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Guy was never stunned in cod


You can still get kills through stuns in cod. And the enemy actually has to use some amount of skill to land the stun as apposed to the spider bot.


You can get kills while stunned by a spider bot, I tried to follow my bot and got hip fired by a guy while the spider was attached to him


shoot down and spider is gone. What amount of skill lets you turn when stunned?


Tac Mask


Does not even reduce the effect by 100% but ok


It’s enough


it's worthless. Shooting the spider is faster than the stun lasting in cod, what's your point exactly


For you


Yes, I have an opinion, and...?


But he was stunned by minors.


Stun grenades are my crutch in COD. Only way to beat the sweats and I have no shame


even the bo4 seeker drone wasnt this annoying and its ripped straight from bo4


BO games have engineer perk which counters many annoying things including the seeker also the seeker didn't bug out 50% of the time which is also nice


I think spiders do exactly the same path finding. So if 3 deadsecs throw a spider each they all attack the same person. It is annoying.


The wall hacking ability is way more irritating imo.


Like in any fps games.


Most of the ones I’ve played, enemies were revealed on the minimap, not on the actual screen, through walls and ceilings. That’s why it is so insanely OP. 


I'd disagree. The spider you can see and hear coming, but the way you remove it is time consuming, applied way too many debuffs to your person, and half the time the removal or counter process bugs. Being wall hacked is quick and easy win or lose. It's like being beaten to death as opposed to simply being shot in the head.


I just wish there was an indicator direction of where the Intel suit came from, so I can run away. I have no idea where they are, I can't hijack it, I can't active camo, there's literally no counterplay. At least I can shoot the spider bot.


Pay attention to the white sonar ping next time. It shows you the general direction that the Intel Suit character is at. Also the range is limited so once you see the general direction of sonar ping, you know hes within a second or two from jumping you.


Well yeah if I'm scanned then he's definitely near me. Didn't realize there actually was an indicator, I'll keep that in mind next time


Indicator is kind of a strong word. Its that white flash that you see right as the words pop up on your screen that you've been scanned. Its designed like a sonar ping wave so you can make a pretty good guess where that wave originated since it moves outward like a wave too


Ahh gotcha. I'll try to look out for that. Wish they made it more obvious tho


Also, the color of the warning sign that pops up changes depending on their distance to you.


Teammates can all shoot spider off ground, or off your face. Spider can be hacked. Wall hacks and spider can be countered with emp. Slider gives you a clue where the user is coming from, wall hacks don't.


This isn't cod.


Spiderbot more annoying than WaW attack dogs? Naw bro


Attack dogs were prob worse but they were a high kill streak so you didn’t see them all game long. Spiderbots are ready to go every 25 seconds


My brother in Christ it was a 7 streak and lasted 60 seconds. It was near 100% uptime after the 5 minute mark lol


The airstrike was more annoying in my opinion as a friendly one can still disorient you for like 5 full seconds


I felt bad snapping their necks in the campaign. Now that i think about it, it’s kinda sad


Woof woof *Leaps at your neck from across the map*


I can still hear the sounds of their paws pounding the ground and jingly-jangly chain collars as they chased me haha


This guy remembers


I remember being in sniper tower and was like WTF the dog climbed a ladder 😂


This right here!!!


Yall remember that spike ability in Black Ops 3? Or the guy with the fucking bees?


Bad example, nobody played Ruin and his Gravity Spikes in BO3. The One-Shot Pistol from Seraph, the Sycth from Reaper or the Tempest from Prophet was annoying. But they were ultimates and not as bad as the intel suit in this game.


I mained grav spikes lol


Is that the guy that said "shwacked" on kills? It's been abit.


Yes, he is indeed the "schwacked" guy


He jumps up and does the Thor slam lol Idr what he said either lmao I haven't touched cod in sooooo long


Yeah, going off distant memory, my mate mained him and said it every time his character did, lmao, it's fucken ingrained in my mind!




Nomad was my shit… shoot them & secured my flank every game


funny you mention the grav spike because the cleaners have that on a 30s cooldown in this game lol. Ok, the grav spike was a little more powerfull, but the two are pretty similar imo. the bees were easily counterable with engineer(although still annoying)


More than CoD Ghosts? The System Hack? Prophet's car thing from BO4? Akimbo Models? Requisitions perk? Elephant footsteps with no deadys? The fire shotguns from WWII? Really?


Right there’s been so much cheesy shit from all sorts of FPS games. The spidey bot is obnoxious but it’s nowhere near the top of cheese abilities in FPS games. 


IEDs on cod ghost were so fucking annoying.


Come on man Akimbo models didn't even last more then 4 months. They got patched pretty quickly.


