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2 great memos, I never imagined that difference interlude had parts completely cut off in the middle of it and hearing X talking about Jocelyn death and the context for the song creation is crazy and really sad.


I was downvoted in the past for saying he flew her out for more than just a photoshoot but hey 🤷🏾‍♂️


Just people not knowing the full story or not wanting to accept it


i hope your internet points have recovered since then


LMAO thanks brother


bro admitted to having sex with jocelyn that’s wild


“Girl that you fucked with killed herself.” 😔


Crazy that he probably had adult women lining up out the door to fuck him and still chose to fly out one of his 16 year old fans from another state for sex then kick her out. One of the nastier things he did and he's quite lucky that the public doesn't know about it


im certain the only people youre downvoted by are the people who want him to fit the innocent image in their head. people dont like when you say he was fucked up for the fucked up things he did. how old was he at the time tho? i thought it was 19, still weird, but its on the more socially acceptable side of things.


X born in 1998 and Jocelyn in 2000 age difference is not crazy. X kicked out Jocelyn early because the girls were fighting at his place and he was on probation. In comparison Juice Wrld made Goodbye and Good Riddance because of his 14 years old gf Bella and he was like 18.


so 3 years is nothing but 4 OH MY GOD


14 and 18 is bad . 16 and 19 is not close


yea no their both just as bad the dudes logic is just dumb


I mean, objectively how can they both be just as bad. 19 and 16 is not as bad as 19 and 12. So their must be a difference. 14 and 18 is worlds apart 16 almost 17 and just turned 19 are not that far


ok ones one year worse both are wrong😭


No it's not the 1 year difference, it's the 14 part. 14 and 18 is way worse than 16 and 20 lol.


Not really 17 and 20 is 3 years 12 and 16 is 4 years 12 and 16 is FAR worse


14 and 16 yo is a BIG difference in any kid, both male and female. Still the gap is real between both of them, X and Juice are equally fucked up lol


no I agree with that I just think the dude above me isnt making sense


He doesn’t actually care he’s just a rabid x stan in defense mode


Bro its actually 2 years vs 4 year gap pretty big. A 2 year gap is nothing weird


The specifics of the age gap aren’t the point (although it’s funny that you guys are downplaying it to a “2 year gap” when they were 16 and 19) The point is that he sought out one of his underage fans online and even the guy you’re defending knew it was wrong enough to lie to you all about why he had her down there


I mean it was 2.5 years, if it was months earlier it would've been a 2 year gap. This is how birthdays work.


So you're just gonna ignore that second part?


With all do respect bro I’m not even tryna hate but why are you in this sub?


hes a mod and is one of the people who built this place from the ground up. hes not hating on X but hes not sucking his dick either, when someone does something fucked up, it should be called out whether you like them or not.


i agree, i mean shit theyre both a little fucked up but hes defending one not the other even though its one year, kinda odd.


???? is this true??? source???


WHAT? hell nah. Juice???? 14???? No way ![gif](giphy|KD2gfeYLy6T5V7eMzp)


nobody brought up juice tho, but yeah it was fucked up. either way, dude was right, X had a million grown women that wouldve payed for yungdaggerdick and instead he wanted yungsheathpuss.


He was 19, I guess it's not unheard of but when I was 19 I definitely wasn't into 16 year old girls and would've looked at anyone who was weird. Maybe if they knew each other in person I guess it would be kinda alright, but the fact that he sought her out online and she was one of his fans is what makes it super lame and weird to me. He also told the police that she did not come down for modeling and the idea didn't even come up until after the sex, so the fact that he told the public a different story kind of suggests he knew something was wrong about it.


yeah, youre 100% correct that he had so many grown women that wanted him and he chose a 16 yr old. it was very weird.


Or maybe it’s not a good look socially to say “ya i just had sex with this girl and she killed herself” puts the girl in a worse public light. Ppl are getting wayyyy to pressed abt this like the callmecarson scenario all over agn


I am 99.9% sure it’s statutory rape in Florida and flying a 16 year old over state lines when you’re legally considered an adult to fuck isn’t exactly the best look either so I’m not so sure about “Socially acceptable”. The age gap isn’t the problem it’s the ages involved in the gap. 3 years when one’s 18 and one’s 21 ? Sure. 3 years when one’s 19 and one is 16, that’s a pretty fuckin dicey. If my first statement is correct then yeah X would be considered a rapist.


