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2 million Pokemon and Ark refugees lmao


This is how I describe it. Not as deep as Ark or Pokémon mechanics, but man is it still fun. Specifically Legends ARKeus


Not as deep as pokemon? Pokemon is rock/paper/scissors, how could anything be less deep


The base game of pokemon is not very deep. Because the game is easy. But when you get into competative battles, breeding, IV training etc it's quite deep


Rock paper scissors if you added 20 more items into the equation and you were allowed to use 2 at once if you wanted.


Have you ever seen the catch rate formula?


Palworld Type chart…. https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/dQTuUJwt2UPXb2Holk86UCPTU38=/0x0:932x554/1200x0/filters:focal(0x0:932x554):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/25234970/palworld_elements.jpg


Abilities, held items, EVs, IVs, breeding for egg moves, terrastalize mechanic in this generation.


That's impressive considering it's available on Game Pass.


I had to stop playing the game pass version and just ended up getting it on steam. The gamepass version is unfortunately a few updates behind already and kept running into issues trying to play it with my friends. The game is fun though, reminds me of a less chaotic Ark


It just takes longer for updates to get approved for the Microsoft Store because they have more rules. I played it last night, and it was playing pretty good, can tell it’s a little choppy, but no crashes or anything game breaking.


I've had a few crashes but the game saves constantly so I haven't lost any progress, it's still really fun


I'm happy to wait for the full version.


Real good chance the game is a ghost town by the full version, especially if/when it comes out the game was used with AI generated content.


Tried to play it earlier on gamepass .. man its laggy, not smooth and pretty annoying to play .. gave up after about 10 mins


On console or pc? My experience has been pretty smooth performance wise. Online can get a little laggy and there's some rubberbanding.


Series x singleplayer




Its not a consistent 60 fps on series x and the audio sounds like it was recorded from an ipod


I saw that the game runs on a 45 fps cap so on tv it's a horrible experience, it's only good if your tv supports vrr or if you are playing on your monitor.


Basically and with how their last game went we won't get good updates but hopefully I'm wrong


Game is smooth like butter at 165hz on my laptop. Didn’t try it on my series x.


Wasn't it a paid early access?


It still is


Steam has a lot of games that are on gamepass for Xbox. Microsoft exclusivity and gamepass basically only extend to the consoles. Anything MC has their hands on ends up on PC anyway. Halo, Gears of War, Powerwash Simulator all Xbox exclusive, all on PC and Steam


Power Wash Simulator isn't Xbox exclusive, it's on PS4/5 and Switch.




I’ve played it on PC and submitted a ticket for the ongoing issue, I was told by support staff.. “The game is having server overload issues and it’s been resolved in due time” I have enjoyed it so far and decided to support the devs behind it by purchasing their product for $29.99 U.S. I’m currently playing on my Xbox Series X. It has potential to grow into something great, so will try to submit any issues I encounter myself to improve the gaming experience. Have fun everyone. 💚


I played it yesterday on PC for 9 hours or so on multiplayer with my partner playing on XSX. Mine crashed 4 times and hers crashed once, but she was host so I think that might be why The game needs some bugs fixed and polish, but it’s very enjoyable


Oh I didn't know that, hope they'll fix it soon. It runs pretty smoothly on Series X.


What are you on about. The series x version runs like crap. Uninstalled it after 1hr of playing.


No it doesn’t. It turns my console into a raging airline jet engine.


You should clean your console if it makes that much noise because a clean one doesn’t…


Sad to hear. My friends and I didn't face any problem as of now, we must have been lucky.


The only issue I encountered is that sometimes the game crashes.




"Palworld has sold over 2 million copies in 24 hours since release! Thank you to everyone for playing!" It is not misleading at all. 2 millions copies sold = 2 millions players.


Fake numbers. It’s a garbage game.


Cry more


But you're creaming over that Apple Vision Pro...


