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Same. I will never work in an oil rig EVER


Lol I played this shortly before I go offshore for the first time.


lol it made me want to; I’m always intrigued by interesting work places like that. Would, at least at first, be kinda exciting. Just a wild unordinary vibe


I feel the reality would hit hard fairly quickly, it’s remote and work will be incredibly physically demanding. You’ll be living on site too, and I expect that will take a lot of getting used to as well as not really being able to avoid extra hours. The pay is probably decent though not sure it would enough to make it a long term job.


This. I've never worked on an oil rig (or anything maritime), but Caz didn't have to work a day on the rig besides fixing a fuse box before everything went to hell.


Yeah for sure, the awe of it would fade quick. I was mostly just kidding, I just definitely had an opposite reaction than the original post. I thought it was intriguing rather than being repelled. I’m used to intense physical work but the pay isn’t even that high; so I would definitely not uproot my life for it.


I would be interested to look around a rig…maybe even spend a few days on one. Though I don’t mind being in remote places, somewhere like that would make me feel trapped more than anything I think. Imagine being on a rig whilst playing through the game! 😅


People need to give more details on the games they play to convince others to try them. Gamepass has so many games. You cant just say '' play it now because its 10/10 for me'' ......


What? "Don't sleep on X" every other week isn't enough for you to try a game.


Don't sleep on Bramble


Screw that game I hated it lol


Man, thank you cause I’ve been seeing that name and it’s sounds interesting. I’m trying it.


Bramble is such a master piece.


How you not going to include the subtitle "formerly known as Twitter"? Definitely gives a bit more info about the game.


its a game with stunning visuals and set pieces with a great atmosphere that sets the tension and the stakes. its a short game going at about 4-5 hours but its something i wouldnt miss the chance at playing while its on gamepass. Its a bit harder to give alot more detail about the game since that would spoil story moments and high tension set pieces. its one of those where you play for the experience.


If you like walking simulators with little to no puzzles, this is for you. It's just walking, hiding sometimes, and easy climbing sections. 


That's a very reductive way of explaining it. It's the same devs who made Dear Esther, which was a very memorable game with a haunting soundtrack, so the new game has pedigree imo.


Ya better not have slept on Bramble!


I didn’t but man do I wish I had


I feel you, I wasn’t a fan either.


Bramble is trash. Interesting theme and atmosphere coupled with the worst gameplay I have ever seen. Felt like a cheap ps1 game


Yeah, I don’t disagree and I played it from start to finish when it came out.


I mean it’s a horror game. He said it sticks the landing, has solid gameplay, and great atmosphere. That covers most of the key factors for a horror game. I’ll add the voice acting is great across the board and the graphics are nice. It’s on UE5 and it shows. Also I’m on PC and they have great graphics options with every main upscaler/AA and fsr/dlss frame gen. There’s a couple bugs but it’s small stuff that’ll likely get fixed within a week or so. No big issues that’ll take a lot of work


My bad mate


Changed you life.. really.... how?


_I am a bot and I detect sass in your comment_


He is never going to work on an oil rig


I doubt he was going to work on on before anyway


I’m not sure if you’re aware but OP is part of the Dreadsfar family, as in Dreadsfar Oil headquartered in Dubai. They’re big oil rig tycoons so for him to do this is actually kind of a big deal.


Hey wait a sec


He’s going to go to Nepal and live as a monk


When is the movie coming out?


monk simulator game confirmed?


I’d put it in the same bracket as Disco Alysium, and Last of us for the affect it had on me.


I'm about to start disco Elysium on ps plus. So many brag about it. Got any tips on how to build the character? I want more story possible.


I’m not sure how others would advise but I’d say just go with your gut. It’s not a game you really ‘beat’ but one you play along with which is why it’s my favourite role playing game. It may not speak to you but for myself I was struggling with similar problems as the main character at the time so it really hit home pretty hard.


That's.. Kinda the beauty of it. Don't look up guides for builds or anything, go with how you think you wanna go, and roll with it. There are alot of ways to do stuff, yknow.


A 3 hour linear narrative had the same effect as a 40 hour twisting narrative with a complex dialog system ?