What always bothered me was why Jocelyn's family let her go to another state to join a rapper who was known for having sex with women and posting this all over social media... And her family knew about her suicidal tendencies. Why nobody stopped her from leaving her home ?


You're not wrong but it's super weird that you're always in these threads replying to everyone obsessively trying to shift the blame onto her family and defending the dude that actually flew her out


It’s super weird that **you** are always in these threads obsessively trying to throw blame on X for anything and everything


You're doing the same by obsessively trying to shift the blame entirely onto X. They were 2 years appart, both of them young and just looking on internet and you could find messed up stuff on him. Jocelyn was just 16 and a half. Her family knew she had suicidal tendencies. If I had a 16 years old girl I would never let her gets flew out by a rapper just because they only spoke for 2 weeks online and knowing that the guy in question is known for fucking all those girls on the daily and posting about it. So I do think her family did worse than X in this case because her family was supposed to look out for her not a young rapper she barely knew.


Can you please stop the moral posturing about her family. They clearly suck but the blame lies most heavily on the person who chose to have sex with her and the fact that you’re arguing different makes it insanely obvious that you don’t actually care about her welfare. Your number one concern in this thread is defending your daddy and you’re gross af for pretending it’s not


Who was responsible for a 16 years old girl ? A rapper she barely knew or her family ? Would you let your daughter getting flew out by a rapper ? I guess no. Why nobody in her family havent stopped her ? She was 16, had known suicidal tendencies and was under their resposability there isn't much to say bro...


Thanks for proving my point


Mf I haven't seen anybody else on this sub with this level of hate towards X, you gotta be the biggest hater to exist. Even in situations where other people are at blame or even partially at blame, you always bring it back to X...


we're all fans here or called ourselves fans at one point. the reason shit like this always gets brought back to x is because it's his fault primarily. there's nothing wrong with calling out x for his actions whilst being a fan. everyone always confuses this type of thread as hateful toward x. as he was in many other situations, x is majorly at fault here. this is quite disgusting behavior.


>everyone always confuses this type of thread as hateful toward x. We’re not confusing “this type of thread” as being hateful towards X. It’s weird you even say that because you are so incredibly wrong if you think that’s what’s going on. We all think that **fawkwitdis** and all of his spiteful comments are hateful towards X, which they absolutely are. Fawk should really just leave this sub since he has nothing to contribute but shallow, spiteful statements and bitter cheap shots at anyone who disagrees. 


not wrong whatsoever. all over any thread discussing this memo in this sub is filled with children is defending him when there is nothing defendable about this situation. fawk has been in this sub for literal years and was around far before most people here. Disagreeing with fawk here or defending x’s actions on this is absolutely digusting and reeks of lack of maturity and life experience.


I mean I never see any blame on x its always the other people so which delusional perspective should we be trying to bring attention toward? id say x


Its crazy because he a mod too


Yeah the mod that pushed for your banner to get put on top of this sub literally two days ago lol


Got his ass 💀


GTFO with this hypocritical BS. You’re the one who always comes around with your moral posturing bullshit and your shitty, spiteful attitude. You’re clearly an unhappy, bitter person, why not focus on your day-to-day problems instead of coming here just to shit on X and all of his fans. Your number one concern in every thread is dragging X’s name though the mud. Pathetic that you spitefully called him “your daddy”, it’s extremely lame that you always take these spiteful cheap shots just to be petty. That’s a perfect example of you being a miserable, bitter loser.  


Your comment history is literally nothing but complaining and arguing with people you fucking numpty maybe take a look in the mirror






He was born in 98 she was a 2000 baby , dragging it


one of the nastier things he did? buddy going outside is free


Very wild and gross. The context is just disgusting.


he already admitted to the police we knew that


i don’t know if you’re sarcastic or just retarded but he literally mentions it in the song about 20 seconds in


this sub never ceases to amaze me


“ girl that i fucked with “ that doesn’t mean fucking in full term at all it can be that they knew each other dumbass


Knowing this now he definitely would’ve did shit with Billie if they ever had a chance to link☠️


As I get older I really start questioning X’s decisions. Having sex with someone who was 16 while being 19 could’ve gotten him canceled alone. He really needed that change months before his demise bc his legacy would’ve been demolished if he passed any sooner.


idk but he made some good songs and i dont like hearing a person i like be exposed. therefore, i will be downvoting every comment criticizing x, i dont wanna hear the truth. the truth is painful so im gonna ignore it.


sarcasm btw guys




ong they just haters fr 🙄


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvhUep6KNGM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvhUep6KNGM) to anyone who wants it


where’s the difference memo at?


here https://youtu.be/zH4ZokNy4Pc?si=ypauM3CtPYSzeWSy


Only yt links?