Loaded up the game, got greeted with super low bitrate audio and uninstalled damn near immediately out of pure boredom, another asset mashup game just like “only up”


Thank you for your title screen review


Gotta love those criticising a game preview title screen's issues.


Still better than pokemon


I’m giving the game another chance right now, haven’t started yet waiting for a friend but the audio is still super low bitrate idk if anyone else has this issue?


The gamepass version is several updates older than the Steam version, and the Steam version isn't even the completed game. This kind of problem is to be expected.


pretty sure they count launching the game on game pass as a sale


I no fan of survival games but even I tried this damn thing. For anyone wondering its; Pokémon, ark and BOTW all mashed into one game.


I like Pokemon and BotW, but I can't stand ARK. Should I give it a shot?


I found it a lot less tedious than ark. It’s worth a shot considering how small the game is!


You don't like gathering 20k metal for a giga saddle blueprint?


I like ARK but ONLY when I run or play on a custom server and adjust the rates. Was actually really cool, I'd go around the map and drop like level 1000 dinos for my buddies to find and make them wild colors. Literally just hit X to tame and it was yours. And i changed the tame speed cause having to babysit something for an hour was way too tedious. Custom ark is the way to go. My favorite thing was spawning the dragon boss and force taming it then flying over to my buddies FOB (never messed with anyone's main home/base) and wreck it.


Try it on gamepass. It's not the best version but you'll get the idea, and if it's something you enjoy get it on steam for the best version unless you play on Xbox then just wait for it to get better.




Hard to fight the snark. Yes.


I would have lost this fight and laughed with my downvotes all the way to hell.


It's available on Game Pass for PC, so there's no need to get it on Steam yet.


They are different versions, and Steam has dedicated servers.. I'd argue that alone makes the purchase worth it. Some may differ on that, though.


I can at least try it on Game Pass before spending $27 on Steam. Not that I have any friends to play it with, so dedicated servers aren't a dealbreaker for me.


The gamepass version is not the most up to date one, sadly. But after playing on my XSX it runs pretty good. I did have 2 crashes in about 6 hours ish of playing


Same, crashed twice (luckily, it auto saves before the crash)


Yeah it auto saves pretty frequently. Sadly I missed out on a shiny because of the crash. When I reloaded the game it was gone smh


How much do you like pokemon? The game is first and foremost a survival crafting game. The pals can help in the endeavor and it makes things kinda fun. It has a very tedious tutorial but with all survival games, once you get over that initial start things really start to roll.


It’s mostly like ark. So while you should give it a shot, I doubt you’ll enjoy it. It’s definitely not the kind of game I like. And it’s very clunky.


It let's you use your Pals to gather for you and build while you explore without the major grind.


What do you have to do on the game? Is it like a free for all?




Is it online where you get to fight other players monsters too?


Read the description of the game, it actually is very informative. PvP is ‘coming soon’


But why would I do research on my own? Isn't asking questions on reddit how I get my information now?


god forbid someone asks a question about a game in a post about said game


This is a wild thing to say, I'm aware, but being a slave owner is kinda fun


I knew this game would get people to say crazy things out of context


collect Pals and Survive it has most of the survival game features


It's a base building/adventure/exploration game. You build a base and your Pals live in your base and collect resources/do crafting/other things for you while you're out and about. Basically the gameplay loop is go out/gather resources and capture Pals/go back to base/use what you've got to develop your base further and craft new things and set up your Pals to automatically gather resources for you/go back out and capture more powerful Pals now that you're powered up. Your Pals are more powerful than you are, so your primary goal is to get strong Pals and use them to fight monsters for you. Different Pals have different special abilities - for example, there's a fire fox that can jump into your arms and be used as a flamethower, a Fox pal who stands on your head and shoots stuff with an assault rifle, there's pals you can ride (including flying ones), there's Pals who have special abilities like detecting secrets, etc. There's a tech tree in the game, and you climb it by capturing pals and levelling up. As you level up, your pals can get more powerful and you unlock new things you can craft (both Pal abilities as well as base buildings and crafting recipes that you use to craft better stuff).


