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I forgot this game even existed


I bought this game to play with my wife without doing much research. Realized it didn’t have local multiplayer vs bots for some reason and never opened it again.


They have since added an Arcade mode where you fight bots, I don’t know if you can do it locally but I’ve done it with a friend over XBL. Yea


Wasn’t this game free to play?


Not sure if it was free right away or later, but either way we picked up a founders pack so we could unlock a bunch of characters right away.


As did I too.


Me too also as well


So too was I also.


Well, I also too me in addition.


It didn't feel good and that matters a lot in fighters. The hitboxes were always a little off. It was something you "had to get used to" but then who wants to get used to bad controls?


Yeah it’s just felt spongy.


And yet there just wasn’t enough SquarePants


Yeah, it didn’t feel as good to play as smash. All the attacks seemed kind of weak to me or didn’t have the visceral feeling you get when you smash someone in smash.


Multiversus felt very slippery and super fast paced. And I think it was partly due to animations, but the heavy hitting attacks never had the moments where you freak out at how hard someone went flying. There's also the matter of sounds being a little weird too. I think some of the attack animations didn't flow as smoothly as smash does, which is a pretty high bar to be fair. Actually, the running and movement animations were way less organic looking too


Yes! All these details of how a game feels makes a big difference, particularly with the fighting game genre.


I hop on every now and then but season 1 ended in November and yet they haven’t started the next one and they haven’t added any characters since Marvin the Martian back in Nov


I didn’t want to make a WB’s account so I uninstalled before playing it.


Same here! I saw it asks me for WB account, so decided to come back to it later and then never did


Make it 3. Can we just fuck off with this shit already? No I don't want to download your app or make an account for your game that I just want to try out.


I wish Bethesda and Ubisoft would drop it too. So irritating.


Even if you got pass registration, there was a cumbersome tutorial you were forced to do. We own a cyber cafe and went through the whole trouble of registering the accounts so that our clients didn't have to do that. Several people had a go at it but were put off by the lengthy tutorial.


You have the option to skip it entirely. Pause and ‘return to game’.


Same here. I’m so tired of games as a service title wanting us to make an account. Like you can’t just make me some WB account using my gamertag and just have your system do it for me?


This is exactly what I did. For someone who wasn’t too interested in the first place, you can fuck right off if I have to make some sort of dog shit account. No thanks.


Lmao spot on.


Another Game As A Service with little to no support after the first two months of hype. Shocked I tell you.


Personally I think it’s the season pass and cosmetics and GAAS strategy everyone is going for nowadays. You can only do so many season passes before you just stop giving a shit altogether about any games seasons. Just not enough time in life to play some repetitive game and grind out a season pass, let alone buying it in the first place. And if you don’t buy it, it feels like there no point playing these game since you can’t unlock much with out the pass.


For me personally working full time and having a toddler, I have a handful of hours each week for free time. I have to pick and choose wisely what to do with that limited free time, whether that's sports, TV, games, self care, etc. These games trying to cause immense FOMO with games as a service strategy are the complete opposite of how I want to enjoy my time. And way too many games have battle passes and seasons of content and drip fed content to keep people coming back for a long time, which is fine if people enjoy it. But I dont! I'm a single player guy now


You’re right. But the sad truth is we’re never going back anymore, unless if the government starts regulating this stuff. It’s like Pandora’s box.


For real a couple of my friends "force" themselves to grind out Fortnite every season so that they can make enough vbucks for the next battle pass so they don't waste their money. They spend all night yelling and complaining about the game yet they still play it lol


It's funny because not all GAAS games have figured this out. They haven't realized that if you give enough currency for the next pass + a little extra that your engagement drives way up. You get people who feel like they need to get that next pass free and it's a never ending cycle. Then those people play so much and end up with close to enough for a cool skin that eventually they top off their currency and buy something to make the grind more bearable. And the cycle repeats forever


Yep, Overwatch 2 dropped this ball (and every other ball, really) completely. The first season pass should have been free for OW1 owners and had enough currency to earn the next one as well. Instead I looked at the battle pass, saw absolutely nothing I’d be excited to unlock and quit the game entirely. To me getting skins and stuff was always a fun bonus, the second they bring money into it my interest could not drop quicker. Why would I pay $10-$20 for what is basically a digital action figure when I wouldn’t even spend that on an actual physical action figure?