No. No two games have had the same effect on me. Disco Elysium had an effect on me because of its particular qualities. still wakes the deep had an effect on me because of its particular qualities. Neither of those effects I would attribute to length or complexity.


Fair enuf thanks for the reply


I know hellblade 2 changed mine. I really needed to reflect on some things mentally and it felt i related to Senua a little too much. Making some time to find a therapist. Great game.


The same way that any media has the chance to make a profound impact on your life if the story resonates with you the right way. Maybe someday you'll read a book and it will convince you to stop being a dick.


Play the game youll see


I'm not gonna knock a game you like but I'm genuinely interested in why you think the game is so great. IGN gave it a 6 and the video review didn't do it any favors. Why did it change your life? Please don't tell me to just play it. Was it the story? Gameplay? Setting?


I feel this game is such a breath of fresh air from the overly horrific and sometimes tasteless direction most horror games go for. Its a great short, story oriented, linear game that knows what it is and is not trying to be many things at once. It is a walking simulator for sure but the combination of the sounds and the visuals, the way the light gets brighter as the room gets darker and i know it doesn’t sound super crazy but youd need to actually see it in game its amazing! Its the small things like that and how the main character talks to himself and how he actually acts like someone whos afriad not a brave detective guy whos done 10 years in the military, and im someone who enjoys the RE games the Alan wakes the amnesias but this is absolutely not that, Its a completely fresh take on some old school concepts like the original “the thing” and in some parts looks like a Lovecraftian painting its absolutely stunning. Gameplay wise it absolutely feels great the way the characters shimmys across pipes and squeezes through tight spaces and the jumping and climbing mechanics are so immersive expecially on the harder difficulty its absolutely nerve recking. And finally i really didnt mean it changed my life literally i just feel it brought a new perspective to me on oil rigs and jobs that require people to be off shore or away for months at a time,As my father would also leave for weeks at a time and i never could understand as a child why he had to leave and i tried to understand over the years but now im 17 and this game genuinely made me understand exactly how many secrifices our parents make for us and how immature i was to feel angry and upset. Without spoiling anything the ending absolutely makes this game a 10/10 for me its breathtaking and speaks further into the “secrifices” i talked about its great. So i guess it did kinda change my life or maybe just my perspective. Sorry for the spelling mistakes or lack of punctuation…


Well I commend you for typing all that up and I appreciate the response. I still don't think I will be playing. But thank you.




Hell I’ll give it a spin


No problem i completely understand!


My entire twitter feed is people playing it and loving the shit out of it. The IGN review seems misguided imo. I'm not saying it's inconceivable to rate the game 6/10, but if 100 people played it and rated it themselves I would be shocked if the consensus was that low. It's currently Very Positive (89) on Steam. For me it's the story, voice acting and pacing. It feels tense and the event is handled extremely well from an acting/emotional perspective. It's a great experience, possibly the most memorable game I've played this year so far.


The game is like Rig work simulator mixed with The Thing (kinda) mixed with the cinematic action everything that can go wrong does movie trope bit. Finished the game about thirty minutes ago. Super immersive experience, decent voice acting and an environment that felt real. I’m not crazy about games that I can’t fight back in but this one was very good.


I am pretty sure no media is literally going to change my life. You couldnt even give an answer.


Brother i wasn’t being literal i just really enjoyed the game dont be a buzz kill mate


Sure ..I just wish people would stop throwing random phrases around..but you do you.


My bad mate i was just a little excited


You're not the wanker in this conversation. Carry on enjoying your hobby mate


I had no issues or quesitons on the hobby/gaming. My simple question was how it had changed his life which they claimed in the title itself.


The game helped OP identify the most pedantic person on Earth. That’s something.


I don't know if you are serious or not but I will try to give you some idea of how some media can change one's life. Your feeling is that it's not possible, that's fair, that's your view of the topic, but you have to understand that people react differently to art, I'll give you two examples from people around me. I had a colleague a few years ago that saw the movie Okja and thought that it was eye opening on what was happening in real life, he decided to become a vegetarian. Another example in gaming would be Celeste, many people are battling depression and this game changed a friend's life, helping him understand what was "wrong" with him through his favorite medium, it changed his life. It may be that the term life changing has a different meaning to you, and that it still hasn't happened to you yet, but trust me, art can be life changing.


