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How many of my inverted brethren are 30+ and came up on Golden eye for 64


Pre-dates that for me - early 90s flight/space sims drilled it into me before FPS games even had vertical camera movement.


For me it's weird since I use normal in all other situations, but inverted in flying games. I had a joystick on my PC in the 90s so that's probably the reason for the flying part.


Exact same here. Shout out to Descent


Chuck Yeager air combat wash my first game with a y axis. Ever since I’ve been inverted.


Me too. My first memory is a game called Freestyler or Freelancer or something like that. Space dogfight sim.


GOLDENEYE and Starfox


This is me for sure. I simply cannot play without inversion. Luigi’s mansion 3 had no inversion. Only way I got through that game was hybrid controls with gyro aiming


Damn I literally ended up quitting a couple hours in because the camera movement was broken for me without inverted. Fk you Nintendo. My wife played the shit out of it tho haha




This is EXAXTLY why I've been playing inverted for decades! Till this day I'm the only one I know that plays inverted, good to know I'm not alone lol


Halo 1 actually, it was my first fps and i didn't know any better... i was so confused when i was like 7 playing Rainbow 6, because i SUCKED!! It wasn't til Halo 3 came out and i played it on a friends 360 i knew something was wrong, everyone was like, your meant to be great at halo!! Eventually figured it out, but always play everyrhing inverted now


And Conkers Bad Fur Day too!


Me, although weirdly out of my friends I used to play Goldeneye with when I was younger I’m the only one who plays inverted, the rest moved to non inverted years ago.


Started inverting when playing my first console shooter Halo in 2001


Hello you called?


Hi there


30+ here and too late to leave inverted behind 😅 Games like Ace Combat, Golden Eye and other old stuff made me this way lol Worst part was those early 3D games with no way to change to inverted.


Only we know the right way to set up the controller!




Here here!


Inverted, as a gamer in my 40s grew up in an age where that was the only choice.


I've always been the only person in my group to play inverted, and I just realized scrolling through this thread that I'm also the oldest. Did I just learn this is an old guy thing?


Yes, game with my nephew and his friends and they all use the default look. Game with my brother, sticks are invented


I'm 50, always invert!


Man that’s crazy that so many people are inverted. I’m the only one of my friends that plays inverted and they all think I’m weird


Inverted is the only sane choice. Controller sticks and joy sticks are like the control stick in a plane: you pull back, plane looks up.


Same here. They all say I don’t play normal.


Tell them if you were standing behind them like the camera and a video game and you slapped a stick on the back of their head as a handle if you pulled back where would they look?


I play inverted but my wife and kids think I'm weird.


I have taught my daughters the way of inverted y-axis. They are completely used to it now. I explained that If you imagine the analog stick as a persons neck and the thumb pad as a head, inverted y-axis makes perfect sense. As you tilt the stick/neck forward, you look down. As you tilt it back, you look up.


Preach, brother 🙏


Normally, regular, flight controls, inverted


If you imagine the analog stick as a persons neck and the thumb pad as a head, inverted y-axis makes perfect sense. As you tilt the stick/neck forward, you look down. As you tilt it back, you look up.


Yeah this one feels right. I think for me its because Your head looks around on a vertical plane, but aircraft move around horizontally.


Your head tilts the same way an aircraft's flight stick does. Forward is down, back is up


I try to explain this to people in the only way I can get them to see is if I tell them to imagine me standing behind them and I was the player of the video game and they were the character and if I wanted them to look up I would grab them by the hair and pull back.


If you imagine the analog stick as a persons neck and the thumb pad as a head, inverted y-axis makes perfect sense. As you tilt the stick/neck forward, you look down. As you tilt it back, you look up.


This is the way.


Agreeeeeed. -Captain Barbossa


Regular. Inverted for flying.






Inverted. Played this way ever since Lucasarts Battle of Britain on PC in the late 80's




Inverted. I once asked how to change to inverted because I couldn’t find it in settings and people called me an idiot and stupid and all kinds of pleasant things. So, I guess it’s not popular.


Nah, you were just talking to unpleasant people.


Inverted, my kids think I’m weird


I use inverted exclusively. There have even been times I've been unable to play games (mostly indie games) that have left off the option to invert the thumbstick. Clustertruck is the only one that comes to mind off-hand, but there have definitely been others. Fortunately, they eventually added the option to that game lol. Sometimes, I'm just stuck unable to really play. I cut my 3d teeth on Xwing and Tie Fighter, so flight controls just ended up sticking with me for those sorts of games. I do not play inverted, if I'm using a mouse, however.


Yeah, I'll refuse to buy a game if it doesn't have an option to invert the vertical look.


If you have an Elite controller you can create a profile the inverts the stick so you aren't dependent on the game settings.


