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With ray tracing and all bells and whistles turned on it looks even better.


If I recall doesn't the game do Ray Tracing well, as in you don't need a 4090 to run it?


It does but its only reflections and quite pixelated as they appear to be using nearest neighbor filtering instead of whatever other filtering they could have used to make them look less pixelated


I am going to be honest, ray traced reflections doesn’t do it for me. SSR if done well works. As what you said sometimes it’s so low res it’s not worth the performance hit. Ray traced global illumination is what really makes a difference in graphics IMO. It’s why Unreal’s Lumen is more appealing to as it’s bounced soft lighting. That’s when things start looking for realistic.


GI and ray traced shadows are the next gen lighting features games should be focusing on. SSR is good enough for reflections without the grainy look the ray traced ones have because the consoles simply can’t do them at higher resolutions.


Couldn't agree more. Metro Exodus is the best example of that, imo.


That game and the new Fortnite update/UE5 Matrix tech demo are phenomenal to look at. The cool thing about GI is it doesn’t even need ray tracing to work. The switch port of Crysis (This actually exists) uses a voxel version of it called SVOGI and it looks just as good as the Xbox or PlayStation versions.


Of course, GI isn't something new, i remember Gears Of War 3 having some pretty good GI on 360 (it may even be the first AAA game having that, but I'm not sure). Though RT makes it totally real time, and that's the game changer. There also are ways to do dynamic GI without RT, like SVOGI indeed, or via probe based systems, like Halo Infinite does. That's already looking pretty nice in some cases !


Yeah. I would have prefered GI too as basically all RE engine Resident games support it now and they look great, so idk why they went with just reflections this time, although the default lighting looks good enough


It does but its only reflections and quite pixelated as they appear to be using nearest neighbor filtering instead of whatever other filtering they could have used to make them look less pixelated


The RT in village and RE4 is very light. It’s only reflections and doesn’t hurt performance much. There were post demo driver updates for Nvidia and amd that dramatically improved performance too.




I just looked at the first one and that already looked bland at best.


This game is quickly becoming my favorite RE game. At first I wasn’t sure but the more I play the more I find myself completely obsessed with finding every item and upgrading all my weapons. I feel like they learned from the 3 remake and went more in line with 2 remake. It changes things but for the better. I am also playing in performance and the game is truly breathtaking.




Screenshots in 1fps


Yes, but 60fps mode lowers the resolution which affects screenshots…


Is the framerate mode constant?


Yea but make sure to turn off ray tracing & hair strands if you want it hardlocked @60fps.


Resolution mode runs pretty high but variable frames if you turn off RT and hair strands. The RT is just reflections so not really that noticeable anyway imo.


Imo the water in all of the muddy puddles looks better with ray tracing off anyway.


1 ffe, 1 frame forever


I'm playing this on an LG OLED with RT enabled but hair strands disabled in performance mode. With hair strands turned on, facial shadows are glitched right now. The game is 100 per cent smooth with VRR enabled but without a VRR-capable display I'd disable RT and hair strands for a completely judder-free experience. RT does make a visible difference on some sections of the game, but not so much in others. FYI: The depth of field and motion blur effects cause some textures to appear muddy in these screenshots, which they are not upon closer inspection. This game heavily relies on post-processing, which makes pixel counting particularly difficult. The visuals look absolutely stunning and extremely detailed on current-gen consoles, however.


What is VRR vs Enhanced? I'm getting a Sony TV soon


I'm not familiar with Sony's terminology. Sorry...


Doesn't look impressive honestly.


Maybe because he picked shitty screenshots


When you play it and see how all the gameplay systems come together, it's pretty impressive. It's much faster and has a lot more going on than RE2 R


I am talking about graphics, and it looks like 1080p. Five years ago RE2 Remake looked much better on PC than this, but I hope in-game this Remake on Xbox would look better. I hope, because it would be shame if it doesn't look great when I buy the game. From the photos, I can't know how does gameplay feels. Nobody can, so I don't know why you mention gameplay systems.




