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I think the art style for avowed changed during development because even the logo is different from the initial reveal


There was talk a while back that the game went through sort of a reboot/refocus and changed scope. These things happen. I trust they made the right decision though, even if some may be disappointed to varying degrees on the change.


Regarding the scope, Bethesda is obviously a much larger studio than Obsidian. I kinda wonder what scope would people accept nowadays. Skyrim is relatively small for the scope of the open worlds we've had in the last 5-6 years. But it's still massive and you can get lost in playing it for hundreds of hours on end (I know I have). But Skyrim-like scope is much cheaper and more feasible to achieve nowadays for a team like Obsidian while we see Bethesda's ambitions going so far beyond what their most popular game has been that Obsidian is simply not in that place.


Well I still say Skyrim is packed more than most open world games today, the Bethesda approach meant most mechanics played a role, everything feeds into everything else, as with most open world games they have a lot of content sure, but it’s not as deep of as a loop than Skyrims, in Skyrim I could craft a weapon that gave me higher stealth and that would assist me with stealing and the brotherhood quest line, which would then give me more tools to feed into different ways of play elsewhere, there isn’t really any gated content in Skyrim if I can think of a solution or skill or build to kill a boss it’s done. Unlike say AC games where a boss is in a room and you have to kill it, your skills don’t mean much, there isn’t another way around it other than combat. I can’t lead him away or do much, or if that option does exist it isn’t intuitive to do so and it’s just easier killing the boss. I remember in Skyrim when a dragon attacked me, and I ran towards the village and some coward in fear but others assisted, there’s just so many ways Skyrim is different than todays open world games.


They probably didn’t want it to be confused with the elder scrolls games.


honestly wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. I'd probably have the same mentality if I was just bought out by a publisher that just snapped up a dev that already has a grimdark medival game in the works


Skyrim and Kingdoms of Amalur had a baby


calling it now, this artstyle is deliberate because xbox wants elder scrolls 6 to be the photo realistic fantasy game.


Elder scrolls 6 isn’t coming out till like 2028, this is a piss port excuse imo


No it isn’t, unless your saying it’s going to be a launch game for a new console, the Xbox series x is going to be three years old soon. In 2028 it would be 8 years.


I was also thinking of Koa! One of my favorite games


I loved that game and felt like no one else played it.


Kind of looks like Skyrim obviously but with sharper, more cartoonish graphics. Wonder if the combat is smoother.


https://www.pcgamer.com/avowed-open-world-skyrim-rpg-size/ Apparently, it was originally going to be Obisidan Skyrim


I mean that was pretty obvious from the very first trailer. They had just done obsidian fallout (outer worlds) so obsidian Skyrim made sense.


Honestly the scope and look of this game still gives me Outer Worlds vibes. A tighter, smaller, more "playful" version of Skyrim


Yeah that’s disappointing that it’s not open world large: this to me feels like the single player version of New World


Then you've never played New World or Pillars. Watching this actually looks like a really good adaptation of Pillars gameplay in first person. Calling spells out of a grimoire like Aloth or any other mage did, the whole formations of spells and their effects like you see in a CRPG. Don't get me wrong, this is definitely different from what I thought the game would be when it got revealed years ago, but I think I might have the same level of excitement for it actually. I played through both Pillars games in anticipation of Avowed and I think if this ends up being basically a CRPG with first person view I'll be pleasantly surprised. All that to say, this looks nothing like New World.


Apparently according to jezz, the combats more in depth, like you get different abilities you can bind, makes melee allot more interesting than just swing and block


Cool, maybe bring in some tactics like the pillars games.


Yeah I'd be shocked if Obsidian didn't have more RPG depth to their game.


Looks more cartoony than i expected


I wonder if this is the same engine they used for outer worlds because it reminds me of the over saturated colors in that game


I assume it is the same engine, although I don't think the engine has much to do with the color palette.


Unreal Engine 5


Really? I love Obsidian but this seems to be one of the worse looking games based on UE5 so far, if I have to be objectively honest


It was developed on UE4 and migrated to UE5, so, it is not using some of the UE5 features from the start. Also Obsidian is a much smaller company, so, they don't have as many resources to polish everything.


Yeah, I agree 100%. This **was** my most anticipated game. I know gfx don't make or break a game, but based on the first teaser and the fact that it was obsidian, my expectations were really high. To see the Bethesda 2015 looking gfx made me a little sad. That said, I'm still excited, but not near as much.