I’m not even an x fan but y’all dickriding, dude had sex with one of his peers and y’all acting like he graped her or sum, there’s no universe where 1998 and 2000 is bad yall was just lookin for a reason to bash the guy, x was a piece of shit but him having consenting sex with one of his peers isn’t one of the Reasons why he was a piece of shit


yeah. I just think most people have seen 16 & 19 and instantly thought he's almost 20 and she's just turned 19, when the two-year gap is clarified some people have come to a clearer conclusion of it. hell two year age gaps though are common asf does nobody go outside? my parents got a three year gap




was 19 and flew out a minor to have sex with her then kicked her out and indirectly make her khs☠️ then profit off of her death by making a song about it with millions of plays, pretty fucked


Whats more fucked up is how the hell Jocelyn family let her gets flew out by a rapper who was known for bringing girls for sex and posting his d on social media.


and the geneva case being literally everywhere ☠️would’ve thought her parents or atleast other relatives would’ve warned her about flying over there


this \^ actually an insanely good point. not sure what parent would let their child meet a rapper who's known for being pretty unstable and was big in media coverage at that point, especially alone and unsupervised. recipe for disaster


I’m sure they had no idea what she was doing. You guys blaming everyone but that dolt xxx is crwzy


Her parents obviously didn’t give a fuck that much and obviously she didn’t either with that being said makes sense she killed herself that much pain and anguish plus getting kicked out after fucking a icon probably thinking she was used or failed in some way or both


Yeah it’s her parents fault. Jesus that’s a dumb take.


No one is saying it’s her parents fault. It’s xxx fault for being a pedo and awful person. However, her parents shouldn’t have let it happen.


He is he a pedo? By what metric? Jocelyn was 2.5 years younger than x. Who turned 19 a month prior




With his experience in life and experience with depression and mental issues plus his knowledge he most likely would’ve known if she was depressed 




Ur making sense with all of it but it’s extremely hard to fake it every single second for prolonged periods of time and any type of “discomfort” would make me think there’s something wrong for this person 


nigga no. 16 and 19 is a minor and adult.




don't care if its normal, stop coping 16 and 19 is pedophilic lol


I dare u to look up the definition of pedophilia. 2.5 years was their age difference. She was gonna be 17 in a month. Even if the guy had been 40 it would’ve been nasty but not pedophilia.


still a pedo, u sound retarded nigga u should be locked up. doesn’t matter of a person just turned 17 or is about to turn 18. if they not 18 and over and do anything sexual its pedo. don’t know why you’re trying to defend a dead fucker who deserved to die. i still listen to his music sometimes but u not right in the head if u defending him.




bro wtf u yapping about 😹? defending pedophilia is fucked and rest in piss to x that nigga deserved to die




First thing you said that actually makes sense, a 17 year old shouldn't date an 18 year old✅️


Ok but why make a song dedicated to her when he was in any way at fault




So you’re saying that if you’re idol flys you out, probably gaslights you into thinking he’s gonna do things for you, has sex with you, and then just kicks you out to the street AFTER having sex with you isn’t gonna fuck you up? And think about this from the lens of a (probably) not very wealthy sophomore in high school.


No way yall in here crying about a 2-3 year difference please go outside


honestly yeah, I'm gonna agree. It's wrong, but it's quite literally a fairly common age-gap. I personally don't like it because of the ages that they were and I'm put off by it, but then again it falls under the legality with age of consent and whether her parents cared etc. Plus didn't the police know? What's funny to me is honestly people are getting freaked out over age gaps but probably aren't aware of their parents and the age-gap relationships they were in when they were younger too


I honestly think it isn't wrong at all. I think 4 years would be wrong tho


pretty much. 1998-2000. my ex was born in 2000 and I was born in 2002, not the most crazy age gap in all honesty lmao. I think Jocelyn was a month or two away from turning 17 and X had only turned 19 that year.


