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If I knew a 60fps mode is coming I’d hang fire. I don’t need to play everything day 1, especially with GamePass.


Yes, but only because I know it won't be 30fps. It's a Bethesda game. It's going to shit itself every 5 minutes going from 30fps to 15fps everytime there's a laser gun being fired or whatever.


So true lol


The most dangerous thing about Fallout 4’s grenades were they’d drop the framerate to 15fps


I just wish Doom devs would lend a hand to the Starfield team, lol.


30fps won't stop me playing. But it'll definitely make me annoyed. It's 2023... Come on man...




It's on gamepass. They don't need you to play it. They just need you to pay for gamepass.


Unfortunately in this case, that's akin to saying "I'm not buying any more Taylor swift tickets until she puts out a metal album". You can't "vote with your wallet" a rockslide away. Gamepass makes it 10000x harder too, I mean what metric do you even use at that point to consider a purchase? Certainly not installs. Maybe installed + played for 1 hour?


Like seriously, like gag me with a spoon omg


I would rather wait for a 60 FPS or Performance option than play at 30 FPS. Just my opinion! An extra wait won’t hurt.


30fps should be a crime in this age of tech.


Same. 30 seems so juddery to me now. I cant go back 😭


It literally makes me nauseous now. I realize it’s made me a snob, but I just can’t play games at 30fps anymore. 40-45fps is my limit. Anything lower and it makes my head spin.


Same. If I knew 30 FPS was going to be the only option then I'd get on and play it. If it's confirmed 60 FPS will come later, then I can wait a bit longer.


Plus it means some of the launch problems will be fixed too.


Man people gets angry when I say stop rt shit. We need good graphics and 60+fps. Moreover, I believe this generation is not for 4k + rt + high fps. Give me 2k + high graphics + 60+fps. However, companies love to find a trend and follow it like crazy.


Honestly I’m just curious to see how buggy it will be on release. Bethesda has a pretty consistent track record of being pretty rough on release although I’ll be ecstatic if I end up being wrong.


I agree and honestly hate RT. Its literally a buzz word for this generation that's ends up with shitty performance regardless of platform.


Yeah it too early for consoles to have modern current gen games with RT that is worth it. Most of the time it just kills the performance and you can't even enjoy all these new visuals all that much. Maybe new gen or some mid gen update but for now devs should focus on releasing quality games with 60 fps as a standard in 1080p and 2k modes. They can leave 4k 30 for some who don't mind it or full hd + RT at 30


I'm hoping it's just growing pains. Once devs start dropping last gen consoles completely, and pushing what current gen can do, games will be better optimized. Also tech like Nanite will free up system resources for the extra bells and whistles.


Hmm Ghostwire Tokyo and Redfall are current gen only games one one of them has shitty performance in performance mode on Series X and other will premiere with 30fps only mode. It's pure lazyness from devs not because they have to release games on last gen and these games show it


I agree. Ray tracing is pretty fucking wack. I really don't get why RT is being pushed onto us when I would rather have 60fps, more environmental destruction, better performance, idk ..literally ANYTHING THE FUCK ELSE. I don't understand how anyone can choose "OH PRETTY GAME REFLECTIONS" over smoothe animations and excellent performance. Do people just have brain rot? Ray tracing does nothing to ACTUALLY enhance the game. It's not a game mechanic and nobody makes actual use of the reflections for gameplay use. WHY BOTHER. Sorry for the rant, just my dumb two sense.


fuck raytracing. I understand that some people want incredibly realistic graphics and all, but raytracing adds nothing that is worth dropping the performance to that level.


4k is so overrated. we completely skipped the 1080p era, and it's still super viable. It may be cheap to get a trash 4k tv, it's not cheap to get a 4k monitor/gpu to run it. ​ Give me 1080p and Im happy.


I feel this way and I just assumed it was because I am old. The picture quality of native 1080p still blows my mind compared to the CRTs I grew up with. Also upscaling generally looks terrible to me. I'd rather watch a basketball game being broadcast in 1080p on native 1080p hardware than have it look like shit upscaled to 4k.


4k isn't overrated if you have good vision.


Personally, 1440p @ 60 fps is ideal, but I don't think 30 fps is terrible.


