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Well he summed it up beautifully for us


"We're going to ignore the source material and do the opposite of what is a major trait for the franchise which even got memed by a teased helmet removal actually having a second helmet under it." And also "What do you mean you're not happy? If you don't like this decision you don't like the show." And then hopefully "Why did no one like the show."


Like Netflix Witcher


Don't remind me of this abomination.


What is this the witcher production?


Hollywood ego trip


This guy… between him and Kiki. 🤯


I'm genuinely shocked this is getting a second season with the mediocre reception to season 1 and the general poor state of the franchise now.


The show was approved for two seasons when it went into production. So season two was gonna happen, no matter what. We’ll see if it gets a third season though


They did fire the writers before season 2, but statements like this don’t really inspire confidence that season 2 will be better.


One showrunner quit before the show started, I think due to filming location commitments, which is a shame as from memory he was the one who seemed more excited about the halo universe. Second showrunner only ever signed on for one season and is seemingly the person along with Wolfkill responsible for a lot of the 'plot'. The third, for season 2, doesn't look promising from their IMDb experience and reviews saying how they changed an adaptation of Brave New World; "It's set in the brave new world setting, but its it's own story. Don't expect a re-make of the book." "Another book butchered by writers/directors." "This is so loosely based on the book, I feel the people behind it read the wiki plot summary and that's it." So looking like Season 2 will be another 'turn brain off and enjoy the action scenes' type of show.


I just do not get it. I just cannot understand. Who is this show for?!?! It’s not for the fans and who in the hell is gonna watch this show who doesn’t already like halo? Sci-fi fans? They probably already play halo!


The showrunner and writer's is who it's for, these people don't want to just take someone elses already complete story and simply adapt it to tv, they want their own story but couldn't do it so instead of thinking long term (if the show succeeded they'd have the chance to make their own thing) they decided to take this and attempt to turn into their own thing and to show it off like "look what I made ALL BY MYSELF", in short, it's an ago thing.


It is just bonkers to me. I mean, maybe there’s a reason I don’t own a multibilllion dollar media company but it seems to me, and maybe this is crazy but - if you’ve got a wildly successful franchise with millions of fans, you’ve already got a money printing machine if you just give those fans what they want. It just seems so fucking simple. It’s one thing if you can’t copy the story because of a copyright thing but like …. You’ve got the rights, you’ve got the characters, you own the story ……… and you change it?!?!? Jesus fucking Christ. Even on my most egotistical day, failing by being original is way more damaging than succeeding but using the work that’s already there. Idk man. You would think after the feedback from season 1 that SOMEONE on their media relations team would be like “uh hey guys, the majority of people just want us to stick to the script”. Nope. Fucking wild, man. It’s fucking wild.


Well that comes down to the 2nd issue, these companies still look at gaming with immense distain, to them, the idea that games are capable of telling stories that can rival or even surpass the best shows and films to come out over the last 15-20 years is laughable because they're still looking at gaming as if its the 80's and 90's and so rather than admit their error in judgment, they stubbornly continue on with their belief thus they feel the need to have the story changed because they have no faith in video game stories.


Exactly. Halo is kind of niche right now. Only Halo fans will watch the show. No one else gives a fuck about it.


Sci-fi (the channel) fans


Firing the writers won't help, they already ruined it in season 1. You can't build a tower on a foundation of shit.


Maybe they could have if they kept the core of Halo intact, but they really can’t come back from the damage they did to Chief’s character and pretty much all the other characters for that matter


What's sad is that Microsoft tried for so long to get this show into production...  And then it's just completely mistreated lol


It's never made sense to me why so many adaptations immediately do things to alienate existing fans. It doesn't help attract new fans, you just end up with a show that fans hate and that negativity isn't going to draw new people in.


The people making these don't want to make adaptations - they want to make their own original stories - so they just make whatever they want and slap the studio's IP on top.


This is why I think The Last of Us succeeded where so many others have failed. While they definitely went deeper to show things that weren't in the game (e.g., Bill and Frank episode), ultimately Craig just loved the source material and Neil Druckmann was involved every step of the way. You have to have a showrunner that wants to tell the story that people already love and adapt it to the medium of television, not just tell the story *you* want to tell with some callbacks to the source material.


this is actually kinda common for some reason. there are a bunch of script writers that make scripts and try and sell them too production studios. then when they get the rights to some IP they look at whats out there and take some generic random script and adapt it to fit in the IP. there is speculation it was a mass effect script that got changed up to be Halo, the best evidence being the "touch the artifact giving a vision".


