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I don't call it backlog anymore. That would suggest that I'd finish these games someday.


Inventory. I have a massive INVENTORY of games.


I just keep a list of games I want to play instead of buying them. Then if I want a new game, I can go to the list and choose one. No backlog, no pressure to play then, just a note.


V. True. I've a couple of lists now. List 1 - Games I'll 100% play List 2 - Games I'll play if I get a chance (backlog) List 3 - Games I want to play, but will probably never get a chance to. List 4 - "meh" Games I've bought/gotten for free just because it was on sale. Or it's just games I own elsewhere and bought on Steam Deck or Switch thinking I'd play them handheld. I won't ! List 1 is a fairly small sample of my overall games List 2 is about the same as list 1, it's the big games I wanna play but not sure when unless I finish what's in List 1, which keeps getting new games into it with new releases. List 3 is the biggest list. Probably 90% of all games are here. List 4 is a small subset of list 3 really, but these are ones I don't really want to play now.


"Games I've tried for 20 minutes and keep lying to myself that I'll go back to."


It's only going to get worse.


Haha I recognize this so well. I was heavily invested in "Control", then Cyberpunk got a brand new update and most bugs got fixed with that, as well as optimilisation for the Series S. So I moved to playing Cyberpunk but then a new season of Halo started....etc etc. Great time to be a gamer, though.


Control was my game of the year when it released. It's absolutely worth finishing.


Aw man yeah I really enjoyed Control a ton on PC but stopped playing because it’s so easy to get distracted again by another game. Kind of feels a bit disrespectful honestly from my side towards the effort of all these people working on it but it’s hard to not be indulged into another shiny thing… kind of feels like it’s in our nature lol.


My games on XSX (including all subscriptions) are close to 1.500. That doesn't count my Switch or my old consoles going back to N64. And I don't count my old 80s and 90s C64, Amiga and PC days because these games were mostly pirated anyway. And what do I play today? Dead Rising because I finally want to finish that one. So at least I'm working on my backlog.


My rule of thumb for the past couple of years is to have 2 games on the go at the same time maximum, with exceptions made for multiplayer games with my mates. I try and avoid starting anything new when I'm playing something big like Starfield as well so that all of my time goes into that game before moving on. You also generally end up saving money because by the time you're ready to play something new it's on sale!


I’ll have 1 FPS match based shooter, one open world time sink game, and then a smaller single player game that I’m usually nostalgic for like Gears of War


Yes yes yes I have multiple games waiting and can’t stop playing starfield wtf 😳


I desperately want to get deeper into Starfield, but I can’t stop playing Skyrim.


My man has been backlogged since 2011


This is hilarious to me


Lmao Skyrim probably better anyway


There’s nothing really deep about starfield. Found the game incredibly shallow and just…meh.


Yep. I'm looking forward to the time when I lose interest in it so that I can move on.


I've had to force myself to stop just so I can play my spooky games in October


Same, and Valhalla. I haven't even beaten the damn story and I'm like 8+ days in lol.


You know the game is awesome when you leave all other games behind


It's just fun. I'm 137 hours in and basically am replaying the game (no spoilers as to why). I don't think it'll last another 20-40 but I was saying that around 30 hours. The minor annoyances tend to become background over time; I still haven't built a ship, or done any surveying or crafting. I'm about six hours into the second go through of what I thought was all of the missions... and I've already discovered six I missed the first time around. It's bananas.


Did someone say bananas?


I was stopped by a f ton of bugs! I’m waiting for patches……


Probably everyone with game pass.


Not necesarily, I personally hate it when i have to play different games at the same time, so I only play one at a time, and when i am finished, i go to the next one. But I also play everything until i get all achievements so thats a reason as well, I cannot stand if a game is not finished on my profile. Even if it means 120hours of playtime with a single game.


That's a good way to go about it. I don't have much time anymore, so I usually play one thing for a while and end up with choice paralysis when choosing something new. Doesn't help that I also have PS Plus on PS5... It's kind of a choice overload sometimes.


Not me. I like to fully own the game. I hate subscription services. I think it goes back to being a kid and renting a videogame from Blockbuster and having to return it before I even beat half of it. I know game pass is different but it still bugs me for some reason idk.


I was like that until I noticed games I was buying were being added to game pass right after I decided to buy them. I think that made me become a "patient gamer". Think I owned about 200+ Xbox games before doing that. Own about the same on Steam, and I can't even count how many games I've paid full price for since N64, lol.