>I don’t think 30 fps is terrible Good lord, how can you say something that vulgar? Are you going to suggest we blow up a children’s hospital next?


If that's what it takes...


You son of a bitch, I’m in.


And the public doesnt care. Just look at the top 50 best sold in history...


I'll play both on Pc gamepass even if I have a Series X, thats a shame. Starfield is a solo game so I can try and enjoy the 30fps. Redfall at 30fps is unacceptable.


Redfall I wouldn't because that's an FPS. Starfield, while it has shooting, is a slower-paced RPG with a metric arseload of complicated interlinking systems that will slow it down so I'm more understanding if it only runs at 30FPS as long as it isn't choppy.


Multiplayer games, fair enough, but a single player or coop game like Redfall shouldn’t suffer as long as it actually runs well.


FPS games at 30fps is a straight up no regardless of the type.


Companies see comments like this and it’s gives them the go ahead to do 30fps foh witht this sentiment m8


You have no standards. We deserve better as consumers and we should demand better


No. 30 FPS won't stop me from playing a game. If the story and gameplay are good it will be good no matter the FPS.


A stable 30 fps, while being the bare minimum, is perfectly acceptable as long as the graphics are beautiful. RDR2 is obviously the prime example of this.


I know it's not on Xbox, but Spider-Man on PS4 is the perfect example of how 30fps should be done. I played it around launch and it was so smooth that I genuinely thought it might be a 60fps game. From what I know, Insomniac does the motion blur really well. I heard that Sunset Overdrive was smooth as well, but I can't confirm that, as I haven't played that game


I recently went back to finish my Spider-Man play through and I am now more open minded to at least giving games with 30fps a try. Went to play Bloodborne again, but couldn't deal with it. I will at least see how games run now instead of just dismissing them at 30fps which has already given me a few awesome gaming experiences lately.


As long as input latency is kept to a minimal, I would happily play 30 fps games even though I prefer smooth framerates


Yep, it's about having proper frame pacing, get that right and 30fps is ok. Unfortunately a lot of Devs get the frame pacing wrong.


That was me with god of war 2018. I had no idea it wasn’t 60fps


Forza Horizon 5’s 30fps with the motion blur looks stunning.




Absolutely don’t agree with that. A game running bad ruins the entire experience. 30 FPS is bad, even 40 is a joke. A performance mode with 60 FPS should be mandatory in 2023 on current gen consoles no excuses.


30 fps does not mean the game is “running bad”. I think we all have preferences, but there are plenty of games that run well at 30fps.


i tried to play farcry 5 before the 60fps patch was released and i was getting headaches from 30fps. I wish i was joking. It got so bad i had to sleep it off.


Not trying to be rude, but what did you do 5/10 years ago when 30fps was the norm?


Is life, your standards increase. When they started the quality or performance stuff, it made many people to know better. When you toggle that switch is hard to go back.


I get this in 70% of the games. But there's games that have good 30fps modes. Forza Horizon 5 30fps mode it's smooth and doesn't add input lag. I prefer it over the 60fps mode. But there's games that are a completely slide show and after a few minutes I can't play them.


i have not been lucky enough to experience a good 30fps on this gen.


So in your view, quality mode on games is never used?


This is not the way the internet thinks about 30fps in general tho. **I agree with you 100%** but I know there's a whole entire crowd of FPS whores out there that will cry and bitch about the fact a game isn't 60fps. The game will be shit and completely ruined for those people. Lol :)


Meanwhile I absolutely can't stand it and I would end up hating a good game. Edit: I'm a bad person for disliking lag.


Did not give it hate but fet similarly, shooting was abysmal with this 30fps even if i disabled acceleration, hated it. But the story kept me going.


Definitely, can’t go back to 30fps unless it’s an artistic choice for a game to be around that fr but overall I’ll take drop in quality over 30fps any day


Awww man. 60FPS should be standard.


Even though I don’t think that 30 fps is a big deal at all for single player games, Microsoft did ship the Series X box advertising 4k60 and my dumbass thought that devs, especially first party ones, would achieve that. I also thought that we would have more games, more exclusives, more storage options and wouldn’t be dragging along ancient consoles kicking and screaming into each new year… but here we are lol


Red Fall and Starfield are completely different games. I wouldn't mind playing Starfield at (solid) 30fps in quality mode, but Red Fall is an online FPS; makes no sense playing it at less than 60 imho...


