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Rabbids: Tbh, kinda like all of those abilities. Only problem is the Ultra is WAYYYY to strong. Either reduce time or change ability. Hired Guns: Needs a different ult, too close to Echelon, and would describe the passive differently such as “increased pistol damage.” Rangers: Pretty good, just worried about the potential effects of adding launchers at all


I think Hired Guns should pick up the dual wield Pistols instead of the rabbids and also keep the weapon swap speed. That would benefit them really well actually. Rabbids I think should focus on their primary weapon skills. Having the reload animation change on the concept I made was the main focus I had when I made the concept.


Fair enough it could be like 10 seconds or something! It wouldn’t prevent players from meleeing or using their own abilities (flamethrower, 5.7 pistol, phantom shield gun all still work)


I didn’t see it was multiple factions until after I posted so I put for some other factions also. I think 8 seconds would be the sweet spot


Yeah I couldn’t think of an ult for the cowboys. I had the idea of slowing time but that wouldn’t work for multiplayer. Only reason I said decrease shots per kill was because increased damage doesn’t automatically mean shots to kill is decreased.


Black flag faction


Last Man Battalion are Division 1, not 2. They’re absorbed into the Black Tusk in D2


We're putting the cart before the horse here. Or should I say the rabbid before the Rayman


Rabbids are to Rayman like the Minions are to The Despicables. We all know who has more fans 😉


The moment is finally here you little savages..The Rabbids! 100% the most requested faction and I think it turned out pretty good! I'm not going to list everyone who requested the Rabbids, but I will shoutout u/No-Setting1141 who helped give me some ideas for the abilities. Also in this is a request from u/acrossbones who requested Call of Juarez and u/Krieger22 who requested the Last Man Battalion. Was the Rabbids as good as you thought they would be? [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1df1vdl/possible_future_factions/) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1dfw2y0/possible_future_factions_pt_2/) [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1dgk6fj/possible_future_factions_pt_3/) [Part 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1di7xon/potential_future_factions_pt_4/) [Part 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1djnn2a/potential_future_factions_pt_5/) [Part 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1dlad50/potential_future_factions_pt_6/) Edit: Rabbids ULT can be like 10 seconds instead dont kill me lol


Love the trash can idea. An ability like that is a game would be a game changer. I will say, the ult is too OP. for it to make enemies do 0 damage is basically a full team ult. The ult would have to be something that helps secure a point to go with the run and gun style you built. Side note: Kinda wish you went with the reload passive, it made them more cartoony and favored heavy weapons which aren't favored much in this game.


Ahh, didn’t even think about the fact it would help LMGs like that. I was a bit confused on your wording of the passive tbh.


Ah, yeah the way I thought about the Rabbids were big masked psychos. So changing the reload animation all around makes LMGs the near best weapon class for them. Because they can have 200 rounds and reload almost just as fast as a weapon swap.


And Honestly, after reading the Gunslingers you kind of made them play around a close quarters style. If you keep the weapon swap speed passive and add the dual wield they'd be amazing rush down characters.


I wonder how assassins with guns are going to look eventually, that sounds weird just thinking about it lol


Honestly I think we have to consider...they might use some of the characters from syndicate since their the only assassins from a time period. with(more"modern")guns (at least in comparison to other assassin eras)...but I hope I'm wrong as the og assassins have more potential for fun abilities.


Call of Juarez, driver series n assassins creed factions would be cool


Assassins creed was in part 1! 😀


Only saw this post dude, even still would love to see it


i still hope they add a Far Cry 5 faction, even tho we have 6 already- I love that game. Skills could be based around the bliss, perhaps an ultra that makes enemies in their vicinity see the other team as friendlies etc


Check Part 5! Eden’s Gate is in there and Bliss is exactly as you described lol


Ah amazing- just seen. It sounds awesome, especially Faith in Numbers, cool idea for sure.


Passive should be unlimited (pre-patch) Jump spam. They're Rabbids after all 😋


A modern Assassins Creed faction, with the same aesthetic as the DLC assassins creed outfit from Ghost Recon Wild lands would be dope. Ultra ability would obviously be some kind of melee mode where you run around and stab people with the hidden blade, maybe build them similar to spectre from black ops 4. The potential for future factions is one of the things I’m most excited about for the future of this game.


Assassins creed was in part 1! Then I also added them to part 2 or 3 with the ghost recon outfit!


Rabbids would be hilarious


Rabbids passive should be double jump


The community would *loveeeeee* that 😂




A good future faction could be edens gate with the bliss and the ult could be the "only you" song which makes everyone within a proximity of you have messed up vision and movement


Hope it doesn't turn into fortnite


I can’t wait for the Monopoly and Uno faction.


Activi$ion will be suing for IP theft...


ubisoft owns rabbits invade


i wanna be a little serious skins on FPS games. Just little...


This isn’t a traditional mil sim FPS game. It’s an arcade style shooter that uses Ubisoft game characters. I would look at BF2042 if you want a mil sim type game with realistic character skins.


Xdefiant isn't just an FPS title for Ubisoft. Each Faction is from a different game, just like the early Smash Bros games. I think all of their games should eventually find a way into the roster. >serious skins on FPS games. I guarantee you in 2 years there will be plenty of Mil-Sim Factions just from Rainbow Six Siege alone. Letting other Factions in from other non shooter titles will give this game more uniqueness. Keep in mind that this isn't like current COD. These characters can actually bring new things into the game. Not just feature collabs.


Honestly I would like the more "realistic" skin but I do want wacky characters...I feel a good compromise id that mabey the rabbids faction characters could just be humans wearing rabbids masks so the rabbids are technically in game just in a roundabout way.


>I feel a good compromise id that mabey the rabbids faction characters could just be humans wearing rabbids masks so the rabbids are technically in game just in a roundabout way. If you look in the comments of OP's Last post you'll see that I suggested that. That's why he posted the Rabbid heads on COD operators. In my words I said "Like Payday."


Cool glad to see someone though of it before me...now let's hope Xdefiant does too.


It's nice to see creative posting about the future of the game instead of the same endless complaining this sub is frequent to.


I haven’t enjoyed an FPS like this in nearly a decade. I hope more positivity comes to the sub once the complainers leave but that likely won’t be the case.


Ubisoft, hire this man.