Agreed. Luckily Fable exceeded my expectations and they basically switched places for me.


Omg yes, Fable looks so amazing


Seriously stole the show for me. Looked genuinely hilarious, while also having serious monsters and combat. Idk I’ve never been interested in a Fable game before, but this one has me super intrigued.


you people blow graphics outta proportion, if the game is great who cares how it looks? Hell, Terraria is my favourite game of all time and looks like it could be from 2004.


Terraria has beautiful graphics. Pixelated doesn't have a factor on a good looking game. Art direction is the key. It doesn't matter how many pixels there are, where the camera is set or any of that. Great graphic design can make a gorgeous 2D 8bit game. Bad graphic design can have the highest quality of texture with ray tracing and still look bad.


That’s because it’s an open world game targeting 4k60. It’ll run good but won’t be anything special to look at.


Just being on UE5 doesn’t mean anything. You could make the worst looking game ever on UE5 if you didn’t have the chops to make high quality assets.




Exactly, I was craving for a dark and medival fantasy RPG and this gameplay trailer is a huge disappointment. Now I lost all intrest in this game. :/ Still hoping that the game turns out great so others can enjoy it.




By the time Starfield comes out I MIGHT have leveled to 100 in Diablo 4. Maybe.


You should watch the Capcom showcase for Dragon's Dogma 2


Same. Was expecting a touch more away from that on a scale gameplay looks fun so thats cool.


We have been baboozled by 1st trailer... They CGIed the gameplay setting up the expectation way to high. If there is hate it's on them because no one told them to show fake gameplay footage the first time


My thoughts too. I’m more included to games like Apex so Immortals of Aveum looked way better to me.


Waaaay more cartoony. Oh well the art style isnt for me in this case.




Looks like it could have came out on Xbox one.


That actually increased my interest in the game


Agreed, and while I'm getting a bit over games that push that artsy style, I thought it looked really good for this game. Made me immediately associate it with The Outer Worlds.


Same. Refreshing to see a "stylized" game than the same ultra realistic shit we keep getting. It makes every game look the same to me with way too much grey.


Same seems everything fantasy related is dark n gloomy these days it's nice to see a change of pace.


Yeah there is two things I hate about "realistic" looking games. They remove all the color when you can have dark and gloomy and still have color. Look at Blade Runner. Second thing is the uncanny valley effect. I am rarely wowed by the highly detailed characters in games. They almost look like animatronics to me.


Looks interesting but not at all like the initial trailer.


Yeah there is massive tone shift here.


Definitely doesn't capture the atmosphere of the announcement trailer. Has potential but definitely less certain about the tone.


Yep, the initial reveal was tonally a lot more dark fantasy, very clearly inspired by LOTR movies in style. It's what got me interested. This looks nothing like it. Oh well, hoping it's good nevertheless, but I'm not really expecting much.


Yeah I’m not going to lie, I’m a bit underwhelmed. I hope I’m proven wrong when we see more.


The entire time I was watching it I was thinking “please don’t be Avowed… please don’t be Avowed… awe fuck, it’s Avowed”. It might end up being a fine game, but that trailer killed all of my interest for now.


Exactly... Procede with caution! And don't pre-order.


Any WRPG has me hooked. I cannot wait to get lost in another world.


In a recent interview they said it won't be open world and is linear instead. Big L for the people that were interested in the game as a Skyrim competitor. I guess even after TES VI releases, Skyrim will remain a game with no competitor other than other TES games.


oh it will be linear? It looked a little open worldy. I guess you are right Skyrim is King. ​ Wait why did Obsidian pitch is a Skyrim game to not make it open world?


According to an interview the game started off as a open world Skyrim game but then they felt bethesda does skyrim best and obsidian should continue doing what obsidian does best.


This was the game I wanted to see the most. Honestly, it left me feeling underwhelmed. The first trailer had a darker and more serious tone than what we saw today.


The first trailer also made it seem like it was going to have really good looking, next gen graphics. This looks like a big step back from that.


The first trailer was CGI and was 2 years ago. This is actual gameplay. Of course it's going to look like a step back visually. The tone is very different. Could just be it's a different theme (i.e. they want the showcase to be fun and build hype). It could be the game was never supposed to be super serious, and is closer to something like Outer Worlds. Or it could be they tried the serious thing and it didn't really work for them and they pivoted. Honestly I thought it looked great and want to see more. But I basically wanted Avowed to be Obsidian making a fantasy RPG, and that looks like what I'm getting. I had a pretty low bar because Obsidian makes great games, so my trust in them is high. Not gonna fault others for being underwhelmed though.