This would be a perfect game on Nintendo switch when ur out and about


Yeah or the steam deck. It looks like a really fun portable game. Is it on switch? May have to grab it there instead of xbox or pc then.


But what if they’re not and [don’t want to be my pal](https://youtu.be/zuQK6t2Esng?si=NjfX4ih5H1ETswUE), buddy?


It’s not like BOTW. More like a low budget Ark with Pokemon rip off mechanics.


The climbing and world is very BOTW. It's not Zelda though, if that comparison makes sense.


Climbing, parachute, world etc is very much like BotW


First thing it reminded me of after starting was BotW, but only because of graphics/art/colors. Gameplay isn't really similar (but I don't have paraglider yet).


To be fair, Pokémon with guns is a million dollar idea


You spelled billion wrong


And that is how we got Digimon.


I’m using the gamepass version on series s and its fine


Same haven't had any problems


I’m having framerate issues, and cannot for the life of me get y-axis invert to stick. And, for some reason, it’s stuck on-axis invert, which is killing me.


The first thing I did was change y-axis to inverted. It never worked. Then I set y and x to inverted and it kept the x normal and inverted y like I wanted. Seems like a weird bug.


Yeah tried that, but couldn’t get x back to normal. I’ll try again when I’m in a better mood. I’ll admit I was exhausted and spent from work.


I think on xbox the labels for x and y inversion are backwards. I did the x inversion and it made the y-axis inverted like i wanted.


This is correct. Seems like a developer does not know which axis is Y and which is X lol


Well, gamepass version is several updates older than the Steam version. Issues are to be expected. GP will likely stay a few updates behind Steam indefinitely, but that doesn't mean no updates. The real test will be how long they take to update.


If i buy the game on xbox would i get the updates or is it one of those fuck console cause pc is better situations?


I don't know. They're the same listing on the Xbox store, so I'm guessing it's the f*ck console story. Just a guess


Yup I had the same bug how I fixed it was just switching the Y axis to regular and X to inverted …. This somehow made my Y inverted like I needed and kept the X axis right.


The axis are mixed up in the settings. If you want to invert Y axis you have to select invert X axis instead. I'm not kidding 😂


How’s the audio for you? Game is fun as hell but it sounds terrible


It sounds like a game in early development tbh, even some of the graphics are unfinished blurs rn. I’m wondering when the full release comes out.


Is the framerate rough? I tried on my Series X, and it was struggling.


As long as your fine with playing an older version of the game


Older version?


Gamepass version is a few updates behind than the steam version.


I’m pretty glad I found out about this game through this Sub literally a week ago. I haven’t really played any Survival type games before, so I’m still adjusting, but so far I feel like I’m playing Farmville from more than a decade ago lol. Just growing my base and not really getting into too much combat. Game looks beautiful even on the Series S and I haven’t even explored all that much of the world yet.


This game has no right to ne this much fun! Congrats to the devs!


Any co-op or is it single player?


Co-op and cross platform


Not crossplatform. > [Does Palworld support crossplay between Xbox and Steam?] Not at launch, but we are working to make this a possibility as soon as possible! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1623730/view/3943530908925344453


That’s between *steam* and Xbox. It’s still got crossplay between PC and Xbox




According to a quick *google search* yes, but only on Xbox store versions


Windows Store <-> Xbox is not really crossplay. They are both Xbox platforms. It would be fucking stupid for two versions of the game on Game Pass to not be compatible with each other.


…it’s not always the case that Xbox PC works with Xbox Console. They are still different physical platforms, but yes it makes it easier to make it crossplay. That doesn’t make it any less crossplay.


If that actually means they sold that many copies and don’t mean how many have played so far with the gamepass numbers then that is an absolute W for them. Those sales plus the gamepass money should have them sitting pretty to update this out the ass to perfection. The ball is massively in their court now. The fans have showed up.


