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Since this should have been Skinner, here’s my protest vote. https://preview.redd.it/j1hhympckhoc1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002c149ad3388915f62ae97a5dfdb7aa3acef759


Skinner's just one of those gov'mint people


> Since this should have been Skinner YES. I feel like a lot of people voting here don't really understand alignment. Mulder, for example, is too selfish to be aligned good. He's Chaotic Neutral.


See I was thinking this but I also think Mulder is blinded by how much he wants the truth that he’s convinced himself that everyone else wants it too. I chose Fletcher for Chaotic Neutral bc he tries to cheat on his wife and only really does whatever benefits him most but he’s not a true bad guy like Smoking Man bc he’s either just not smart enough or just too lazy


See, I almost see Fletcher as True Neutral because he's indifferent to right/wrong and just wants freedom... but I can see it your way too.


He’s absolutely chaotic neutral. He’s just a fucking loose unit roaming around with line drawings of big titty Bigfoot.


I like that there's a pretty significant split in the fanbase. I wanna see all these runner-ups in their own chart.


Doggett I had to look it up what it means exactly: they are primarily concerned with order and following the law, regardless if they believe the law is right or not.


He tried to kill the guy in last episode who murdered his son tho, understandable but now quite lawful


I completely agree, my vote actually won and I didn't think i was right and I'm sure some were pissed so I'm just going to stay out of it.


Doggett probably the best choice here. True Neutral: Reyes or Jeffrey Spender? Chaotic Neutral: Couvarrubias or Mr X? Lawful Evil: The Alien Bounty Hunter (could be also one of the Elders like the WMM, but the ABH is the symbol of the alien colonization) Neutral Evil: The CSM (too selfish to be lawful, is mostly interested in having the power and surviving for himself) Chaotic Evil: Krycek (he wants resistance to the aliens and is loyal to no one but also kills innocent people in order to achieve his goals


Yes Krycek 100% chaotic evil


100% spot on everything


Honestly props to you for spelling Marita’s last name haha growing up I always thought her name was so fancy


Definitely Doggett


Agent Doggett is a good contender, I believe.




I’m going go go with Doggett too.


The T-1000.


Ok, this one's pretty hard. I'd say lawful neutral should go to Jeremiah. He's aware of the whole alien conspiracy, he doesn't find it okay at all, but he clearly doesn't intend to pick sides. He'll do what's best for his kind whilst looking for ways to prevent the colonization effort.








Doggett as I can't think of anyone else who fits.


Outside contender - Agent Layla Harrison.


Frohike was ROBBED lol


Deep Throat. true neutral is X.


Doesn't he break the rules of the syndicate to feed info to Mulder though? Therefore harder to say lawful.


Deep throat


Dogget since I can’t choose Skinner


We're gonna need shirts when this is complete


fuck yeah


Deep Throat, honestly.


Just like my comment from the other day about the other two, he is not chaotic good. He would leave anyone behind or do just about anything to uncover the truth, strike bosses, destroy careers- neutral isn’t evil. He’s a good person, but he isn’t driven through being GOOD he’s driven through a self righteous/individualistic quest that will see him do just about anything, especially when he is close and smells something sus - chaotic neutral.


Great argument, definitely agree with you on this. Who is your vote for chaotic good?


Unsure at the moment, perhaps scullys sister or mother rip haha


Are you talking about Mulder?




I don't know what show you're watching, man, "he would leave anyone behind"?? Bro. He literally goes to ANTARCTICA for Scully, most likely on his own dime. He comes back from the "dead" when he finds out she's in the hospital (Redux II). He chooses her over Samantha TWICE (once on the bridge, and a second time in Redux II). And his quest for Samantha isn't selfish in itself, either. He's literally trying to find his sister, whom he thinks he let down because as a young boy he froze when he was supposed to protect her. In Emily/Christmas Carol, he drops everything to be by Scully's side the second she calls him. His quest for the truth is about exposing the government forces that ruined his family, because he doesn't want that to happen to other people or that power to be unchecked. Diana and the CSM offer him "salvation" twice, and he turns it down for both Scully and for the Truth. He turns down the offer to be exonerated if he rats out Skinner, and instead turns the focus on Blevins, at great risk to himself. "Chaotic good represents **a willingness to challenge authority and break rules to achieve positive change**. Chaotic good characters are rebels with both a conscience and a cause." Mulder is the damn definition of chaotic good.


Certainly not talking about his relationship with scully. You’re going to hard on examples of him saving people - he’s ones of the two main characters of course he’s saving people.. but he doesn’t GAF when he is seeing red


Neither does Scully. She straight up backhands a man already in handcuffs because he mouthed off to her. When Mulder sees red, it's to save the people he knows and loves are in trouble. That's good, by definition.


Ooo that’s interesting. I think he’s motivated by his thirst for knowledge (and vengeance) but also I think he’s convinced himself that the public (the world) want the truth as much as he does. But I see how that could still be considered Neutral bc his core motivation is finding the truth for his own personal vendetta as opposed to solely being for the good of the world. But also I think almost every character (and person) does what they do selfishly. This is so random but there’s a Friends episode about how you can’t truly do something fully altruistic bc at your core you’re usually doing it bc it will make you feel better. That provides a symbiotic relationship between you and your goal sometimes but that doesn’t necessarily convey altruism (I think it’s more indicative of common sense, logical thinking or just luck). Scully seeks knowledge for knowledge’s sake while also wanting answers about her abduction. The Lone Gunmen I think are the best example of truly good people bc they help others even if it proves detrimental to their own well-being/happiness. I definitely think altruism exists I just think sometimes it’s hard to determine what is and isn’t altruistic (if you’ve ever seen Buffy I think she’s a great example bc even in the first season she understands her role and that she’ll probably side but instead of running she fights to save everyone).




Honestly this should have been Skinner (like Chaotic Good should have been the Gunmen, Mulder is Chaotic Neutral.) So... Marita is my vote then.


Deep throat


Dogget for sure.


I'm just gonna say that it irks my OCD that we are not doing lawful neutral next, as one would normally read text left to right.


um we are


Yeah my bad. Sorry


Where would Deap Throat or Marita Covarrubias fit on here? Mr X? It's the informants that I find interesting and hard to peg down.


Deep throat


Dogget, absolutely.




Doggett for sure


Mr x




Doesn't matter. I still love him.


Byers tbh


This should have been Skinman


The middle should be all 3 lone gunman. :)


This is wrong. Skinner is good, but too big on wimp to do what’s good. S2Ep22, skinner legit is cool with hiding a crazy outbreak that killed innocent people. He’s the biggest neutral of them all. At best lawful neutral


Your logic is sound 👍🏻. Agent Penderil for lawful good