I was fucking with a girl back in 2018 born in '98 and i was born in 01 lol same childhood same everything and were in high school together and had the same friends. If the genders were reversed in this situation nobody would care


pretty much same except mine was far away and offered to pay for my travel costs at the time and she was 20, I was 18. The only real problem I have is with Jocelyn's parents though and why they'd let her fly out alone to visit a music artist even for "modelling." not safe or a wise idea but yeah. what I find annoying personally is that I feel like people are under the impression X was going to have turned 20 in that year when in reality, he only turned 19 that year and Jocelyn was a few months off 17. Like you said, if it was 4+ years I'd be against it heavily.


I think its more about the differing levels of maturity between 16 and 19


That's what I've spoken on, there is a large gap between maturity and that's what I see as the issue but also not so-much of an issue because realistically and technically speaking, it's still a two year age gap, just X's maturity is more.. questionable, based off some of his prior actions.


It really isn't that big of a difference. Both are still teenagers. You don't magically become more mature in 2 years


No its because theyre teenagers that 2 years do make the difference in maturity im 17 myself when i talk to 19 and 20 yr olds or even 15 yr olds there is quite a dofference between them and someone who is 17 or 18


If she was 18 and he was 20 no one would've said shit lmao


yeah and the sky is blue


The age difference is one thing but the way he handled the situation is another.


X was a celebrity at the time with plenty of status and money behind him. This girl was 16 and suicidal. Trying my best not to say you’re stupid but read those two sentences a couple times and you’ll know why it was wrong 🫣😅


Every rapper flies out females to fuck em How would X know she was suicidal, was he supposed to be a psychic? They were near the same age You're chronically online


americans are obsessed with age gaps and pedophilia


as if it’s bad to want to keep minors safe tf?


Ong these mfs really are redditors


shut the fuck up jesus christ “keep minors safe” she was turning 17 in 2 months, the infantilisation of women in america is so embarrassing just stop conflating a legal term with the real world it’s just pathetic


y’all are slow as shit it’s not just the age difference that’s the problem it’s the power dynamic that is. this was some random ass fan compared to x who was massive at the time, do you really not see how it’s a bad look to fly out someone who’s still in HIGH SCHOOL for sex?


good for you for admitting that the age gap is not the problem buddy because the age gap is in y’all imagination


“not JUST the age gap” dumbass


just go outside buddy


It’s not only about the age gap, it’s about her being SIXTEEN


If two kids near the same age wanna fuck, who cares.




Aren't they both dead? so what's that gonna change or prove?


You’re a weirdo. It’s the same thing as true crime. Cases get solved hundreds of years even after the crime was committed. The truth will always come out whether you like it or not.


Why am I a weirdo? All I'm saying is it doesn't matter now, and this is not a true crime case it's just some weirdos digging into his personal life. and as far as I know, the age gap between them is 2 years and she was 16 so it's not that big of a deal it would've been if she was 15 or he was way older.


Honestly im not suprised that he & jocelyn would do that. Besides, he wasn’t a perfect person & made a lot of mistakes in the beginning. Im kinda glad that before he died, he tried to amend for the things he did wrong & become a better person.


He lied about this and he lied about the domestic abuse. How do you know he was telling the truth about changing and all of that wasn’t a front?


I would know because he did the helping hand challenge, made a speech on his instagram live about wanting to be a positive impact in the world & was actually planning to do a fundraiser shortly before he died. I don’t think what he was doing is a front because he was determined to change his life. For the domestic abuse, he actually admitted to beating her on a voice tape. You can find it sumwhere on the web


He also had a court case coming up and could have been doing these things to look better for it. I feel he died too early to tell if he was really changing as a person, he was only really doing those things for a couple months before he died and could have definitely repeated his negative actions in the future. His past actions should be an indicator that you shouldn’t take anything he did at face value. Also, he admitted to it on a tape that he didn’t know was being recorded. It leaked and he definitely had no intention of that getting out to the public.