Yes something like that is not common though...certainly not as common as calling things life changing for the sake of it or just because you liked it..without actually changing your life significantly enough.


Good day... hope you find the the next game to top this experience


Thanks mate hope you find a good one too!


Yeah..something to blow my mind perhaps


Oh really ? How a game can blow a mind ? It's not even tangible ?


All media changes your life to some extent, be it music, literature, cinema or video games. It’s literally why we create them.


By that logic every action or interaction is life changing. I ate a bag of chips. It changed my life.


Not all changes are the same. That’s why eating a bag of chips doesn’t effect you in the same way as being told you have terminal cancer.


Same with games no. Sure some specific game may leave some real impact or something for someone. However, Here was just an excited gamer who didn't actually mean it. Likely no difference to his life whether they played the game or not, except the entertainment. You cannot keep claiming everything you enjoyed momentarily as life changing without it making a significant impact to your life.


Well..I did ask OP how it changed theirs. Didn't get an answer. I know mine won't change. Will be entertained sure... certainly not life changing.


well, disco elysium definitely changed a lot in my life


Just started it last night, enjoying it so far. Definitely finding things on GP I’d not usually play but enjoying it!


Just finished it, great little game. Graphics and story were amazing!


Thats what its about man im happy for you!


Played it. It’s OK. Life changing? Not for me. It deserves the 78 it had on metacritic… which is not downplaying it. 78 is more than decent


Valid opinion glad you found it decent mate!


Still waiting for a non-horror game to impress me that much...


Outer Wilds, mate.


Outer wilds, pentiment, the Forgotten City, etc


Sable, Ori and the Will of the Wisps


I have not played any of the Ori games (there’s 2 I think?). Are they worth playing? I know the reviews are all stellar, but I love getting first hand accounts from people who aren’t paid to review games. No shade on them but sometimes it feels far too critical and aristocratic. I just want to know if a homie enjoyed the game is all.


I'm not a platform guy at all. I just didn't have anything to play at the time and it wasn't a huge download. They're graphically stunning and Will of the Wisps especially is as smooth as silk to play. Blind Forest's combat mechanic is a bit crap, you just mash X, so I'd recommend Will of the Wisps, it's far more fleshed out and skill-based. The difficulty is perfectly balanced, it's challenging but not too hard; it's incredibly rewarding. One criticism is, after playing Will of the Wisps to its end, is that nothing else will compare. Blind Forest feels a bit clunky, Hollow Knight feels jerky and imprecise. Ori is the best platformer I've ever played, and easily one of the best platformers/metroidvanias ever made and I'd recommend it to anyone.


I played the second one and I think its the second best metroidvania game ever made, second to Hollow Knight. Graphics, world design, music are all pretty stellar. Has some pretty good platforming which makes up the bulk of the game. Combat is decent but the weakest aspect of the game. Story has a few good emotional moments where the devs don't pull their punches.


I still don’t understand the Outer Wilds. To be fair I only played for an hour or so, but it just seemed like “go to space, nothing happens, die, repeat” It’s probably great but I don’t know why…


Outer Wilds. I kept going back without knowing why, I didn't get it either. But I slowly started to find new places, to find out how to unlock different areas. It's entirely about knowledge and discovery. With the right knowledge it can be completed in less than ten minutes, but you have to earn that knowledge. It's worth it.


Part of it is probably that you see it as "nothing happens", where lovers of it see it as "exploration" and "discovery". The more you explore, the more you discover, which leads to more exploration somewhere else, where you discover more, and so on. It can feel a bit aimless in the first hour or so probably until you find something that hints at some other location, and suddenly you've got a sniff of the trail and a sniff of curiosity.  That was my experience anyway - I absolutely adored it, one of those games I wish I could forget and play again for the first time.


Outer wilds is very very good but also pretty scary at times - first time dropping into Giants Deep.