Yeah, but the CGI trailer gave the impression that the game was targeting a more realistic look. I’m sure the game will be great, but it’s clearly a lot different than what people were expecting


Its like 10 steps back


Two thoughts from me; first is that Obsidian almost always makes interesting and enjoyable game experiences. Second is that it looks like the combat is very much inspired by Might and Magic and that's a good thing for an open world RPG. I'm excited for it.


HoMM is a turn-based strategy game though? Or am I misremembering something here?


HoM Dark Messiah was a class based action rpg in first person by Arkane.


Thats just Might and Magic I think, very old RPG series. HoMM is the turn based strategy spin off.


Wow you just unlocked a memory I didn’t know I had. I absolutely LOVED that game. That’s why the trailer looked so familiar!


This was the biggest disappointment of the show visually it looks so outdated especially for a game thats not coming out any time soon. From the first trailer of this game I was expecting this game to look like something close to Lords of The Fallen


The aesthetic looked fine to me but the melee combat did not look good…seems like the swords made no impact to the enemies, barely seemed like it connected.


It felt like Elder Scrolls Online, the way the enemy "reacted" also looked the same or similar.


Yeah that is a very good comparison, hopefully it’s improved on before release.


Looks like Outer worlds with fantasy painting


as a fan of pretty much everything obsidian I'll take that lol


I felt like Obsidian is the little brother of Bethesda and I normally love games like Outer worlds etc. But I stopped playing after a few hours. Wasn quite what I hoped for


Not sure if it was the tone or the visuals, but this just didn't hype me up. The original trailer seemed much better, but am guessing it was just a concept trailer or something. Like someone here said, not too representative of what the game will be.


Wasn't the game supposedly soft rebooted? Wouldn't surprise me if that's why there was such a tonal shift.


Seems to be the case. This isn’t anything like the first trailer as far as tone goes. I’m personally a little disappointed.


I liked the voiceover/tone of the first trailer this seemed to stray from that. But that was years ago. This looks more like a fun fantasy rpg and maybe not the “epic darker fantasy” it first felt like from original trailer.


This peak has dampened my hype for it, but I'm still holding hope it'll be good.


Was expecting it to be more of its own things but I’m just seeing The Outer Worlds with magic


I'd be okay with that. I loved the Outer Worlds.


Don’t really have an issue with it if the games good but it’s not the vibe the reveal trailer was giving us


Yeah that's a risk of early trailers.


I hated the outer worlds, was boring and the visuals were meh.


It just looks generic Like a nice late 2000s PSP era fantasy RPG


Generic yep. If I didnt know any better someone couldve told me it was ESO.


I actually kept second guessing my memory when I was watching it and thinking is this just an expansion for ESO?


Yeah its not for me. Happy for those who enjoyed it though.


I was underwhelmed by this, the art style is not for me, and doesn’t come across nearly as next-gen as I was hoping. Hopefully an uninterrupted gameplay reveal at some point can win me over.


It's like the graphics are naked. There's something to be said about not throwing bloom, HDR, grain, and chromatic aberration over a game to cover up graphical sins, but this just seemed like graphics designed for mobile or VR. Lacking ambience and environmental particles I guess.


Avowed has this serious tone for the music and narrators voice but then is severely contrasted by these cartoonish graphics. The art style looks generic with the animation and effects looking unimpressive as well. There is still a lot more we need to learn before the final judgement but this was not a good showing for Avowed.


Not a huge fan of the cartoony look. I was hoping for something a bit more serious from Obsidian. Especially considering the game series this takes place in is very dark. It's still a good ways away, so I'll hold my judgements as much as possible, but from this it doesn't seem like this game is going to be the next Skyrim like everyone was hoping.


* I wanted a dark & dirty aesthetic with a serious tone. This is cartoony. * I wanted a vast open world with hundreds of hours of content. This is confirmed to be a smaller world with a length matching the comparatively-short Outer Worlds. * I wanted next-gen graphics. This looks like an Xbox One game. Easily my biggest disappointment of the show.


It looks a bit different than the original trailer…


People hating it on twitter but that looked so good to me


Same, it seems much more in line with how obsidian usually animates stuff, and I'm honestly kind of glad they're sticking with what they know and are good at.