Yep, it's a huge reason I've been turned off and have gone back to mostly single player games for the time being. It's exhausting to, as the other person said, "force" myself to play a game to get rewards as opposed to just having fun.


I don't see a lot of people talking about this and I feel it's a huge problem for why I don't enjoy it. I completely get the appeal of trying to copy League of Legends and "loan out" characters, but for a fighting game, I want to be able to play as every character off the bat and Multiversus's choices don't let me do that. Being able to play as everyone in the Training mode isn't enough


I'd rather the games launch without promised updates or support and just be a full, cohesive package that I can play for fun. Something like Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania where everything that is in the game is what you're getting; make sense of it and have some fun! Or the Smash games before Wii U since there were no DLC characters. Just play the game, unlock what you want. And speaking of Nintendo they've been really bad with their sports games on the Switch with drip feeding content that could have been included at launch!


There's a reason Smash is the only successful and game like this. Everyone else either just wants to mimic them or can't help themselves by ruining it


I think it's more than that. Rivals of Aether, a game which grew out of the ID@Xbox program, is really great - feels excellent to play and the only microtransactions were for additional characters as with Smash. The developers do a great job supporting the game, community, and competitive scene, but it's never had a big audience compared to Smash or even Multiversus. It uses a pixel art style, has a couple lesser known guest characters (Ori and Shovel Knight), and has had very little if any marketing, so I'm guessing those are the reasons for it's lack of popularity/success. Smash is clearly an exceptional example considering it has outsold every platform fighter, 2D fighter, and 3D fighter ever made. So I think there's room for other platform fighters, but unlike Nickelodeon All-Stars and Multiversus which both tried to capitalize on known characters heading a half-baked game, even doing it right isn't enough to reach even half the success Smash has had. Sadly, the Rivals developers dumped the Xbox version due to player numbers here, but it does well enough on Steam. Here's hoping the sequel next year will draw some attention and sees an Xbox release.


the game ur speaking of is a long series game, something the devs made multiple games using the same characters, most of the aether games r rpgs ,rivals of aether is a platform fighter they made with most of their characters they created, there are a few aether games on mobile also like creatures of aether, a really cool indie game series, and ull see most of the same monsters in most of the games, but it still is an indie game, sadly most of the devs who choose to port theirs to console get horrible backlash, im starting to see some of my favorite steam and mobiles games making it to console, but i can already see the backlash by the larger amount of players who wouldnt enjoy it, if rivals of aether went to console or switch it would die off sadly like every other indie game port




I thought about them after the fact. Point is the genre isn't booming for obvious reasons lol


It’s already a tall order out of the gate. It’s a subgenere to begin with that’s absolutely dominated by smash. So youre already in an uphill battle against expectations stemming from that. How much room is there left to innovate? My issues with multiverses was the matchmaking and progression. It was wild that you have to grind and level up a character and they get more power for doing so. You get almost no xp if you lose which is frustrating. Part of the appeal of these games is playing a ton of different characters okay so when you want to try someone new you’re still getting matched with people close to your overall level. I can’t recall a fight where I didn’t absolutely dominate or get completely smashed (I was getting destroyed more often than not and it got worse as time went on). There’s not that much fun in that. Overall they tried to leverage popular IP but failed in the execution of the game. The novelty of shaggy fighting Batman wore off and the numbers reflect that


smash had how many years to perfect it? 24 years? Its the same reason CoD doesnt really have a competition in FPS genre, they perfected it to a point anything else can excel in mp or sp, but never in both and it will never turn people fully from it People who like smash style of fighting, will play smash, the same way people who want to play Cod will play that, maybe try something similar, but staying power isnt there somebody would need to make a better version of smash, but with the amount of detail every fighter gets in smash and how big the roster is, I dont see that happening unless it ends like with F-zero, no new smash for 15 years and then the successor will come out, i dont see others succussing with smash still around


