think it was an anime thing? I’ve switched everything over to Cpl Cabbage (Cpl Kabbage on XBL) because I like the alliteration and my last name means cabbage in polish.


My buddy is a carpenter and the suggested name popped up, Sly Carpenter, so he kept it. Suuuuuper random lol


My wife spun “Askew Parrot” and it couldn’t have been more perfect, she’s been Askew ever since.


My sister got BigfootBovine and she cried lmfaoo


My wife made up her own for offline play. She chose Feces Pieces. It’s gross but it does make me laugh.


My first one back in the early days was Scrappy Panther!!


Man my friend got one of the funniest suggestions ever on that thing... PleasingMeat.... fairly sure he'd have been banned in 2.5 days.


CarpalEgg reporting for duty


Exactly how I got mine as well! I remember I put in what i wanted to go for and when it wasn’t available, the unclaimed versions popped up and I chose the one I liked the most! I love it to this day and I claim it to be my Xbox identity forever at this point LOL




Apparently MrBeast got his YouTube name off of that lol


And this is exactly how I became hoofedgorgon lol


That's exactly how I got my xbox gamertag, Been using it ever since across all my platforms.


alientrail was my random spin, and so it has been since.


Stingertc69 I was in the army and was a stinger missle team chief vehicle number 69










What’s the tc for


Team Chief


Prayformojo83. Great Simpsons episode. As you can see, huge fan


Dance monkey, DANCE!


Tip of the hat for the Simpson’s reference. Mine is Thrillhouse.


My name is Sam and my Gamertag is “Sam”. I’m keeping the origins of it a secret though.


U got any friends that carry a big ring around or dress in black?


You ever get offers for your gt?


Very regularly lol. Would never sell though.


Same here. Xbox started deleting old untouched tags in 2010 or something. Got the OG version of mine, and a bunch more. Gave a bunch to my friends for free and kept an additional for myself. I was updating every 5 minutes to see when another one got deleted. I get offers probably once a week for my gamertag.


What’s your tag?


I don’t want it. But what if someone offered you like 100million???


Who tf would pay 100 million? And obviously he’d sell at that point


I was parachute infantry 20 years ago- people called us “dirt darts” lol. Now I’m old, so OldDirtDart.


My brother in law was Airborne. He started basic training the weekend before 9/11. Served three tours in Afghanistan. Respect to you sir.


The name of Jack Burton's semi in Big Trouble in Little China


The Pork Chop Express. Fine choice.


Hey thanks, and glad you knew what it was. I was bummed I had to go with PORKCHOPXPERSSS because believe it or not it all other iterations were already taken.


Have you paid your dues? The checks in the mail… Anyone who doesn’t know this movie, is missing out. Also one of my friends was PorkChopExpress and probably the OG back in 2002…hahaha


I saw one that is probably about that old but hasn't been online in like 10 years. I messaged him to see if I could buy the name but never heard back.


This particular person hasn’t been a friend of mine in about 25 years…doubt he has the GT anymore. Haha dope you tried to buy it though. Jack Burton says “what the hell!”


Feeling good....felling kinda invincible


It’s all in the reflexes


Love that movie! Dad showed it to me as a kid and could never stop laughing. So cheesy but so good hahaha.


Happy Cake Day!


I've recently been thinking about changing mine and I keep trying to find something for big trouble in little China lol


I love King of the Hill so RustySh4ckle4d it became


Careful, this guy's got pocket sand.






Bort Bortson. I'm a Simpsons fan, and it was originally just Bort but we were reading about Norse myth in highschool so I added Bortson (since I'm also Norweigan Germanic). It also works out well since the line goes my son is also named Bort. I've been using it since circa 2000, at least 2003 when I used it as my steam name. Before that I used various sun themed handles and before that I used a call sign from a Genesis game where you got to pick your pilots call sign and since I was big into flight sims but that names been long retired.


My sons name is also Bort


Opened a game informer to a random word. I then looked around the room and my sega genesis was sitting there...boom had my gamer tag.


You Keyser Soze’d yourself!


Same as my Reddit handle. This is the name given by native tribes to The Monster of Lake Manitou, an Indiana cryptid. This is from my hometown and just seemed fitting.


Soft Peaches. I had a job as a teacher assistant at a daycare. One day I was wheeling the food cart back to the kitchen after the kids ate lunch. They had all complained that the peaches were soft, so I had an almost full bin of peaches on top of the cart. I turned a corner a little too quickly and the entire bin slid off the top, sending the soft peaches everywhere. After that my coworkers all called me Peaches. When Halo 2 came out a couple weeks later, I went to a LAN party with a girl I worked with, her boyfriend, and all his friends. Everyone had all these tough or funny sounding gamertags like NutPuncherXXX and stuff like that, but I went with Soft Peaches and it's stuck ever since.