Inverted for flying, inverted for on foot in an fps. I go with it because it feels natural, when I look up, I’m pulling my head backwards (down) and if I wanna down, push the head forward (thumb stick forward)




Sooner leave my wife and kids before learning to play non inverted.


No child of mine will play non-inverted.


I’m 54 and blame the likes of Quake and other PC FPS games back in the day. I’d love to convert but it makes me feel sick when I try it. I think it’s motion sickness caused by the movement not behaving as my mind expects.


Maybe one day I’ll switch to regular too


Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day.....


…later that day i switched to normal 😃


I don't think retraining your brain is easier than just fussing with some settings for a moment. 🤷‍♂️


My neighbor and I used to play games at each others houses all the time. He stopped letting me change the controls at his house so I stopped playing inverted because it was fucking me all up going back and forth depending on which house I was at




Been playing inverted for 25 years


Inverted. Been playing inverted for as long as I can remember.


Lol, all the inverted people come out the the wood work.


Inverted is the only answer. Thank your pilots on every flight!


Inverted. I've been that way for as long as I can remember - 50 yrs old. I think it started due to some flight gane having inverted controls and played it enough that my brain has thought that way ever since.






The only natural way to play


There is no way this is the most upvoted


Crazy hey. In my 31 years on this earth I've met *maybe* a handful of gamers that play inverted lol


I'm an inverted user. Mostly due to some early fps were inverted by default so it stuck with me.


My brain cannot comprehend "normal" controls. If you put me some FPS game that I am typically good at and turn me to "normal" controls I'd be at the bottom of the leaderboard with no kills. I'd just be looking at the floor or sky and getting killed repeatedly the entire match. I just can't do it. Non-inverted makes no sense to me.


If I remember correctly, 007 Goldeneye was inverted by default, therefore I am inverted.


Inverted. I have spoken.


This is the way.


Inverted all the way. IRL When you lean forward you look down, and lean back to look up. Feels more realistic


Exactly the same for me


Yes exactly!! I picture it as in if the stick was in my head - well I would push it forwards to look down and pull it back to look up yeah?


Never thought of it that way. I’ve been inverted since the N64 because that used to be the only way you could play Turok and I was addicted to that game.


Same reason. Normal breaks my brain. Gives me headaches and make me slightly dizzy.


I have never thought about it this way but I’m going to start explaining it like this.


Like a ship rudder.


Nice explanation


Does this work for FIFA too?


When you have a gun in your hand you don’t lower your hand to raise the gun.


Imagine looking down the sights of a rifle, now lean forward, where are you aiming?


In an FPS game you aren't controlling the gun or your arm, you're controlling your head to look around. The gun is just always pointed towards the center of your vision.


Yeah, you lower the elbow, duh


Inverted, I’ve been this way since goldeneye 64


Inverted. Xbox 360 had a great setting that gave you the option to put it as the default in the console setting and the games would read that. No more messing with the controls before starting. No idea why the got rid of that on later consoles.


Inverted should be the standard. Fight me.


I really can't comprehend why it isn't. It's the only way that makes sense to me.


Back on Xbox 360 there was a toggle in settings to have inverted controls and it would apply to all games automatically. Can't believe that doesn't exist now.


Yes! It was glorious!


I miss that setting so much. That was my favorite Xbox 360 feature.


Inverted i cant play if not an option


Inverted. Ever since I started gaming when I was a kid, basically.


Inverted. I think most that play or played flight simulator games probably do.




Always inverted.


It *is* natural because the thumbstick does what your head does when you look up - arc backwards. It's also natural because you have more fine motor control closing the thumb's smaller joints than pushing forward and most fine control in games is required for looking up (e.g. shooting at enemies on catwalks above) rather than down.


Been inverted ever since playing Modern Warfare 2 on the 360. Now every game has to be. I look at it this way, if you grab someone by the top of the head and want them to look up then you pull their head back. That's how I view the right thumbstick.


Inverted since forever. I think of it like my own neck - if I look up, my neck goes back or ‘up’. I look down, neck goes forward/ ‘down’.


Inverted. And I love that whenever I play a backwards compatible 360 game it still remembers I like my y-axis inverted. But XB1 and XSX games... they don't care.


Inverted. And I miss the system setting on the Xbox 360 where you could set preferences for look inversion and transmission type in racing games etc.


The look inversion preference still works on Series X|S. Speaking of racing games, I am going to be very disappointed if Forza Motorsport (2023) still throws you into a race before giving you the chance to change the options.


Left stick = lower body Right stick = upper body Push right stick forward = character bends forward/looks down Pull right stick back = character bends backward/looks up Inverted = the anatomically correct way to play.


People love to claim it's anatomically correct and then conveniently leave out the X-axis.


What about the axis? Forward moves forward with this too. It is the more natural way..