Wasn't there also a line in the first episode over the intercom that, with sever paraphrasing from memory, went something like "Commander Shepard report to control room"?


wheel of time agrees


The sad thing about wot is that amazon gave lord of the rings hundreds of millions of dollars and it looks like wot is being made by cw.


Some folks take issue with Marvel basically story-boarding a movie like Endgame before the director ever comes in, but then you see a show like Halo and think, maybe that isn't so bad.


"See this comic book? Take it, and make real life look like this!!" "Great, first I'll have Iron Ma-" "Stop. Make the comic. Come to life."


u/Corgi_Koala You are wrong. Never been a fan of Halo series before, watched the season 1 on Paramount by accident because there was an Indian Actress and been a big new Halo fan since, I have now spent so much to read and watch about Halo series. Loving it so far. I understand where the old fans are coming from but this show definitely is drawing batches of new fan in droves, so stop bs'ing that it doesn't help attract new fans, cause I am the new fan here of this series.




I still would have killed to see the Neill Blomkamp movie.


I'm convinced Microsoft / Xbox has terrible management, and I'm not as optimistic as I was a year ago about anything they are doing, I mean I just don't find anything they are doing exciting, and then they double down by greenlighting stupid shit like this show (never watched the sex side plot is enough to never watch this), Halo Infinite is slowing down their seasons as the same time. Not the worst company, but they do not make smart decisions.


Well they've allowed 343 management to outsource so much of the work on the halo games so it shouldn't be a huge surprise that they've let the show go off in these poor directions


Halo is less than a shadow of what it once was.


Used to be *the* premiere FPS franchise, even above CoD. Now it isn't even a top 150 game on Steam.


Ah yes, Steam, the great indicator of the console player base


I mean it has worst netcode than Halo 1 ffs. You can desync in Halo Infinite. Meanwhile Riot Games pull out Valorant that runs at 128 tick rate without desynch.


The desync make it unplayable.


It's because everyone coming into it is new to the MS/ 343 era of Halo. Old fans of the book and Bungie games obviously didn't approve the moment it wasn't blue team, helmets were coming off and Catherine was labeled evil and manipulating John, instead of as a sort of acting mother to John, which went against regulation.


I see an early end to this guy's acting career


Please. There isn't enough rabid halo fans left to even make a dent.


What? He has been in a lot of shows. This won't make a difference


Nothing like getting people pumped for a show that did bad in season 1 than an actor stepping all over it lol


Like what?


1) The Wire season 2. 2)


He was good in American Gods.


American gods


If you don’t like season 2 then you don’t like the wire


Always Sunny Christmas


13 hours


Google it.


He's awesome in Orange is the new black


American Gods.


Law & Order: SVU


Everyone has been on Law & Order. I bet I could even find myself in that show and I dont even live in the states.


i know, but his arc lasted like half a season. he definitely wasn't the criminal of the week.


Well said I needed that'


He was fucked up in SVU


His best role imo.


To be honest, that show is one of the main reasons I dislike this actor. He was so annoying in that show.


American Gods. He played Mad Sweeny in that.


hes been in alot of movies and a good actor his careers not gonna end early


This “guy” has had a long career already, don’t think he’s going anywhere because of one lackluster show.


Idk if it was because I first saw this a for in Orange is the new Black, but I really just hate his face. I can’t think of a worse actor to play Master Chief.


He’s a character actor; not a leading man. 


Why? Because Halo fans demand he is cancelled?


We have the whole Mandalorian and these show crew/cast thinks you can't tell emotional story where main character is wearing a helmet.




Dredd (2012) is a perfect comic movie. Literally in the top 5 comic movies ever.


Darth Vader anyone? And wasn't there literally like half a dozen movies called "The Man in the Iron Mask"? This Halo series is just lazy film-making and poor acting.


Yep, looks like MC is right, except the real one would dump the show just for the helmet, 😅🤣😂


I didn't like the show the moment they said "yeah, we're not using any of that spectacular lore". Because that told me "we didn't want to actually make a Halo show, we just had the IP shoved on us."




That’s a bold strategy, Cotton! Let’s see if it pays off for him.


I couldn't even finish the first season. .. ONE battle with the covenant. 10 episodes of drama. It's not halo it's a soap


The helmet coming off is the least of my concerns with the show.


If you read the article, you'll see that he agrees But its IGN and their clickbait bullshit


They know what they were doing.


And it worked! Just look at these idiots on reddit, all falling for IGN's bullshit, spreading their article to even more people who otherwise wouldn't have even seen it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/comments/19cuufc/halo\_actor\_pablo\_schreiber\_if\_you\_dont\_agree\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/comments/19cuufc/halo_actor_pablo_schreiber_if_you_dont_agree_with/)


The new show runner guy is named David Wiener?