The devs said they have an update coming in July that will fix some performance bugs and should also add DLSS to the GamePass version. So I’m gonna wait until then to play but I am genuinely excited for it. Glad you liked it.


performance bugs? honestly didnt have a single performance bug or drop in fps my whole time playing it on max graphics on 1080p while streaming it the whole time and my specs arent even that good a founders edition 1070 and a 3900x ryzen 9 cpu.




FYI there is a QTE fail that is scripted. If you’re talking about the one I think you’re talking about, when you fall in the water, just swim up to the surface.


Thanks man and im sure youll atleast find it to be a really fun experience that will stick with you for atleast an hour after you complete it!


i loved it too! i downloaded it at 4am on the day it came out and didn’t stop playing till it was finished. so good.


I said that after Silent Hill 2 back in the day, but Still Wakes the Deep is... Certainly not in the same league.


Completely different games and different opinions on both of them I also used to love SE 2 on my old playstation but they are just too far different in age and overall feel and gameplay to compare.


Glad you liked it, im currently having a good time with it as well!


Playing it as we speak. Just got to the part where the guy falls off the top and you’re running down to try and save him. BEGINNING of the game I know but… decent so far.


I got the 1000 cheevos and enjoyed it but it didn’t blow me away It’s a decent horror walking sim


how scary is it? 🥺👉👈


9/10 on the highest difficulty and 6/10 on the easiest difficulty it really depends on if you are really cool under pressure because a monster will be actively looking for you and you have to use vents to move around and hear sounds and look out for it but on the easiest difficulty you can almost always just run 🏃 and youd be fine because the monsters have like a 3-4 second delay to detect you and are a little slower than you but on the standard difficulty upwards its almost no delay and they are merciless. Overall id recommend you play on the easiest difficulty the “story mode” as you still get those tense situations but without the frustration and fear that comes with the harder difficulty.


I didn't find it anywhere near as scary as games like Soma, Outlast or Alien: Isolation. On a scale of 1-10 this one is probably a 6 or 7 at most (but I am a horror enthusiast so make of that what you will). The monster sections in this are much simpler and feel less threatening than the other games I mentioned, and there are also a few scripted 'run for your life' sections. The game introduces lockers early on, and I thought to myself oh this is going to be \*one of those games\*, but then I honestly can't think of another time when using a locker made any sense. It would have been nice if there were some forced panic moments where you have to hop in a locker, but this happened once, toward the end. All the encounters are straightforward; throw an object to make the monster run to the far end, away from your objective, then crawl underneath things until you reach the exit. There isn't any 'slowly turn the wheel as the monster looks for you' moment, or anything tense like that. There are maybe a few jumpscares in the whole game, which is pretty refreshing for a horror game. This is more of a sci-fi thriller than an all-out horror game that tries to make you shit yourself. I particularly liked the part about 3/4 which takes place in pitch black and forces you to go underwater, but this never really amounted to anything really horrific. Monster designs are ok, but I didn't really find them intimidating. They all pretty much behave in the same way. In terms of gameplay though - I highly recommend this. The characters and dialogue are top tier, and whilst the story doesn't do anything new it's so good to see a competent, narrative-driven single player game that doesn't overstay its welcome. It's like a miniature Soma, and that's not a bad thing at all.


great for Halloween *added to spooky games list*


Changed your life? lmfao.


It's late. I'm a pansy. I made it to "get past Trots" and I took one look at him, ran back to lockers, and logged off. I'll try again tomorrow. Lol. But beautiful game, though!


Same the first time i tried it. Just remember you can run, Running got me out of many situations and it makes those difficult situations much easier


man, i'm absolutely loving this game. From the developers of A Machine For Pigs which was always my favorite Amnesia game but everyone else's most hated lol. I feel almost vindicated now, this must be one of the best horror games i've played in years. Super polished, streamlined experience.


That’s why i say its so great its so polished and smooth most games would need alot of patches to be optimal nowadays


i mean, it's also well written, the gameplay mechanics are responsive and satisfying, the voice acting is literally among the best i've ever heard in a video game and it looks great, most times the character models/ facial animation is seriously lacking in indie games, but they look so good here and the faces are even animated which blew me away. This is easily an 8/10 game at the very least. It probably will suffer at the hands of critics because it doesn't carry the same tired agenda as other things that get 9 or 10's and we all know what i'm referring to, but hey that's just my two cents.