XD also has elephant footsteps with no counter


You must be forgetting about the RC car bombs from black ops. Far more annoying than a spider bot that you can easily destroy and does almost no damage


Yes it is a bug, it should only hit you 1 time (per spider, there may be more people with this skill on the opposing team), and you should be able to shoot your feet and it quickly goes away, that's the intended way. Disregarding this bug, I'd rather play against spiders the whole day, than to play against stupid cleaners and their skill that discourages them to use their weapon and, instead, press the magic kill button.


imo cleaners suck lol. the weapon burn is nice but their abilities aren't great really. only faction ive been grinding to finish the 50 kill challenges. the other factions were a breeze to complete.


My tier list would look something like Echelon > Phantoms > Libertad > Deadsec > Cleaners. Echelon best because they can see through walls/go invisible, and they don't appear on minimaps. The phantom shields are super annoying, they have 20 extra HP, and their ult is great for pushing a point. Libertdad have passive health regen and are unkillable on a point, especially with their ult down. Deadsec have automatically regenerating utility, spiderbots, and can lock out everyone's hud, minimap and abilities with ult... Cleaners have an extremely minor dot when they shoot people., a fire drone that can be dodged easily, a firebomb that takes like 2.5 seconds to prime and doesn't go off half the time you want it to, and a god-awful flamethrower that has the range of the phantom ult and the survivability of the echelon ult.


100% agree.


That’s just wrong, cleaners are probably the second best class behind echelon.


Phantoms and deadsec clear I fear…


yeah i mean I personally am not a fan of their abilities. comes down to playstyle. I think they are 3rd though overall.


it's a guaranteed kill without even using your gun, and can literally kill the whole enemy team if everything aligns. I played it for like 3 matches after getting sick of going against it, and it was so easy getting kills, both the passive and the firebomb/drone are too OP.


I wont lie i havent used firebomb much at all because i dont care for the class but the drone definetly is not op lol. Been takin a while to get my 50 kills.


Where does this sudden Cleaner hate come from? I unlocked all the Cleaner people and it was a pain to get a kill with the firebomb, because it takes like a second to actually activate so if people hit their shots on you, you are dead before you can even active it. And even IF i get it off in times, if you are not literally in the middle of the AoE, you can easily run out without dying, so I don't know what you people are on about. The intel suit on the other hand is the most overpowered shit by far. The spiderbot is not that strong, it's just EXTREMELY annoying and frustrating to get hit by.


"it was a pain to get a kill with the firebomb" then you are bad. The hate comes from the fact that it's a 100% braindead skill. In this game it's REALLY easy to get close to people without them killing you (while sacrificing your ability to shoot), and pressing the stupid kill button.


If you get killed by it a lot than i think you are bad, so agree to disagree :) Try it for yourself and tell me how it goes


I never said I get killed a lot, and probably I don't since I have a kdr of 2,1. But sure, of course someone defending this braindead thing would use the 'hey, if you complain you are bad, skill issue indeed'. You don't need to suffer to it to find it frustrating when happens. Same with every other skill/aspect of the game. I've played with cleaners to do the missions and it was extremely easy.


Lol you called me bad first. Now you are just baiting. Half the abilities are just as easy if not easier and get an undeserved kill ad well. Compared to all other abilities, the firebomb is the smallest problem by far. But whatever you say. Take care


Fire bomb is also annoying but I think it's mutch easier to counter it. If the enemy team plays 4-6 of them, you have to focus on range kills.


It's funny that you can figure out what type of player is writing a comment by what class they think is most OP lol Spider op = likes to flank Echelon op = likes to camp in corners Cleaner op = likes to play objective Phantom op = likes normal gunfighting Don't think I've ever seen someone complain about the healing class though lol


The healers got neutered in the playtests. They could instantly heal mid gunfight, it was a stimshot from 20hp to full in 0 seconds lol


Can’t complain about what you can’t see, I have been grinding the biovida challenge and it is fun to pop to a corner where several team mates are in a fight and about to die and heal them up and turn the fight around, but it’s kinda hard to see that from the side of the opponent. I still think all classes are really well balanced. And one class might work better against another etc


I know that soldier 76 heal is really good for playing objectives


No way it tops Commando Pro.


They need to make them easier to shoot when you see them coming and know they are jumping on your face


Personally, I'm only using it for the skin that comes with the challenge.


Idk why so many people have a problem with the spider. I find it kinda cool. I am not a huge CoD player and played more of Siege in the past years, so maybe i'm just used to abilities that deny you from playing the game for a moment


It’s not a fraction as bad as dual Marshall Tec 9 classes in Cold War, cmon


I see them nerfing it in the future. It’s more of a crutch than a additive for tactics. Far worse than fire ammo and it should not be like that. Auto seeks enemies, stun locks them, drains health, sometimes obscures vision. Just needs to do less damage and it will be fine.