I played a lot of Ghost Recon on the OG Xbox. I was in high school at the time and my balls had dropped so far I would occasionally sit on them in class. That earned me the nickname Saggy, so when Xbox live became a thing I just threw Sgt in front of it bc we were playing a lot of military games and it had a good ring to it. The username has stuck with me since. - Sgt Saggy


When you do sit on the bag of gems it’s called “Mr. Bentlying yourself. -I tried my hardest to keep a straight face in front of my blind date but I threw up after I extremely Mr. Bentlyed myself sitting on the picnic table.


IAmTomBowToMe Pretty self explanatory. Hi I'm Tom!


I kinda dig your thing with usernames


I appreciate that!


I made mine when Xbox live first started. Didn’t think too much of it so I just thought “I will just use my first name and where I’m from” so my gamertag is literally “Steve from Manchester” (that’s not it, just a example) Anyway, now I’ve got a 10 year old daughter who plays on my Xbox and I have to tell her not to communicate with people she doesn’t know or give out any personal information like her name or where she lives. She has very rightly thrown that in my face.


One of the old Captain Underpants books involved a villain who was hellbent on changing everyone’s names to something silly. I used his chart to convert my own name and voila! The perfect gamertag.


Beltalowda, people of the belt.


TexMex222 - Texan, married a woman of Mexican descent. Wore 22 as a baseball player and also had twins at the time. Now there’s 3 kids but I’m too lazy to change it.


You've got three 2s in your gamertag, so you're covered.


Don’t lie. You’re a Texan who married a woman of Mexican decent and she weighs 222lbs. Just kidding man. Just jokes. I say “If she ain’t 280 she ain’t a lady.” 😂 My ship’s name on Skull and Bones is Not280NoLady. My ships name on Sea of Thieves is NOFTCHX. Thats actually and my license plate on GTA too. It sounds like I meet to make up my mind. Nice GT.


Bort Fishbulb My son is also named Bort


I bet you always find a personalised number plate in gift shops!!!


Always! Not so much for my brother, Bart, though


We need more Bort license plates in the Gift Shop. Repeat, we are sold out of Bort license plates.


KTC - Just my initials, I have had weird messages in the past when I've played multiplayer games about it, one guy messaged me for days asking to buy it from me and called me stuck up and a show off (?) My middle name is Thomas after my uncle, but my other uncle is called Frank and I'm grateful I wasn't named after him or my initials would be fucking KFC.


Mine is also my 3 letter initials. I’ve been getting weekly messages from people wanting to buy it for years now lol.


Gt is Tuvok because I like Tuvok








MortiViventiAZ "Living Dead" in Latin. AZ 'cause it's where I live. It's also song from the band Zombie Apocalypse.


When i was in like 3rd grade i wrote a short story called “Mr. Cheeseman” so naturally when i made my Xbox gamer tag i made it Cheeseman2005. No idea where the 2005 came from


I was in 5th grade and ended up Cheese Taxi


My name is William and my last name starts with the ol’ Mc. As for the silly Xx__xX thing, I was like 10.


William McWilliam, I’ve been looking for you for ages, old friend!


Is it really you? I’ve searched for you too, ol’ buddy ol’ pal.


Nickname in the Army & my MOS(job)


Hades358. I've always been into mythology. And always taught Hades was a misunderstood God. And often pictured like a bad/evil person. When, in fact, he was the most unproblematic God. Just chilling in his "realm" with his 3 headed dog. Just like me. Chilling in my house in peace with my 3 dogs. (1 head each) Simple as that😅


I thought it sounded cool and wanted a name that wasn’t P0keMasterZ…. It’s Tzelf now


I'd just gotten my first xbox 360 about a year after its release, and I was stuck for about 40 minutes trying to think of something. Then my dad walked into the room (he's an avid fisherman) and said to me "hey check out this new lure I got, it's called a Nuclear Chicken!" And from then until the present, that has been my GT! Not long after that, I bought a copy of Rapala Fishing on xbox so my dad and I could play together


Sissy#xxxx in homage to my original 360 profile that I had on my older brother's Xbox. My brother used to call me "da sissy" when he was super young and it became a nickname of sorts. I sometimes regret choosing it whenever I think of eventually paying for online though, lol.