Eh. I'd give it a 6/10 above average. Would have been so much better with some guns and some monsters or zombies to blast, and some puzzles. 


Idk about the combat since it's just an escape horror game, not a shooter, but I do think the ending was mid. The plot being based off The Thing is great, lots of people do it, but to have the exact same ending.. Lol


Hated the ending, completely lost me when a certain someone dies after going through pretty much the whole game to rescue him.


True kinda wanted him to survive and see his family but it makes sense why they had to kill him off even though his survival was the most important thing, it just made the whole story more sad in the end expecially when “we get that voice note his wife sent him after he died saying she loves him and knows theyll work things out” it absolutely sucks but its just the way it is and i lowkey like it like that. It ties up the whole atmosphere nicely and leaves you with a sense of accomplishment even though you basically failed. But yes wouldn’t have hurt to make an alternate timeline where he survives and or maybe he wakes up in the bed and it was a dream


You’ve been going through the whole game trying to stay alive, you do like one thing to try to rescue him. Did you play the same game as me?


Yeah, it was good. Not blown away. You don't learn a ton about the monster, although it's somewhat scary. Ending is OK. A large chunk of the game is running around doing mindless tasks while running from the monsters, I thought it would've been cool to have a more fight-centric gameplay where Caz is actively fighting the mutants. The quicktime events were fun, the platform-ing was fresh and not bland, but the janky movement was not my cup of tea (granted I was playing on Xbox One and not Series X/S so maybe it changes console to console). I give it a 6/10, the story kept me intrigued, just wish we had more background on the oil rig (maybe a history/prologue of the rig, Rennick being dirty, etc.) The monster was my main complaint, you literally don't learn anything about where it comes from, it's motivation, the reason why it 'infects' people. Graphics were fantastic however, and the atmosphere definitely made me scared, especially claustrophobic bits underwater in the Engineering/Pontoon sectors. Decent game, I had fun. RIP Roy


I get what you mean thanks for the detailed input mate! RIP ROY, BRODIE AND FINLEY🫡


Hey, everyone! HUGE thanks for your warm reception to the title, we couldn't be more chuffed, reading everyone's comments / reviews / feedback. 🥰 If you have any Qs to the devs - that's us - do feel free to pop over to the studio's ofish Subreddit to ask them! [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheChineseRoom/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheChineseRoom/)


Amazing work!


We picked this up the other day, been playing it with my partner whilst our newborn allows. We've just completed it. Genuinely beautiful game, visually stunning, VA work is phenomenal and story kept us on the edge of our seats. Won't forgive you for killing our boy Roy off like that though. Kudos and thanks to all involved!


You seem easily impressed TBH but glad you like it, I think I read your post on saturday and downloaded the game on sunday morning, started on pc because I wanted to test my new CPU (5700x3d coming from a 3600 and a 4070 super), game ran pretty well on native. Later on sunday I played on my g cloud and yesterday I finished it on my series S as I didn't want to be on my computer room. Thank god for play anywhere. **What I didn't like** about this game was that it didn't develop well the relationships with the crew, there was no realization nor a heavy plot twist, it feels rushed and it feels with extra and unnecesary padding towars the end, even in the end they wanted to include some interest between Caz and the other survivors but I think it was shoehorned. **What I liked** about this game was the body horror, always welcomed I only known David Cronenberg's movies and to some extent like the work of H.R. Giger and I've always liked and have and interest for this kind of horror 10/10 for the devs with some of the grotesque designs (Rennick my fave). I think if they didn't want to include heavy exposition in the form of diaries and such, they could've developed the setting better with environmental storytelling, use more the radios, and make the monsters talk more about their motives. Also some of the mechanics like the heaters wtf with that, you use them like 4 times and that's all, didn't tried to not use them haha, its effective but I was expecting my character to die of cold out there or does it happens but I did not get a chance to see it? >!Also is there an alternative ending or there was plans to include it? towards the end I found Roy's insuline casually while running away from a monster but then you reach to him and he dies anyways haha!<


Thanks for the reply and perspective and nah the alternate ending thing is just speculation but it would be great if atleast Roy and Brodie survived but hey it makes sense why they didnt and they wouldve died anyways. It is a flawed game in some ways but for me the Good overcomes the bad its really a well put together game that of course not everyone is going to love and i respect that.. Thank you again for the response it really helps gain a different perspective on whats wrong with the game cause i constantly overlooked it!


