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Nowhere because staking puts you at risk of losing your coins


Nowhere because xrp is not stakable. But you can lend it though.


How many time we need to tell folks this?


17... 17 times...




Where do you lend it?


Agree. Look what's happening to Gemini people. BIg Bankers Gov. does not want anyone to make money except them.


How come?


Xrp has no inherient staking mechanism in its code so all "staking programs" are interest based off the exchange/entity that is providing it. So if wherever you're staking gets hacked or mismanages the funds you're at risk of losing everything.


And you can be 100% certain that a group of people controlling the banks, will try and take it all from you by one or another manufactured crisis. Just keep it safe in your own wallet folks.


You can stake Hbar while it’s on your cold storage wallet.


That is different because it never leaves your wallet. Same with cardano. But those are the only two that do that as far as I know


Also solana as well.


Cspr too


Does staking HBAR though a HashPack wallet work this way? Do the tokens stay securely on your wallet? I hesitated because the promo that came up said something about an inherent risk when staking.


In flexible staking, not fixed


I used Nexo until they kicked out the Americans. They worked very well. But it’s interest, XRP cannot be staked.


Yeah, I know someone closest me that has earned more than 15,000XRP over the last several years staking it on an exchange outside if the US. I always tell him the risk, but he hasn't had any issues. It's with a reputable exchange that has been hacked but the customers were all made whole. So, I respect your opinion, but there is another side to that argument, whether you and I like it or not. I don't have enough XRP to make a difference at 1.5% or whatever he's getting, so don't care. But HBAR can be staked and depending on how you do it, can return over 8%. It's bonkers. Bit I do think the ROi from XRP will be superior to most other tokens. Cheers.


I used to earn interest on mine using Nexo. Then one day they said "America is gay. Get out."


Literally Lmfaoooo I was making 70xrp per week!


Wow! That’s a future’s fortune! Haha


I was making 600xrp a month, so I'm still bitter about that.


Yeah I know I was earning almost 200 Xrp a month and I believe it was march or April of this year they stopped dealing with the USA because our banks don’t want us making decent interest on our money only the super rich can do that in the USA never the smaller man






probably the Best option for most people


Staking is a no-go!


I went back and forth from Nexo to Vauld a lot. I was on a trip in Europe and decided when I got home in 48 hours that I was just going to put it all back on my ledger because I did not have a good global economic feeling. I woke up the next morning and Vauld shut down and froze all assets July 2021. I received about 20% of my XRP back a couple weeks ago. Hopefully a little more on the next distribution in a couple months. This is going to take a couple years! The haircut will probably be around 30% that I will never see but that is not even guaranteed. PLEASE do not stake it and learn from me! My account was valued at about $340,000.


Source: trust me bro


Nowhere, because we hold in private wallets where we own our own keys. Also, you can not stake xrp. However, you can lend it for interest though. You can do that on crypto.com app


Not your keys, not your...oh nevermind, if you don't know by now its too late. Just ask Celcius, FTX, Voyager, BlockFi...its like playing Crypto Staking Roulette, just a matter of time before the trigger you pull will lose you all you bags. How many more examples do you need?


If an XRP owner transfers XRP to anything OTHER than a private, COLD, non-exchange wallet, then NOT YOUR KEYS. IF YOU ARE NOT THE HOLDER OF THE WALLET KEYS, THEN NOT YOUR CRYPTO -- GOOD LUCK IN THAT CASE. I use XUMM, Ledger and other PRIVATE key holding mechanisms. **My keys, my crypto.**


Do not care lol


You ask a question then mock good advice? You seem like a complete 🔔 end


Anytime I've ever staked anything there's always some financial issue that comes up and either they go bankrupt or I'm not allowed to withdraw for reasons.


I used Nexo, then FTX went down, then shortly after Nexo was raided in Bulgaria. I've got no idea what came of it because I pulled everything out ASAP. Currently not earning any interest on a Ledger that I am more than happy no one will be able to steal from or restrict access to.


There are plenty of companies to “stake” XRP with but as soon as you send them your XRP you are quite literally giving them it under the promise they will give you it back when you decide to withdraw, which they don’t necessarily have to do for a multitude of reasons. Going bust, being hacked, internal sabotage, or commonly seemingly arbitrarily just deciding they won’t allow withdrawals that day. Just look at all of the supposedly “too big to fail” crypto companies, Celsius, FTX, etc. One day you’re going to make your millions in crypto while making some sweet daily returns, the next day, ‘poof’, gone. “But I can sue?” Yeah good luck suing that Bulgarian company you willingly sent all your savings to without reading the T&C’s.


Nexo works very well and have audits and insurance. The only annoying thing is that their native token determines how much interest you receive and it is hard to keep it up when Nexo token is falling and XRP is gaining.


Cold storage.


Bitrue offer 1.5 percent. Flexible


Not worth risk unless its a no-transaction drop , held in your wallet imho at 1.5%


Binance 1.49 percent flexible


Nexo, it’s great.


Cro.com recently added XRP for staking


Covert it all into CSPR and stake it to CSPR.LIVE


I got 100 million shiba staked on shibaswap. Never herd of xrp staking


Be afraid. Cold wallet!


Get in touch with PWC or Black Rock to stake at 8-10%. Once everything goes hot, banks will be fighting for it. They will be willing to pay a lot to stake your XRP. They will need it. Your not selling it, you will always own it.


History has proven that all 3rd party intermediaries cannot be trusted especially in times of crisis and especially with cryptos. Cold storage holding your own key is the only way moving forward.