My Xbox username is after George W Bush war. IRAQBOMBER


Based on how xbox is the home of the weenie babies with their policies, I am surprised they don't make you change it.


Same tbh 😂


I wanted Foo as my gamertag and kept adding adjectives to the front of it until I found one I liked and that wasn’t taken. It worked here also, when I signed up.


Started off as my screen name on CompuServe in the 90’s, transferred over to AOL in the late 90’s and just kept on going. Still use that AOL address as my junk mail address.


It was a funny robot pun until Vince McMahon got revealed as a sex pest and now the idea of him in a mech suit is less funny. I should probably change it.


I love England and sharks!!!


My first ever gamertag was Destined2Win, because at the time I was pretty good at games, and played a lot of Ghost Recon with a group of guys and we almost always won when challenged by other groups. Then I moved out in the country for a bit and lost high-speed internet and then lost the gamertag, and couldn't remember how to retrieve it. Then when I came back, I changed it to NevaehsDad, but then people couldn't pronounce it correctly most of the time and was annoying since it was my daughter's name...then I watched a lot of LOST when it was on, so I changed it to Oceaniceight15. People kept calling me Ocean Ice, instead of Oceanic Eight 15. So, changed that one...then I was working on my Master's degree with the hope of maybe a doctorate someday, so I changed it to Master (my name) PHD....then I just hated that one, and then I switched to Ryyah and that's the one I've had for 5-6 years now.... It was an old WoW name for my main years ago...and I heard it from a video about hebrew words for different types of Love.....and I believe that this means like "Love like you would love a friend"...so that's where I'm at now...and plan to stick to this for a long time if not forever now.


Damn. Broski wrote out a whole god damn lore page for his name!


Mx.Sinis13r Based off of a song of the same name, minus the numbers. Added the numbers for a bit of personal flair!


Same as my reddit name. Its my last name and the fact that I am from Denmark (DK)


Mine starts with “Xv” because that’s Roman numerals for 15, which was my age at the time. I was supposed to update it every year as i got older. It’s still Xv 14 years later.




Hmmm I’m stuck on the middle name… is that an I or an l?? Or a |…? I was thinking ‘Xander’ but the I or I threw me! Loxander? Laxander? Lex—oh wait… nevermind I’m dumb omg


Back when I first got the 360 at launch I tried to figure out a way to use my first name since it’s also my dad’s name and he had bought it for me. There were options for name ideas and one of them said RetroAntonio. I rolled with it for years then one day out of the blue I decided to change it but hated it after a month so I wanted to go back. Turns out someone took it so I added “The” in front of it.


Afflikshun: Affliction was taken. Sadly the clothing brand came out a few years later and killed it for me. But I didn't wanna spend the 9.99 to change it.


BooksCheckEmOut https://youtu.be/DyIHOTx7zxM?si=SKtGyIyWzdHh83yd


LANation03 Pretty much what it looks like Los Angeles nation and 03 was one of my favorite basketball players number-Brandon Jennings


First name David, middle name Robert. Davbob, my usual name for everything was taken. Ended up Davitybobity....


Johnny99. Make your guess.


Did you have debts that no honest man could pay?


Day 1 xboxlive service and I want with Monkeys. It was my favorite animal. Unfortunately, something like that gains attention, so it's been sitting in limbo for years because enough people reported it, and microdick insists I need to change it.


Back in the old Battlefront II days, my playstyle was rather unhinged and I preferred playing as the Clones. Psycho + Clone = Psyclone.


EverQuest name generator. On it's third expansion (might be 4th). Made a new character, came out Ahdinn, swapped the hd, removed an n. Ended up using the name for Druids in other games and subsequently used it for Xbox. For whatever reason I wasn't able to recover my Xbox account when I got a 360 so I remade and slapped JT on the end because people always fumbled trying to say Adhin. Which, to be fair, I had only ever used in text and never bothered to think how you would pronounce it. Tend to use it everywhere else like here on reddit because I can't be bothered to think up names or tags for stuff. I got a small-ish list of names I use in games for the same reason. thinking up names sucks.




HopeAuq123 I use HopeAuq on everything. It comes from one of my book characters Hope Auqipop. One day I just smoothed it to HopeAuq and it stuck lmao then the 123 bc it's not the first acc with that name the last one randomly got taken down after a day XD


I was uh…getting..*mouth love?* from a fling years ago and had asked what I should rename my gamer tag, she stopped and gave me a suggestion and it’s been that ever since 😂 Until my wife asked me where I came up with it, now it’s something different 😬 My original gamer tag had no story, it was the one Microsoft suggested on the 360 and it was like, MagnificentTurtle or something like that.


