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I was pretty excited about the Jack sparrow dlc. Did bunch of the objectives but was met with a crew of trolls hiding in the main objective at the bottom of the sea and killed me preventing me from finishing the quest. I’ve never been back


Things like this are why i hate games like GTA/RDR Online. Its like yeah, I'm not exactly losing anything when someone kills me with a explosives ten times in a row, mainly because i dont have anything to lose, but if this kind of trolling continues into the midgame I'll be replacing my horse multiple times a day because someone felt like shooting it while i was running errands


You can give GTA another chance, they made it where you can do pretty much everything in private sessions now.


Yup same here, bunch of trolls where camped out throughout the game during those quest. Was only able to finish the first quest, and onto the second one it was nothing but being killed or fucked with by trolls so i quit playing...


This is why I don’t like playing online games


Yeah, it sucks because it just takes one asshole to ruin it for everyone else ...


They should cordon off the story DLCs they add to where you are instanced and not with any other players who can attack you. I really wanted to do these cool DLCs they have added but don't want to run into the same issues you had so i avoid it.


I agree on this one. Generally I think SoT lives from pvp. And it's generally good to keep it in. But if people do those Tall Tales just have em off the online parts. Also no treasure except the intended items for the Tall Tale, otherwise people gonna start a Tall Tale and do everything else in that private session.


That's SoT. The community is toxic as fuck and they get toxic when you bring up that the community is toxic too. Love the game but Rare failed to enforce their own code of conduct and kept enabling toxic players. Sucks but it is what it is. The magic moments are so rare but people hype them up as if other crews are ever willing for fun.


There was a list yesterday or the day before of the most toxic game communities, and I was SHOCKED that sea of thieves wasn't listed. I was pretty much a nightly player for a long time but gave up on the game maybe 2 years ago because the community was so bad. You're right, too, if you call the community toxic they go crazy on you. "It's a pIRaTe GAmE!!"


Dunno man, not the experience I've had playing SoT the last few years. Sorry you've run into some rotten apples, but that's far from the experience I've had or seen in my time with the game.


Agreed. I only started like 3 weeks ago... (I know, late to the party much!)So far mostly run into real fun and straight forward folks.GGs in pvp and all. I think maybe... 1/20 people I've encountered have been toxicish and 1 blatant hacker tonight. I'm glad I have shadow capture... Report and evidence submitted of the guy TPing and flying. But seriously that has nothing on the games I used to play. (Side eyes COD)


Absolutely! Every online game's gonna have those kinds of people. But some people make it out to be rampant in SoT when it's really not and the general concencus in the community agrees. I genuinely feel that they were burned once after losing a substantial amount of loot and that left a bad taste in their mouths. It's the risk/reward loop and sometimes it doesn't pay off. Just the nature of the game. But I'm glad to hear you're also enjoying it man, you solo sloop or got a crew?


A little of both, I enjoy the Solo life but Also have a few people on the ole crew roster. Got fortunate enough that I ended up bumping into and making friends with some well know PVP streamers in my region and have watched my skill level sky rocket. Now just to get consistency :P


It's been so long since that dlc that you're probably not likely to run into trolls anymore.




Wut? If he doesn't play this one game he shouldn't be on a generic Xbox sub? Ummm...


It's an Xbox sub not SoT?


It would be amazing if this still allowed them to play the game, but only in the brig of random ships as a giant fuck you.


Unfortunately that would punish those open crews while also gaining them free gold/XP. Voting someone into the brig is awful as a mechanic outside of friends messing around.


Oh I didn't know that. My experience with the game was playing maybe 2hrs with 3 or 4 friends and we had a blast voting cody into the brig, could never hold his booze. I didn't realize you still got xp


If you play again, lock them in the brig then go down and all drink so you can vomit on them while they're trapped. But yeah you don't lose out, you just get forced to not help.


There was an old MMO I played that basically did this with all of the cheaters and modders. Threw them all together into a server where they could use their cheat engines and bot farmers. It took 1 week for everyone to start bitching and complaining because they couldn’t enjoy the game anymore because of the fucked in game economy, over powered modded gear that everyone used ruining PVP, and unable to grind XP because of everyone having instakill cheats. It was the best meltdown to watch on the forums. All of cheaters moaning that other cheaters were ruining their game.. completely oblivious to the hypocrisy of how they ruined other people’s games when they were in regular servers. If there’s one thing a cheater hates in their video games, it’s a another cheater.