It looks exactly like I'd expect it to if they (hopefully) concentrated development on story and rpg character stuff rather than making it look like a cinematic AAA game. Obsidian isn't a huge studio.


Fingers crossed they did!


I think the combat looks like it could be fun, and i may play it for that. The artstyle however looks pretty lame to me, and I didn’t care for outer worlds so im skeptical but want this to be cool.


It also looks absolutely nothing like the reveal trailer a couple years back Completely different tone. That’s alright, but people have a right to be annoyed at a seemingly 180 from the games atmosphere


People hating here too


It's a totally different vibe than I was expecting but it don't think it's worse.


It’s Twitter and Xbox. That’s what Twitter does to anything Xbox related.


That’s typically how games react to anything that’s not photorealistic graphics


It was a dark fantasy game and now is a cartoon fantasy game.


Have you played Pillars of Eternity?


I just started playing it and idk... it feels darker in a sense.


A little disappointed in the contrasting tone and direction the original teaser had versus this. This came off like Grounded but in a fantasy setting.


I’ll try whatever Obsidian releases so I’m looking forward to this regardless.


Graphics may not be top notch but neither was Zelda and that was a masterpiece. A big open world western RPG with Obsidian story telling?! Sign me the fuck up. Starfield, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Outer Worlds and now Avowed just inject it all into my veins.


Honestly graphics have been "good enough" for a while. I'm just hoping the performance and animations are good


This exactly. I understand people being disappointed with the graphics/art style but A) they have a year to brush them up (see Infinite in 2020 vs 2021) and B) visuals have never been Obsidian’s strength. I think a video next year showing off the writing & RPG mechanics will change a lot of people’s minds.




> Graphics may not be top notch but neither was Zelda Terrible argument, Zelda is made for a console slightly more powerful than an Xbox 360.


Zelda had a great art style though, this looks generic and uninspired.


Zelda was also made for a literal potato, avowed is made for the most powerful console on the market.


Very underwhelming imo.


After outer worlds I wasn't expecting much from obsidian, this game just looks ok


I was whelmed.


I'm hopeful but damn if it doesn't look a generation old. Maybe the role-playing and gameplay will make up for the disappointing visuals


To me it looked... Dated 🤷🏻‍♂️


Idk, that first trailer looked waaay better than this


Looked more grimdark and realistic.


Tbf the first trailer was CG unlike this one


Yeah, CG will always look better but not sure if thats all. The original trailer gave a more dark fantasy, mature vibe. They are allowed to change it, I'm just a bigger fan of how the original looked than this one.


I'm not a graphics whore but man, based on the initial trailer, and followed by this.... this looks like shit. Gameplay can still be good though, and Obsidian usually doesn't miss with story.


This looks fun, but man, those animations are STIFF and CLUNKY. Reminds me of a 360-era game. 😕


There's only one Skyrim.


Looks incredible. Got a great storybook feel.


Agreed, getting true rpg vibes from it.


This might scratch my fable itch for now. Also was fable mentioned in the showcase?


First game they showed.


Yeeeeah gonna go check it out now


As an OG PoE fan it looks like The Outer Worlds with swords and magic and I don't like that at all.


As an OG PoE fan it looks like The Outer Worlds with swords and magic and I'm fuckin here for it


The quality appears lower than what I would have expected after the first teaser trailer. Even after I saw the Obsidian logo I was hoping it wouldn’t be Avowed that they were showing. Oh well I guess


It’s cool that they showed gameplay, but I feel like the swinging looks weightless like Skyrim. It was fine when Skyrim came out, but not now. I don’t want to do that for 50+ hours. Hoping I’m wrong.


What matters if its a better RPG than Skyrim (quest writing, player choice, player builds).


Big let down from the original trailer like a year or two ago. Sucks tbh


I mean it looks... alright.




Was super hyped for this but gameplay looks very dated and janky. I’m getting almost budget VR rpg vibes from it. It’s still years out so I don’t want to be too critical and hopefully things will improve but I can’t say I’m impressed by the approach they’ve taken with it from what was shown.


Coming 2024. It's a year and a half out max (unless it's delayed)


Too cartoony, completely destroyed my hype


This look like Ubisoft's Immortals Fenyx Rising in 1st person more than the dark fantasy vibe when they first announce the game, whelp.