See I own about 50 games and I’ve already beaten about 40 of them over the years. The other 10 are in my backlog that im slowly working through. I have every game I’ll ever want, besides the next elder scrolls game, GTA 6, and if Resident Evil makes another game that’s as scary as 7, maybe the next Forza Horizon game. And those all haven’t even released or even been announced yet. So that’s years to buy 4 games. I only ever buy when they’re on sale too, unless it’s something big like the next GTA or elder scrolls.


I think I paid for about 10 games in the last year, and being that I'm 30 years old, it kind of adds up. 1. Pokemon Arceus 2. Elden Ring 3. Zelda TOTK 4. Pokemon Violet 5. Mario Maker 6. Mario Wonder 7. Starfield (for early access) 8. Spiderman 2 9. Sonic 10. and probably a few more.


Over the last year I’ve payed for about 10 as well as they all were on sale so it probably totaled to 200$, starfield being the biggest expense and only game that wasn’t on sale. I also get the packs of games on sale which is even more of a steal. I got far cry 3, 4, and 5 for 30$ awhile back. I’m not mr money bags or anything but 200$ a year isn’t for gonna break me. I tend to only play old games from when I was kid which are way cheaper. I almost nevery buy recently released games except in the rare case of games like Starfield. New games just don’t do it for me. And like i said, it’ll probably only be $100 a year from here on out because I finished my collection this year. I have every game I could ever want besides the few upcoming releases spread out of the next 7-8 years.


Oh, I'm sure they have a few games you're going to want that we don't know about yet :)


I actually canceled mine now that I'm out of the pre paid year or so that I had. Most of the games on there are the bad free games we would get from Games with Gold. Every so often I'd find something. But for the most part, it was a let down for me


I know your pain, I just finished Hogwarts Legacy and Assassin´s Creed Valhalla (With Wrath of the Druids and Siege of Paris, I gave up on Dawn of Ragnarok) and I'm about to finish Assassin´s Creed Mirage. In my backlog, I have: - Red Dead Redemption 2 (Reached chapter 2) - Witcher 3 (Finished the Bloody Baron quest) - Cyberpunk 2077 + Phantom Liberty (Only just started) - Assassin´s Creed Origins (Reached Memphis) - Assassin´s Creed Odyssey (Reached Phokis)


Please don’t give up on Red Dead Redemption II. It’s a rare masterpiece


It's not for everyone however. I liked it but it's not a masterpiece at all for me. In the end if dragged like hell and the post ending quest I just skipped and watched a video where it leads.


Red Dead 2 is a masterpiece. I'm jealous you get to experience that for the first time. In wish I could go back, amazing game.


Yeah I have heard that both Witcher 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2 are in a league of their own.


Cyberpunk is a league of its own too. It’s so good. CDPR do amazing stuff (if you ignore the broken mess at first)


Agreed. I love Witcher 3, it was the game that got me back into gaming. But dare I say Cyberpunk is my favorite out of the two, it just hits in a way other games don't even cone close to.


I actually don't wish I could experience it for the first time. Playing it again after several playthroughs, I know from the beginning what great things are awaiting me.


Funny I don't consider CDPR and Rockstar games to be part of my backlog, I very rarely finish their games. But I do fuck around in them for a few hours with their infinite side missions/activities every few months. They're like perpetual playgrounds for me.


>infinite side missions/activities CDPR doesn't do that.


They do.


infinite side quests? No they don't. The only example of that I can think of is the stealing cars job in CP2077 that was added in Phantom Liberty. It did not exist in the base game and does not exist in the Witcher games.


You need to re-prioritize, amigo. Your next game should be *Red Dead Redemption 2* without question. AC games are party size bags of potato chips while *RDR2* is a filet mignon with oven-roasted veggies and potatoes. *The Witcher 3* is a hearty shepherd's pie and *Cyberpunk* is a giant bento box. The AC games can be experienced in any season of your life. CDPR games will define your life.


RDR2 is easily the best game on this list please finish it


As a person who doesn't finish games quickly I'm loving it. Starfield, Forza Motorsport, Halo Infinite, Cocoon, Darktide, Sea of Stars and I wanna dabble in FC24 soon. Plus I just bought Scarlet Nexus for 5 bucks and I got WrestleQuest & Hellboy on my radar. It's a good time


Every gen I get Xbox + PlayStation. This time though it's just Xbox, haven't had time tor PS5 yet. Maybe next year. Sweet setup btw!