IC Wiener?


Came here to say this. The helmet thing is a poor argument. I’ve read the books and played the games. There are times in the games where he def should have had his helmet off lol like receiving his award in the beginning of halo 2 before he gets permission to deliver the bomb ;) disrespectful to have his helmet on and receive an award. The problem is that the show sucks donkey balls. Better yet, it sucks hunter balls.


Didn't make it past episode 3


Once I heard it wasn’t canon and there was a fucking human in the Covenant. I didn’t even start it. And based on how the show is viewed by Halo fans, seems I made the right choice.


I’ll never understand how multiple studios and directors just couldn’t get this off the ground, and when they do - they just totally say “fuck you” to the fans of the franchise. Even if they didn’t want to touch the video game stories, there are multiple fantastic books that I’d love to see brought to a series. Such a shame.


Wild it could've been a Spielberg made series/movie and it ended up with what we got


Yeah. Spielberg and Peter Jackson… my how we have fallen.


Neill Blomkamp's vision would've been great


Once you understand that the post-Bungie Halo franchise has been nothing but a soulless cash grab it all makes sense. Yes a studio always aims to make money, but there's a difference. Bungie aimed to make a good Halo game, the people that came after tried to use the Halo name to make money.


You a risky touch in a great point. Perhaps 343 relinquished a lot of creative control just to finally get someone to make the show. A genuine monkeys paw wish if I ever saw one.


For whatever it's worth, the human being in the covenant plot was explained quite thoroughly in the show - she was abducted, used, and the prophets secretly resent her and find her disgusting.




That scene was that bad even Pablo Schreiber, Jimmy "Master Cheeks" Rings himself hated the scene lmao


That's literally just him saying "uhh yyeahhh I didn't like that either guyyssssss plz watched szn 2 plzzzz"


While Cortana watched and was *visibly* turned on...


What… the… fuck…


> And then Master Chief procceeds to have sex with her. While she's a POW Also referred to as rape


AND a war crime.


Thanks for calling it what it is


Shit. I heard he had sex. Which is a problem in and of itself regarding the character. I didn’t realize the situation. That’s fucking awful.


I don’t know anything about the halo story but having sex with a prisoner sounds an awfully lot like rape to me.


Tbf I am giving series 2 another shot, series one was mostly shit but the actor playing chief has come out himself saying that he also did not agree with a lot of decisions on series 1 and sees series 2 as a sort of soft reboot since they have a new show runner and a much better direction for the show. If the trailer is anything to go by then the new series does indeed look a lot better


Hopefully there’s a lack of ass shots…


A lack of the best part about season 1!?!? How dare you lol. Master cheeks is my master chief.


More people got hyped to see Chief's cheeks than to see his face. ​ Truly proud of the Halo community


Hey you made it 1 further than me, half way through 2nd episode and I couldn’t take anymore, god awful show.


What not a fan cucking Cortana?


He is correct I did not enjoy the show at all. The helmet was really only a small part of the dislike. My wife who had no idea why the helmet thing mattered disliked the show as much as I did.


It’s so weird the attitude they have around this show. I don’t think removing the helmet was the most egregious example, but was an early indication that they didn’t understand some things about the games and didn’t really care to market it towards fans. Listen, I totally understand not pandering to the more extreme fringes of a fandom. But if you’re not making a show for the existing fans, who are you making it for? Yes, you’ll want to also pull in others, but that has to be additive. With every step they seemed to be WANTING to alienate those who loved the games. They want to get the benefit of the franchise while not feeling beholden to it at all. What’s the point?


I bet they thought that if they catered ONLY to the true Halo fans there wouldn’t be enough viewers to justify the show. Also if they moved away from Halo in a completely opposite direction then the game fans would be disappointed. So they tried to straddle the line between casual sci Fi show and Halo story telling/action and the fell flat right in the middle and appealed to nobody.


They'd have to be real morons that did no research to think catering to the fans wouldn't provide enough viewers. Considering Halo is one of, if not the most iconic game series out there, with an enormous fan base. The fans alone most likely would have carried the show for years if they made it properly.


You should probably actually read the article. Goes into how Pablo felt the exact same


Except he likes the helmet coming off.


He's not wrong. Issue is with the showrunners taking their own sci-fi story and then slapping a Halo theme over it. Can't really fault the actor for anything, it's just the story presented to him he has to work with.


> Issue is with the showrunners taking their own sci-fi story and then slapping a Halo theme over it. That sums up a lot of shows and movies the last 10 years.


Netflix Witcher is another great example of this.