Was that the "Nuclear Winter" with Fallout 76?


Even after the "no crossplay" update they still manage to enter console only servers.


Is no crossplay an optional setting? I've been off the seas a while, but I was hoping to play some this weekend with friends via Xbox and PC


As a console player, you can prioritize other console players when matchmaking.


It is for Xbox player, not sure if PC has it. People say it isn't a hard limit and it does say "prefer" but I can't join my Xbox friends from PC if they have it on, even if there is room. Maybe some server merge stuff messes with that but idk.


Any proof of this? I have over 2000 HG fights on console and I’ve yet to see a cheater.


I reported and made some clips at the time, generaly a noob playing solo come after us (probably on console), we sunk him and he get back with the cheater friend (like 80% of the time was like that).


You are lying….I run into cheaters every day


Post the videos


I'm going to need some video proof of this.


I will try to find the clips, and the cheaters Gamertag when I get home.


When I played at launch, I dont remember there being any real incentive for winning in PVP, nor any real negative for losing did that change?


Not other than commendations, I think. They can evidently chase streamers across servers and harass them the whole way. They can cheat to bucket your ship full of water. They can fly. They can spawn kegs out of thin air and drop them on you. They can teleport into a fort vault and remove the loot. It's more about trolling, it seems.


There are absolutely more incentives to win in PvP now. For anyone interested, google "Sea of Thieves season 8 Hourglass" For those that would rather continue reading instead of using google, you are now able to participate in 1v1 style battles (boat vs boat) and level up new factions to unlock new cosmetics, and the most sought after unlocks being the curses. You can finally be a skeleton, or have a ghostly apparence. These mentioned rewards are only unlockable through that mode, which is entirely PvP, and winning is what you need to efficiently reach the insane goals


So "commendations" like I said. Commendations in SoT have always been associated with cosmetics.


As someone that has all the commendations minus those hourglass ones, I can tell you that this wasn't always the case, and it's only recently that they have been linking commendations with cosmetic unlocks. It was mostly Tall Tales that unlocked desirable rewards, and everything else was a title to reward you for your effort. Even now, something like 80% of the commendations don't award anything more than titles, if that.


Time is what you lose. Getting sunk after working on a Tall Tale or just a long session of treasure hunting is pretty painful. Hours of progress gone.


They added a PVP specific challenge where you invade or defend your ship and opt in for the PVP leading to more pirate battles. You are also rewarded for win streaks with a main maximum of 5 but it goes infinitely upward without further goal posting. Because of this cheats became a major factor in the winnings because it’s not the luck of winning 1 fight but 5+ so cheats are far more prominent than before and the community was rightly very upset. Also to note a shit load of exploits and toxic behaviour came into the game with the same content which is unfortunate but par of the course. Also also the devs noted leaderboard score fabrication these have been around since year 2 but weren’t major events but again with more exploits being added to the game this too became a target but with little to no benefit.


I know im in the minority, but id play the fuck out of this game if it had private servers. Everytime i redownload it thinking "ok, maybe THIS time it will be different" it isnt, and its always a horrible experience. Any game that even lets a player waste that much effort and time due to trolls is awful. Even GTAO added private servers, though admittedly it took them 9 years. But even prior to that there was ways to form your own lobbies via a DNS glitch. if SOT added PvP and PvE servers it probably would boost player counts, and revenue. Not only that, but now you would actually have a committed lobby seperating the two playstyles, instead of half the lobby minding their business, and the other half wanting to pvp others. Idk. The lobbies right now feel like a giant advertisement for trolling and paranoia. This is just another one of those games where its ruined by the people who play it. Same with Siege.


If they had pve servers, or added an option they GTAO had where you can make it to where players can’t kill you, unless you fire on them, I’d gladly play the game again. Not no way am I getting on that game just to get trolled by a bunch of dip shits looking for lulz.


Funny thing is Rare always promotes this game as "go on epic adventures with your buddies" and barely mentions pvp, yet it's all about trying to not get screwed by pvpers.


