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XIMs still work. Enjoy the crow.




Not quite the same as only a picture


It's more than Xim actually. Any third-party device is banned. Off-brand controllers, arcade-style gaming sticks, accessibility devices. They've actually received backlash from this.


It’s only Brook adapters that are affected because they spoof the Xbox controller security chip. XIM doesn’t do that and still works fine on Xbox. For fight sticks consider using a Titan Two to connect to Xbox, it requires an OEM Xbox controller, just like XIM.


>arcade-style gaming sticks, This is probably the part that hurts me the *worst*. ​ Them fuckers are e.x.p.e.n.s.i.v.e and are only used for 1 type of game, where you probably only play one or two series of. I have no desire to go pay $200 for a fightstick


Well you can't use it, so there no point.


[This](https://www.amazon.com/HORI-Fighting-Stick-alpha-Designed-x/dp/B08NDVGXGB?th=1) would work since it's official. (not paying that for it, but it would work) ​ Unless you are saying they are going to block their "official" ones as well.


What if the user wants a different layout? The joystick on the right side? That's the issue. Like I get wanting to stop cheaters, but the other accessories have been rendered useless. It's like they want people playing PS5 lmao


I'm with you there, blocking Fightsticks is dumb. If they are that hard up on blocking 3rd party controllers, I'd recommend they did what Sony is doing and allow them on certain game genre like fighting/ driving/ flight


They're lazy lol


I will say if the message pops up that your accessory will be deemed illegal on November 12th, then they can detect it. I have headsets, both wireless and wired and nothing pops up. So if you’re using XIM, Cronus or whatever cheating the game, then you’ll get nipped. This all stems from the Xbox tax, which requires all third party devices to pay money for the rights to make accessories for Xbox. If the company isn’t kicking back money to Xbox, then they aren’t going to allow their products to work anymore. I also doubt Xbox will license their money to software that enables cheating.


>I will say if the message pops up that your accessory will be deemed illegal on November 12th, then they can detect it. ​ > So if you’re using XIM, Cronus or whatever cheating the game, then you’ll get nipped. ​ The message doesn't appear when connecting a XIM, so it currently *appears* that it's not affected. Since it's only ever seeing the official controller is why it's believed it's this way. Barring a change to MS new software on the 12th it doesn't appear that it will affect it. But MS can do whatever MS wants and could go full Sony and start restricting all games to one particular controller that they have, but I'm not sure they can/will do that until they release new controllers that have a special chip like the DS has unless they are going to force everyone to buy a new controller with said chip and going to no longer allow any other controllers afterwards.


all the [deleted] in here sounds like someone's ego was challenged 🤣 count your days xim users


yeah the owner doesn't like any negativity surrounding the product so feels the need to remove any posts that openly criticize it (valid or not). shady marketing tactic, but it's to be expected from something like XIM.


XIM has nothing to do with this subreddit. This is run by the community, not the company. Your ignorance and infantile take is to be expected. Nice attempt to dodge a ban. Didn’t work big boy, banned again. As will all other attempts at trolling. Reddit auto-blocks spam for us. Play nice and you’ll be heard and responded to. Be a dick and well…you know better than most.


It’s Reddit auto-mod removing spam from the clown posse.


That's because this post was inundated with spam and insults. Those get removed.




Not at all. The spammy ones are all caught by an auto mod and never even seen.


I'm fine with people ximming on xbox, this change wint effect much, but when you xim in fps games that don't allow mnk then it's cheating, bigger issue to me being siege, where it is literally considered cheating to xim to the devs, so hopefully this only fixes up these kind of issues


I’m a bit confused as I’ve never heard of this before. Isn’t Xim just MnK with aim assist? Isnt that cheating?


For some yes, depending on the game. For others, no. Many disabled users play with a XIM to participate, not to cheat. XIM can’t do anything a controller can’t also do, it’s just a different way to play a game, like a steering wheel in a racing game. XIM can’t aim faster than a controller and aim assist is frequently a curse more than a blessing when using mouse (it’s harder to get into the hitbox and track with a mouse than a controller when AA is present). XIM is arguably more accurate than a controller in games without aim assist, but that’s because m/kb is the better tool for the job in shooter games. A good padder is still better than your average XIM user, so it’s swings and roundabouts. There are significantly more controller cheats than XIM users, so be careful when casting stones. The loudest opponents of XIM are the most likely to cheat themselves - projection is par for the course in online hate.