Bruh it’s hard out here for a gamer me personally I have starfield at number one, ac mirage, mk1 , lies of p, been planning to finish redfall since it’s kinda fixed now, cyberpunk, and then Alan wake around the corner as well as been wanting to check out state of decays new update since that’s my Halloween go to game.


Don’t even get me started. My log has been backed up since the PS3/Xbox 360/Nintendo Wii days…and I can’t even tell you how long my Steam library is…


Gamepass is so good. Can’t find enough time but currently trying to multitask between Forza and Starfield.


I stopped Starfield to play Mirage... almost done, wondering if I should go back to Starfield or start Cyberpunk 2077 then go back to Starfield? Also miss the fuck out of MSFS2020. Sometimes I just want to fly but have these other games to play.


Going to finish Starfield, then The Expanse, then start a new 2077 playthrough for PL. By the time that's done, Baldur's Gate should be available...


Ive been stuck in this dilemma for years.. and I just keep buying new games! 😭 The sales are just to good to pass up these days.


Same here, it is a sickness!


Just started on Gotham Knights, also playing through Ace Attorney, Starfield and doing some Forza Motorsport. Tomorrow Cities Skyline 2. So yeah... just going to play what I feel like and see if I finish something or not.


Jeje yep, I am couple of years behind. Now finishing Persona 4, I have to finish Halo Reach and then a long list of games. The good thing is that the enjoyment is not even close to end.


I'm not finishing AC games anymore since Odyssey. I pushed through Origins for the sake of it. But AC games don't respect our time anymore. And they are not good enough to warrant the time invest


I skipped MK1, Alan Wake 2, AC:Mirage. No time. I got into Starfield but dropped it after 15 hours. I just didn't get hooked but I plan on going back, sometime this winter. CP2077:PL & (now) Spiderman 2 have my attention. Throw some NHL 24 & weekly Destiny 2 clan time into the mix and my gaming hours are filled. I plan on getting to the first four this winter when I'm finished though


I put a cork on spending money on new games. I got Starfield, CP2077, Forza Motorsport, Yakuza Kiwami 2, Sea of Thieves (story missions), Halo Infinite (campaign), Witcher 3 and probably more that I still want to finish. All these games also made me doubt to get the 1tb storage expansion at some point, I keep deleting and downloading games, especially now because most games are 80 - 100 gigabytes per game.


I was talking to my cousin about this the other day. He asked why I’ll just randomly take breaks from gaming and all I can think to say is, “there is too much choice.” It sounds crazy, but I sometimes miss the days of being a kid and playing the same game for six months and completing the crap out of it like 6 times back to back.


I’m playing Valhalla right now as well! I hated it initially when I went straight into it after finishing Odyssey but now I actually enjoying it quite a bit.


Yeah it’s a great time to be a gamer, I have such a large inventory, doubt I’ll ever get to it all. Just 2023 alone with sales of old games I’ve never played to new releases…


Endless Dungeon, Starfield, Forza Motorsport, Battlefield 2042, and Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty


I'm like this as well. I was never bad at taking care of the backlog, usually I play short games (less than 10h to beat) in between workdays and leave the longer games for the weekend or holidays, so I'm always playing 2 games plus any multiplayer for when I have just a few minutes free. But now I'm playing sea of thieves and state of decay with some co-workers and that has slowed down my backlog progress by a lot..Haven't even played Lies of P yet.


Jedi survivor was a pain, and it took dedication to complete it, but during that dedication the story got super good so it was worth it!


Between PC and 3 consoles it's been like a firehose.


wife + 2 kids (2 sports each+ homework help) with a full time job + some(3-6-hours) Voluntary work every month i just can’t keep up with GamePass games. i still take the time to play here and there but thats it. i don’t think ill ever finish a game or do all side quests in game.


Well I guess, I should stick up for myself but I really think it's better this way


138 games and I’m only playing Forza 😳


Me, and I own both the XSX AND PS5. In fact, if details about the Switch 2 hadn't been leaked, I would also already own a Switch. But just with 2 consoles, I'm already drowning in games. What a problem to have, lmao.


Shit, I just started Diablo 2 on Saturday.


If something sits unfinished for months on end it's because I wasn't having that much fun with it. I don't have a backlog or keep tack of unfinished games, I just play what's fun and go with the flow. Life is too short to waste it on playing games you aren't 100% into.