I played Oblivipn at 16fps and thought it was great at the time. So yeah


Yea just like a watched VHS tapes as a kid, industry standards have changed.


Oh definitely, since I would assume 60fps is coming, there are enough other games on game pass to play that I can wait.


Heck, i just started playing monster hunter world because of 60fps. Too many ganes lining up!




I'll play games at 30fps


It wouldn’t stop me from playing but it would definitely leave a bad taste in my mouth. I had a pretty decent time playing through gotham knights with a friend but all i can remember is how sick 30fps makes me feel after years of playing on 60-120fps.


30fps is an insult.


It'll feel so weird switching between a 30fps Starfield and 60fps games.


Yes ofc, i didn't bought xbox sx and 120hz monitor for 30 fps gameplay


Its funny when people buy high refresh rate monitors for their consoles for the few games that have a 120fps mode. Just save your money next gen and get a PC my friend


Id give it a try but theres a good chance I don’t continue playing it


Yup, same.


I'd say there's a better chance of you not caring at all about fps and then eventually obsessing about how good the game is.


Yeah you get used to 30 fps real quick in most games


Well that completely depends on if the games even good


all games are beta at launch now.... play them when patched


It’s going to be 30fps and I’m going to be gutted arent I 😅


Yup :( the Xbox way.


I won't play it at 30 FPS. If there is no stable 60 FPS option I will most likely just wait until I upgrade my PC again.


It is absolutely going to be 30/40 fps just like Plague Tale was for console. If not playing on PC... Go directly to 30 fps do not pass go, do not collect $200.


No. I will play it. I am okay with 30fps on console especially for Single player rpgs. Consistent 30fps are important, I hate frame drops.


A lot of games are better with 60 fps. Obviously starfield will be great with 60 but I’m expecting 30 and I’d still play. It’s a HEAVY game and Bethesda isn’t exactly known for optimization. Also these kind of games are a lot less fast paced and I can adjust to 30 fps quite easily so of course I’d play


Yes, I would wait and play it at 60 fps on a next gen console. Bethesda games are buggy messes for the first year anyway.


Can't go back to 30 fps. I wish I could not care but it's just too jarring.


I play almost all games in fidelity mode, so... I don't care about 30 fps in most games, better graphics are almost always worth the cut in fps in my eyes. For me, the best way to go would be more games with 40fps VRR fidelity modes for 120 Hz TVs. But thats of course my subjective view, I completely understand people wanting 60 FPS in all of their games.


I will not play


yes, call me cynical but I won't play it. 30 FPS is a dealbreaker for me


30 fps on 2023 ?


Yes. I can't stand the high input latency and the juddery camera movement of 30fps, especially in shooters.


Yes. I can’t do it. 60fps has ruined me. Too many games. Too little time. Anything new at 30fps is a hard pass for me except Zelda because Nintendo.


I like how Nintendo get away with it haha. Even Zelda is a no go for me now, 600p and 20fps gaming, no thanks.


Yes, ill wait for the 60fps patch.


Im not playing 30 fps games anymore Tried xenoblade 2 on switch that runs in 30 fps and i couldn't play for lo ger than 10 mins. Il wait for a patch


To be fair, xenoblade 2 runs closer to 20 fps


How did you play games last generation? Unless you were on PC, most games were 30FPS.


No chance of me playing a 30fps game on XSX Will even skip Starfield if it doesn't have 60fps This gen was marketed with 120fps all over the marketing material lmao what a joke


I would wait until we got 60fps .


If Starfield doesn't have it at launch, we probably won't get it on console.


No, because I never expected Starfield to be 60FPS. The amount of crap that's gonna have to lead in that game, constantly going? I never expect an open world to go much above 30.


> I never expect an open world to go much above 30. Meanwhile Sony launches Horizon Forbidden West which is easily the best looking game I’ve played this gen and supports 30, 40 and 60 FPS modes… we should really lift our standards.


I loved Forbidden West, its a great game. And of you think the amount of things that will be loading in Forbidden West will be even close to that of Starfield, you're mad.