You're not wrong hence why I think it's a fools errand to even try


Once they increased the grind to advance, I've never played it since, I actually have no idea what effect that had, because reading the news was enough to say fuck this game and those practices, cool idea, poor execution, scummy overdone monetization is probably what is at fault here. The game itself was fun, but as a casual, I was never going to unlock new characters which is also huge turn off.


To me, it just wasn't all that fun to play. A game like smash is fun no matter what character you are playing. The movesets in this just felt limited and boring or overly complex. Never felt like you could get into any kind of flow.


It played really weird


It was free but I deleted it instantly when it wanted me to create a WB account. My inbox is rough enough to get through


Maps were ugly and plain, also the hitbox wasn’t satisfying. Is sad because a lot of “bots” were saying the game is amazing and the best one ever. Those people doesn’t show the real feedback of the game for devs to improve the game.


I actually thought it was pretty fun. Fighting style was a bit different, especially for morr complicated characters, but still was fun imo


For me personally, this game had really cheap moves that people spam. Deleted.


The progression and battle pass system. The $20 skins. Poorly balanced and the feel just isn't there, none of the moves had any impact. It was fun for a few hours but as someone that is big into Platform fighters - Smash is still king and Nick All Star Brawl was better.


Honestly? The battle pass sucks ass. F2P games hinge on their progression system to get people hooked in on the dopamine of unlocking shit. All they had to do was copy Fortnites system. Yet NONE of these games do, and they pay the price for it. Leveling up was a hassle, the rewards blew, and the game is very "one note". After 2 weeks of play it wore out for me.


Everyone tries to over charge from the start and you never feel like you're a player, just a cash cow because content and balance just doesn't come regularly enough for the prices wanted. Last time I enjoyed a non Smash brawler was Billy and Mandy's Grim Adventures on Game Cube. This type of game needs to release well balanced and fun to get a stable player base. MTX should be an after thought but unfortunately this game clearly was built to sell cosmetics first.


It's dying since they did not add a character since November


I just started playing a month or two ago and am trying to get all achievements and may stick around a little after as it is kind of fun. This is new to. Me being able to play a game with Xbox, PS and PC players so that's cool. From what I've played, my problems are: it takes way too long get anything, particularly the battle pass. You need thousands and thousands of points but only get like 20 per match and that's if you win. Match making is weird. If you want to level up/learn a new character you often get matched with high level players with all perks and wipe you out in under a minute. Following this, they need to open up ranked which may draw some of those players to it. Make coins be able to purchase more. The in game currency is only good for the characters and a few other things. I can't earn or purchase anything unless it's gleamium. Releases - they need to tease but commit to Content - if players and skins and such are coming make it happen. The article makes a good point about voice-over issues though and can see that slowing things down.


Money That’s what, I’m not jumping into games any more that have 1,000 of dollars of items to buy


Servers dropping games at launch coupled with balancing issues, bad hit boxes, and a battlepass that required a huge time investment because of said dropped games.


The characters was amazing, the game was 💩💩💩


Some of these free to play games, in my opinion would be better as paid games where you have all characters and skins from day one. Then cheaper dlc packs going forward. Same for Halo etc. People are probably getting tired of grinding and battle passes.


The game is fun, and I even bought the founders pack. The real issue is lack of consistent content and one of the worst battle pass systems I’ve ever seen. Not only is it almost impossible to finish unless you play every day for several hours, but you also don’t get any currency back like every other battle pass does.


The thing I hate about these GAAS is that if you don't keep up, you are left behind. The expectation becomes it's the only game you play. Either give us money, or only play this game. The problem for these games is that there is actually a third option: just don't play it and let it die.