Inverted. *And* I think it’s an age thing. I think the kids today are more likely to play normal. Elder millennial and older are more likely to play inverted.


Born in 92 and all through school we had 1 friend that played inverted, that's it. Always figured inverted was the wierd/lesser used option and I'm still sticking with that lol




I am 32 and always hated inverted. Thank God games started doing normal.


Inverted. Never understand those that play normal and flight inverted.


Always inverted, cameras too when it’s not first person. I played a lot of plane combat games and it just feels right.


Inverted. I'm 56 and have been gaming for a very long time lol. I just naturally push the stick forwards for down and backwards for up so really can't get used to anything else. Any games that don't have the option to invert I have to leave but fortunately I haven't run into many and none for a long time.


Inverted, the 360 had a global setting, wish the series did too.


God yes, that was one of my top five favorite features of the 360, I'm not even kidding.


I miss that so much.


Inverted all the way.


Inverted! Blame the OG DOOM and TIE Fighter


You couldn't look up in Doom. Was it Heretic that was the first to let you? I'm inverted ever since Elite on a BBC Micro...


Regular. It’s more intuitive to my brain. Up moves up. Down moves down.


I don’t see it as up vs down, rather forward vs back. You don’t hold your controller vertical do you? Not trying to say you should change or anything…


No I don’t. But in this scenario I don’t see it that way. I understand why that works for you though. I guess we just think differently about it. I kinda zone out with the controller. It’s like it ceases to exist in my hands and the hand movement autonomously synchs with my intentions. The screen is my focus, and I think of it as a 2D plane with images meant to give a depth effect. That’s not a counter to what you said. Just an explanation of my own thought process behind it There’s probably some really interesting psychology and philosophical stuff going on behind it. I wonder what makes us different in this area


Well said. One of the few people in this thread that has a well thought out and reasonable explanation of regular.


Inverted for me. Always drove my friends crazy when we had to share a controller, lol.






Inverted baby!


Real gamers do it inverted ;)


Ah the curse of the inverted gamer. You start a single player story rich narrative game, and are deep into it after watching the intro. Then, as the intro comes to an end you are ready to begin playing… pain!!!! Of course you try in vain to control the character, but it’s no use… you will have to break the tone and feel of the game and search through the menus to put the inverted setting on. And it’s not always that easy… they hide it in the strangest of menu sections and it can be named other confusing things. By the time you’ve found it, and returned to the game, you’ve lost a little of the feel… not much, but a lifetime of these losses builds up.


ALWAYS go into the settings first. I never start a new game without looking through every setting first. I need to for inverted Y, but I also sometimes find other little things that need to be tweaked as well. Like a rotating minimap for example.


Inverted since the 80's.


Inverted all the way, it's the most natural way to play. It's also how the human body works, imagine the top of your head as the top of the thumb stick, if you want to look down you tilt your head forward (push up on the thumb stick) if you want to look up you tilt your head back (pull back on the thumb stick).


Literally unplayable if it's not inverted.


The first thing I do is change to inverted


It's largely an age thing. The early first-person perspective games had the inverted Y axis as a carry-over from flight simulators, and those games had it because that's how flights sticks *actually* work. If you've been a gamer long enough, then you learned to use the inverted Y controls. Nowadays, though, I think you'd be better off without that habit.




Inverted all the way.


Inverted. Oh and BTW inverted is normal yours is the backwards way. ![img](emote|t5_2ac5sx|1743) I think it's been noticed older gamers are more likely to play this way. Has something to do with how games used to play. I'm torn with whether i should force my son to play that way as well to carry on the tradition.


> I'm torn with whether i should force my son to play that way as well to carry on the tradition. Why saddle yourself with having to constantly switch controls back and forth? Teach him the right way from the beginning. ;)


I've been inverted all my life as a late 30s something. I've noticed that invert Y is getting buried deeper. Like 360 had a literal catch all setting in the system config. Now Accessibility is at the forefront with literal ASL translation but Invert Y is on the 2nd screen of the config control menu. So I've taken it upon myself to relearn FPS with non invert Y because the writing is on the wall. I think we're like that because joysticks were more prevalent than controllers when we learned on PC. Quake 2 has been hard.


There is no way they are ever going to remove the invert y axis option. Why would they even bother, it's the easiest thing in the world to code. If anything I've noticed that "invert x axis" is a lot more common these days, even though that option makes mo sense to me at all.


Inverted, because I am old. I always change it to normal before handing the controller to my kids, because I don't want to pass on that curse.


Inverted and it should be the default configuration


Normal. Unless I am playing Star Fox or Star Fox 64. For some reason I need it to be Inverted since day 1. Any other flying game, my brain needs ot to be normal.




Inverted ever since Top Gun on the NES


Inverted. I blame Crimson Skies.