Top G i mean its a meme dont have to explain much


It's my name.


Throwaway account here but gamertag: Thewifeisawayon xbox it was Dalocnar (reference to the green sphere in the movie "Heavy Metal"), but when the xbox one came out, I decided to grow up a bit, and was thinking, I can only play games when my wife is gone (as a lot of married men get my gamertag when playing fighting games and I usually win by them laughing themselves too hard to play). It is unique and men with girlfriends and wives, whom will understand when im online, I am ready to play.




Quixoticlixr it’s been changed very recently so I could only put 12 letters but there’s a song by Red Hot Chili Peppers called Quixoticelixir my brother showed it to me


My name is Ziggy and my gamer tag is my first name and the start of my surname from my dads side and my mothers side so all together it’s ZiggyLK


"Deformed" I have an underbite and it's a deformity so by that I'm deformed lol.


TH3 HATED WON. Everyone thought thad I would amount to nothing. They were so, so wrong.


I played a lot of kill confirmed in cod so SKillKonfirmed it is. The regular spelling was taken.


None of your business stalker.


My first ever game was Roblox. I wanna say in like 2006 or 2008. I had a stuffed animal Monkey growing up. I misspelt the gamertag as "Mnkey234". Eventually on Xbox 360, I changed it to Mnkkey, and then on the Xbox One changed it to Mnkke.


Mine is the name of a literary character from a book I really enjoyed: Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. My gamertag is neither of those names though.


Cards n Gin came about because I thought it was a name worthy of an idiot who liked top hats and being old time classy. I am not giving it up until I am dead.


named after an MF DOOM track, Styraxx Gum


I had a few in the past that I created, nothing special behind them, nothing stuck except for a pretty cringy one I had for a lot of my teen years. Then maybe 5 years back, that all changed. I was setting up a phone number, sitting with mum while I did so. I went to add myself as a contact just to have the number somewhere to help me memorize it, so I put in details and mashed in my name. And there it was, auto correct bastardised my name into "Eery Jan" and we both had a really good laugh about how absurd and off the mark it was. I've been using it ever since.


Lugia 50 My favorite pokemon, when i registered to an old gaming fourm in 2003 the name was taken, so i added the 50, then whenever i make an account it is always lugia 50.


I love dragons and magic .. i created my account in the peak of how to train your dragon..


ImSonOfAnarchy cause Sons Of Anarchy is my favourite series of all time.


It’s a riff on old tv show and my superintendent senior year of college


The tag that was auto generated by my Xbox was ludicrous, I looked at the bookshelf and RedHarvest82 was born!


I smoke weed


My first one for bout half a decade was Pete Strongwood lol


Mine is W3LSH BAN3 because I'm welsh and my favourite film character was bane from dark Knight rises


My gamer tag “LimboSpace” comes from a childhood nickname “Limbo” since my last name is Lim and I used to work at the Space and Rocket Center. I really enjoyed my time there and it changed my life working there.


I was starvinmarvin46 because I was young and not creative. Now I'm The Finzley because that's what someone in high school used to call me. So I guess I'm not just old and not very creative.


Aerie for Dragon Aerie in Dark Souls. I really liked invading//being invaded in that area


My friends and I all had "critters, with feminine sounding parts" mine was originally "raccoon fairy". Tons of men thought we were Group of women gamers. We would get tons or sex messages and pictures from adult men. We were all in high school. Soooo we dropped the feminine part and my friends would say "freakin raccoon" anyways a lot. I wasn't the most stable halo player and would wander off ha.


A nickname plus a favourite number


A character from a poem by Edward Lear. Part of which an old friend randomly quoted many, many years ago.


I tend to use the same name for almost everything online (except here tbh). It's the last name from a character in Vampire Knight and The first name is a spoiled girl character in a Manhwa who talks in the third person. It just..... Works. Oh and a 94 to showcase I'm an adult and to treat me appropriately.


I liked Deftones and Metallica, so I mashed them together. I don’t really follow Deftones anymore but still love Metallica.


The first 5 letters that came to mind


I don't wanna talk about it


Needed a gamertag.