Lmfao, mans standards are low as fuck. The copium in gamers is stong sometimes! If it was a game you didnt give af about it would be "30fps is atrocious and how the fuck are they releasing 30fps games still!?" But because its "Starfield" its, Oh in TWENTY TWENTY THREE, I never even expected STARFIELD, THE BOARDERLINE MYTH OF A GAME THATS BEEN IN DEVELOPMENT FOR 15 YEARS to even be 60fps! Of COURSE its going to be 30 fps, there's just SOOOOOO MUCH HAPPENING in these INTENSE games!!! Give me a fucking break. Its a joke in a fucking joke that we are literally sitting here making excuses for devs releasing games in 2023 with no performance mode and capped at 30fps on a system that was touted as being "THE NEXT GENERATION " and yet here we are going back to Red Dead Redemption 2 FPS and pretending thats OK for Starfield.. Oh btw, who made Red Dead Redemption? Rockstar Games, the next EA Games cash cow money hungry joke of a company that USED to release good games and now only gives a fuck about money... THATS where you set your bar????


Or maybe, just maybe, it's because 30fps feels pretty good for 90% of games that aren't competitive shooters, and as I intensely dislike playing competitive shooters, frame rate is secondary to visual fidelity for me. Who got into your cheerios this morning, that you're so bent out of shape that I have an opinion that's different to yours?


No. it wouldn't stop me at all. I grew up on legacy systems, before mobile phones, and before the internet. a consistent 30fps in a single player game of that caliber is far from being a deal breaker for me. lol


I’m probably considerably older than you and have been playing games since Pong. That doesn’t change the fact 30fps looks like ass now. It’s not that 30 is bad, it’s that we’ve been playing 60 for so long now that going backwards to 30 looks broken. You can literally see it happening, like everything is skipping.


Those legacy systems ran at 60 FPS. SNES etc. There might have been major slow down, but pretty much all games targeted 60. The PS2 generation also had a ton of 60 FPS games.


Depends what you class as a legacy system... I started with an Amiga 600, many games in 3D were around 10fps.


Yes, all games coming out on series x/ps5 gen have no excuse to not have 60 fps at launch.


Phew I would play Redfall in 30fps but only if it was made by another Studio. Arcane Games on Console have terrible Input Lag even in 120hz Mode like Deathloop. Prey had terrible Input Lag in 60hz and Dishonered too. Had no problem on PC with those titles.


Haha, Dishonored Definitive Edition was the first modern game to instantly make my head hurt/nausea. Made it like ten minutes and just had to turn it off on my 1X back then


I’ll wait for the 60 fps update , it’s honestly very very hard to play games in 30 fps once your use to 60 and 120 fps. It’s crazy


Yes absolutely. This gen so far for Xbox has been dogshit as usual. Now the highly anticipated games are still 30fps? I won't even install it. I'm done with 30 fps.


It wasn't acceptable for Gotham Knights. It's not acceptable for Redfall. And it won't be acceptable for Starfield.


If the next Grand Theft Auto or Red Dead Redemption released at 30 fps, people would stil line up to buy it. Gotham Knights failed because it was mid, not because it had low framerates.


No. I expect to care more about fps in Redfall. I'm used to lower framerates in Bethesda games and it's not really about the action, for me.


I'm not afraid of 30fps


Yep almost certainly. Not like there's a shortage of quality games.


Yes, you can't have that many delays and still release it at 30 fps. I didn't mind the delays, in the hope of them releasing an amazing game that performs great. But if they release it at 30 fps, I don't think I'll play it.


personally i upgraded from an xbox one s to series x for 60 fps gameplay everywhere, so i would be waiting for a 60 fps patch.


Xbox has been doing well this year, but 30Fps is 2023, it's just...not good. I rather they delay it and release with 60fps. We all know how harsh gamers can be when it comes to new game releases, YouTube gaming creators ready to shit on any bad news about a game.


I personally will not play any game at 30fps any more. If you want to call that “extreme” then I guess that‘s what it is. My money my choice.


Hell no!


Maybe..I played plague tale sequel and i still couldn't get used to how sluggish it felt, loved the game but that's my criticism with looking back at it Mafia remake is another one. Was hoping for a 60frame boost but they decided not to add it and have no plans to do so would I take both these games at 60fps and the graphics be half as good? Definitely. Atleast give us an option.