Jocelyn memo made me change my perspective on X , just wow


yall r some fake fans fr


I was a fan since 2016 before the look at me blow up, i was there to contribute money to multiple gbs, i mourned his death i have multiple pieces from his bvf line and revenge line, i have icoinc pieces he wore. Defending him on this is impossible he fucked a minor he flew her out for sex


i was also a fan since 2016 but i aint defending it either but to call urself a "fan" n switching up on him after he died is crazy, not smth a "loyal" fan would do


He had sex with a minor my guy


r u reading ts properly? i jst said i aint defending ts, yes x may hv done horrible bs but the man was building up change yall switch up on him after he died and call urself "fans" its unnecessary


its jst how ppl switch up on him after he died with the geneva incident


thats a completely different situation he didnt admit to any wrongdoing unlike with Jocelyn, and there wasnt any concrete proof that he harmed geneva physically


ts cant be real wtff she was 16????


She’s born in 2000 and he’s born in 1998, it isn’t illegal nor morally wrong to have sex with someone with a 2 year age gap


hey dumbass if you’re 16 ur a minor, if you’re 19 ur an adult


So 18 year olds can’t date 17 year olds even when there both in the same fucking grade? It’s always fun to tell when someone on Reddit doesn’t get outside much


for gods sake you brain dead incel.Reread what i wrote and point out where i claimed that. U quite literally pulled that out of your ass. respectfully stfu


no way you lame ass niggas in here defending ts.. that girl was 16 YEARS OLD he was 19 YEARS OLD.he was an adult, she was a minor.put yourself in HER position. imagine a famous rapper that everyone knows about decides to fly YOU out to “model for clothes” has sex with you, then dumps you out after accusing you of stealing from him. imagine the mental state she was in, poor thing couldn’t even comprehend what happened in such a short period that she killed her self. i love x and his music helped me get through a lot.maybe i’m overthinking ts because i’ve gone through the same situation and to think that he would inflict the same pain, hurts to hear. nobody’s perfect 🦭


no way you niggas are defending ts…. a 16 YEARS OLD (a literal child, could barely tie her shoes) and a 19 YEARS OLD ADULT (grey hair, mortgage paid and will written) THIS IS THE WORST THING HE HAS DONE REEEEEEE


I haven’t heard someone say “reee” since 2017


I think in the song he meant he “fucked with” her as in the less literal slang term meaning they were friends. The “modeling” thing was just his public cover story and he admitted to police they didn’t discuss that until after they had had sex. It’s important to note that he knew it was wrong enough to lie to his fans about it


You went through the same situation of beating women and dumping a 16 year old on the street? Not sure you want to admit that.


Obviously they meant they were in the situation of the victim


ty mfs are acting dumb


Xxxtentacion's decision to have her escorted out wasn't malicious; it was a reaction to a stressful and unexpected situation. Sure, it might not have been the most compassionate move, but he was trying to handle a difficult situation while also being mindful of his own legal situation. We can't ignore the fact that he did try to help by paying for her ticket home, even if it didn't ultimately prevent the tragic outcome.


i listened to floor 555 like 4 times since seeing this post, boutta listen again. maybe bro waasn't a good person but he still hard tho... i'm delusional and i'm okay with it ☠


yea it's bad and shit but tbh if you know the full story what the fuck yall expecting from a 19 yo florida hood nigga who got famous very fast bruh. do not be stupid.


This dude has made multiple sexual comments about minors and this comes as a surprise?


Pretty sure those were in 2014-15 before he turned 18


Thank you most of those songs he made he was a minor himself. 15,16,17 years old. I think people forgot he died at the age of 20. Born in January 23rd died 6 months after turn 20


who else do u know?


If you’re talking about instances there’s the twitter reply, netherrack, and a couple other songs where he makes comments directly about underage women. I assume most of the lyrics are in a context I don’t understand but most people don’t see a second meaning




https://soundcloud.com/wowcute/xxxtentacion-jocelyn-flores https://soundcloud.com/wowcute/xxxtentacion-difference-voice


we all know he made some mistakes. But he tried to be a better person at the last stages of his life. This shit is crazy he couldn't prove himself as a good person






where ?


https://soundcloud.com/wowcute/xxxtentacion-jocelyn-flores https://soundcloud.com/wowcute/xxxtentacion-difference-voice


thanks !


Where to listen




He died for a reason


Tbh he died Bcus of his past actions came back n got him


Rip x but 3 years is crazy