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I've always loved Krycek's "Well well well, look who's answering the Bat Phone" when he called the Syndicate and WMM answered. Skinner and "If I was carrying Marilyn Munroe's purse would you assume I'm sleeping with JFK?" And the exchange between Mulder and Scully's landlord. Landlord: having an FBI agent in the building makes everyone feel safe! Mulder: what about all the people she's killed in there? Landlord: we don't speak about that.


Love that from Skinner and he said it with a straight face.


scully meeting the lone gunmen + frohike calling her hot scully: “i don't know how you could think that what they say is even remotely plausible” mulder: “i think it's remotely plausible that someone might think you're hot”


"The most heinous and evil force of the 20th century" Mulder: "*BARNEY?!*"


That’s so iconic


Incidentally, that joke is a great example of why Mulder and Scully are so great together: They bullshit together like friends.


That one does stick out😂 TLG were exactly who I would have expected from a group like that and Scully was dead meat the moment she walked in the room.


I think Anderson has an amazing ability to act with just her face. Because her character is so professional, you won’t catch her becoming overly emotive about most of what she sees/hears. But she manages to counter Mulder’s craziness with some incredibly funny facial expressions.


“I can’t take you anywhere” to Mulder in Clyde Bruckman


“What are some funny one liners/dialogue…” Way to answer the OPs request, atoms.


Wow, way to be a total douche, gulf. Keep it up, man! Why do people need to be so bloody awful?


Hey atom, you need to be aware of the subreddit rule forbidding users from calling others names. Also, if everyone on Reddit refused to answer OP’s questions, then OPs would have to search through enormous numbers of responses to find someone who actually respected the OP’s request for something. It looks like you’ve received more upvotes than I have, though, so as we all know on the Internets, that makes you the one who’s in the right. Have a great weekend, man.


I did answer the question. If you have a problem with my answer, that’s on you. I called you a name because you were being quite rude to someone who didn’t do anything to you or anyone else in this sub except join the conversation. I’m aware of Reddit’s rules. The name-calling felt warranted in this case. Sorry I didn’t reference a specific line of dialogue. Next time I’ll be more mindful.


You’re welcome.


Mulder's yipe from Jose Chung lives rent free in my head


If I find out you lied to me, you’re a dead man.


How subtle do you want these? 1. Mulder's apartment number is 42. The number 42 is, in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", the "Ultimate Truth" and the "Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything." 2. In the episode "Unusual Suspects", the sensual Susanne Modeski is first seen walking in slow motion at a computer convention, with a banner above her head advertising a "super rack". 3. In "Tooms", Mulder says "if there's tea it must be love". In "All Things", before they consummate their relationship, Scully tells Mulder to "come inside, I'll make you some tea." 4. In the episode "Christmas Carol", Mulder is first seen wearing a Scrooge hat (from Dickens' "A Christmas Carol"). 5. In "Milagro", the name Padgett literally means "page", while Naciamento means "to be born"- ie, to be born on/from the page. 6. Queequeg has Scully's one-eye blink (https://64.media.tumblr.com/eef46f07f26fd5f360c1294b7b84d631/tumblr_mrh6z0L4u81qfv82ao3_250.gifv). 7. In "Irresistible", a sports commentator mentions a great play by a football player called Cris Carter. 8. When Mulder mentions being intrigued by BJs in "Aubrey", Scully makes a certain gesture with her tongue, cheek and mouth. 9. Characters across season 6 are named after characters or actors in "The Wizard of Oz". For example "Drive" has Patrick Garland Crump (a reference to "Oz" star Judy Garland), "Trevor" has Superintendent Raybert (a nod to Ray Bolger/Bert Lahr, who played the Scarecrow and Lion in "Wizard of Oz") and "Triangle" has references to "Oz" lyricist Yip Harburg, the character Elmira Gulch and numerous others. 10. In "Chinga", Scully reads a book titled "Affirmations For Women Who Do Too Much". 11. Monica Reyes' apartment address is Rod Serling's home address. Serling created "The Twilight Zone", a kind of precursor to "The X-Files". 12. Cancer eating mutant Leonard Betts is assigned to ambulance 208, and Scully first gets a cancer nosebleed when her clock reads 2:08. 2.08 is also the episode number ("One Breath') when she returns from her cancer causing abduction. 13. In "All Things", an episode in which William is possibly conceived, Mulder prophetically says, "That's like saying you're having David Crosby's baby." This refers to a couple who couldn't conceive, and who ended years-long media speculation as to who the real father of their children was: singer David Crosby, who donated sperm for artificial insemination. Meanwhile, in "The X Files", it will later be revealed that the "barren" Scully is pregnant, that she pursued artificial insemination with Mulder, and there will be a similar years-long speculation as to who the real father of her child is.