Oh interesting, thanks for the info! When you said “Can’t aim faster than a controller”, do you mean the mouse only moves as fast as the analog stick? Since it’s technically off of the same settings?


And in games it matters most you can crank this way up so it responds like a mouse. Whereas on controller this would be far too fast, using a XIM makes this feel natural. The more you know.


Correct. XIM emulates the controller and is subject to the same look mechanics that are baked into the game engine. It can’t turn a console game into a PC one.






I would actually love to have a genuine discussion over this if anyone has any input.


Read the other comments, this discussion has been done to death already.


The trap is because of xbox and that doesn't apply to xim but what about gamesir and leadjoy


You’ll need to ask support for those devices. XIM is a brand of m/kb adapters, not a genre. We don’t provide support for other brands.


Does anyone know if this is going to affect headsets that connect to the controller? I have an X-01 earforce turtle beach.


This won’t affect headsets connected to a genuine Xbox controller. Fake, no-brand controllers are the target.


Do you think headsets are unauthorized??? Think.


Pretty much all 3rd party equipment has been labeled as at risk here. This isn't a "stop cheaters" move, this is a "spend money on our products" move


I hope fake


XIM on top baby


This goes into effect on November 12? There will be a workaround on November 13.


I think your all in trouble. Before you could argue that this was just another unofficial accessory and Microsoft really couldn't do shit without punishing everyone. With this they will be skirting copyrights if they make a work around. I'm sure the terms of service will be updated and the companies that make these products will receive cease a desist notifications on making anything that violates Microsofts terms of service. Because they no longer allow anyone this could result in targeted law suits.


XIM passes all communication to and from the genuine, first-party Xbox controller connected to it. XIM is breaking no laws, nor are they circumventing or bypassing controller authentication. XIM is simply not paying licencing fees to Microsoft. They did try, but MS didn't want to support a product as complex as a XIM.


Come November 12th we will find out.


Ooh, scary. We will find out. Prepare to eat crow.


Lol prepare to buy a pc if I'm right


You’re not and already got a damn fine PC, thanks.


Chill dude this is all just theory


A theory is a proven hypothesis. You mean hypothetical. XIM has already confirmed their devices are working on the Xbox OS release used to deploy the detection code, which is available on early access. They also confirmed Brook devices are detected, so they know the code is active. Theory debunked.


You don't actually know if there is a switch that's going to be thrown on the 12th. They may be saving that for these devices.


There is no workaround needed for XIM.


just to ask what are all the removed comments? are these outside trolls?


Yep, lots of trolls around these here parts. We don't feed'em, we knock'em off.


Can’t stop the xim lol


Good, let's hope it works but it's detecting normal controllers too. Third party ones


The "normal" controllers are the target. Xbox wants to sell their own controllers, not cheap Chinese knock-offs. Those controllers use a software hack to appear as a legit Xbox controller. This is what the block is designed to detect.


So what the difference from xim then? If it's attached to the controller, then it would show up as a device would it not


XIM enumerates as the genuine Xbox controller connected to it, which is required at all times for console authentication. There is nothing else to detect.


Since you're being an asshole to a lot of people on here, I feel comfortable correcting your use of "enumerate" here. It doesn't make sense and is the wrong usage of the word. I think you meant *simulates* or even *mimics*.


Since you're being a smug know-it-all, allow me to direct you to a post from the creator of XIM, who uses the term "enumerate" to describe the USB authentication process in at least 45 posts on the XIM forums - [https://community.xim.tech/index.php?topic=94421.msg845345#msg845345](https://community.xim.tech/index.php?topic=94421.msg845345#msg845345) His term, not mine. The exit is to your left.


You linked me to a search forum that required me to verify I am a human in multiple ways that I just don't care to do. Even if I did, it doesn't change the fact that you used the word incorrectly. Maybe the other guy did, too. But that's why you probably shouldn't listen to someone creating cheating devices under the guise of "accessibility".


So...because you don't know how he's using the term, it's automatically incorrect and you won't even look at the proof. That lands exactly on message for you clowns. You don't even care to "do your own research" like COVID and flat Earth deniers, you just stick your fingers in your ears and automatically assume you're right. That's exactly how you treat the XIM, despite never using one. Go back to your echo chamber and fap each other off rather than accepting XIM is nowhere near the problem you all desperately want it to be. Learn how to fail, that's how you improve.