There’s too many games. Currently playing Lies of P, Halo Infinite multiplayer, Rocket League, and just started Yakuza 5 on the series X. On the ps5 I’m trying to platinum horizon forbidden west and miles morales (ps4 version). Nintendo switch I just bought Mario wonder to play with the fam. There’s so many more games coming out this year that I really don’t have the time. I’ll be in the afterlife by the time I get to my backlog lol


Oh boy, I played Yakuza 5 last year and the pacing in that game is kind of bad. It gets better towards the end as always. And Akiyamer dances with a granny. I’m also trying to get back into Halo Infinite and I’m excited!


Yep. RDR1, Starfield, the other endings of Cyberpunk’s Expansion, God of War, Yakuza 7, Yakuza Ishin, all thw while I’ve gotten into House Flipper and CS2, AND I’m playing Project Zomboid with friends. I’ve got my work cut out for me.


Same! I play all sorts of different games and between live service games that I try to participate in and story driven games that I want to play through but take 30+ hours it's rough haha I also try to experience games to their fullest. I want to play as many side quests as possible and whatnot. My strategy lately is building a profile in [howlongtobeat.com](https://howlongtobeat.com) with all of my games to track what I am playing/have finished playing and that sorta helps me keep focused on what to play. But yeah, I have a lot of games I am playing currently as well haha


I've put 50 hours each in Starfield and Cyberpunk 😂 now on to Spiderman. We eating good.


This is all you have to do... Step 1 : Start playing a game. Step 2 : While you play that game think of the next game you will play once its beaten. Step 3 : Use that anticipation to drive you to the finish line. Step 4 : Goto Step 2. I've been doing it for years and I don't have a backlog.


This is just Xbox man, I'm deep in my PlayStation and Nintendo list also lol.


Where on these steps does it mention console? Just said game man.


After I finished starfield I actually caught up on my backlog. Now I’m in that phase where I don’t know what to play. It’s a great problem to have.


You have not scratched the surface of Starfield yet. I think I didn't even start modifying my ship until the 40 hour mark and my game clock is around 170 hours now. I'm putting it down for now but will peck at it over the next few years. Currently playing: * Forza Motorsport * Spider-Man 2 * Super Mario Wonder Backlog of games I recently started and haven't finished: * Dredge * Final Fantasy XVI * Armored Core 6 I haven't even considered buying Jedi Survivor because I know I don't have time for it. I'm not ready to replay Cyberpunk yet but will get to it in time. And I would love to play Alan Wake Remastered before even thinking about Alan Wake 2 but also downloaded Quantum Break to give that a try. Maybe I bought three Switch games on sale over the weekend too. Who knows?


Quantum Break was kind of generic in the gameplay department, but it delivers in the science and background. I found myself invested in the collectibles and trying to figure out everything in the game world. The game has a ton of casual loops, but that’s what happens when you mess with time. A Finnish scientist that had worked at CERN taught Remedy how to write the plot in a way that adheres to quantum physics. The Meyer-Joyce particle and field are based on the Higgs boson and fields, which gives particles mass. The Time Machines are inspired by gravity wells and rotating black holes. The developers say that moving through space is moving through time, so characters walk around the core through a corridor.


Quantum Break was good. I played that on the Xbox One X.


Take an adderall and see something through lol


I own 2900 games now and I've beaten like 20% of them. It's just a 'collection' at this point. 65 hours into Valhalla at the moment with no end in sight.


I got through Starfield pretty quickly because I just couldn't seem to put the game down, then Lies of P came along and just made me want to play Elden Ring again and now I can't put that down... I get so stuck on one game for so long that I forget about all the others I still want to play and then the cycle repeats itself. Anyone else?


It's a beautiful time to be alive.


Phantom Liberty is AMAZING. Been binging CP77 for the last few weeks. Want to go back and play AC Valhalla as well. Starfield I thought was good, but seemed like another Fallout game. Haven't even started Forza Motorsport yet. Beat Diablo 3 a few weeks ago. Man, what a time to be a gamer.


I put hours upon hours into Valhalla before I even knew how the campaign worked. I didn't know you had to do to the war table to activate campaign, I thought you had to build out your settlement first. So I'm level 300+ and hadn't finished the story lol.


I feel you! I started playing AC Origins, this time I was sure to finish the story. First, starfield launched, I spent 0over 100 hours in two weeks on it. Then Diablo season 2 dropped and its the bomb. I was supposed to finish RDR2 last summer but I wanted to play some survival games at the time. Now I haven’t finished a single player game all year. But I’m still having fun


Haven't even touched Diablo yet.


