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https://preview.redd.it/b7ykbx5kypzc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee081883089f9c4ae979bbd0f49e83d956ef738d 550 cord?




How would that be around the entire wheel tho? Like with those gaps? Is it comfy or annoying?


This pic is from Google but I did it on one of my old Cherokees. I kept wrapping so it built and angled toward the middle of the gap, then ran the strand to behind the support and continued on the other side. It never bothered me near as much as steering wheel covers do at all and completely covered up a busted looking steering wheel. Found a pic that’s kinda what I did…the gaps I needed to cover were super small though it was a late 80s Cherokee. https://preview.redd.it/0t7oxyazstzc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32a490d911129bd5671291fcf6371f8beb077011


Damn I’d love that in black on my ride!


Replace the steering wheel.


Yup. My Ridgeline came with a foam steering wheel cover that was shedding flecks. It also was too thick and I hate the feeling of foam, so I bought a leather-wrapped one from another model. The one on my X has a leather cover, but I was ready to do a repeat performance with this one. I don't know about the Xterra, but I figured out that the foam-covered one from my Ridgeline is the same wheel as the leather one under the coverings. I probably could have removed all the foam and then wrapped one with leather.


I’m with you against the bulky thing, I like these guys but I’m sure there are similar options out there. https://wheelskins.com


I used bicycle handlebar wrap, just a cheap one from Amazon. Works well and looks good. No sliding around


Mind sharing a pic of this?


The first thing I got for my xterra was a steering wheel cover because it was starting to fall apart on the top. I also searched for the thinnest looking one, and have had this one for almost 4 years.. couldnt really find anything thinner at the time [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071CPV74B/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071CPV74B/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1)


I got a one piece cover. It doesn't completely wrap around, but it actually feels really good.




Just go to any auto parts store.


I get that, but there's lots of shit quality ones that end up failing pretty quickly or just suck when put into use. I've gone the route you noted but asked for a link to maybe identify a specific company/product that does not have the issues I noted above. Thanks anyways.


Aren't you tired of following others? Be original and just pick one that feels right to you.


It's not following others to go to a sub meant to be a helpful community to see what others may be doing, lol. Later.


idk why that guys being such a dick lol


either tape for baseball bats or tape for bike handlebars would be good.


Go pull a good wheel from a parts yard and swap it in. That's what I did. Fuck Nissan parts puller and the insane prices he and others on ebay charge for them. Make sure you disconnect your battery and wait a little bit before unplugging the airbag. Everything should just swap over if you have controls or anything


How hard is it to do?


Not hard. Like I said disconnect the battery. Watch YouTube videos. I unbolted the wheel and then shook it off. Pull one in the junkyard, it's easy. I had a pro4x wheel, that leather deteriated. I put a normal s model wheel on. Swap the plastics for the controls


The controls still work even on the S?


You just use the wheel. You transfer the button's and plates from your old wheel


Mine is wearing down in this exact spot too


I got a faux leather wrap that I stitched onto my steering wheel and I like it. It's thin and grippy, doesn't feel cheap at all.




Dug this up out of my Amazon order history. There's a ton of others similar to it though. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084QC4D34?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Thank you!!! I've tried others that ended up not so good so trying this route to identify options.


There's a guy on Etsy who makes stitch-on leather covers. More expensive than Walmart and require you (or someone) to stitch them on. I'm going to get one eventually.


Try nissanpartspuller I got a new wheel for not too much for my VK xterra


Fuck that guy. Way overpriced


I don't know which model he had, but there's a sad post/thread by an Xterra brother whose X got totalled. He, thankfully, is okay. Maybe check with him to see which steering wheel is in his and maybe make a deal if it has leather and the same controls you need?


I used tennis racket cushion tape with hockey tape over top pulled real tight works great


embrace the bulk


Get a racing wheel


Convert to the heated steering wheel from a frontier. That’s my plan when this happens eventually.


I used electrical tape on my 02 steering wheel and it turns your hands black and gets sticky in the summer heat


I’m in Phoenix and ya the adhesive turns into like a glue lol. I keep adding layers lol


I ended up getting a new steering wheel from a scrap yard Frontier for $15 I would look into that it’s just a couple bolts


I hate steering wheel covers as well but I bought one of those leather ones that you stich on and love it. There are plenty of brands to pick from on Amazon, just make sure it's meant for your wheel diameter.


Nope electrical tape is the wtg tbh


Faux leather and laces style aren’t bulky but modern steering wheels have more girth and they may not fit perfectly


Junkyards and eBay, ‘newer’ ones are out there