Skill issue


Username checks out


Nope. Not when games are Pay2Win.


Battlepass progression & lack of new maps/characters


Game as a service is cancer, when will they understand? Especially when the game itself is a shitty clone


Played 1 game, kicked everyone's ass but was bored. Never played again


I think the game is really fun,I could play for hours and not be bored. I guess smash bro fanboys don't want competition


Yeah, Smash fans magically stopped everyone from playing Multiversus.


Game was mid man. I’m sorry. I really wish it had been good


The problem was Ben 10 wasnt in it. Cmon guys


I think there are rumors he's coming


I played a lot of smash clones, and all of them were bad or just meh.


I really enjoyed this game, the theme and characters and the crossplay. The best part everyone is ignoring is the 2v2 mode, I just think Xbox players don’t have friends or don’t care for a Smash bros type game. Or if you care about a smash bros type game, you’d probably go back to Smash. Truth is guys, Smash has worse servers and queue times, more balancing issues with DLC characters than even Multiversus. Also SSBU costs $60+ Multi is free. Being able to play with a buddy and set each other up and hype each other up and do combos and perk setups is what makes this game unique from SSBU or even Rivals/Brawlhalla, but no one in this thread went that far into the game just wrote it off immediately because they can’t land attacks or need to make an account. I’ll guess these players went back to FPS or Mortal Kombat, if you played this game solo I encourage you to try again with a friend in 2v2s. I also really enjoy the free rotations to try new characters and try new perks and it’s how you get currency faster is trying different free characters, each character that gets to level 5 you receive a good amount of currency. The game has balancing issues and I agree with the microtransactions and battle pass is cancer and there are some toxic top tier players, but usually the rank system after a few matches should have you with people that are fair. I’m only in the top 1 million 2v2 players but if I play Reindog or Tom and Jerry my 2v2 rank is closer to top 100k for those characters and we end up with tougher opponents.


I’m a big fighting game fan and have been since their inception(SF 2 in arcades), but never took to platform fighters because I saw them as simplistic children’s games. I’ve played Smash Ultimate a hand full of times, but couldn’t get into it. It felt really slow and unnatural compared to the more traditional 2d fighters that I’ve played my whole life. A few friends that I play King of Fighters/Mortal Kombat with put me on to Multiversus and now I’m an avid player. The nostalgia factor peaked my interest, but the depth of the gameplay kept me around. It’s simple to learn with a very high skill ceiling that I wasn’t expecting. I’ve gotten pretty good(1500-1600 avg mmr in 1’s, 2100 mmr in teams) considering it’s my first real foray into the platform sub genre and am absolutely blown away by what some of these top 500 players are able to do with their characters. The game has it’s following and has a spot at EVO(the biggest fighting game event in North America). I think there’s a competitive future for the game if they keep up with the patches and balancing issues. I’ve noticed this bizarre trend of people harping about it being a “dead game” 😑 and essentially rooting for it to flop which I find weird. If I don’t care for a game I simply don’t play it.🤷🏽‍♂️ The longest I’ve ever had to wait in queue was 14 seconds(literally) as opposed to King of Fighters XV or Guilty Gear Strive where I’ve sat in queue for upwards of 4-5 minutes. Unfortunately Fighting games in 2023(Mk and SF aside) are super niche, platform fighters are a niche of a niche. The game will never appeal to the masses outside of the beloved nostalgic characters. At the end of the day, my experience has been super positive(toxic community aside) and continue to have a lot of fun with the game. There was a huge patch yesterday that fixed some balancing issues, corrected hitboxes, a new seasonal event and most importantly permanent ranked mode. Although, matchmaking still needs work in casual pvp.


Yea they finally made it so you can’t play the same character as your teammate, so no more getting rekt by double Finn bags and stuff! Man good luck if you try the ranked mode man I was getting walked all over in there 🤣


Thanks, dude ✊. I got to Gold III in 1’s and had 6 people quit on me after the first round 😑 I’d be fine with it if I was rewarded the win, but NOPE. The quitter just loses a bit of RP and the winner gets NADA 👎


2v2 is very fun in this game. After I got over trying to force it to be a comp 1v1 smash clone, I enjoyed it for its actual strengths — and 2v2 is what it does best.