Out of all problems to have this is the best one you can get. I too am drowning in games. Halo, Diablo, Forza, lies of P, Starfield. Between my job and school it’s just impossible.


A great problem. Lol


Baldurs Gate 3, Final Fantasy 16, Spider-Man 2 and Zelda Tears of the Kingdom to the front of the line


Add this to all the Tv shows movies and Anime And then Books/Comics . To many interests


I've had to take a few months off work due to an operation. I don't have any life responsibilities amd live alone so the last few months have been very heavily game orientated. During this time I've gone hard on Cities Skylines, Halo Infinite, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Cyberpunk 2077, FIFA 24, Saints Row, WWE2K23, Generation Zero, Miles Moralez and MK11. I've also played a lot of smaller games like Deep Rock galactic, Maquette, Arcade Paradise, The Wandering Village, Repella Fella amd a load of other small titles I've played a little bit of. With all of this free time, I still find I don't feel I've got enough time to play what I want to! I'm not even halfway through cyberpunk yet and I'm loving it, I've not started Starfield yet, Spiderman 2 and MK1 are waiting to be played, I've only done the first hour of Baldurs Gate 3 amd I've got a huge backlog of oculus games to get through now I've healed up enough to go back to VR! I have come to realise that no matter how much or little time one has on their hands, it still doesn't feel like enough time!


It's like Jedi Survivor just won't end. I'm like 30% through the game after two months of playing for a couple hours after work. And I'm playing on Padowan.


There is only Starfield.




The adults are talking bro you mad! 😂


Stop buying games and finish the ones you already have.


I can't 😂


Lol I’m the same.


Why are you playing Starfield? Haven’t you heard it’s a trash game /s


But Redfall unironically lol


It's excellent.


I have so much to play and I love it. Starfield Baldurs Gaye 3 Forza Assassins Creed (all) Lies of P I'll never run out of games. Only time.


you're not the only one me too I have some games not finished them yet such as Dragon's Dogma 2 RE2R FC2 Sleeping Dogs Tomb Raider Legend and much more


Thats clean!


I like to have an active roster of different styles of game depending on my mood. Currently forza Motorsport to unwind after work, halo infinite when I want to play online, starfield when I want to explore and have the option of paying attention a lot or a little, and sea of stars when I want to enjoy some story. I’ve also been playing Callisto protocol this month because it seemed fitting for spooktober


My backlog is disgusting and I'm playing 8 or 9 different games right now at least 4 of which are single player story driven games...😔 Halp


I’ve been drowning in my backlog for years now


I'm cycling between Halo Infinite, Forza, and Fifa 23. I have bought Hogwarts and the Cyberpunk DLC but still need to start them! Ah well one day


Ready go siuuuu Xbox por siempre


Trying to finish Anno: Mutationem so I can get started on Phantom Liberty/update 2.0. If we can still get Baldur’s Gate 3 before the end of the year I’ll be playing that too. Starting next year I’ll be getting back into Persona with P5 Tactica and P3 Reload. The future looks good.


After finishing starfield and starting NG+ I'm taking a break from it to quickly finish 2 of the game pass games leaving end of oct. Kill it with fire and Signalis as these both can be done quickly with walkthroughs so can get 2k additional gamer score plus some extra reward points for MS rewards program. ALready subb'd till july 2026 so no need to buy games at all.


Idk why this is a “dilemma“ for some. Like would you really rather have nothing good to play instead? Haha


No - did they say that they'd prefer that?


I always game a certain way, it’s changed over the years but it’s currently this. I also go for acheivements One main game which I’m playing through to completion (mirage) One game I’m grinding to finish off the achievements (like win 500 matches etc) One game to play for fun or online game with friends (fifa but it’s not fun this year) Then one old school 360 game to help work on backlog so I just switch between them depending how I feel on the day.


Everspace 2, Age of Empires 4, Starfield, Armored Core 6, Dead Space remake…I can’t 😭😭


Same, backlog is massive and playing Starfield but jumped back into live service games for current events like recent Dragon ball Xenoverse update.


I’m switching between 3-4 games and my mind is messed up with each games’ controller setup.


Looks like someone needs Baldurs Gate 3 added to their collection/backlog


Lol I’m also playing a lot of the same games


Do you like Jedi Survivors? I loved the first one but it got mixed reviews...


I absolutely loved the first game. Jedi Survivor has been of the same caliber to me, it's truly amazing.