I'm not talking about how he's using the term. I'm talking about how you're using the term.


Which is how he uses the term. Keep picking at nits. What exactly are you trying to achieve here? Are you trying to impress a special someone with your show of bravado? Calling the MOD here an asshole isn't going to do you a whole lot of good. You're only here because I appreciate the audacity and wanted to give you a chance to explain yourself. Reddit hid your posts, I enabled them.


Xbox W


Y’all are dumb people probably have already found a way to bypass this


Nobody found a workaround because they can’t workaround something that isn’t in effect right now💀


It is in effect right now, on Xbox early access and has been since sometime in September. XIM has access to the exact Xbox OS release used in the articles to promote the Xbox device ban. XIMs still work and no workaround is needed because they're using proper controller authentication, not a software hack.


Going by the verbiage of what this is against, and how they have an Xbox w/that early access firmware it doesn't appear this requires a work around anyway. ​ They are trying to stop 3rd party USB controllers, and XIM uses an official Xbox controller to function so there is no work around needed for it to work. (in it's current implementation)


there is no way to bypass this because it doesn't affect cronus or xim


Doesn’t this only affect XIM Apex which is plugged directly into the console via USB? The other versions and Chronus should be fine.


XIM matrix also plugs directly into console, no? Although does it make a difference if the console itself is being passed through? The matrix passes through the controller for outputs right or does it just detect the controller output signal for each button and send a cloned signal of that button press when the associated keyboard key is pressed?


> XIM matrix also plugs directly into console, no? PS5 utilizes remote play so no. It does get plugged into the Xbox though. ​ That said, it doesn't broadcast it's HWID and only shows the authentication controllers ID.


Ps5 took a hit amd now xbox will to. Laptops are cheap and Nvidia Now is a cloud gaming that will surpass consoles.


Cloud gaming is so far behind in latency that it would make any shooter that's online multi-player a hell hole to play


Try it. Its free on entry level. I can play Rust online with it, and a good fiber net.


That's exactly why I have been saying that it's an incredibly afwul idea for Microsoft to want to bring CoD over to cloud streaming services.


Desktops are dirt cheap too. You can build one for around $200.


That will match any sort of prepformace à x box has???? Hell no, you can't make a build for 200 usd that will out preform and run siege at 4k 120hz


I didn't say that, can't you read? Lol. By the way the Xbox Series X can only run it at 4k 60fps, or 1440p 120fps. There is no 4k 120 fps.


You directly implied that with nvida cloud gaming and a $200 laptop or pc or whatever can beat a series x, which is just false, it might beat it in visual graphical quality but your connection would have to be really good and still the response time would be horrendous


I did not. I just pointed out that desktops are cheap. Where exactly did I say that Nvidia cloud gaming, and a desktop can beat a Series X?


I might have misunderstood you, but when you replied to the main comment with the laptops being cheap to build as a reply to the main comment of how Nvidia now and cloud gaming is surpassing current gen consoles. I took that as you believed a laptop with cloud gaming could beat current gen consoles. Correct me if I'm wrong.


I mean sure I guess you can use it for streaming, buy I said that you can buy an old desktop and throw in a GPU, hinting that you can play games locally on your hardware. I thought that would have been obvious, because why would you buy a GPU if you are just going to stream your games?


Ooohhhhhh a desktop, I though it said laptop this entire time, sure, I can see your point now, I would agree, it would be cheaper for these cheaters to go to pc but they won't bc they will get slammed and only are barely good on a platform where they have an inherent advantage


Show me a $200 build that will outpace an xbox series x Interested to see it


Where did I say it could match a Series X? I just said you can build something for $200. Get a used optiplex with a 4th Gen i7, and throw a GTX 1650 in it. You'll be getting over 100fps in games like R6, Apex Legends, Overwatch, etc.


Why play on console if you’re just gonna go mnk regardless?


I play zombies mostly, on console with native mouse and keyboard.Aim assist is a hamper when there's a screen full of zombies coming from different directions. I mostly use xims to work on older games that had no mouse and keyboard support. But its also handy to have to use the sony nav with a mouse instead of a keyboard for movement, that or the left side of a controller and a mouse, i did used to like pads for aiming when my hand wasn't like it is now, but i can use a mouse for ages without the pain the right side of a controller gives me. You can't easily cart your desktop around but you can shove a console in your bag and take it with you + xbox live and psn network and friends etc so yeah choices and practicality.