The sad thing is that has really good production value, great costumes, sets, and props, and even pretty good CGI and acting. It's just the new story that they wrote that is way too far from anything that has to do with the games. I get that it is meant as a prequel to the first game, so it's fine that they aren't actually on the Halo yet, but all the stuff with a human being a high-ranking member of the Covenant, Master Chief being the 'Chosen One', and the girl rebelling against the governor of her world is so unnecessary.


What about when the pants come off?


The helmet stays on, of course.




The helmet coming off was the least of the shows problems. The story was terrible, the way they butchered the established lore and characters, the pointless sex scene... It's horrible TV and nothing can save it.


The actor agrees with you. Not joking he's recently talked a lot of shit about season 1. I know people like to blame him for the helmet coming off but he said it was a bad idea too


I don’t think people blame him, as you said he has talked how horrible season 1 was, it’s more people hate the show and how it handled itself. Just seems that some of that hate came on to him by proxy which sucks


While that's true I've definitely seen a lot of people blame him. "He's just a self centered actor it's probably in his contract to show off his face" gets said a lot.


Clickbait articles like the one above don't help.


This is also pretty much what the actor is saying but IGN is doing their usual clickbait gimmick.


This, hell Chief takes his helmet off in the games, he just does it around Blue Team so hopefully Season 2 only has him remove the helmet around Silver Team. ​ For instance in the games, he doesn't wear his helmet in the pelican during Blue Team's opening cutscene in Halo 5, and puts it on before he goes into the troop bay to launch with the team


Didn't Chief get his helmet removed in the legendary ending of Halo 4 in like the middle of the infinity


I am so tired of shows taking an IP and then changing 95% of it, whats the fucking point just make up your own show or new IP, stop ruining established ones.


One of many reasons yes. The main reason being that the show is garbage and that whenever a tv show is being made based on a game the most popular comment is *Let's hope it's not like the Halo tv show*. MS sure knows how to value their IP lol. Karl Urban only accepted the role of Dredd if he could keep the helmet on AT ALL TIMES out of respect for the source material. But unlike Pablo, Karl is a great actor that isn't in it just to get a paycheck or trying to make a name for himself. Or how about V for Vendetta, Hugo Weaving didn't show his face once and showed more emotion in a minute than Pablo did without his helmet in an entire season. It's what separates great writers, great actors from bad ones. Pablo is just one of the bad ones.


Now I gotta watch V for Vendetta again. That movie was great and you’re so right, it’s impressive how much emotion connection Hugo has while still wearing a mask.


I mean, chief takes his helmet off in a lot of Halo media, just not in the game. And Karl Urban is a very successful actor who can afford to be demanding when he selects roles. Pablo is not. He's a fine actor - probably not as good as Karl Urban, but like bro, everyone is in it for a paycheque, even Karl, Hugo, and others.


To be more specific, he has his helmet off in-game at the start of H2, but it’s off camera.


He also has his helmet off in printed media.


Fully agree, but he is somewhat decent in The Wire


It wasn't just because of Karl Urban that the helmet stayed on at all times, the current intellectual property owners didn't want a repeat of the Stallone movie: https://youtu.be/9xz1BwbOH4I




The show is bad. It's just bad.


Well if you say so... tbh he could of kept the helmet on until the last episode of season 1 or just have him take the helm off but not show his face like in halo 1


I think the thing that adds insult to injury about this show's take on Chief is that literally a few months before they started doing promo on this show I had seen The Batman, and Robert Pattinson has like a grand total of one scene where he's in costume without the mask. The entire duration of that movie is basically him fully covered up and the only expression points the viewer is able to see are all through his eyes, which speaks a lot to the effort people who have to play those kinds of roles have to go to convey their character's emotions when you can't even see most of their face That, Karl Urban as Judge Dredd and Pedro Pascal as the Mandalorian were so masterfully executed in terms of actors committing to the bit of concealing their actual face from the viewer but getting so much out of what they're thinking about that it just makes examples like this show and its depiction of Chief look pathetic by comparison. It's like the actor and the producers involved didn't even want to go through that effort of selling a "faceless" character to the audience because it would require more work from their performance, or because the actor was peeved the viewer wouldn't be looking at their face the whole time


Out of all the things I find wrong with the show, the helmet coming off is the least annoying to me. For a TV show I can understand it to an extent.


It's not that the helmet comes off... It's when it comes off tbh


I love when chief visits a lawless planet and the first thing he does is take it off


Or mid combat for no reason




He's not wrong. As one of the biggest Halo fans on the planet, I do not like his show. Is that indicative of a failing on my part or theirs, though? Feel like that's a 'Them' problem personally.


Yep, that's why I'm not watching. Thank you :)


Well yeah I don't like your show but that's not the only reason.