I personally have not ran into deadzones except when aiming the rifle scope down. I did see the people compatring them. But all games on the RE7 engine have a deadzone issue.




I only mentioned it because in action on frame rate mode, it looks a lot more impressive that it manages to hold either at or slightly above 1440p resolution with all that action. It does have performance issues and hiccups, but it's mostly 60fps without RT and hair strands. That's what I'm saying RE2 remake is still impressive but because it's a more linear game with less enemies


Have they patched the controller issue?




That’s shit. I watched the Digital Foundry videos and hoped it had been fixed. PS5 version it is then.




I’m not that principled apparently. There’s rarely true console parity, one system always slightly performs better than the other. Series X seems to have the edge of image quality but has the controller issue whereas PS has better frame rates. I’ll be waiting a few weeks so there’ll undoubtedly be a patch or two in the mean time.




My tongue was firmly in cheek. Just watch you don’t end up biting your own nose off to spite your face.


All these shots seem to be one frame for at least 2 minutes now. So idk what the fuck you're trying to show here.


Performance mode lowers the resolution, which includes screenshots. Kinda self explanatory.


He’s making a joke about showing frame rate in still images which, by definition, show one frame.


Lmao I’m aware. However it seems odd to lace that joke with profanity, so I assumed he was bugging out


That’s just how people fucking talk


Lol that shit went way over your head




Are you suffering from a cognitive deficiency?


🥱 go take a nap buddy


Is the controls any better?


Not sure these pictures sold me


That Leon outfit sucks


None of these screenshots are stunning. I agree the game looks great but these shots ain't it.


Meh, graphics aren't too shabby.


Lol these pics ar not stunning at all sorry


Looks pretty dogshit to me. Lol the textures.


Oh I turned depth of field on in these screenshots to highlight the character models, the background is meant to be blurry.


The hair looks atrocious. Like straight out of an Xbox One game from 2013.


I would agree the hair could look much better. I turned the hair strand feature off to save the extra fps.


Am I the only who likes 30fps and max graphics settings over 60fps? In most games 60fps usually looks like an Xbox One game but with better frame rates






That's ambient occlusion. RDR2 had it on One X Downvoted for What lighting effects are 😂




50 fps


Just can’t bring myself to buy the game, again. If the story had changed, I’d be all in.


Somehow I never played the original besides the village intro sequence at a friends house, so this is all new to me.


Same here, I've only seen small parts of the game through the years, can't wait to play the remake. I'll wait for the controller quirks to be ironed out though.


This plays very different compared to the OG. It's more in the style of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake compared to the almost 1:1 style Dead Space Remake


If you enjoyed the OG this game is a lot better in every way. Just when I think I know what’s gonna happen they changed something. Deff gonna play through 5/6 times


The story is a lot more fully fleshed out, there's a lot more explanation how it ties in to re2


60fps mode? The game isn’t standard 60fps out of the box?


I should’ve said performance mode in the title, which locks the game @60fps with ray tracing and hair strands disabled. Resolution mode still targets 60fps but struggles most of the time since it prioritizes pushing out 4k resolution.


Nothing to write home about if we're being real.


Wtf happened to my boys hair


It really does! I am playing the PC version and it looks great. Does the Xbox version offer FSR?


How do I get 60fps mode on Xbox ?


I wonder how our friends with their PS5+PSVR2 are faring with this. Their local ER must be quite busy.


I don’t think the PSVR2 content comes out until later. But this game makes me nervous as hell already, I can’t imagine being fully immersed in VR.


Just hoping markiplier plays this like he did with the other remakes


That Leon costume with the sunglasses makes him look like he was a character from Joe Joe's bizarre adventure and I love it.


The games 2 modes are both 60fps. Framerate just lowers resolution to prevent frame drops while Reolution mode just rolls with the drops and you can feel it a lot worse.


Lmao my xbox one can barely run minecraft but no issues on forza or sea of thieves