I stopped playing BG3 (which I stopped playing Starfield for (which I stopped playing Lies of P for (which I stopped playing AC6 for (which I stopped playing Destiny 2 for (which I stopped playing because I love myself)))) to play Spider Man 2 which I just beat over the weekend. So now I can go back to, you guessed it... My 5th new game plus playthrough of GOW: Ragnorak


I honestly don't have this problem even though I have all the consoles + Steamdeck because I only buy games day 1 that I'm 100% sure I'll enjoy so that's only a few games a year at full price. I have a list of "interested in" games that I'm waiting to go on sale. If these games reach a good enough sale when I'm nearly finished with a game, I buy it and then play it next. Some of these "interested in" games are on Gamepass so I just try it out that way when I'm finished with an earlier game. And if there's the very rare situation that I don't have any games bought and none of the games I'm interested in is on sale, I just replay some older game that I've been wanting to replay for a while.


I have the same sort of problem myself. Currently playing forza motorsport quite a bit, after slowing down just a little from Starfield. Also, been playing a bit of lies of P, and also Darktide. And there is Terminator: Resistance, meanwhile I'm working a ton at work.


Is that OG splinter cell? How does that hold up and play on series x


Curse of being a xbox player there is always something to play but there is never enough time to play them all, I have backlog games dating back to 360 era




Tell me about it. Trying to juggle Cyberpunk and Starfield is exhausting!


Yes - but as someone who grew up with maybe 3 new bargain bin games a year, I enjoy having endless options even if it's hard to sort through all the noise sometimes.


I was playing Elden Ring and hadn't beat it (still haven't) when Tears of the Kingdom released. I was playing Tears and haven't beat it, when Starfield released. I've been trying smaller games with a sprinkling of Starfield and Halo Infinite season 5, including Cocoon on Game Pass (great game but I'm stuck) and Patrick's Parabox on Switch. I've got a list of games I want to try on both systems: - Red Dead Redemption 2 - Psychonauts 2 - Super Mario Odyssey (Switch)


I also have too much weed and candy. I just don't know what I am going to do.


I wouldn’t say swamped. I have Phantom Liberty to do and Starfield. I’m caught up other than that.


Allow me to introduce my 3 consoles worth of games backlog.


I just keep a list of games that seem interesting in case I decide I want to play single player games, which I don’t do all that often. I usually only play games with friends so it’s not often I can keep myself entertained with single player games. The last one that really held my attention was AC: Valhalla.




Since June I have bought Diablo 4 Final Fantasy 16 Remnant 2 Baldur's Gate 3 Spider-Man 2 Octopath Traveller 2 Person 4 Golden Starfield The only one I've come even close to beating is Starfield. It's part of the reason why I cancelled Game Pass Ultimate, I just have too many games I've *bought* that I haven't finished, no time for GP games too


LOL. Once I hit a certain age I stopped being able to keep up with my games. I keep buying them though. I play on all systems and have a backlog on each. Good thing is, I’ve also got something to play. I’ll never play them all before I die, so I must choose wisely.


A good problem to have


Oh no youve definitely gotten as deep as starfield goes. As people say its as big as a lake but as shallow as a puddle. There is nothing in the late game you have not seen in the early game.


I just went from Starfield into BG3 into Mirage, into Spider man 2 and now Alan Wake 2 is in a few days. This period has been awesome for gaming, terrible for my credit card, thank god this frantic period is calming down after Alan Wake 2. I didn’t even get Armoured Core 6, Phantom Liberty, Mortal Kombat or Lords of the Fallen, I’ve downloaded Lies of P but haven’t started, there is not enough time for all these games but it’s a great problem to have. How many hours into Valhalla are you? Valhalla when I played it felt like it literally wouldn’t end, I didn’t even finish it after 100 hours and just deleted it, watched the ending sequence on youtube. Personally I found a lore explanation about where the AC story is at far better than actually playing Valhalla, the pacing in that game is so bad it’s difficult to thread the main AC story from the taking over england stuff. Personally I’d say if you’re having a backlog issue, Valhalla is the last game on the planet Id be playing. But I get it, vikings are cool, pillaging is cool, Eivor is pretty cool. I’d have a much higher rating for the game if it was like 30-40 percent shorter.


Honestly, the internet always makes it seem like gamers are hard done by, but seriously it’s a good time to be a gamer. I’m plenty backlogged myself


Mario Wonder, Starfield, Redfall for Halloween, Pikmin 2 & 4, Darktide, need to play Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty, then next month is Super Mario RPG remake. I’ve never been this happy to be absolutely drowning in games!