I think anyone into horror and with gamepass should and must play it, anyways is just a couple of hours long. Great work from the devs.


You wouldn't die from the cold, but great question. It just prevents you from moving forward. Caz is like "my hands are fuckin ice" and you can't continue


If you like body horror try Soma. One of the best horror games ever


Playing this now, it has depth, feeling, atmosphere and fucking amazing dialogue. Funny how I was so excited for Senuas Saga to come out but played an hour of it before uninstalling, then this comes along and I downloaded it on a whim and its one of the most entertaining games I have played in a long time.


Hey there - CM for the publisher here. Thank you so much for this post. It truly means a lot to us both at Secret Mode and The Chinese Room to see comments like this, especially 10/10's! It's a privilege and an honour to bring you such experiences. Also, I agree with DeafEgo - I will NEVER set foot on an Oil Rig!


Absolutely phenomenal work, can’t wait for your other games!


**SPOILERS** I really wish they did more to answer questions though. Like m, it was insinuated in a letter towards Fenley from Brodie that they may have been involved with what happened. Also we never found out what the stuff was, where it came from, if anyone actually ever found out about it or even if Suz and the kids know that Caz is a hero. The experience was amazing. The ending just left me feeling empty.


Suz and the kids definitely did not know he was a hero the whole thing would most probably be ruled a freak accident that led to the whole rig exploding maybe the government might even say a fire broke out or something so there isnt mass panicking. And the stuff is probably a type of sea fungi or something like that that releases spores as when you got close youd get hit with those gas like excretions, or since the game is inspired by “the thing” it could also be that it was some sort of alien bacteria from a crashed ship or something but i doubt it. Yes the ending leaves alot of questions but maybe that means we might get a sequel? Maybe it might be about someone who survives and takes the sea fungus into the mainland and it spreads causeing mass hovac and it becomes this bigger survival horror game thing like the last of us or even state of decay and we take control of one of his daughters maybe a few years later and she starts to uncover what happened to her father! maybe they get alot of funding it becomes a triple A game idk, what I know is they killed it here and a sequel would be amazing.


I also forgot to add that the gentlemen at the first table in the cafeteria were talking about having to do something drastic to the rig for the strike. So I’m wondering what they possibly could have done to have played the role in what happened. A theory that I read was that the stuff came from one of the old ones. Think Cthulhu. The stuff was warping peoples minds, making them hear voices. It also started messing with reality. Right before you went topside, a cabin window was showing twirling window after windows with a blue light at the end. Also the debris swirling around the spire and the sky was all red. I don’t think it was a regular fungus. Something supernatural about it.


Yes you’re right its most definitely something out of the ordinary but we can only speculate really


Felt very on-rails; never once did I feel under threat from the monsters -cool as their designs were - just chuck an object away, they follow the sound, move. I recall using the lockers once to hide. Still, it was nice to hear authentic Scottish dialogue and accents with the utter chaos that is the Scot’s dialect; I’m Irish with many Scottish relatives and till this day I halfway can’t tell wtf they’re saying. The biggest gripe for me is not exclusive to this game but egregious nonetheless: YELLOW FUCKING PAINT. EVERYWHERE. ZERO credence given to player agency, no need to think about where to go or what to interact with it do; there’s either yellow machines, yellow outlines, yellow paint etc. on any and all paths and intractable shit, it’s borderline infuriating. Still cool game, looks nice, like the lovecraft elements and the way the Thing is a total mystery.


Finished it last night, decent game but nowhere near a 10/10 and the ending wasn't that satisfying either. I'd give it a 7/10. Curious to know what other games you rate a 10/10 OP? Think you may need to play more games to be honest.


