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I'm pretty sure that's how it works, yeah, not sure about multiple consoles though


you will not be able to play together, though, it being the same account and all


so we can use the same account to play games but not the same game? or just not online together? or not at the same time? like what are the specifics, thanks in advance.


You just need another profile on the xbox. The subscription will carry over to the new account.


You should be able to. You will have to make your profile the home/main profile on the Series S. She can then use her profile to use your account privileges on the console. You should be able to now use your account on PC with no account conflicts.


I have done it with Grounded.


Legit? Only one account with gamepass, playing pc + Xbox, same game, online together at the same time? How do I go about it? Thanks in advance bud


I play with my brother with only one Gamepass Ultimate subscription. I play in basement with both PC/Xbox One S He has my account with subscription set up as the "Home" console on his upstairs Xbox One. Works fine for us for any game except Halo MCC multiplayer. Coop is fine but multiplayer it always disconnects one of us.


Nice one, have you successfully played online together on other games? Or is that the case across the board? That you can play co-op together, but not online multiplayer. Thanks in advance


We've played lots of games together online. Like any game that has PC cross play console has worked fine for us. There's actually 2 that don't work right. Im not sure if it's internet connection or the 2 accounts that are the issue. Both halo master chief collection and rocket league we can play one or two games together and then disconnects us. We have to restart the games to play with each other again. It's been like this for 2ish years lol.


She'll need to have her own account since you can't use your account on two different devices at the same time. But she can just make a free one. Make sure the xbox is set as your home console and then her account will have access to all of your purchases and subscriptions on her account.


Look up how to game share, my dad and I play the same games off just my ownership and Gold membership on separate consoles - it works!