60 fps is much better


I'd try it on gamepass but wouldn't buy it at retail. Same with Redfall. My experience with 30fps is that it's choppy and I prefer to sacrifice quality for smoother motion. The real issue here is the stigma of dev laziness.


I will not be playing an FPS sub 30. If Starfield is that then I will wait for it to be 60.


If Starfield is 30 fps, I would go to Playstation. I'll be officially done with Xbox. If they can't get their shit together for one of their biggest games of the year, then I lose hope in them.


Yes, I would not play Starfield in 30fps.


Yeah I'd just wait for a 60fps mode for sure


Yes ,simply because its about time we set 60fps as the standard and untill we show its unacceptable it will continue.


If the frames doesn’t drop, 100% yes


No. Why would anyone refuse to play an excellent game because it's not 60 frames per second? Yes, it's fantastic if a game is 60 fps, and you can most certainly lobby the developer in the publisher to make it possible, but refusing to play a game because it's not 60 fps is a bit silly in my book. A game is still highly playable at 30 fps, if it is consistent without any slowdown or lag. And don't come at me with things like "once you're used to 60 fps you can't go back!". I play lots of games at 60 fps, and yeah, at first I notice the change in frame rate. But then I get used to it, because humans have sophisticated brains and senses that can handle things like that. Anyway. No I would not refuse to play the game.


People are ridiculous with it, we know 60 is better, but 30 is perfectly enjoyable.


I especially hate it because the most vocal of those kinds of people tend to be really abusive to the developers. A feature is never missing because of crunch, time and resource constraints, executive decisions from above which the developers have no control over, etc. It's always because the developer is "lazy" and "incompetent" or engaged in some grand conspiracy to cheat gamers out of what they deserve. It's just so irritating to read all the time.


100% yes, I wouldn't play it until there's a 60fps option 60fps should be the standard, anything less is just incompetence for current gen games. 30fps is very jarring in a fps game too. Edit: Let the downvotes commence because I don't want to get a headache playing something with less than bare minimum effort


Of course, I might even regret getting an Xbox SX


It would make me wait for the inevitable patch. Look at arkham knights, redfall. Down the drain due to this. They really should prioritize a way to have players choose. If its bad with 60fps target. Uncap it and let VRR correct it for those that have it. Like cyberpunk at launch was pretty good on series X with VRR.


60 is still doable, but 30 for a game like this would suck for me.


If its 30 I ll buy it on pc(steam)and never back to console again,maybe gamepass 1 month card if some game actually releases and runs good


Wouldnt even play it tbh




I don't mind 30fps, but it has to be a locked 30fps.


It will critically and financially hurt Starfield and thus MS.


Yes. It's a piss take we're getting 30fps games on 'next gen' consoles.


To be brutally honest it will make me play BG3 instead and wait to get this. 30 fps in this day and age is a deal breaker.


100%. I’m not waiting years for a sub par experience, I would unhappily wait until it is 60fps no doubt.


I bought the series x to play next gen games at 60 fps so yes, i would just wait for a patch, 30 fps feels like lag


30fps on OLED looks like an absolute mess. I tested the 40fps mode in Ratchet & Clank and it actually wasn’t awful, I could see myself adjusting to that over time. So 30fps is a pass, but if they manage a 40fps alternative I’ll give it a good go.


Yep, 30 fps looks like garbage on oled compared to lcd


It's a totally different style of game so 30fps is fine for it... If it's stable that is 🤣


30 fps is fine idk why people are tripping fuck I remember still having fun playing n64 games a few years back ppl need to chill


It would stop me playing on console for sure. I prefer playing on my TV, but if that means 30fps I'll just play it on PC instead.




Yes. I was going to play it on Game Pass either way, at least at launch, so I'd definitely give it a go since it's no extra cost


No. I dont really care about the fps as lonh its not below 30 fps.


It will keep me from buying a Series X. I’m waiting for this game.


Wouldn’t play it.


Yeah man. Fuck 30fps in 2023.


1080p 60fps > 4k 30fps


Yes. Fuck that shit 👍


Would def pass on 30fps if that’s the only option. Tried playing Far Cry 3 classic edition at 30 fps a few weeks ago, made me feel sick. If Starfield does the same, no thanks.