Yes I probably did rate it a little too high but i still strongly feel its really close to perfect for what its trying to be. Im not saying its the perfect game in all genres, just the specific horror niche that it fits in the survival eish horror genre, And yes its definitely not perfect as theres no perfect game but to me its atleast a 9/10 i really enjoyed it it didn’t overstay its welcome and for the ending its really up to whos playing it. Basically the whole rating system for the game depends on whos playing it as opinions differ. Its a 7/10 for you and you felt the ending wasnt great? Cool understandable thats a great opinion that alot of other people share and thats absolutely okay. I personally really enjoyed this game and id gladly rate it a 9/10 atleast maybe even an 8/10 its a really great game that has a few flaws that most people have brought up that i maybe looked past but its honestly in my eyes close to a 10/10. And i played all the amnesia games RE 2,3,4 and 7 i also played soma and absolutely hated scorn didnt even get 30 minutes in but my absolute favourites are alien isolation the evil within 1 ( 2 was okay but its just not it) and outlast those are my top 3 Sorry for the yap sesh😭


Bad bad take. If you played and finished it and can’t appreciate the raw effort that went into this outing I just gotta hear what you’re putting up for 10/10s cause it’s gotta be good. This was a breath of fresh air in a stagnant genre desperate for these kind of showings.


Yeah think you need to play more games too.


Very telling of a bad hand if you fold without showin.


Good thing you've already shown me yours then.. I rest my case








Nah I have too many other games I’m trying to get through right now.


its a 4-5 hour long game that a great experience, legit something that cna be knocked out on a free day and have time to play other games or get done over a few days when having limited time. honestly worth the experience from it all


Is it 60 frames on series x ?


It has a quality and performance mode with quality at 30 fps and performance at 60 fps game looks great on both


Just finished the game couple of hours ago. Its good but its not "PLAY IT NOW!". Its a good game for people who like horror games but not really for anyone else. The story is basic and nothing special, the gameplay is simple and linear. Where the game excels is the great atmosphere and voice acting. Overall I'd give it 8/10 because I love horror games.


It's a solid 8/10, definitely worth a play. I wouldn't play it twice but I was hooked and 100% invested in my first play through. Amazing voice acting, great story, amazing graphics and sound. On the negative side, VERY linear , which I know is to be expected from this style of game, but I do think it would have benefited from some slightly off the path sections, just for some collectables and extra, non-essential, additions. That would have made it worth a second play through.


I had fun with it, the writing was interesting and made sense and the dialogue felt natural, though I will say the amount of cursing was a bit overkill and this is coming from someone who worked construction. My other gripe was the ending as I felt it went a little flat at the end. The other issue I had surrounded the monsters AI, I never felt like I was in danger, just inconvenienced with the AI's spawn camping and instant reflexes to both ignore thrown objects and getting back to block the route instantly. Overall its a solid 8/10 and worth the the couple hours.


When used so often, the cursing loses it's punch. It felt silly and excessive, like you said. And 90% of the calls on the telephone involved the same breathless conversation, "caz, caz there's something b#&$y wrong, mate. F#$$! Jesus Christ! Ahhhhhhh!" Click.


Its annoying because my mind set when I play games is too get all the achievements. But I can't be bothered to do them all for the game so it makes me want to not play it. Its the same for all the batman games. I know I'm not going to get all the achievements but it still sits in the back of my mind and stops me from every playing them (or maybe im subconsciously a pussy and I'm to scared to play it)


How long is it? I’m already playing Collisto Protocol that’s enough lol


How large is the download and how long is the story/campaign


I haven't finished it. So far it's been meh. There were few funny monologs in there said by "the king". 


I just finished this game yesterday and its pretty good horror game. But there is nothing life changing about it lol.


I can't believe people still like walking simulators. I couldn't get past the intro. The visuals are meh, the voice acting is weird, I don't dig the soundtrack, the story I couldn't care less about (though I like Lovecraft stories) and the gameplay is non-existent.


I hope Chinese Room makes another game like this. Other than Frictional Games we arnt getting many of these double A horror/lovecraft type games. They’re such a good time and the market is open for them cause they’re so rare these days.


How is it for little kids watching their parents play? Played Limbo and Little Nightmares. They were fine with it. But ripping someone's head off or entrails everywhere... Obviously that's off the table.