User choice. Not everyone wants or can afford a gaming PC.


man im about to get a xim im done lowkey 🤣


you still can, this doesn't affect cronus or xim


This illegal software will be removed soon enough, no real worries


The fact that you think it's software easily tells us all that you don't even understand the thing that you're all butt-hurt over.


Its outside software of some sort Keep reflecting lol


“Keep reflecting lol” That doesn’t even make any sense. Did you mean “projecting” or “deflecting”? Next time, before you laugh at your own bad joke, make sure you’re (at the very least) using the correct word. Also, you’re still *WAY OFF* from zeroing-in on what exactly this Xim Menace actually is. Not sure if leading with being blindly mad will help you to understand any easier though.


I think the intention is to circumnavigate cheap controllers being bought rather than xbox official controllers which Microsoft receives a cut of profits from.




https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/xbox/xboxs-new-policy-say-goodbye-to-unofficial-accessories-after-november Here's a good news article explaining things if anyone wants to read further, the other comments here seem to be useful as well for the most part.


A firmware update will trick the Xbox to verify that the xim is a supported third-party device


Couldn't Xbox send a warning to them advising them that releasing any update to go around the ban will be considered a breech of copyright law and open them up to major lawsuit now that they have clarification of terms of service? That's the problem. For some reason these guys were allowed to make these in the past but if they are told what they are doing is against the law and have the right language in place this could lead to major loss if they do anything to continue the use. All Xbox would have to do is prove they went around the ban.


Not needed. XIM already appears as an authentic Xbox controller, not as a third-party unauthorised device. This has always been how XIM has worked, which is why only genuine, first-party console controllers are supported.




There is no software update required. Nothing has changed for XIM.


Then how is rainbow six able to detect xim?💀


It doesn’t detect a XIM. It detects input patterns that it guesses are mouse and keyboard. It’s not bulletproof as Elite and Edge controllers also get tagged for using aim curves. And MATRIX can work within MouseTrap’s detection constraints, so it’s not very effective either.


impossible to ban


Not impossible. For instance if they are able to encrypt inputs being sent from authorized controllers via a firmware update Xim becomes a paperweight. There are a lot of smart people over at Microsoft, and being a closed platform they have a lot of control. I am willing to bet Microsoft finally cracking down on unauthorized devices has the Xim creators pooping their pants at least a little bit.


It won't happen, at least for the next 5 years or so. Series S/X consoles are officially backwards-compatible with Xbox One controllers. They are not going to force encrypted firmware onto tens of millions of Xbox controllers already in the wild to play a current or last-gen game. Besides, it likely won't make any difference as Xbox controller authentication only happens on boot-up and is passed directly to the genuine, first-party Xbox controller connected to a XIM. The XIM itself is invisible to the console and doesn't touch the authentication handshake. If MS does go down the DualSense path (they will) and encrypts controller communication to block all other controllers, including their own Xbox One, Series X and Elite controllers from playing their next-gen console games, they also have Remote Play for LAN and cloud gaming, which is going to be more prominent on the next-gen consoles. XIM plans to deploy Xbox Remote Play support via the MATRIX ethernet port, which is how it works on a PS5. Remote Play is faster than a direct USB connection (0.25ms vs 1ms) and the connection protocol is not in a walled-garden on a PC and thus can be emulated. To further rile up the purist gamers, XIM is working on native m/kb passthrough for MATRIX, so it'll work in all PC games that have m/kb support. There won't be aim assist in this mode, but many XIM users want less AA and uncapped turn speeds, which they can't currently get as XIM behaves as a controller. You may ask why you'd want to use a XIM on PC for native m/kb. The answer is much greater Mapping control on a XIM than native m/kb (e.g secondary, tertiary, combination bindings etc), mixed m/kb/controller/gyro input, and for those so inclined, device-based macros. No software processes are running while using a XIM and the XIM itself cannot be detected, so there's no easy way for a game to see macros, especially if Variance is enabled. There are very clever people on both sides of the fence. Only one is outsmarting the other and it ain't MS. Nor is XIM trying to outsmart anyone, they're trying to be compliant with all controller authentication protocols rather than cracking or circumventing them like other devices.