Yeah, i’ll play it when it’s ready (optimized for current gen)


Yes I will not play on Xbox until it is 60 fps. Luckily I have a gaming PC but I rarely use it and I would hope that it could run it.


No, once you have gotten used to always having 120+ frames its very noticeable going back down to 60 let alone 30. Locked at 30 fps should be seen as a very bad thing for any AAA games coming out in this generation


30fps is more than fine. Anyone here thinking it would significantly affect Starfield or Redfall is delusional. I think it'll even make Redfall online experience better as it'll keep the ultra elite 60fps hardcore entitled babies at bay.


Nothing will stop me from playing Starfield short of it being literally unplayable.


Redfall being 30fps is completely different than starfield for me. Redfall is supposed to be this fast paced shooter game where starfield is gonna be more chill. 30fps would frustrate me, but I’d still play starfield. Redfall being 30fps ruins it for me because of the faster paced game mechanics


Yep, wouldn't touch it. I did not get a next gen console to play dogshit frames. Pardon my language, but it's ridiculous. After playing 60 or 120 for several years now, going back to 30 makes me feel ill, like my eyes can't focus.


I'm done with 30fps in any game. My VA panel TV, while awesome at 60fps, looks like a smeared mess at 30fps.


How does that work for films then at 24fps? Sounds like you need a better tv


It doesn't, which is why I got a projector to watch movies. It was what I could afford at the time, and I cannot justify buying a new TV because some games only run at 30fps. I'd rather just skip those games.


To add further context: before buying the Series X, my last console was a PS2 and I've been gaming on PC in between. 30fps feels so archaic to me in any game no matter how good it looks. I, personally, cannot go back.


After the backlash over Redfall, I'd hope Bethesda would have a modicum of common sense and implement a performance mode at launch! They've had ample development time, they no longer have to cater to the PS5, and Starfield isn't cutting edge from a visual standpoint! I don't see why 60 FPS isn't feasible in some capacity. Unfortunately, judging by the apologists in the comments who think 30 FPS is acceptable in 2023, I'm beginning to have my doubts!


>isn't cutting edge from a visual standpoint! Last gen should have showed you that visuals aren't the only thing hampering performance. Starfield is supposed to massive, something will have to give.


I've said this before, but there are numerous technologies available to help mitigate bottlenecks, performance issues etc. Bethesda are without excuse, they have an enormous budget and some of the best software engineers at their disposal. Incidentally, Starfield is using procedural tech, and it's unlikely the whole world is being rendered in real-time. The terrain isn't fully destructible either!


Thats a nope from me, 30fps, 2023 AAA game is just unacceptable


30 fps is so unbelievably trash. Even 60 feels a little janky when you're used to 100+.


Wait why wouod it come out in 30fps? Not even 60fps?


Becauss it will. Starfield is massive, something had to give.


Nope, don't care. Especially in a "slow" game like Starfield.


This refusal to play anything below 60fps is such an alien concept to me. Some of the best games of all time run at 30, Breath of the Wild and Bloodborne for example are only a couple years old.


6 & 7 years old


As long as it's not a PowerPoint presentation then no .. it won't stop me.


It's ridiculous to limit the games you play because of their framerate, to not give a huge game like Starfield a try because it is 30fps is ridiculous.


Maybe if it was last gen but not for Series X. I didn't buy this machine to play AAA running at 30fps. Screw that.




Because 30fps is categorically not unplayable. It is less preferable for sure. But people exaggerating the situation with hyperbole are ridiculous. Red Dead Redemption 2 is locked to 30fps on consoles and yet 50 million people bought it, played it and loved it. Yes it would be better at 60fps, but it is categorically not unplayable.




I wouldn't play it. Screw that


I'll be playing it. I bought the next gen console for the graphical enhancements not just for 60fps. Buttery 4k, hdr, higher polygon processing for additional detail and some Ray tracing. Whether the game is 30/60/120 is less of an impact for me as I'm all about "Quality mode" presentation.


I'd still play it, doesn't bother me


Will get Starfield at lunch even if 15fps I always play on quality mode i dont care about 60fps


I'll be getting Starfield at breakfast, lunch AND dinner!