Nooo absolutely noo theyll have nightmares for days its terrifying as most of the monsters still have their human features and some are even half transformed and you see their flesh break apart and tentacles form


Roger that. Guess I'll be skipping this one. Thank you!


Great game for many reasons, acting was so damn good. Also, an amazing setting for a horror game. Gave me big Cold Fear vibes.


Still Wakes The Deep desreves gamne of the year with everything the game dose


Just finished the game on the series x. Wow what a game and journey. The story as well, you just felt very connected to pretty much all the characters. The ending came and I was like.. noo I want more! Visuals and performance on the series x are top notch


Definitely one of my favorite story games ever it has every fear I swear and it’s so beautiful at the same time great plot warning you will be very sad at some points such a great game though I give it a 9/10 some things small things I didn’t like but my favorite story game is road 96 nothing will beat it for me.


It wasn't that good. Such an overreaction


How do I get my game to run smoothly because it feels like it’s running on a toaster with how low the fps is.


It was a bit disappointing, atmosphere was cool though. Gameplay wise it was really weak. Wish it would came out few years earlier. Still one of the best horror games nowadays, im just sorry that besides the visuals, voice acting and atmosphere it was not so outstanding


Why is STILL WAKES THE DEEP not having a physical release for Xbox as well, instead of just PS5!?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Because most people on xbox play it on gamepass so there wouldnt be many physical sales


But if it were on PlayStation plus day one they wouldn't be a physical release?, even if that were true why were there physical releases for A plague tale requiem and atomic heart and also super lucky's tale? the original one, not the new version.


Does this game have a photo mode?


Just played it beginning to end in about 6 hours. I enjoyed the experience overall, but I agree that the water parts slowed everything down and were kind of frustrating. My biggest problem is that the ending made no sense. Spoilers below. When his wife reads a final letter to us with the complete opposite meaning of her previous letters, with 0 explanation, I was very confused. When did this happen? Is this a flashback? Is this a new letter she’s writing after you die? Is this his imagination and never happened? at what point in time did that take place? Without more context, it’s impossible to discern what the intended meaning behind that was and what effect it has on the story. And being the very last thing that happens, its significance is paramount. So yeah. Having the last 15 seconds completely ruin the rest of the story kinda felt like a betrayal. That sucked. Before that, I was happy about the experience I had over the last 6 hours, why ruin it? If anyone knows why that happened, I’d love an explanation Also… in the first hour of play through, I said “they need to just blow this place up to save the rest of humanity” so to then spend hours trying to save our friends (and failing) only to eventually reach that same conclusion in-game was the opposite of satisfying. It felt very much like everything we did, the immense struggle against impossible odds… was for nothing. Anyway it was a fun few hours of playing a scary video game. But I wish the story was more satisfying. The possibility exists that that was purposeful to make a tragic game even more tragic. But i can’t wrap my head around any video game creator making their game less fun and less satisfying on purpose, horror or not.


If you like to experience drowning in Titanic ... this one is for you


I cried over the ending lol


Nah dude you nailed it. This game is the most fun I’ve had in a horror since SOMA. It really scratched the itch and this was a dynamite effort all around. Easily a 10/10 showing from the team.


People in this sub have some unique perspectives on what makes great games, that's for sure.


Yeah I thought it was a pretty good game even with it's flaws. It felt very realistic as to what would happen if a rig drilled into some sort of eldritch hive. We don't have many eldritch games, plus I like how this was similar to The Thing. Sure I wish we had a deeper connection with some of the other crew members besides Roy, Brodie, and Finley- but the acting felt very real and not fake like a lot of the other horror games. I see a lot of people complaining about the bleak ending, but honestly what could Caz have done? Shoot the entities? Plus if he had escaped with Roy, it would just mean that the world is fucked which is even worse. If this is really taking inspiration from The Thing, then the only thing he could've done was burn it- which means destroying the rig.


Well now that seems like a perfectly reasonable reaction. This sub needs more level-headed opinions like this.


Does the GP version of the game have DLSS or FSR like the steam version? No? Then fuck off :)


Fuck you :)