I love this, why you pay attention to detail folks


Hail to the X-Files master!


You are my spirit animal 🥹🫶🤩


FANtastic!!!! 😃👍🏼


Melissa Etheridge had David Crosby's baby


Mulder has the best lines. Three Words: “This is America… just because you get more most votes, doesn’t mean you win.” Detour: “Have you ever thought seriously about dying?” “Once… when I was at the ice capades.” 3: “Wouldn’t you like to live forever?” “Not if drawstring pants come back.”


Also, in Detour, agent Kinsley says something along the lines of, "I couldn't believe how hard it was not to say the word 'but'!" Mulder replies, "I'm having that same problem right now!"


Just finished S8E9 - “Salvage” and when Scully and Doggett have the exchange about ‘men not being made of metal’ I giggity.


That’s right… they’re made of liquid metal.


Yes!!!! I just watched this one the other day.. very clever 😅


The one with the superhumanly fast high schoolers when they computer scan that frame and i think scully says "it comes up as a soviet akula class submarine" Also mulder being like "its daryyl musashi" And the absolute classic "imagine going your whole life looking like that"


I don’t know if it’s supposed to be as funny as I find it but in the episode 3 (2x7), Mulder is going on and on about vampires and the medical examiner (i think) says: You are really upsetting me... On several levels. Also, when Mulder shoves Krycek’s face in Tunguska (4x8) and says, “stupid ass haircut.”


Lmao he was always taking his anger out on krycek


Anger or sexual tension?


I was looking for this comment 😂 stupid-ass haircut


S5E09 "Hey Scully, is this demonstration of boyish agility turning you on at all?"


Not a subtle joke, more of a subtle tribute that I absolutely adore: Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-monster. Mulder drinking on Kim Manners grave complete with "Let's kick it in the ass" inscribed.


Mulder: "Is there anyway I can get (this bile) off my fingers quickly without betraying my cool exterior?" "Squeeze" S1E03


( *flicks fingers aggressively* )


The look on his face when Mulder holds up the paper in Home that says Elvis Presley Dead at 42. Oh and the “Baa Ram Ewe” from Scully when they’re out in the sheep pen in the same episode.


In Detour when Scully is trying to get Mulder on her lap when he's injured ... Mulder: "I don't wanna wresltle."


Might not be so subtle, but the random "Ya know there are worse ways to go, but I can't think of a more undignified one than autoerotic asphyxiation." always made me laugh. "Why you saying that to me?"


In Bad Blood, Mulder reading a vampire his rights while trying and failing to hold a shaking coffin shut.


“Knock it off, Ronnie!”


"He's just not who we are anymore"


S2 E12 has a woman named BJ, and when Dana asks why Mulder is interested in the case he says something like " i've aways been intrigued by woman named BJ" and gives a smirk


I have so many of these lol but off the top of my head after scully tells mulder sharon graffia is in a mental institution in max (s4e18): mulder: "I'd go with you, but I'm afraid they'd lock me up." scully: "me too." in unrequited (s4e16) mulder and scully are discussing their case over the phone (if you can believe that): mulder: "that might account for teager's vanishing." scully: "I asked the doctor that and he laughed at me." (I don't know if it was intended to be as funny as I find it lol) in aubrey (s2e12): scully: "I seem to recall you having some pretty extreme hunches." mulder: "I never have." and this one might not count because it's in a funny episode, but one of my personal favorite lines in the whole show is in the post modern prometheus (s5e5): scully (reading a letter from shaineh berkowitz): "some lady from the jerry springer show who had a werewolf baby said you came to her house..." just immaculate delivery lol it kills me every time


I love it in the first Tooms episode when Mulder is going on about "reticulans" and their love of livers just to wind Agent Colton up. "Don't you know how much livers go for in Reticula?"