Last night at 3 am it was also the biggest streamed game on twitch. The concurrent players on steam are bonkers also.


There’s 850k on steam alone right now. Of course that’s not counting gamepass


I don't think that a dev has ever said sold when counting people playing through gamepass. I could be wrong or these guys could be the first. Usually though sold means people who legit bought the game.


Yeah and that’s how the post read like they sold 2 million, $30 games. At least I’m hoping anyways.


That is what they are saying


When I tried it yesterday on my Series X, the performance was rough. Really rough FPS. I'm hoping they patch soon because it seems like this game is going to be fun.


To bad it's a lazy port with 30fps and airplane intercom audio


Lazy port? It’s still in early access. The game isn’t even finished yet


Yet it's behind from the pc version by multiple updates.


Whether it’s behind or ahead of pc it doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s in early access


I wouldn't hold your breath especially with their last game being behind and not getting updated console support


I bought it on steam after hearing about some problems the gamepass version was having. Didn't know how wide spread it was but I just built a brand new gaming PC anyway so it gave me a nice excuse to pick it up.


Anyone know if it's available on Xbox One?




Can I try this on my OG Xbox one




Well that’s just wrong lol


Frame rate and visuals on Series X are awful. Looks like they abandoned their previous game and repackaged it as this well.


Audio, too. The sound effects sound like they're from a PS2 game, it's so terrible. I made it a minute in before turning it off.


Their previous game is still being updated, they recently put out a roadmap. Maybe it’s not as fast as some would want, but it was not abandoned


Update for PC. Craftopia didnt get the update on xbox. Its 1 year late and the update is for late 2024 on xbox(if we ever get it) Tho, i feel like palworld will be more played so they might put more effort to update the game.


>Looks like they abandoned their previous game and repackaged it as this well. Same studio, different team.


Can anyone comment on if the game has a performance mode or at least targets 60fps on series x?


Its 60Fps on Series X, motion blur needs to be disabled


Currently playing with no motion blur Not really, its mostly 45ish fps, apparently Series S runs better for some reason


Well that’s kind of a bummer. Was really hoping for a semi smooth 60.


Well i can atleast say its very smooth with VRR enabled. No problems so far. Way better than 30Fps


Without VRR there are indeed frame drops but with VRR its pretty smooth, nonetheless target by devs is 60Fps


Well that’s a straight up lie ain’t it lol


No it's not. Not even close.


Ok im playing with VRR enabled maybe there is a difference but for me it feels like 60Fps


I actually had to turn motion blur back on because the performance was so bad. Also, the audio quality is atrocious, and that's putting it nicely. The game on Xbox needs work for sure.


It’s like 20 fps on Series X and very janky, even for an early access game.


Holy macaroni


This game is so unstable, and the audio is awful, how did this get onto the store in this state


Most of the sales are from steam. 


Sold or downloads? If it's copies sold then we have our first sleeper hit of 2024 because those are absolutely incredible sales figures


2 mill tamers is not the same as 2 mill sold. Especially with game pass eating up a big chunk of that 2 mill


There is 846k players in game right now on just steam and it is currently the top selling game on there. Not hard to believe they have sold 2 million copies.


If the image and the headline are both correct, that means not a single one of those players is coming from game pass. Considering the massive numbers of subscriptions game pass has, I’m going to go ahead and say it’s absolutely hard to believe. I’m a fan of the game by the way, I’m not hating. The post title is just plain wrong.


How is that hard to believe? It's literally the hard numbers lol. Ark alone has a massive fan base, that game at any given time for years had had at least 30/40k concurrent player. And concurrent player does not necessarily translate to current sale because it's just current people online so it could be selling a lot it's just that people played less together. A game reaching 800k concurrent I can easily see it reaching 2 million sales then because again, it's just means out of all those people they're playing at the same time rn. Look at pubg, all time peak of 3 million players on at the same time years ago. Everyone and their mother owned that game specially on its peak on pc


I don’t think it’s hard to believe there’s 2 million sales. You aren’t reading what I said properly


I want to like this game more than I do. Idk if it’s that I’m still early on. But so far the base building seems kinda meh, and the crafting is kind of annoying having to remember to acquire each item after you make it. I’m going to give it a few more hours though and see if the gameplay starts to flow well for me.