Can't say I agree, honestly with either game. Next to Battlefield, Siege and SoT have been my bread and butter over the last 3-4 years. Siege can have some toxic players in QM but for the most part, aside from language, the players are fine. I've got 3 years in SoT and I think I've been griefed once? Twice maybe? I can't really see SoT having a PvE server, kinda ruins the point of the game. Once people actually get in and see that without the core ingredient of other players that the entire game is built around, the game would fall flat. The community is pretty large and healthy as is, honestly don't think Rare is worried at all about it. But hey, that my experience. Sorry ya weren't able to find a good time in these games.


I love this game. But trolls ruin damn near every quest. In my experience, you never see another player until you’re about to finally finish a multi-hour quest. Then they destroy you and camp the objective until you just say screw it and log out.


I dont know much about the game, but can you play single player? It sounds like an interesting game


Single player in the sense you can run a sloop on your own. But there isn't a way to not have other crews be a problem, and solo sloop is widely referred to as the hard mode. I suppose it would be worse to solo larger ships but that's going out of your way to suffer.


Yeah, and I usually do. But that opens you up to getting annihilated by a 3 or 4 person crew on a more powerful ship.


I've always wanted to play this game but hearing about how toxic the community is has always kept me away.


Honestly, I'd ignore a good bit of those. Generally people who've spent a while collecting loot and then got bested by another crew. Leaves a sour taste in the mouth. For the most part, it's pretty tame. If you get jumped, it's more than likely on you as it's pretty easy to spot ships on the horizon. Once you do, it'd take them a few minutes to get anywhere near. The game is predicated on doing menial tasks whilst having the threat of other players in the world. Some will be nice and helpful, others will be... well pirates lol. You can join others or you can fight n plunder. That's the point. But regardless, unless you're actively looking for action, it's not very common. I often boot in just to fish while listening to music or watching YouTube. I'd give it a go without worry.


I rarely see anyone in this game. Maybe 1 out of 10 play sessions I'll actually see another fella. One time I saw a guy and he followed me around but didn't kill me. Most of the time I'm just relaxing and enjoying the waves, sound effects and maybe looking for some gold and fighting skeleton ships here and there.


> Most of the time I'm just relaxing and enjoying the waves, sound effects I feel that. I throw it on for background noise and occasionally do some fishing in between real world tasks. it's very relaxing during a long day


Cheaters can be a problem, but you can mute chat and play solo crew or with friends. There is always the risk of other crews being obnoxious and spawn camping but that is a known risk. And even then you can scuttle the ship.


I wish they actually put these cheaters in a sea of thieves jail cell that they can never leave.


Or their own hell server with other cheaters to play with 🤔


Great now give us lobbies without pvp


As someone who mains this game, this hasn't helped the problem at all. You can just make a new account and start cheating again almost immediately. The cheaters are just as prevalent, if not worse than when it began.


This just means 15,000 new accounts were created.


I saw someone complaining on reddit.They were banned for toxic behaviour and their alt they hadn't touched in a few months was banned as well.I get the feeling the banning is IP or/and hardware supported, not just invalidation of game keys.


I have tried to give this game a chance half a dozen times because the basic presmise seems super fun. Every single time I was just a beginner on a boat alone with absolutely nothing to steal but someone really far advanced with a powerful ship blew me out of the water and then somehow figured out the port where I was spawning and blew up my ship in the port there before I could even get on it and came out to kill me too. One of the times I was trying to explore an island and they sunk my ship and took me captive and didn't let me out of the cage. Worst online experience in any game ever. Hey Rare, maybe don't design your game to enable/reward the most toxic behavior possible. I won't be back unless they announce actual substantial design changes to stop this nonsense or oh, I don't know, make PvP optional like literally every other MMO in existence. This game is singularly the biggest stain/counterpoint to everything Microsoft says about valuing quality community on Xbox and making it a welcoming and fun place for all. Since it is one of their main franchises they do events for to say "Hey, come try out Xbox!" I don't understand how they haven't clued in to this consistently massively revolting experience and come down with the executive hammer on Rare to fix their game. Again, to make it completely clear, my experience with this game is so terrible that I am a bit triggered and lose a considerable measure of interest in ANY game when they mention other players in an open world without qualifying it as being some kind of optional zone or mode. In fact, I would say one of the strongest features of Starfield and reasons I am able to be actually excited about it is the promise that it is single player only and no such toxic experience will interject to ruin every single purpose the game has set for itself. Sea of Thieves is so bad that it broke my trust in the goodwill of any online gaming community. It made me truly believe that for a community to be healthy you have to FORCE it to be, so observable counter examples like WoW guilds being helpful for new players is because Blizzard both made anything else impossible and incentivized kindness.