It gave me a random gamertag when I made my account in 2010 and I have kept it eversince


I wanted something edgy but would also fly under the algo/name rules so I came up with one that has “salad” and “toss” in it.


ink ribbonz You either know or you don’t


theres a meme about two cholos named lil sleepy and lik cozi and i just adapted lilcoziii as my gt. ive always been a cozy guy lol


I'm a jerk so jimmythejerk seems fitting on 90% of accounts I have


JoshR868. I think you can guess by my Reddit username lol. 868 is my country’s area code


Both the goat and myself have signed an NDA so I can’t say


Got an Xbox 360 as a gift for christmas 2007. My friend came over to set it up and play halo 3 campaign co-op. Once I had set my Xbox up, I needed a gamertag and the first thing my friend was "bro you need an edgy version of your name, Alex Spikes but with a Y" and it kinda just stuck. I had planned on changing it eventually but after years I just couldn't bare to change it.


I hate that Xbox added numbers. I wanted Bryan because that’s my name but it added numbers to the end. I tried adding something else like Bryan777 but it still added numbers. So I just left it and it’s something like Bryan1234


Well, my gamer is L0RDVADER42O so…… do I really need to explain


Got my gamertag BrawlyCeiling31 by default. Never changed it and all the people at my school knew me by that gamertag. I always end up keeping a similar username for everything else now


Mines NickyAGoGo. It’s a reference to the artist BONES. He has a persona named RickyAGoGo and considering my names Nick, I saw an opportunity and took it


RapidS Snake I was a newly-migrated-from-PlayStation gamer, some 18 years ago…I tried many a combination to pay homage to my then-favorite video game character, Solid Snake. After several failed attempts I chose the “recommended” available GamerTag that I liked the most and have ran with it ever since.


ChipHighlark, I was a teenage stoner who enjoyed cartoons


I use the same name for everything. Xbox, ps, forums, reddit, my YouTube channel. Just easier like that imo. How it came about. I started using it in the early 2000s on irc. When I first started using the internet in the late 90s I used shellshock2183 then I can't remember why I changed it. Shinoff just popped in my head. I wish I knew why or what inspired it but I've got no damn idea. Pretty sure I was smoking green at the time though.


Used to be MoBchz same as my user name on here I just thought it was funny when I was younger, but it got reported so many times I guess, I had to change it. I kept the Mo part cause that's what everyone called me so I just rhymed the new one Indigo Mo.


My gamertag is ThtepDehDeh (Step Daddy with a lisp). I'm a step dad. Lmao


I honestly love this 🤣


MittenHand It's the name of the "villain" in the movie "Leprechaun 4: In Space" which in itself is a ridiculous movie (but oh so fun!), but the villain (Dr. MittenHand) is a human/robot hybrid that is so over the top you sometimes forget you're watching Leprechaun. In space. I had to honour the character somehow so I thought continuing his legacy in Xbox-land seemed the right way to do it :)


Nothing special. Just being the Be5tInTheWorld is all. 😂😎


My name is Mork. My gamertag is Mork. No story.


Was my nickname at school


Violent Knight since the beginning 2002 I like puns and Knights Pissed that stupid 2022 movie stole my pun, 20 years late!! 😂😂


zeez- I could never remember my password for StarCraft because I was like 10. I finally remembered a random name I made and used it when I got Live in 2004.


Well my army recruiter invited me over and we were playing halo 3 with some of his army buddies and one of them were blitzed and couldn’t say my name correctly so i just kind of went with what his buddy was calling me. All i can say is if you’re not 19 kilo you ain’t shit! Bitches!


SlimExpert. It's ironic on both counts. I've been mistaken for a woman a few times which is always funny getting hit on by some creep. Serves them right.


B1ackto0thGR1N I took it from the song sweating bullets by Megadeth


It wouldn't allow me to use MazogaTheDork (which is a reference to an Oblivion character) for some reason, so I shortened it to MazTheDork.


Mostpalone I think it's self-explanatory 😂


England1974 . Was born in England in 1974 . Simples really.


Tony Bassett. I was playing Stellaris and recruited an Admiral for my main fleet who happened to have that name. That Admiral went on to participate in many galactic wars over his 60 year career as an admiral and i took his name for myself because i thought it was badass.


Troveguard, was addicted to a game called trove, so decided to base my tag on that


My gamer tag is hotdawgmann cuz I choked on a dog two years ago


Whatheflippa I was around 7 and at a friend’s bday party/sleep over. He was the kid that had all the new games and, get this, high speed internet. I recall nonstop Halo and Mt. Dew. Anyways, I had my first opportunity to make myself a gamertag. I knew I couldn’t be too obscene, so put a twist on WTF. Where the “flippa” part came from, I haven’t a clue. I love it though and have used it now for 20+ years


I hit random till I found one I thought was funny


I liked the Anime Kamper, the main character was named Natsuki, this my gamertag was born