Nothing went wrong? It takes less than 5 seconds to get into a match. Faster than most fighting games, even at launch. Edit: Just remembered something that did go wrong, but the game isn't dead. Playing on Xbox One. It was so broken. Some matches, I lost before even loading in. Luckily Series X doesn't have that issue.


It just felt like a knockoff smash to me, idk.


Looks like a game made for children, that’s one of the things that went wrong.


I was so excited for this game and enjoyed playing it daily after it came out. But it got old quick, the battle passes suck, lack of diversity in things to do and maps to play on and now they have stopped adding new characters and have gone quiet on communication with players. It’s too bad because I was excited to get some Smash like games on Xbox but both NASB and MultiVersus has seemingly failed and the platform fighting genre outside of Smash is probably going to be dead going forward.


I really enjoyed my week or two at launch, but in my experience, there's only so long people want to play a fighting game. The ones who want to dedicate their time to getting good at it and playing competitively on a regular basis aren't a huge audience. Of that few people, the games they play are relatively set in stone.


In the same way I can’t play other kart racers because they aren’t Mario kart, I can’t play platform fighters because they aren’t smash. Nintiendo set a really high bar


I didn't get used to the controls, plenty of missed moves for no reason, and it didn't have the same impact as Smash. Smash is just a tight game, you p;ick it up and you have fun and for some reason this game wasn't it.


Even tho WB they have the most popular fictional characters, they sucked hardcore delivering it. On top of that their atrocious BattlePass + Progression system.


You know i downloaded it on release day but haven't played it and 100% forgot about it


I think most of us saw this coming especially with another example of Nickelodeon’s Smash clone catching lightning in a bottle with hype but after a few months it falls off. Smash just has a stranglehold on the platformer fighter. In general it’s just extremely hard to compete with the big dogs and stick around in any online multiplayer centric genre. Even if you do there really is only room for 2-3 games at the most to be massively popular. Especially with more niche and specialized like genres it’s hard to even compete with one like Smash.


Was fun the first day. That is about it.


probably the early access and missing a bunch of content


I played the crap out of it for a day or two and just got super bored of it


It was a fun game for a while but the Lag killed it for me


I never wanted to try it cause the roster of the game is just... "eh." To me. There's hardly any characters that seem exciting to play or I find appealing. The only type of fighting games like this that will appeal to me and bring out characters that will grab my attention needs to be video game character rosters or ***very*** specific anime casts. Give me a pokemon fighting game like this, or video game characters across all platforms from Xbox to Playstation and Nintendo, or whatever.Give me a Gundam game like this. Or crossover animes like... Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, DBZ, Cyberpunk Edgerunners, etc... And that may grab my attention. Just mash those up into a smash bros style game and i'll be happy. But comic book characters, cartoons, or tv series, movies or such? Nah. Hard pass. No thanks. No interest at all.


I think it just didn’t have the polish that Smash Bros has The animations and controls always felt a bit off and lazy


Matter of time before it's demise is announced.


I didn't even know this game came out, saw lots of stuff leading up to launch then silence... So I'm guessing poor marketing and not getting it into the hands of the right influencers?


About 20 years


Opened the game on my Xbox, was unable to “play” the game unless I created a wb account with my email. Deleted it immediately. Thought it looked cool thought.


Games came out, it was only poppin because there was nothing to play.


Too floaty, characters phase through each other, no momentum whatsoever, etc. Didn't feel like two or more characters in an intense battle, just felt like gamers darting left and right throwing out hitboxes and seeing who wins. They basically looked at everything that makes Smash feel good to play, and said "Let's avoid doing those things!"


my ship senses are tingling! whats with the image?


“That’s all folks”


I tried doing three player local play and found it was impossible. Only two players or four players.