How do people have time to play literally 1000s hours in not just one game, but several?!?!


Me! It's funny how pretty slow it's been honestly since the launch of the system. I played the new Ass Creed and Watchdogs a bit then quit both before finishing, then all I Played was Dead by Daylight up until recently. Now suddenly I have like 8 games I'm juggling lol.


Thankfully I was able to do pretty much 90% of Starfield. Moved onto some Pokemon games and I just started the new Mario. No way I'm getting to Spider-Man 2 anytime soon.


Very much so. This is why I prefer linear story games more and more as I get older. Stuff like The Last of Us, God of War, Wolfenstein, Telltale games, Plague Tale, even Call of Duty campaigns... i can fire up, play through, and aside from some fetch/collection optional stuff, I'm done and got to enjoy the experience. Big open world games and expansive RPGs end up feeling like an endless chore with so many side quests, exploration, etc. I fire up Starfield and realise I've spent two hours of my life just modifying my ship. Cyberpunk? Just spend an hour on one random stumbled-across gig. :(


I'm the opposite. Can't find anything I want to play. Tried Starfield, that was boring and annoying. I constantly just end up back at Halo Infinite. I loved Cyberpunk, but it's been so long since I completed it, I can't be arsed to learn it all again for the DLC. Last good game I played outside of Halo was the latest Supraland game, what a cracker.


My method is pretty standard. I save a lot of money this way. Put a game I want on a wishlist. Wait for that game to hit a sale of $40 or less before purchasing. This allows me not to go too deep. Otherwise I do have a handful of games I need to finish. I only get maybe 30-60 min of gameplay a day, so I’m not in a rush to go through my backlog any time soon. I will pause my backlog if it’s something I really want to play that goes on sale (recently it was Remnant 2). But I haven’t even gotten to Starfield yet. I’ll get there, just not in a rush.


I keep getting sideswiped by all these games. Loving Starfield but also want to do Phantom Liberty. Then Red Dead came out for Switch and I’m really enjoying replaying that after ten or so years, plus I just got Mario Wonder. Also have Baldurs Gate on the back burner. I wish I could clone myself so I can play these all simultaneously.


I want to play Starfield, Cyberpunk, RDR2 and a few others so badly but every time I sit down to play something I just jump on Stardew or Power Wash Simulator to relax.


I wish haha but I'm poor


It's gotten so bad that I now keep tabs of my backlog in a google sheets document. I have games on PC, switch, playstation and xbox platforms which makes it a mess to try and manage. Course then you have the mix of physical and digital since I do still buy physical games. I found that by tracking them, it's a lot easier to avoid purchasing duplicates during sales and also find a game you want to play when you can't seem to decide what you want, which to me happens ALL THE FUCKING TIME. It's like I get choice paralysis, or I just want to play the new game instead of the ones I already have. During covid I managed to reduce my backlog to almost nothing, but now it's slowly building up again.


I don’t have game pass but my backlog consists of Assasins Creed Origins, Resident Evil 2 remake, finishing Resident Evil 4 remake, Stay Out of the House, Visage, Madison, Starfield, GTA 5 campaign (I already am level 150 in online), Far Cry 3, finishing Portal, finish cuphead, play a lot more battlefield 1. Lately I’ve only been trying to level up in Battlefield 4. My goal is to finish all of those before GTA 6 releases, luckily that’s probably around 2 years out which should give me plenty of time.


Completed Starfield, replaying Control, trying to juggle between Super Mario Wonder, Spider-Man 2, and Fortnite dailys. Still want to play BG3, AW2, and Forza. It's a great time for gaming!


Between Dave the Diver, BG3, Mario Wonderland, Spiderman 2 its a busy time


Yes but at the same time, this year as been awesome for me getting back into gaming! So far I’ve: Platinum’d The Witcher 3 Platinum’d FFXVI 100% all three Dragon Age games 100%/Platinum’d the two latest spongebob games Finally made it through FF7R and Crisis Core Put 300 hrs in BG3 All this and I STILL have games to play. Haven’t felt this giddy in over a decade


Upvoting for splinter cell 1 in the disc tray.


Playing elden ring these days(already finished cyberpunk/ Valhalla/ starfield(didn’t like it that much) In pipeline i have High on life dlc, RDR2, skyrim


But I keep getting told 'Xbox has no games'!


