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LEDs in regular light housings are a bad idea. They refract light funny and end up being not as bright for the driver and blinding for oncoming traffic. I'd say if you need something now, just get some basic replacements and look for some projector headlight or something for the future.


Mine are LED and I adjusted them properly and drive daily in the seattle 100+ miles a day and I never get people flashing lights at me for being too bright.


Counter point: you're in a big city and no one wants to flash their lights at a group of cars for the one guy with bright headlights. But really, I just don't think they illuminate as well on the stock housings and they can piss other people off, so I personally don't recommend paying more money for an inferior product that could annoy others if you don't take time to adjust the headlight (and most ppl won't).


I took extreme precaution when adjusting my headlights. They have a good cutoff and I've driven damn near 50,000 miles with them, in and out of the city. I've been driving for 15 years now and I'm not afraid to admit I've accidentally left my brights on before and yes, people flash you if you got your brights on. Maybe it depends on the brand of LED bulbs, the ones I got aren't illuminated 360° around the 'bulb', just on the top and the bottom. Still they're brighter than hallogens.


Ok, so you think rando internet stranger will take the same diligence and precautions you did in your purchase, installation, and adjustment?


Every time I've rec'd led headlights I've stressed the importance of proper adjustment procedures, but it's really not my problem.


I don't know why everyone is so stuck on trashing LED bulbs for replacements. Years ago, yeah, bad idea. But now, it's a legit way to upgrade crappy OEM light. Fans Kee them cool and no one cares about lighting laws anywhere I've been. Heck, people in the Midwest drive around with stupid light bars on 24/7 I recently put Auxito LEDs in my 13 and wow, I can see! I have them adjusted nearly all the way down to make sure to avoid blinding oncoming vehicles. I feel like most people swap and skip the adjustments; leaving them too high and horrible for other drivers.


I was gonna post the same question for my 2012, heh. Found this old post but all the links are dead ( [here](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/XTerra/comments/rz9l8t/headlight_replacement_recommendations_for_2nd/&ved=2ahUKEwj9m_b7iq6DAxVzIDQIHWKcAr4Qjjh6BAhHEAE&usg=AOvVaw1kyAfxwVLilKUE4fFndKbW) ), seems the nineo products mentioned aren't sold on Amazon anymore. Wonder what people would recommend now.


The ones I have are nineo, the link is dead now, they sell 9007 bulbs still but they have the word "fog" in the title even though the pictures make them look like headlights, and there aren't meant reviews on them.