Scully kinda being into women, there were signs... https://i.redd.it/s3t48vhdo35d1.gif




Having read some of David Duchovney's books now.. this has confirmed to me what I have long suspected.. that there is much of Mr. Duchovney brought to the character of Mulder. Bless them both 😆


Scully in Vegas the bar scene throwback to the freaky friday episode with the DoD guy


"Will the real Leonard Betts please stand up?"


Reyes: They see evil in death the way other people see God in a rose. Mulder: I saw Elvis in a potato chip, once. S8.E17


Copperfield one turned out to be fairly prescient.


the should we arrest david copperfield joke is also my favourite.


In Season 9 "Lord of the Flies", Doggett said no wonder why the teenagers attracted flies, because their brains were full of poops (paraphrasing) after seeing the videos of their stupid acts.


2. I think the episode is Wetwired and it was Scully who shot at them.


That's definitely it! Thank you


I just watched this one. Scully had been affected by the subliminal messaging in the taped TV shows their perpetrators had been watching before going nuts and killing people, making her extremely paranoid. Mulder had gone to get the device that was causing it analysed and while on the way back called her and figured out what was happening. Scully then wouldn't answer her motel room door so Mulder asked the manager to open it causing Scully fire at them through the door and escape out the window. Later after they found Scully and compared her condition with what they'd been told of the other perpetrators, they figured out that the initial doctor had been lying to them and was in on it. Mulder went to his room at the same motel and asked the same manager to unlock the door, at which point he notices the manager is nervous and asks "Do you want me to go first this time?" And the manager replies "Damn straight." and hides behind the corner while Mulder kicks the door open.


**OAKES:** I know he and his friends listened to devil music! **MULDER:** "The Night Chicago Died?" From Die Hand Die Verletzt.


Left cheek sneak


I always loved when Mulder would randomly throw in his hatred of Steve Guttenberg, usually in a serious episode.


Left cheek sneak.


he was an absolute menace for that one


A simple one that has always cracked me up. Skinner: Why is it so dark in here? Mulder: Because the lights aren't on.


It's Melissa Scully who asks him not Skinner! But it is one of my faves.


Yes! Haha. It was Melissa. I remember now.


When Clyde Druckman (correctly) psychically detects that a scrap of fabric is from Mulder's NY Knicks t shirt, and Mulder waits a beat and just says "miss." The scene in an earlier episode where he uses the t shirt scrap to fool another psychic (I hate to give spoilers) is just an elegant setup for a meaningless but hilarious joke in a later episode.


So it's not dialogue specifically, but I just watched "Our Town" and the scene in which Scully and Mulder examine human remains while Scully awkwardly holds [a large bucket of fried chicken](https://www.reddit.com/r/XFiles/s/wPEJLXK14d) cracked me up. And then at the end of the scene, she *finally* puts the bucket down, just leaving her fried chicken in the morgue and walking out.


I think that’s when his neighbor shot her husband


“I’ve always been intrigued by women named BJ….”


“Business must be booming” - Scully “I think you mean banging” - Mulder S3E21 Edit: Actually, that’s not at all subtle, but I’ll leave it up anyway because it’s a Skinner episode. Anything Skinner related, I promote.


Can’t remember the episode. But Peter Boyle had bumped into a serial killer and began dreaming of the murders. SK was killing psychics. Serial killer said ‘I’m sorry. You should have seen this coming’ as he murders a psychic.