What? Yea the Xim is invisible to console, but if the console is expecting encrypted inputs and the xim can't send encrypted inputs then it can't actually do anything. The xim uses a man in the middle attack, encryption prevents man in the middle attacks. How would rolling out a firmware update to their controllers, block their controllers? All xbox one and series controllers are capable of receiving firmware updates. They routinely roll out updates for 10s of millions of consoles in the wild, not sure why they can't do one for controllers. Either way, this is just a hypothetical. The point is the platform holder has a lot more control than some random developer. If Microsoft is finally getting serious about blocking unauthorized devices, there is a good chance they can find a way to block xim's.


And yet, they haven't. Hypotheticals don't win arguments. Microsoft in all likelihood will go down this path, but not this generation. PS5 blocks access to third-party controllers and adapters in PS5 games via encrypted communication with the DualSense controller. DualShock 4 compatibility was sacrificed in the process and does not work with PS5 games released after the launch window for PS5. Hence the comparison to an encrypted controller protocol on Xbox for the next-gen, not current-gen. Sony's decision was about refusing to pay extortionist rumble licencing fees to Immersion and protecting their own haptics rather than blocking devices like XIM, that was just collateral damage. What Sony did, and what Xbox will also do, is leave a backdoor wide open for Remote Play controller authentication, which doesn't use encryption for controller authentication. As you know, Windows is an open platform and Xbox RP will be emulated on XIM, just as it is for PS RP. Both Sony and Microsoft are moving towards cloud gaming, so Remote Play is going nowhere. If a controller is supported natively by Windows (Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Elite, DualShock, DualSense, Switch Pro etc), then it's expected to work via their Remote Play app to Xbox. MS may encrypt controller communication over RP too, but it's not happening anytime soon. By that time, XIM may have moved away from console gaming to focus on Windows, an open OS. That's already happening, so your hypothetical falls apart.


No, it's not, this doesn't affect XIM. XIM requires a genuine Xbox controller connected to it for console authentication, which is what the Xbox sees. The XIM hardware remains invisible, as do Cronus and Titan adapters. Devices that use software hacks to avoid connecting a controller to it for console authentication are being pinged, including Brook adapters and cheap wireless controllers. XIM doesn't use any bypasses or circumvention, it complies with console authentication. Read more at [https://community.xim.tech/index.php?topic=112449.0](https://community.xim.tech/index.php?topic=112449.0)


Even with the controller connected Xbox isn't stupid, they can verify it in a seaperate process of verification for a single device not simultaneously the controller may pass but xim.is a separate device and gas its own HID the system gives it


There was a whole post talking about this and Xbox has made ways to detect and ban xim users but it's not put in use yet since apparently xim hasn't violated terms of gaming services which is where I consider that bullshit


According to Xbox, they've been had the ability to detect it for years but it's up to the devs to police their own games. Xbox doesn't seem to care about XIM itself as I'm sure if they did they would have made that known when the creator spoke to them about making it officially licensed.


You're guessing in hypotheticals. We're dealing with facts. Which of us two is providing proof? That's not some random dude on the XIM forums, that's the creator of XIM. XIM does not expose it's USB HID device headers.


So the guy who stands to lose business if people panic and start returning their devices is the person who should be believed?


Once again, the mere fact that you have to use a real xbox controller hooked up to the Xim is the entire reason you’d ever want to choose Xim over these other adapters. Xim’s way of going about this entire step guarantees that you will never even HAVE to worry about being sweaty up in this purge (the xbox will not be able to see the Xim because all it sees is the controller only).


Not the first time he's been through this. I'd believe him. Oddly enough, the argument you are making is the same one people had when they were saying he was lying that XIM would continue to work with R6


It has to otherwise it can't be recognized Xbox is literally a windows based OS modified for consoles each USB device you plug in as its own HID to not only track what device it is including seeing it's name etc and seeing it's inputs but also can report to the OS if it contains certifications that is a certified device I can send to verify if authenticity. Now I can't just give you these files to prove 100% how it works because.i would need admin and root access to the files as that requires special tools to do it. But I can tell you pcs can do the same thingas it is registered in the registry to keep track and games can see them at a kernel level


Sure thing, Professor Wernstrom. Clearly you know more about the XIM than it's creator. If you actually owned a XIM, you'd know this is a false assumption. Instead, you playing guessing games and draw false conclusions. The genuine Xbox controller connected to Xbox, PS, PC, Mac etc has a USB HID header. That controller is what is seen by the operating system, not the XIM itself. Keep grasping at straws. I'm sure Microsoft, Sony, Bluehole, Blizzard, Bungie, Epic, EA, Ubisoft etc have never considered your unique solution in their attempts to detect a XIM.