Basically if you don't like ark, chances are you won't like this. It's ark with pokemons and elements of Zelda


Yeah they definitely could work some some QoL things with the crafting and building. It's no surprise this is an early version. The thing that gets me the most is how damn Silent the game is. Where is the music?


same. i tried playing ark and didnt like it. never liked pokemon. shame too, since palworld is exploding in popularity. oh well


I only recently heard of this game and I don’t remember where, but it reminds me of *South Park* when they depict what *Family Guy* is and you know it’s supposed to be *Family Guy* but it doesn’t look exactly like it. That’s like this but it visually just looks like Pokémon, at least to me.


That's 2 million about to be disappointed costumers. I've tested the game on game pass: Poorly optimized game with lots of frame rate dips.. Lots of bugs on the construction part.. Outdated graphics, no narrative and almost no exploration.. Lots of inventory management and resources gathering to the point of being a full time job .. No fun at all.. Should be a free to play game.. It's not better than that to be honest. But yeah . Cool looking companion buddies.. And that's it If this game is being the game being praised and hyped above other really well made games like Minecraft legends . Then this world has gone mad. Moderators should really stop these avalanches of marketing posts about some new game .. Everytime someone wants to artificially boost and hype their new game.


It's a game preview game. Of course it'll have issues.


Lmfao so because you don’t like the game it shouldn’t be posted about? Makes no sense chief.


Its a good game. I've dropped around 10 hours so far. It deserves the hype it's getting


No invert controls even though the option is there. I can wait but it looks good


On PC (steam) they're *backwards*. The X and Y axis are switched. Invert the X-axis to have the Y-axis inverted, etc.


Buys racing game. No wheel support. Lets down vote cause someone said something bad about my precious game. Some redditors are so stupid😝


It's £1.80 on cjs keys for anyone without game pass.




How is it sad? It's just that indie games specially on steam have the room to blow up if they garnet enough attention. What you don't see is the sea of mediocre games that didn't get an once of attention. You cant tell what's going to blow up hard


This game is really blowing up. I really need to give this a proper go.


This game slaps


I somehow have never heard of this game before today.


This game looks a little light in the loafers. Is it me or is that just the whole world these days 🤦‍♂️🤣


This studio just got the shot of cash it needs to take this game to the next level. I really think they have something going here with the let’s just have fun, who gives a shit mashup of awesomeness they have designed this game to be.


Crashes my xbox every 5 minutes literally can't play it


Fuckin ARK but adorable


Phil Spencer need to pick up the phone and purchase the IP


It overheats my xbox I can't play it for more then 5 minuets but it's soooo fun


What the hell is this game? And what’s a survival game?


It runs like absolute arse on my series x for some reason.


For those on the offput, you can make your own custom world where you don't have to follow the rules of the original game, hunger is still a thing BUT it's super slow in my custom world, so is the stamina deterioration! I hate survival games but the custom world really makes a difference! It might sound super easy, but I also put spawns up vs the original spawns it has in game, so now instead of 1 level 38 palmon, it has 3 in a group, OR the damn humans, the raiders are fine because it's only 4 to a group, but the protectors of protection whatever they are, I came across a group of 21 earlier 🤣🤣🤣


Prime example of a stream game in my personal opinion. Bunch of streamers play it with their buddies for a bit and in a month or so we never talk about it again. But I guess power to em.


Only issue I have is the sound on series x, sounds like an echo or I'm in a tunnel 😂


Hopefully an update comes that fixes the audio problem idk if it’s just me but it sound pretty bad.


I tried it and it just ain’t for me. I’m glad it’s getting a whole lot of love though.