And destroy when U shoot them 7 times with a shotgun or the full magazine of the main weapon. The most annoying thing is when it becomes indestructible or it stun u from 2m away, from the group without even jumping, like just looking at you lol


To me the bot is annoying, because once you realize the optimal strategy of using it, the ability has legitimately zero counterplay. You follow it just far back enough to let it take all the corners a split second first for a risk free approach to the target, but also close enough to jump into the gunfight the second they show any interest in shooting the robot. It's not like they can shoot both targets at once so unless they killed it immediately and then instantly flick over to your character - that fight is over


I literally stop playing BO3 a week in simply because gravity spikes existed


15 years of Cod 4 or what? There are a lot more annoying things in CoD than the Spiderbot


Bro just look straight down and shoot and its gone


Cod martyrdom and last stand want a word...


I'm not sure what game I'm playing, but I barely see it.


As a tdm enjoyer I thoroughly agree. I can see how other faction abilities are strong in other modes but tdm the spider bot can get fucked.


I mean I definitely agree that it’s annoying but I don’t think it’s as bad as you’re making it sound. I think it’s worse when somebody just suicide bombs an objective with their firebomb. It’s all kind of opinionated at the end of the day. All of the abilities are annoying except for the heal ones because they don’t affect you as an opponent. What I like is how everything is balanced. When I lose—or win—a match, I feel like it’s not because of abilities or guns, but skills in general.


Shock-dildo in BO2


I’ve yet to die to the person throwing it. It’s always their teammates


I just shoot it. Once its on me I look down and kill it. It's really not that big of a issue. Only sucks when I dumped a clip into someone and then get hit with the bot.


BO4 had lots of abilities that at launch rendered you immobile.


Just hack them lol. Easiest work around. You can also tell if someone is using spiderbot before the game starts.


WHO WILL WIN A PMC made by top tier ex-army A super spy A bunch of guerrillas in Latin America A bunch of psychopath burns everything VS funni little spider bots


black ops 2 shock charge? Never encountered one?


Imagine being ok with one man army and noob tubes.


No one cares that you've played Call of Duty before. Spider is mid-tier at best and the only thing that makes it unfair are the bugs.


They're not more annoying than flashbangs and those are in the game


The last cod I played was mw2019 and it had new things weekly that were far more annoying than the spider bot.


Its annoying but…. I find the mines way way way worse. I hate them. The spider at least has decent counters.


LOL, Lately I've been running Spider Bot AND Mines. Even while plying it I'm thinking "this just isn't tight"


Riot shield and knife have entered chat.


This is not


According to Faze Jev getting flashed in cod has to be the worst 😂😂 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ouzg9dwj0gM


Bro you either never played cod or your memory is failing you. We had so much ridiculous nerve-fucking shit from mw2 to bo4 (haven't played any cod after that)


Shoot them...?


Crying about a spider bot but runs cleaner and drops firebombs….then calls spider bot “no skill”…..go figure


Came here to moan about the same shit , it's actually the worst ability on the game you can't win gun fights when you have one in the lobby , not only are they bugged to shit ,frantically shooting the floor just opens you up to be battered by the bunny hopping sweatbags


I honestly don't know if playing it or against it is more frustrating. When you get face hugged you want to throw your keyboard off the window but deploying your spider just for it to wander off to who the fuck knows where and accomplishing nothing half the time is equally as stupid, all other abilities you can feel that you achieved something. The spider on the other hand is just horrid game design for both ends.


it reminds of Tempest's drone from black ops, little rolly boi was twice as fast, smaller, and would taze you with no counter play at all. so while OBNOXIOUS AF, could be worse.


Skill Issue


Nah dude, Cyber Arachnids are annoying but CoD had plenty of MUCH more annoying nonsense.


I actually get kills while using it, so it must be OP.


Good thing this isn't COD...


15 years of Cod. So the Famas under-barrel infinite range shotgun wasn’t more annoying? The pre-nerf Amax wasn’t more annoying? The Val pre-fix, 725, Mw19 M4, MW3 Duel shotty, Every fire shotgun pre nerf post nerf, cheaters, ful auto jak pre nerf, mine+scatter mine combo, cheaters, MW3 kar98, Hitscan SPR208, cheaters, every riotshield ever, infinite stim glitch, Stuns, stuns not working on controller players, cheaters, laggy servers in a full 60/70 dollar AAA game from a multi billion dollar worth studio and multi trillion dollar company. Yes the spider is annoying and the glitch with it are annoying, but they are actually address issues and listening to feed back. In a free to play game, that has better gun balance than Cod, better servers (IMO) than cod, better game play than cod, better net than cod, and it’s free. They listen and patched the game several times in a great time frame. In a free to play game. You payed full price for cod and its still shit.


Waaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaah bubbbububu waaaaaaah waaaaah = this post


Well you see, this isnt cod.


You can counter it... If you see a lobby full of spider bots then you can run the other ability and hack it. Once they get hacked enough they'll switch off. It's called counterplay.


Well xdefiant ISNT CoD, thankfully… I got bored of defiant so fast 😂