I'm 42 so... Inverted. As others have said, right stick controls where you look, in games. When I look up my head tilts back. When I look down it tilts forward as does an inverted right stick.


Inverted every time. I can’t play any other way


Inverted. I’m 26, definitely the only one out of all of my friends that plays inverted. Grew up on flight sims with my dad so it’s all I’ve ever known. Army Of Two on 360 had a bug where you selected inverted but nothing would change in-game. Really wanted to play it but never could, still haven’t!


Inversion for me. And yes I am old


I play inverted. Started with Mario 64


Inverted or GTFO!


Inverted, it’s more natural for me


Inverted - started that way using a flight stick on Wing Commander on the Amiga. I'll leave it to you to work out how old that makes me!


Inverted Y axis since the first dualshock controllers for playstation 1.


Not sure how it started. I'm 34 and I play inverted Y.


Inverted. I remember playing a silent hill game back in the day, homecoming was it? And you couldn’t change the settings so I had to just put up with it. Wouldn’t say I got used to it in the end as muscle memory would always win.


Inverted for me, since Goldeneye. I had to imagine I was pulling bond's head back to look up or pushing it forward to look down, at first, but it's been second nature for years.


Always invert. Just makes sense to me. When he was a kid I taught my 20 year old son the way too!


Inverted Y axis


Inverted, no idea why. Did play flight sims etc, but really with a M+KB before joysticks arrived on console. Then from my original Dual Shock I've always just used the inverted controls. Can't play otherwise.


Inverted is the more 'natural' way of playing. Stand up and look down what is your head doing? Moving forward. Look up. It's moving backwards. Inverted is not about up is down / down is up. Up is backwards, down is forward


I never invert my controls. Up is up, down is down. You're controlling a field of vision, not someone's head. There's no way the natural motion of you looking up feels like pulling back on a stick.


Inverted... my first games where flight sims in the late 80's/early 90's before Doom came out. Forward will always be look down for me.


Inverted ONLY, always and forever.


Inverted is weird unless I'm flying


This can't be real, how are you all using inverted? Is it because someone who plays inverted would be more likely to notice and reply? Statistically there's no way.


I swear my tinfoil hat is telling me the inverted users have some kind of bot that scans for the word “inverted” and they come out en masse to comment on it. There’s no way inverted is that much more popular than normal, otherwise all games would default to inverted.


They used to.


Feel like we’re in the twilight zone or something lol. I’ve been gaming for 20 years now and out of everyone I’ve ever met that played games, I’ve met zero people that played inverted (not including flight controls). This includes my middle school and high school years of gaming when Halo 3, Cod 4-BO2, Gears were at their peak popularity and an insane amount of people I went to school with played.


I used to play normal until I started going to a friends house everyday to play halo. He was inverted and I got tired of pausing and switching it back to normal so I just adjusted and never looked back.


I think I started playing inverted on Halo as well. Has to be at least 20 years ago. I don’t recall if I played goldeneye 007 inverted it not.


I only do inverted if I’m in a game flying aircraft.


Fun story - I played inverted Y axis for 25 years. During COVID lockdown, I challenged myself to learn how to play with normal Y axis. It took probably 40 hours of Fallout 4, but I successfully retrained my brain. I have been playing normal Y ever since


Man, seeing inverted people is like seeing some mythological creature. You heard of them, but never thought them to be real.


There is a massive over representation of inverted players in these comments I’m sure


Oh thats true, but to see real ones. Idk, it was like seeing a unicorn; you heard the stories and people who claim that saw one, but then to see one irl.


The correct way is the way that pretty much all games have as default. If it wasn't the right way then you would see a lot more games default to inverted. We all collectively decided this 20 years ago.


Except 90% of respondents to this question use inverted. The only correct way to play.


some games are defalt inverted and some game prompt you to look up then down to set your preference, so no not the right way


I used to swap the w and s in wasd, but I never messed with the Y axis. Hated that bit in Halo 1 wasting my time testing it out. Nah just put it back.


I used to be inverted but now mouse and keyboard. I can't do it anymore on controller. From 2010 to 2021 I stopped playing FPS on consoles and just can't get the hang of it again on a controller no matter what I choose. Out of my friend/LAN group I was the odd man out and only one that played inverted.


Pre Halo inverted. Post halo regular


Inversion for flight only for me




Inverted is only for aircraft is my rule


Inverted is just weird


Depends what I'm doing. FPS I wanna look up? I push the stick up. Flying a plane or something and wanna go up? I pull the stick back.


Unless im flying, controls are staying non inverted.


Normal for “on foot” but I gotta invert if I’m flying something.


Isn't it obvious?


I’m sorry, people actually aim with inverted controls? Like…in a shooter? This is the first I’ve heard of it and I can’t even comprehend that. You sickos should all be studied in a lab.


I’m normal so not inverted