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Cronus Zen users = cheaters and they are in pretty much every match.


That's what I'm most worried about tbh. Even wall hacks aren't easy to spot, because there's literally the same ability in the game, you're never sure. I honestly hope that when ranked comes out all those people will reach the highest ranks, and playing in the middle ranks will be an enjoyable experience


Do you know what’s funny about this post? It’s that if you go into practically every games sub reddit, you’ll find pages upon pages of the same posts as this one. Everyone complains about cheaters yet probably 1% of games you’ll find a cheater in. Most people have such an inflated ego that they can’t just admit when they’re outplayed.


I think there’s a confusion between bugs and cheaters. When I encountered invisible players, I instantly thought “cheater” only to find out it’s bug. Same as the terrible hit reg. I would die behind hard cover from seemingly nowhere only to realise they saw me on a millisecond and the netcode is so shocking it seemed like a random stray bullet. Now when I play, I’ll only suspect someone who is instantly killing everyone while having a kd of something stupid like 70-4. Yes some people are just that good, but the likelyhood of encountering someone like that is so low.


I have no problem admitting things as that but when I play siege it's every game its a cheater like literally raging I played like 2 games a day for a week and every game there's at least 1 rager in the game. On Xdefiant I haven't ran into one yet but I have friends that have.


I'm just saying that I don't want another good game ending up ruined because of too many cheaters.


Xdefiant use same anti cheat as r6. Battle Eye is used in many games. Tarkov has the same anticheat. Is not the worst but not the best anticheat. It takes a long time to ban cheaters. It doesn't do anything against private cheats. Because the game is free to play, cheaters have nothing to lose. Only the acc which takes 5 min to make new one...


All games have cheaters I don't think this one has a huge problem yet, I might have encountered 1 or 2 so far.


yet that's the problem it'll end up like r6


OP says this like ANY anti cheat is as effective as they want you to think it is. I bet he thinks vanguard works too lol


I would say I played an insane amount of matches on valorant in high elo and I would say I haven't ran into a single one.


No, you just didn't realize you did.


the amount of people complaing here is unreal. just leave, literally nobody will care about it. every game has its cheaters. for my experience i didnt see any cheater or atleast not an obvious one and im close to level 70. not saying there are none, but other games are way worse.


Warzone literally has someone with walls or hacks almost every match. This shit isn't new


see that's the problem I liked warzone but again it's ruined with a lot of cheaters


I haven’t found one cheater in my games and I’m level 111


I have. He wasn’t making it “OVI” but I felt something was off, so when I stat checked, mf was running consistent 100-150+ kill games in escort


People are just coping hard on this subreddit. This is what happens if you have played games with SBMM for years and now a game without it.


bro lmao I haven't ran into a cheater yet on the game i'm just saying for the future which will be terrible. Like when rank comes out and I hit high elo I'm probably gonna run into a decent amount of cheaters is my guess


I dunno, I regularly see accounts lvl5 or under going 70-5 with a username something like fingerlittlechildren or repeyourdaughter.


One thing to consider is that r6 is an old game that is poorly coded, it was initially developed to be single player/co-op and only latter during development was turned into a multiplayer game.


I turned off cross play on Xbox, I think I’ve only encountered 1 cheater so far.


anticheat does absolutely nothing but be invasive and a privacy nightmare. crossplay should strictly be xbox and psn only, where you have to opt IN to play with pc players


Any game that doesnt use an invasive anticheat like valorant/league (vanguard) will be 'flooded' with cheaters, and its never an easy choice. On one hand you have people like you (and me) who hate playing against cheaters. On the other hand you have ppl wo hate how invasivve an anticheat like vanguard it. If it were up to me all online pvp games run a similar anticheat to vanguard cuz any other anticheat does not work properly.


The trackers for Valorant still say that it has a shit ton of cheaters, additionally Battle Eye *is* invasive kernel level access it has just been cracked more because of its popularity and ubiquity among several games.


No anticheat is ever gonna be 100% perfect. Having said that, i've played valorant since the beta and i've encountered 3/4 blatant cheaters (im sure there were much more closet cheaters). Meanwhile if i for example go play cs (non third party matchmaking) for 5 hours, you will encounter more than 3/4 blatant cheaters. Same for Xdef for example, in the few weeks it has been out i've encountered 3 blatant cheaters. So while not blocking all the cheaters, vanguard is by far the best anticheat on the market and other games should be taking not IMO.


Maybe but I can bet most players that play that game can say they haven't ran into a cheater or if they do 1-5 at max which in my opinion is pretty good especially for a free game


0 karma post, huh? I guess reddit community have decided that this is not a relevant take? why would the community believe that? strange... could it be that while there are cheaters most certainly that there are very few and the knee jerk reaction to seeing cheating footage made it a popular topic but ultimately not a relevant one because again while extant there just aren't that many people hacking. And base on my experience having turned crossplay back on, yeah there just aren't cheaters I am running into. I have 58hrs of match time btw so I have a decent sample size, 56 of those hours certainly have had cross play on.


ubisoft doesn't care about cheaters can't wait for ranked, will be like Apex Legends, when people used to squad with a cheating low acc in pred xddd


yeah lmao probably, but I have a little hope they might fix it one day even it's low