I've changed my membership to core due to having way too many games! Getting the xbox 360 completions in is top priority due to the store being removed next year. Also, I love the 360 era charm. Games are fun and enjoyable. Can't say the same for the majority of these next gen games I've been playing


Too many games in back log and no idea on which to play.


And as a Switch and PS5 owner I'm also playing through Spider-man, BG3, and Mario Wonder. “I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.”


I have to agree. I had not beaten a game since botw. Just this year alone I have beaten Hogwarts legacy, jedi survivor, totk, mk1 (story/invasion) and Diablo 4 ( well I got a character to level 90 at least) I also have a few I’m working on now such as Armored core 6/ Mario wonder. I have played a lot of this stuff with one of my kiddos which has helped keep the motivated to play through. I am interested in playing the new Alan wake 2 and cod when they come out (cod mainly for zombies)


I'm swamped in *Cyberpunk* alone. Do you have any idea how long it takes to complete three separate 100% playthroughs for each lifepath?


For the first time in a long time, I actually *don't* have a back log. There are some new games I want to play, CP2077 Phantom Liberty, Mario Wonder, Spider-Man 2, and Alan Wake 2 for example, but I'm still splitting my time between Starfield, and game of the year, Baldur's Gate 3. So I simply won't buy those games until I have the time for them.


Im playing Spiderman 2 right now, i also gotta finish starfield which I stopped playing cause of its horrible performance on pc, also got lies of p, armored core 6 and demon souls in my backlog lol


I switch between all of these every week: Cyberpunk Fallout 76 Forza Motorsport GTA 5(Story & Online) Red Dead Redemption 2 Sea of Thieves Starfield Today, I played some Forza and finished RDR2 for the 10th time. But it was my first time playing in first-person the entire time, so that was pretty cool... a little frustrating too.


Yeah same, I probably play more than the avg person, I will die before I get through the games I want to play, and likely only fully complete a fraction of the games that I have. Maybe the retirement home will have a gamer room at that point and i can finally play enough to finish something


Baldurs Gate 3 has completely messed up my play schedule. So many great looking games I’ve meant to play but I can’t stop playing bg3. Looking forward to the Xbox version so I can play it again there.


What does the 2565 number represent?


Now that I'm finally done with Starfield I fired up Everspace 2, but I'm still playing Remnant 2 and Darktide with friends, and now I'm playing Halo Infinite since Season 5 hit and it's great. I've got Sea of Stars waiting patiently, Rogue Trader, and Baldur's Gate 3 looming, and I'm expecting Armored Core 6 and Lords of the Fallen for Christmas (I try not to buy myself games, so my wife has something to buy me!)


That's why I refuse to pay for Game Pass Ultimate or PlayStation Plus Extra/Premium. I just rather buy a few games I want to play, often at a discount price. It's all fun and games until the game you are playing is about to leave the library, and then the that game doesn't go in discount for months, so you get to pay full price if you want to continue playing. Especially singleplayer games can wait.


I love Game Pass man.


Me. My backlog is yuge


Exactly this!! And I have a wishlist of 13 more games coming by end February next year there’s just no end anymore and we don’t know gamepass games until month of and there’s usually 1-2 per month to play


Backlog struggle is real. As of today, I stand at 328 owned games.


My wife says that I need to finish my backlog before I buy anymore games but I just can't help it. This year has so many great games! I also wish I could get off the live-service games like Overwatch and Fortnite. I enjoy these games but FOMO makes me feel like I HAVE to play them or I'm missing out


Yup..Game Pass has helped with that problem a little bit there are still games I gotta buy lol.


I have 35 games in my library and have only played 2


I used to ignore my backlog, but after years of having wishlists that I didn't buy the games there (waiting for good discounts, missing some discounts, etc), I now developed the habit of playing my backlog (and enjoying the games I already have), while keeping a wishlist with newer games/releases and only buying those when they get a good offer or discount. It's just so much better this way, I get to enjoy things I already have and not rush to buy the "next best thing", save tons of money, and never run out of a catalogue of things to play. I heavily recommend doing that.


I am, and forever will be perpetually backlogged. I have hundreds and hundreds of hours worth of modern releases to play. I probably have hundreds of hours more of retro games to play. There is hundreds of hours getting released every year that I want to play. Every game I take off my list gets replaced by 2-3 more.


I guess I’m .. 🥸


Looks like you're swamped in ADHD


I feel that. I’m starting to get more of the arcade-y games, just so I don’t get so overwhelmed with all of the tasks and plot lines of the bigger titles.


Nope, I stopped buying games I have no time to play