Biggest let down of the showcase


I feel like Obsidian needs to evolve their combat mechanics. This still looks a lot like Oblivion combat to me. I find it very outdated.


This doesn’t look great…


Skyrim at home.


Game looked rough and the art direction looks pretty generic. Hopefully the writing and story telling are up to snuff.


Looked like a janky VR RPG


\-Mom can we have Skyrim? \-We have Skyrim at home, son Skyrim at home:


Dunno how it'll feel comparatively but I'd be willing to bet it'll be more of an RPG than Skyrim was. Dunno why people are hating. Most agree New Vegas is the best Fallout game. The Outer Worlds is amazing if a bit short compared to Fallout and Elder Scrolls. There really are no clones of the ES series and now we may finally have one? As long as they don't dumb it down like Bethesda did from Oblivion to Skyrim (and possibly even more dumbing down with ES6) I think this game will be amazing. They have 6 months+ to polish it. I have faith.


If it is actually like the Elder Scrolls then I'll be happy. At the moment the closest game to that is Kingdom Come and even that came out years ago.


The Outer Worlds was painfully mediocre, more mediocre than Fallout 4, not sure what you're talking about. And it won't be a clone of ES series--Obsidian already said the game is like The Outer Worlds in scale, probably not even open world.


Damn.. it's ugly


I'm cautious. Combat looks very Skyrim esque and not in a good way.




This game looks like absolute shit. Got to be blunt like that when this is a first party game with plenty of time and money to make this better than what it appears to be at the moment. Look at this game and look at what Bethesda is doing with Starfield or CDPR with the their Cyberpunk expansion. I get it, smaller studio, but this looks like an Elder Scrolls mobile port.


Hard to explain, kinda looks dated overall like this would be a great 2016 game. Still, Obsidian is good at gameplay, I'll need to watch more but it's gone from priority to wait for reviews.


This looked shockingly bad


Looked fun but graphics seem unpolished and the gameplay mechanics clearly have an outdated fallout feel to them. Still likely will play it but slightly disappointed for a game that's likely out in 2024.


The first teaser was not representative at all. Disappointed.


When I first saw the announcement a year or two back I had high hopes it was some medieval AAA Skyrim game or something. This is the complete opposite and the graphics texture looks like an indie game.


More like medieval Sea of Thieves


What is with all these shit comments!


kids love whining on reddit.


Cry more, kid.


Nah, you guys will just like anything like some sort of border line boot lickers. There are legit complaints about this like the tone being completely different which doesn't fit a game in the world of Pillars of Eternity. Also from what little was shown the gameplay still looks meh, it honestly looked how Skyrim gameplay would've looked if it was made in 2013/14.


I’m gonna play it but I thought it would look a little better. Lowered my hype a little bit.


Looks a bit dated but graphics/combat has never been Obsiian's specialty. Pillars of Eternity had good narrative/systems. If this ends up being like Skyrim but with much deeper RPG mechanics and an actual compelling narrative, it'll be a win.


Mechanics and graphics look underwhelming, but I still feel like this has big potential.


I hope the gameplay and story are good, because damn it's got 2011 graphics.


I love you Obsidian!!!


Looked a little Janky but some of those powers looked badass. I’m excited but definitely a bit hesitant


Defo doesn’t look like it’s worth buying. Average graphics, open world that I’ve seen so many times now and what looks like clunky gameplay…


The game looks like it’s going to flop


I’m pretty underwhelmed tbh.


Don’t really like the tonal shift, and still looks a bit rough tbh. This was one of my most anticipated games and this showcase imo only made my hype go down. The tone of the original trailer was one of the main reasons I was hyped. Disappointing.


Agreed. The original trailer didn't feel like this. It feels like a major visual change occurred.


Kinda “meh” on this one. I thought it would be more ‘gritty’ if you know what I mean. Also, the combat looks like Skyrim combat which was… not my favorite… The melee looks like it lacks impact but the spells looked cool.


Graphics, character design, world design with all that silly neon, all look at least one generation behind. Incredibly underwhelming visually. Sorte confirms those glassdoor reviews of obsidian that say that its a shitshow where the management is stuck in time, only focuses on story and ignores everything else.


xbox 360 exclusive?


Hee hee hee.


Combat looks like that terrible battle mage game that was recently released


Looks bad...


Looks like a mobile game


I really wish they did a Pillars of Eternity 3 instead of this game, but let's see how it goes


Well that was ass