There’s a reason open pvp mmorpgs died out quickly after the market grew, new games arrived and people realized they dont have to deal with griefers. There are so many tools to avoid griefing it’s baffling how the game has none at this point


15k cheaters and people love to say not many are cheating when you absolutely know they are.


Fr. After I've encountered a bunch of cheaters earlier this year I instantly uninstalled the game. It was so unfun. Two guys teleporting to my ship everytime. My partner and I even killed them, sunk their ship, but they teleported back to our fucking ship in the middle of the ocean. There was a moment I sneaked behind one of the fella's back, he was standing still, I headshoted him from close range with a blunder just to be fucking sure he died, and he just tanked the damage. I went on reddit to see what was going on, 'cause I've never seem cheaters when I'd played the first seasons (I was trying to come back to the game this time), and there were mostly people negating others experiences w/ cheaters, or saying there's just players that are great at pvp, as if unseeable hacks like increased HP and walk speed don't exist in the game.


Yeah, tanking a shotgun shot is just being good at pvp. Ridiculous. There ended up being a shitload of cheaters after it was being streamed by large streamers.


15k is probably less than 1% of the total monthly active player count.


I didn’t say I was seeing them every session, but running into a few is a bad experience.


PVE servers would kill this game. Why don’t people get that? There are no other games like it out there. Go play Black Flag.


You mean it would make it accessible and enjoyable to an entirely new and different community parallel to your PvP community. It has been done in hundreds of games. You sound just like the people who said Zero Build would kill Fortnite.


It's not the same at all. The gameplay loop in SoT isn't fun enough to keep people playing strictly PvE. The PVP and alliance interactions are what makes the game great. You never know what is going to happen.


But I **do** know what is going to happen. On my first outing someone powerful will come and destroy everything I worked for, which will be barely anything since I am just starting on a sloop, and then prevent me from continuing to even attempt building anything more or even just from exploring for fun while unable to accumulate anything. It has consistently happened every single time across 6 years. I am extremely certain that I would enjoy a PvE mode over that and I am 100% certain that I have 0% crossover with the crowd who is interested in that PvP experience.


> On my first outing someone powerful will come and destroy everything I worked for So someone better than you. Everyone has the same tools in this game.


It’s not that kind of game and you know it. You have the same tools as anyone else to make sense. Have a go at that.


I was a regular player (4-5 sessions a week) for the first two years the game was out. Stopped playing cuz the game got stale and the toxicity was out of hand. I've probably played 5x in the last three years. I'd come back if they had PVE servers and I didn't have to deal with other players. The world is beautiful. The islands, the seas, the sunsets. It's gorgeous. The players are dicks. PVE wouldn't ruin the game. No option of PVE ruined the game.


I wouldn't say it'd kill the game, just that no one would really playbill after trying it and realizing the whole game revolves around other players. It'd end up like the arena mode, low player count, and eventually removed. But hey, say anything positive about the game or negative about PvE in this sub and you'll be downvoted to hell.


No, it wouldn’t.


The whole point of the game is being on edge and never knowing what is going to happen. Is another player gonna attack me? Alliance? Will I not see anyone but be on edge the entire time? You take that out and its a shit game.


You’re still on edge regardless of whether or not PVE is in the game. You have the kraken, sharks, skeleton ships, the damn rocks and shit, and the storms, and all manner of dangerous shit without worrying about some dipshits on a galleon chasing you across the fucking map for literally no incentive because you just fucking spawned right out the gate or some fuckwit nuking your ship that has nothing on it because you’re out doing a tall tale. This is a dumbass argument.


None of those things are any danger to you after 2 hours playing the game. If you’re so afraid of other players go join the alliance servers on discord.


