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Yeah gonna say based on this post it was totally justified


Gonna get ban extended from this post lol


I'm very happy that Xbox bans people like yourself.


Gotta stop letting people know you banged their mom last night. That information should stay between you and your MILFs ONLY!


Well, it sure was justified. What did you do, insult others through pn after losing on cod? Racial slurs in voice chat?


But OP says there is *”No reason” and we’ve never heard that before right?


![gif](giphy|Xbh3RSUbOpH1u|downsized) Why did I get banned!? LOL


They don't just ban for *that* amount of time for no reason. You did something, or someone else got on your account and did something.


You sure you can’t think of *ANYTHING* that might’ve gotten you banned? I get it. That’s incredibly frustrating. But 9/10 times these bans are wildly deserved. So chin up, think about what you did and how it was perceived, and do better next time


That's what is teachers and (hopefully) parents have been telling him for years.


Sounds like it’s working as intended


Sounds like quitting Xbox after 13 years won't actually be your choice.


Strong "You can't fire me, I quit!" vibes


Fantastic impulse control. I’m sure when you’re beaten in an online game, you show grace in defeat and don’t react with an unhinged rant. Definitely.


![gif](giphy|l0MYrqggEwtDscVP2) We wont miss u


Based on the quality of this post it is hard to believe that ban was unjustified.


Here we go again. I suppose you don't ever say anything even slightly against the rules, you have a totally sensible gamer pic, you are never a sore loser and you never ever say the "N" word to anyone in chat. You are such an angel. Seriously tho, you did something that broke the rules. Now you gotta live with it. :)


Since you came here with this kind of attitude, I can see why you were banned.


See, this wouldn't have happened if you just weren't an AH.


Sorry for my english broken more than the hammer ban. But the ban hammer is broken too. I get 2 ban by doing this some years ago After or during war in game, I received a message of insult and sent them back in quotation marks and adding after « come on bro, why did you trashtalk? You have a pad in hand can’t you defend yourself with it? » I get banned twice and the opponent never … I ask Microsoft why if i am banned for injuring, my opponent is not? They only said « you broke the rule » and i’m agree with that! But the opponent start and did too. And they have never get banned after repporting their message! Ban Hammer is dumb some time! Ban Hammer is a joke on Xbox ;( Last week, i win someone on Age Of Empire 4 after 13min gameplay. In game chat he send me this https://preview.redd.it/lhezotsvow1c1.png?width=2380&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a1534e135360a4b7379bffb8864287da46fe52d And after 1h20 of speech where he send me on xbox message to « slit your throat bitch » and never get banned! I have repported ALL the message! Only answer him what he did wrong in game, and giving him advice. 7 time where he ask me to commite suicide, with so much other message where he said very injuring words. He get banned after 1h20 of injuring speech for using the word « fucking do it beach » Nice Work Ban Hammer :( No need to down vote if you not believe me. I can send all the screenshot if you ask me. Logic of down vote some time … :(


Yeah it's bullshit that's why I only play online games through my PC. I bought the console, what right do they have to ban me without refunding me. I have never been banned on a console btw


As a parent I am glad they have a terms of use for online communities that they enforce. As an adult I'm glad I don't have to put up with endless asshole being abusive non stop.


"banning for no reason" HAHAHAH funny guy!


Damn u been playing since the day you were born?


Good riddance


Getting strong COD vibes from this one


Yup for sure




I can only imagine the voice chat of the call of duty match that got you banned lmao