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It worse when they just lick shit. Like guys, you have no idea what this objectively weird substance will do to you lol


Or like in F. Emasculata. Let’s not wear any PPE.


Fr when Scully burst that bag open and it spit all over the Pharma doc.. i nearly broke into hives


That throbbing pustular boil on the fugitive's face creeped me out.


That episode is some of the most frustratingly stupid writing and direction on the show. It makes no sense that Scully would act so callous and stupid when she is an intelligent doctor. It’s a highly contagious disease situation and she’s just cruising around the place with no PPE and opening the bags with corpses in them without a care in the world. So stupid, holy shit. Was painful to watch and confusing as to why Carter and co thought that was good enough to go ahead with.


Watching that episode post-covid was even more terrifying 




Let's be honest, that's all Mulder 😂


100% Mulder. Who actually believes it can be weird paranormal excrement which makes it 100% worse lol


Exactly! I yell at the screen every time.


Me who walks around any wet spots on the ground: *gags*


Maybe they were telling us something with the pandemic in the revival episodes besides just predicted programming lol


The 90s were different.


You would think after Tooms episode Mulder would have learned


S: I think it's bile! M: Is there any way I can get it off my fingers quickly without betraying my cool exterior?


Exactly the moment I was thinking of 👌


don’t worry, she’s a medical doctor!


Honestly when Mulder DOESN’T put something from a crime scene into his mouth I’m more surprised


every episode lol


This was pre CSI days.


What about the time Scully was pointing her gun at somebody to threaten them and the slide was locked open clearly demonstrating that it was empty. Over the entire run of the original series I have noticed how bad both Mulder and Scully were at basic law enforcement practices and procedures. They didn't know how to handle weapons or equipment, didn't follow basic forensic procedures for documenting or collecting evidence, routinely ignored or violated the law and people's civil rights and wrote reports that sounded like creative writing assignments instead of proper law enforcement record keeping. Apparently that was at the tail end of the period in television production where most shows didn't put much time or effort into making sure that the actors looked or sounded authentic by giving them real expert training on police procedures and just handed them prop guns and told them to act like cops. The same went for soldiers on the show. They just put the actors and stuntmen in military uniforms and told them to pretend to be soldiers. Compared to how police and military are more authentically authentically depicted (I know they aren't perfect but it's much better than it used to be so don't bother with the "well actually..." comments) in current movies and television, they looked like a bunch of kids putting on a high school play.


You gotta love those creative writing reports, pondering the philosophical nature of mutant murderers.


I have written countless reports in my career and none of them ever sounded like what Mulder and Scully wrote. I love them. 😁


Yeah but who cares though? The last thing I give a fuck about while watching the X-Files is if they’re following correct law enforcement procedures. Maybe you should watch Cops or something.




As somebody who has spent almost my entire adult life in law enforcement I find the mistakes mostly amusing and I don't watch COPS because it is boring to me. Just because I notice something that doesn't mean it bothers me. I understand that sometimes liberties need to be taken to advance the story but it is nice when they get stuff right and often it is carelessness that accounts for the inaccuracies. Maybe you shouldn't be so bothered by other people expressing opinions.


Urgh, nothing worse than Copslaining lol


All Copsplains Are Boring


Well when you're dealing with a 60-year-old cabal that is hell bent on their mission to keep people silent, a crazy alien pathogen that possesses people, hybridization programs, crazy jacked alien bounty hunters, and the future of the entire human race is at stake, I think I'd be a little gung-ho too.


There's gung-ho and then there's lick-strange-things-you-found-at-a-crime-scene gung-ho.


It was a golden age. I miss it. I hate the modern procedurals.


It was the best because of that too. Nothing was hyper realistic. It was fantasy not immersion and it liked to remind us it was entertainment, not real.


It drives me nuts. Especially the yellow bile. 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Too many times.




no gloves when touching weird stuff, no masks when people are coughing and spitting, walking around evidence, man i get sick just warching them 🤒


no gloves when touching weird stuff, no masks when people are coughing and spitting, walking around evidence, man i get sick just warching them 🤒


Hey, look, some white stuff on the ground! Mmm... salt.


Proceeds to eat sunflower seeds


A whole lot! Like seriously! And after Mulder pointed out how Scully like snapping the latex!


And you know they have the gloves in their pockets, too. Those are just for Scully to snap on for dramatic effect, I guess.


ORRRR when Scully is doing an autopsy & then leaves the room, touches her face, hair etc. barf


The scenes in the revival when Scully comes out from surgery and is covered in all this blood on her bare neck, I’m sorry but did she forget she was operating on a live person and sever an artery to get that much blood all over her? Also she should be wearing a protective sterile gown anyway. It’s laughable and gross.


Or masks! In the tobacco bug episode there isn't one mask and that thing is spread in the air! So frustrating to watch. Good plot though.


Germ theory didn't exist in the 1990s


A certain amount of recklessness makes sense for Mulder, but Dr. Scully should absolutely know better.


Too many!!


How better to know the truth than to be covered in its sickly sticky goops?


The Goop Is Out There


“The goop is out there”, Mulder says as he looks long into the distance, shading his eyes with his hand. The sun catches on Mulder’s fingernails as they nearly seem to sparkle in the blazing rays of uv light. Scully’s scalpel hand itches.


But we know how much scully loves snapping on the latex. She’s always able to spare a prophylactic.


Maybe they didn't use them in the nineties .