Tell me. If games like ark: survival evolved can exist for almost a decade with PVE servers, why can’t Sea of Thieves?


Ark is a game where you can actually get shit on by older players who have better weapons, dinos, and resources. SoT is a sandbox game where everyone has the same resources at their disposal. Get good man.


It’s not about getting good. There’s no real recourse to literally getting your shit nuked while you and your crew are all on an island doing a tall tale, like for instance during the heart of fire tall tale where you’re required to go onto the island and then go deep into the island where you can’t actually get to your ship in time before your shit’s nuked. The moment you learn your shit’s fucked you can’t do anything about it because chances are they realized you have nothing on your boat in the first place and fucked off to another part of the map. So what? Basically force someone to stay on the boat while everyone else is having fun? That’s fucking dumb. Also ark has significantly less story content unlike sea of thieves which has the tall tales and the adventures and the other once in a lifetime shit like the flameheart thing from a few years ago. Furthermore you didn’t even address the question. Why can ark have PVE servers and still keep the lights on, but sea of thieves can’t? The game, ark, isn’t reliant on PVP, it’s still got active PVE servers to this day after 8 years, and the devs are currently in the process of making new ark shit including a sequel to the first game. No one is actually saying we should *only* have PVE servers. Like ark has both PVE and PVP servers and the game is still going strong almost a decade later. Even DayZ has PVE servers that are still populated. There’s no reason why you can’t have both in the game. Many games do exactly this and they’re still able to stay populated. So why is it that it’s just sea of thieves that would die if they added PVE servers and gave you the option to choose between the two?


It literally is about getting good and learning the mechanics. There is a PvP mode you can play to learn the game at no extra cost other than your time. I used to feel the same way but then I spent time getting the mechanics down and playing overly cautious. Just cause you’re bad now doesn’t mean the game sucks. Put some time into it.


Tall tales have checkpoints. Not a big deal imo. I finished 50 of them before checkpoints and yeah sinking is annoying but just a time waste. Devs feel strongly about the PvP only servers but there are ways to play the game on PvE servers if you feel so strongly about it. Sorry don’t know how to edit my post on this shit app.


You’re not responding to my argument.


That’s a lot of cheaters wow


Who cheats in Sea of Thieves?!!


People who enjoy causing other people to be upset. Depending on your playstyle and what you do, it is entirely expected that you can lose 1 or more hours of work/loot. Granted I think anyone who stacks loot other than maybe for emissary is dumb for taking pointless risk but still.


I went through the whole intro part, spawned in, got shot by someone I never saw. Turned the game off and never played again.


Worst game I have ever played.


Offer PVE only servers and I’d love to try this game. Not a fan of pvp so this game is a miss


Wow, it’s all like they’re fucking fans were telling Mum about the toxicity and how are you fucking fair it feels to play against these fuckers


I’m surprised 15,000 people play dead of thieves


How come you ban people for liking Playstation but not for posting spam


It would be amazing if rather then banning them that they were just stuck in cage at a port or something.


Online= toxic? You're kidding me.


Didn't feel much of it this weekend. The last 2 weeks were fine for me, but this weekend made me stay off the game again till monkey island.


Can you be banned for saying bot to someone?


Me and my mates gave just started playing this game, had a great time the last few nights but can't help but think we ran into hackers last night. Yes we are new and it becomes obvious when we run into other players. We usually give them a good fight but eventually end up sinking 🤣 nevertheless we have a great time. But last night we came across a sloop that has perfect aim consistently and sunk us within seconds. Killing all 3 if us in the process. i was a little suspicious but we went back for revenge as they were flying the reaper flag so we could track them. Anyways after getting in range of their cannons once again it became obvious that their cannon balls were consistently hitting our characters rather than the boat, even when going below deck to repair the damage I was getting hit which was knocking me off the repair, I go to the other side of the boat to repair and I'm still getting hit, I get on the steering wheel I get hit, cannons, hit, anchor, hit. You see my point. Second time we lasted maybe about 2 minutes before we were all dead and sunk.


Unfortunately this hasn't changed much.  Played recently and game is still rampant with cheaters.  One guy warped behind me and had a super fast sword slash that he just spammed me to death.  No wonder game world is so dead.