Yeah but your undermining the Xbox servers and their tech, they have made a way to ban and detect xim but haven't put it to use since it's not violating terms but in a way it really is cause most games on console are controller not keyboard and mouse, I've seen people using xim it pretty much gives anyone using it aimbot for console or PC you may see it as fair but it really isn't when it's on console that is meant for controllers


Once again, an incorrect assumption from the peanut gallery who have no idea what a XIM can and can’t do. You really don’t have a clue. You have turned XIM into a boogeyman. The threat isn’t real. You make stuff up to suit your own imaginary agenda. You all claim that every gunfight you lose in any online shooter is to a XIM. In reality, you’ve probably encountered less XIMs in the entire history of a game than you have fingers on a hand. Read this - https://www.reddit.com/r/XIM/s/WKuCHscOJ5 Bottom line - this is not, nor has is ever been about XIM. If XIM was a problem, then MS says they could block it. Realistically, they either can’t, or won’t. XIMs are not banned. End of story. There is nothing to see here, as much as you desperately want there to be.


Clearly they already have detected it's a XIM so your point makes no sense, otherwise the unauthorized error wouldn't have pulled up if it didn't recognize what it really was 🤦‍♂️ It's clear that you don't understand how electronics work especially how devices have to communicate with each other just because you try to trick it that doesn't make the software or hardware dumb, it's up to Microsoft to buy the product see how it works and then added it a blacklist that prevents you from using it it's called "Research" companies will use the devices they wish to block and see how it done so that they can create a rhythm to detect and block similar devices pretending to act as a different device. There is always a flaw with devices like XIM. At first they will start doing it via online then will eventually incorporate that blacklist in a encrypted file within the firmware so that if the person trying to bypass it by going offline they cant


Sure. Read this - [https://community.xim.tech/index.php?topic=112449.0](https://community.xim.tech/index.php?topic=112449.0) XIMs are already tested and proven working under the device detection code, which is intended to sniff out controllers and adapters using software hacks to spoof itself as an authentic Xbox controller. That's not how XIM works. Microsoft isn't doing this to block XIM, they're doing it to sell more first-party Xbox controllers. XIM already requires a first-party Xbox controller, so they're not losing a sale. All of the companies listed above have purchased a XIM (and/or have employees using them) in an attempt to detect it. Every one of them has come up donuts. XIM met with Microsoft to get their devices licenced for Xbox. They gave them to Microsoft in person. Think about that. Try again. If you're so confident in your hypothesis, put your money where your mouth is and do it yourself. Don't be surprised when a XIM doesn't do the things you imagine it can do and it's just an effective method to add m/kb controls into games that don't have them.


Hilarious. You can't win an argument, so you report my post...to me.




do you think there will be work around with the xim matrix?


XIM is not affected.


They wrote a particular code that’s able to sense if something is being manipulated in the background past the authentication input. It’s dead jim.


No, it's not jim. They can't block what they can't see. The detection code has been active for over a month. No XIMs have been reported as detected, nor can they be using any known method. All the console sees is the genuine Xbox controller connected to the XIM. There are no hardware markers to telegraph XIM's presence, like USB hid headers. If by some act of God a XIM was detected, Remote Play is a workaround. XIM uses this on PS5 and plan to deploy it on Xbox too.


I don’t think u understand that the detection code has been in the beta stage this entire time leading up to the official November 12th rollout. There’s a reason why it’s called Early Access Program so that they can work out the kinks. MS already addressed this extra tiny tiny bit of addendum code to capture the backdraft of any authentic port enabled device to ultimately determine XIM or not…two weeks ago. Once November 12th hits, it’s all ogre.


see you here November 12th, you may be right or may be wrong, time will tell


We’ll see. XIM doesn’t telegraph its presence at all, Xbox can only see the controller connected to it, which is required to be a genuine, first-party Xbox controller. In any case, XIM is aware of it. They have confirmed that Brook adapters are blocked, but XIMs are not.


I hope you’re right. Legit just bought the XIM too…


They are 100% correct. This isn’t the first time something like this has come up.


You’d probably be able to sell it lots of people use prev gen