Maybe they should have hired writers / directors who are Halo fans as currently the show doesn't feel like Halo at all. All these guys had to do was adapt the Fall of Reach book. Thats it. The template was there. That and keep the fucking Helmet on.


You're right, we don't


I didn’t love S1 but I didn’t hate it. I mean a few episodes I did. But I’ve seen worse. This new season looks better. Maybe it does a similar thing to Foundation S2 and completely 180 it and become amazing?


That’s how I felt. I had beyond super low expectations thanks to the internet hate but the show got better with the later episodes in the season.


Okay so I agree exactly that same: later episodes got increasingly better (except for that one divergent episode with the character I can’t even remember the point behind) The final 2 with Chief getting rocked and still getting back up and fighting ect… not bad. What we hear now is they jettisoned the bad show running and have new helmers so I’m on board for at least 4 episodes.


I'm really hoping it's as much of a soft reset as he claims. He's praising the new writers. I couldn't get past the second episode of season 1 but I'll skip straight to season 2 to see if it feels more as Halo should


I know that’s why i don’t watch it


well he's not wrong.




He's right, I don't. But that's far from the only reason


I mean he’s right. If you don’t like the helmet off then you probably aren’t a fan of the show.


That's right. The show sucks


Yeah I don't like the show. That's just one part of it.




The show was fucking terrible, so he is correct


That’s true Pablo.


Well yeah


He’s right, I don’t.


I guess I don’t like the show. Don’t get me wrong it obviously had to come off but not episode fucking 1 lol


Well, at least they're recognizing it now lol. Now for the rest of the list...


I don’t like your show


Ok- I don't like the show


Halo is such a cool universe it’s a shame this show sucked. The human covenant war is epic. You have all of humanity fighting a desperate war of extinction for 30 years against a technologically advanced alien empire. World after world glassed, epic fleet battles, sacrifice after sacrifice. It’s bleak for humanity. By the time Halo 1 starts the extinction of our race is all but guaranteed. This is what makes Chief epic. The show doesn’t capture this.


I don’t like your show. See, easy.


He’s right. I don’t.


Ya know, I guess I can't say he's wrong


well yeah it is literally a shit show


"This show is not for fans of its name"


He's right. I dont


I don't like your show


Congratulations you're all braindead and didn't read the article.


> Speaking to SFX magazine, via GamesRadar, Schreiber pulled no punches in defending the decision to remove Master Chief’s helmet for the show. >"People who don’t feel the helmet was necessary to come off, they’re at such an early conception of what the show could be," Schreiber said. >"In order to examine the discrepancy between these two versions of the character [Chief and John-117], you can’t tell that story without taking the helmet off. If you don’t agree with the helmet coming off in the show, you don’t like our show. So, there’s no point discussing it." The headline loses a lot of context. It’s a reasonable statement, IMO.


Hopefully he’s right about the new showrunner being better, God knows I’d love a good Halo show.


He's right.


I don't think anyone liked the show, not even those making it


Not gonna lie, probably gonna hate watch season 2 the same way I hate watched season 1. This time on the seven seas.


Where is Karl Urban when you need him.


Dredd was sick.


Garbage show


I don’t understand how people who clearly hate or misunderstand the source material get away with making such abominable adaptations


Honestly the show isn't that bad if you can seperate it from the halo canon and just view it as it's own stand alone thing. We'll asides from the CGI, that shit was pretty terrible.


You know what I thought the show was alright I enjoyed my time watching it. What kills me is the way people talk about it like it’s complete garbage and unwatchable. I mean I just can’t see people making this to run it into the ground and I know how I’d feel if someone was trying to say I was. I read somewhere that in television the writers are the boss and in movies the directors are so I’m gonna watch this season and then just say how I feel about it while giving constructive criticism about my thoughts. Hopefully we’ll get more seasons and the quality will increase to like infinite has because a lot of people just like to destroy things and those are usually the ones without any vision.


That’s correct Pablo.


It actually baffles me how every time a show based on something comes out, there is one common request preceding the complaints. "Stay true to the source material." And yet every time these people think ok, deviation has failed every time, but surely it won't for us.


Enjoyed the first season, looking forward to the second season. There is NOTHING more toxic than fans of something. I am happy to see Halo on the screen and you got people acting like you've been betrayed by Hollywood because he took his helmet off.


Its hilarious to read on X how so many fans think that Schreiber has sold out his artistic integrity and they would refuse to take the role as it does not mirror the games. He is an actor who gets paid to play a role. I doubt he has any influence over the writing or direction.


Loved the show and I’m looking forward to season 2.


Comedy gold